// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/optimize_size.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include #include "commanddecoder.h" #include "multitree.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "schema.h" #include "codefirst.h" #include "jsondecoder.h" MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(COMMANDDECODER_RESULT, COMMANDDECODER_RESULT_VALUES); typedef struct COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { METHOD_CALLBACK_FUNC methodCallback; void* methodCallbackContext; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE ModelHandle; ACTION_CALLBACK_FUNC ActionCallback; void* ActionCallbackContext; } COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA; static int DecodeValueFromNode(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, AGENT_DATA_TYPE* agentDataType, MULTITREE_HANDLE node, const char* edmTypeName) { /* because "pottentially uninitialized variable on MS compiler" */ int result = 0; const char* argStringValue; AGENT_DATA_TYPE_TYPE primitiveType; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_029:[ If the argument type is complex then a complex type value shall be built from the child nodes.] */ if ((primitiveType = CodeFirst_GetPrimitiveType(edmTypeName)) == EDM_NO_TYPE) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle; size_t propertyCount; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_033:[ In order to determine which are the members of a complex types, Schema APIs for structure types shall be used.] */ if (((structTypeHandle = Schema_GetStructTypeByName(schemaHandle, edmTypeName)) == NULL) || (Schema_GetStructTypePropertyCount(structTypeHandle, &propertyCount) != SCHEMA_OK)) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_010:[ If any Schema API fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Getting Struct information failed."); } else { if (propertyCount == 0) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_034:[ If Schema APIs indicate that a complex type has 0 members then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Struct type with 0 members is not allowed"); } else { AGENT_DATA_TYPE* memberValues = (AGENT_DATA_TYPE*)calloc(1, (sizeof(AGENT_DATA_TYPE)* propertyCount)); if (memberValues == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Failed allocating member values for command argument"); } else { const char** memberNames = (const char**)malloc(sizeof(const char*)* propertyCount); if (memberNames == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Failed allocating member names for command argument."); } else { size_t j; size_t k; for (j = 0; j < propertyCount; j++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE propertyHandle; MULTITREE_HANDLE memberNode; const char* propertyName; const char* propertyType; if ((propertyHandle = Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByIndex(structTypeHandle, j)) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_010:[ If any Schema API fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Getting struct member failed."); break; } else if (((propertyName = Schema_GetPropertyName(propertyHandle)) == NULL) || ((propertyType = Schema_GetPropertyType(propertyHandle)) == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_010:[ If any Schema API fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Getting the struct member information failed."); break; } else { memberNames[j] = propertyName; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_014: [CommandDecoder shall use the MultiTree APIs to extract a specific element from the command JSON.] */ if (MultiTree_GetChildByName(node, memberNames[j], &memberNode) != MULTITREE_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_028:[ If decoding the argument fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Getting child %s failed", propertyName); break; } /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_032:[ Nesting shall be supported for complex type.] */ else if ((result = DecodeValueFromNode(schemaHandle, &memberValues[j], memberNode, propertyType)) != 0) { break; } } } if (j == propertyCount) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_031:[ The complex type value that aggregates the children shall be built by using the Create_AGENT_DATA_TYPE_from_Members.] */ if (Create_AGENT_DATA_TYPE_from_Members(agentDataType, edmTypeName, propertyCount, (const char* const*)memberNames, memberValues) != AGENT_DATA_TYPES_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_028:[ If decoding the argument fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Creating the agent data type from members failed."); } else { result = 0; } } for (k = 0; k < j; k++) { Destroy_AGENT_DATA_TYPE(&memberValues[k]); } free((void*)memberNames); } free(memberValues); } } } } else { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_014: [CommandDecoder shall use the MultiTree APIs to extract a specific element from the command JSON.] */ if (MultiTree_GetValue(node, (const void **)&argStringValue) != MULTITREE_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_012:[ If any argument is missing in the command text then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Getting the string from the multitree failed."); } /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_027:[ The value for an argument of primitive type shall be decoded by using the CreateAgentDataType_From_String API.] */ else if (CreateAgentDataType_From_String(argStringValue, primitiveType, agentDataType) != AGENT_DATA_TYPES_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_028:[ If decoding the argument fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ result = MU_FAILURE; LogError("Failed parsing node %s.", argStringValue); } } return result; } static EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT DecodeAndExecuteModelAction(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle, const char* relativeActionPath, const char* actionName, MULTITREE_HANDLE commandNode) { EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT result; char tempStr[128]; size_t strLength = strlen(actionName); if (strLength <= 1) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Invalid action name"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else if (strLength >= 128) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Invalid action name length"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_006:[ The action name shall be decoded from the element "Name" of the command JSON.