/* Copyright (c) 2015 Arduino LLC. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* **Modified 04/04/2016 by Arduino.org development team */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include typedef uint8_t ep_t; class USBDevice_SAMD21G18x { public: USBDevice_SAMD21G18x() : usb(USB->DEVICE) { // Empty } // USB Device function mapping // --------------------------- // Reset USB Device void reset(); // Enable inline void enable() { usb.CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1; } inline void disable() { usb.CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 0; } // USB mode (device/host) inline void setUSBDeviceMode() { usb.CTRLA.bit.MODE = USB_CTRLA_MODE_DEVICE_Val; } inline void setUSBHostMode() { usb.CTRLA.bit.MODE = USB_CTRLA_MODE_HOST_Val; } inline void runInStandby() { usb.CTRLA.bit.RUNSTDBY = 1; } inline void noRunInStandby() { usb.CTRLA.bit.RUNSTDBY = 0; } // USB speed inline void setFullSpeed() { usb.CTRLB.bit.SPDCONF = USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_0_Val; } inline void setLowSpeed() { usb.CTRLB.bit.SPDCONF = USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_1_Val; } inline void setHiSpeed() { usb.CTRLB.bit.SPDCONF = USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_2_Val; } inline void setHiSpeedTestMode() { usb.CTRLB.bit.SPDCONF = USB_DEVICE_CTRLB_SPDCONF_3_Val; } // Authorize attach if Vbus is present inline void attach() { usb.CTRLB.bit.DETACH = 0; } inline void detach() { usb.CTRLB.bit.DETACH = 1; } // USB Interrupts inline bool isEndOfResetInterrupt() { return usb.INTFLAG.bit.EORST; } inline void ackEndOfResetInterrupt() { usb.INTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_INTFLAG_EORST; } inline void enableEndOfResetInterrupt() { usb.INTENSET.bit.EORST = 1; } inline void disableEndOfResetInterrupt() { usb.INTENCLR.bit.EORST = 1; } inline bool isStartOfFrameInterrupt() { return usb.INTFLAG.bit.SOF; } inline void ackStartOfFrameInterrupt() { usb.INTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_INTFLAG_SOF; } inline void enableStartOfFrameInterrupt() { usb.INTENSET.bit.SOF = 1; } inline void disableStartOfFrameInterrupt() { usb.INTENCLR.bit.SOF = 1; } // USB Address inline void setAddress(uint32_t addr) { usb.DADD.bit.DADD = addr; usb.DADD.bit.ADDEN = 1; } inline void unsetAddress() { usb.DADD.bit.DADD = 0; usb.DADD.bit.ADDEN = 0; } // Frame number inline uint16_t frameNumber() { return usb.FNUM.bit.FNUM; } // Load calibration values void calibrate(); // USB Device Endpoints function mapping // ------------------------------------- // Config inline void epBank0SetType(ep_t ep, uint8_t type) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPCFG.bit.EPTYPE0 = type; } inline void epBank1SetType(ep_t ep, uint8_t type) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPCFG.bit.EPTYPE1 = type; } // Interrupts inline uint16_t epInterruptSummary() { return usb.EPINTSMRY.reg; } inline bool epBank0IsSetupReceived(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.bit.RXSTP; } inline bool epBank0IsStalled(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.bit.STALL0; } inline bool epBank1IsStalled(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.bit.STALL1; } inline bool epBank0IsTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.bit.TRCPT0; } inline bool epBank1IsTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.bit.TRCPT1; } inline void epBank0AckSetupReceived(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_RXSTP; } inline void epBank0AckStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_STALL(1); } inline void epBank1AckStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_STALL(2); } inline void epBank0AckTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_TRCPT(1); } inline void epBank1AckTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTFLAG.reg = USB_DEVICE_EPINTFLAG_TRCPT(2); } inline void epBank0EnableSetupReceived(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENSET.bit.RXSTP = 1; } inline void epBank0EnableStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENSET.bit.STALL0 = 1; } inline void epBank1EnableStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENSET.bit.STALL1 = 1; } inline void epBank0EnableTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENSET.bit.TRCPT0 = 1; } inline void epBank1EnableTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENSET.bit.TRCPT1 = 1; } inline void epBank0DisableSetupReceived(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENCLR.bit.RXSTP = 1; } inline void epBank0DisableStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENCLR.bit.STALL0 = 1; } inline void epBank1DisableStalled(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENCLR.bit.STALL1 = 1; } inline void epBank0DisableTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENCLR.bit.TRCPT0 = 1; } inline void epBank1DisableTransferComplete(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPINTENCLR.bit.TRCPT1 = 1; } // Status inline bool epBank0IsReady(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUS.bit.BK0RDY; } inline bool epBank1IsReady(ep_t ep) { return usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUS.bit.BK1RDY; } inline void epBank0SetReady(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSSET.bit.BK0RDY = 1; } inline void epBank1SetReady(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSSET.bit.BK1RDY = 1; } inline void epBank0ResetReady(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSCLR.bit.BK0RDY = 1; } inline void epBank1ResetReady(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSCLR.bit.BK1RDY = 1; } inline void epBank0SetStallReq(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSSET.bit.STALLRQ0 = 1; } inline void epBank1SetStallReq(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSSET.bit.STALLRQ1 = 1; } inline void epBank0ResetStallReq(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSCLR.bit.STALLRQ0 = 1; } inline void epBank1ResetStallReq(ep_t ep) { usb.DeviceEndpoint[ep].EPSTATUSCLR.bit.STALLRQ1 = 1; } // Packet inline uint16_t epBank0ByteCount(ep_t ep) { return EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.BYTE_COUNT; } inline uint16_t epBank1ByteCount(ep_t ep) { return EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.BYTE_COUNT; } inline void epBank0SetByteCount(ep_t ep, uint16_t bc) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.BYTE_COUNT = bc; } inline void epBank1SetByteCount(ep_t ep, uint16_t bc) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.BYTE_COUNT = bc; } inline void epBank0SetMultiPacketSize(ep_t ep, uint16_t s) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE = s; } inline void epBank1SetMultiPacketSize(ep_t ep, uint16_t s) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.MULTI_PACKET_SIZE = s; } inline void epBank0SetAddress(ep_t ep, void *addr) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].ADDR.reg = (uint32_t)addr; } inline void epBank1SetAddress(ep_t ep, void *addr) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].ADDR.reg = (uint32_t)addr; } inline void epBank0SetSize(ep_t ep, uint16_t size) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.SIZE = EP_PCKSIZE_SIZE(size); } inline void epBank1SetSize(ep_t ep, uint16_t size) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.SIZE = EP_PCKSIZE_SIZE(size); } inline uint8_t EP_PCKSIZE_SIZE(uint16_t size) { switch (size) { case 8: return 0; case 16: return 1; case 32: return 2; case 64: return 3; case 128: return 4; case 256: return 5; case 512: return 6; case 1023: return 7; default: return 0; } } inline void epBank0DisableAutoZLP(ep_t ep) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.AUTO_ZLP = 0; } inline void epBank1DisableAutoZLP(ep_t ep) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.AUTO_ZLP = 0; } inline void epBank0EnableAutoZLP(ep_t ep) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.AUTO_ZLP = 1; } inline void epBank1EnableAutoZLP(ep_t ep) { EP[ep].DeviceDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.AUTO_ZLP = 1; } private: // USB Device registers UsbDevice &usb; // Endpoints descriptors table __attribute__((__aligned__(4))) UsbDeviceDescriptor EP[USB_EPT_NUM]; }; void USBDevice_SAMD21G18x::reset() { usb.CTRLA.bit.SWRST = 1; memset(EP, 0, sizeof(EP)); while (usb.SYNCBUSY.bit.SWRST) {} usb.DESCADD.reg = (uint32_t)(&EP); } void USBDevice_SAMD21G18x::calibrate() { // Load Pad Calibration data from non-volatile memory uint32_t *pad_transn_p = (uint32_t *) USB_FUSES_TRANSN_ADDR; uint32_t *pad_transp_p = (uint32_t *) USB_FUSES_TRANSP_ADDR; uint32_t *pad_trim_p = (uint32_t *) USB_FUSES_TRIM_ADDR; uint32_t pad_transn = (*pad_transn_p & USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Msk) >> USB_FUSES_TRANSN_Pos; uint32_t pad_transp = (*pad_transp_p & USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Msk) >> USB_FUSES_TRANSP_Pos; uint32_t pad_trim = (*pad_trim_p & USB_FUSES_TRIM_Msk ) >> USB_FUSES_TRIM_Pos; if (pad_transn == 0x1F) // maximum value (31) pad_transn = 5; if (pad_transp == 0x1F) // maximum value (31) pad_transp = 29; if (pad_trim == 0x7) // maximum value (7) pad_trim = 3; usb.PADCAL.bit.TRANSN = pad_transn; usb.PADCAL.bit.TRANSP = pad_transp; usb.PADCAL.bit.TRIM = pad_trim; }