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE modelActionHandle; size_t argCount; MULTITREE_HANDLE parametersTreeNode; if (memcpy(tempStr, actionName, strLength-1) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Invalid action name."); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_014: [CommandDecoder shall use the MultiTree APIs to extract a specific element from the command JSON.] */ else if (MultiTree_GetChildByName(commandNode, "Parameters", ¶metersTreeNode) != MULTITREE_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_015: [If any MultiTree API call fails then the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ LogError("Error getting Parameters node."); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { tempStr[strLength-1] = 0; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_009:[ CommandDecoder shall call Schema_GetModelActionByName to obtain the information about a specific action.] */ if (((modelActionHandle = Schema_GetModelActionByName(modelHandle, tempStr)) == NULL) || (Schema_GetModelActionArgumentCount(modelActionHandle, &argCount) != SCHEMA_OK)) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_010:[ If any Schema API fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ LogError("Failed reading action %s from the schema", tempStr); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { AGENT_DATA_TYPE* arguments = NULL; if (argCount > 0) { arguments = (AGENT_DATA_TYPE*)calloc(1, (sizeof(AGENT_DATA_TYPE)* argCount)); } if ((argCount > 0) && (arguments == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Failed allocating arguments array"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { size_t i; size_t j; result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_011:[ CommandDecoder shall attempt to extract from the command text the value for each action argument.] */ for (i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE actionArgumentHandle; MULTITREE_HANDLE argumentNode; const char* argName; const char* argType; if (((actionArgumentHandle = Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByIndex(modelActionHandle, i)) == NULL) || ((argName = Schema_GetActionArgumentName(actionArgumentHandle)) == NULL) || ((argType = Schema_GetActionArgumentType(actionArgumentHandle)) == NULL)) { LogError("Failed getting the argument information from the schema"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; break; } /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_014: [CommandDecoder shall use the MultiTree APIs to extract a specific element from the command JSON.] */ /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_008: [Each argument shall be looked up as a field, member of the "Parameters" node.] */ else if (MultiTree_GetChildByName(parametersTreeNode, argName, &argumentNode) != MULTITREE_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_012:[ If any argument is missing in the command text then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ LogError("Missing argument %s", argName); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; break; } else if (DecodeValueFromNode(schemaHandle, &arguments[i], argumentNode, argType) != 0) { result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; break; } } if (i == argCount) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_005:[ If an Invoke Action is decoded successfully then the callback actionCallback shall be called, passing to it the callback action context, decoded name and arguments.] */ result = commandDecoderInstance->ActionCallback(commandDecoderInstance->ActionCallbackContext, relativeActionPath, tempStr, argCount, arguments); } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { Destroy_AGENT_DATA_TYPE(&arguments[j]); } if (arguments != NULL) { free(arguments); } } } } } return result; } static METHODRETURN_HANDLE DecodeAndExecuteModelMethod(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle, const char* relativeMethodPath, const char* methodName, MULTITREE_HANDLE methodTree) { METHODRETURN_HANDLE result; size_t strLength = strlen(methodName); if (strLength == 0) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Invalid method name"); result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE modelMethodHandle; size_t argCount; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(suppress: 6324) /* We intentionally use here strncpy */ #endif /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_020: [ CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall verify that the model has a method called methodName. ]*/ if (((modelMethodHandle = Schema_GetModelMethodByName(modelHandle, methodName)) == NULL) || (Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentCount(modelMethodHandle, &argCount) != SCHEMA_OK)) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed reading method %s from the schema", methodName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_021: [ For every argument of methodName, CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall build an AGENT_DATA_TYPE from the node with the same name from the MULTITREE_HANDLE. ]*/ if (argCount == 0) { /*no need for any parameters*/ result = commandDecoderInstance->methodCallback(commandDecoderInstance->methodCallbackContext, relativeMethodPath, methodName, 0, NULL); } else { AGENT_DATA_TYPE* arguments; arguments = (AGENT_DATA_TYPE*)calloc(1, (sizeof(AGENT_DATA_TYPE)* argCount)); if (arguments == NULL) { LogError("Failed allocating arguments array"); result = NULL; } else { size_t i; size_t j; result = NULL; for (i = 0; i < argCount; i++) { SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE methodArgumentHandle; MULTITREE_HANDLE argumentNode; const char* argName; const char* argType; if (((methodArgumentHandle = Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentByIndex(modelMethodHandle, i)) == NULL) || ((argName = Schema_GetMethodArgumentName(methodArgumentHandle)) == NULL) || ((argType = Schema_GetMethodArgumentType(methodArgumentHandle)) == NULL)) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed getting the argument information from the schema"); result = NULL; break; } else if (MultiTree_GetChildByName(methodTree, argName, &argumentNode) != MULTITREE_OK) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Missing argument %s", argName); result = NULL; break; } else if (DecodeValueFromNode(schemaHandle, &arguments[i], argumentNode, argType) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("failure in DecodeValueFromNode"); result = NULL; break; } } if (i == argCount) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_022: [ CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall call methodCallback passing the context, the methodName, number of arguments and the AGENT_DATA_TYPE. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_024: [ Otherwise, CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return what methodCallback returns. ]*/ result = commandDecoderInstance->methodCallback(commandDecoderInstance->methodCallbackContext, relativeMethodPath, methodName, argCount, arguments); } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { Destroy_AGENT_DATA_TYPE(&arguments[j]); } free(arguments); } } } } return result; } static EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT ScanActionPathAndExecuteAction(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* actionPath, MULTITREE_HANDLE commandNode) { EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT result; char* relativeActionPath; const char* actionName = actionPath; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle = commandDecoderInstance->ModelHandle; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_035:[ CommandDecoder_ExecuteCommand shall support paths to actions that are in child models (i.e. ChildModel/SomeAction.] */ do { /* find the slash */ const char* slashPos = strchr(actionName, '/'); if (slashPos == NULL) { size_t relativeActionPathLength; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_037:[ The relative path passed to the actionCallback shall be in the format "childModel1/childModel2/.../childModelN".] */ if (actionName == actionPath) { relativeActionPathLength = 0; } else { relativeActionPathLength = actionName - actionPath - 1; } relativeActionPath = (char*)malloc(relativeActionPathLength + 1); if (relativeActionPath == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Failed allocating relative action path"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { strncpy(relativeActionPath, actionPath, relativeActionPathLength); relativeActionPath[relativeActionPathLength] = 0; /* no slash found, this must be an action */ result = DecodeAndExecuteModelAction(commandDecoderInstance, schemaHandle, modelHandle, relativeActionPath, actionName, commandNode); free(relativeActionPath); actionName = NULL; } break; } else { /* found a slash, get the child model name */ size_t modelLength = slashPos - actionName; char* childModelName = (char*)malloc(modelLength + 1); if (childModelName == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Failed allocating child model name"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; break; } else { strncpy(childModelName, actionName, modelLength); childModelName[modelLength] = 0; /* find the model */ modelHandle = Schema_GetModelModelByName(modelHandle, childModelName); if (modelHandle == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_036:[ If a child model cannot be found by using Schema APIs then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ LogError("Getting the model %s failed", childModelName); free(childModelName); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; break; } else { free(childModelName); actionName = slashPos + 1; result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; /*this only exists to quench a compiler warning about returning an uninitialized variable, which is not possible by design*/ } } } } while (actionName != NULL); return result; } static METHODRETURN_HANDLE ScanMethodPathAndExecuteMethod(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* fullMethodName, MULTITREE_HANDLE methodTree) { METHODRETURN_HANDLE result; char* relativeMethodPath; const char* methodName = fullMethodName; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle = commandDecoderInstance->ModelHandle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_018: [ CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall validate that consecutive segments of the fullMethodName exist in the model. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_019: [ CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall locate the final model to which the methodName applies. ]*/ do { /* find the slash */ const char* slashPos = strchr(methodName, '/'); if (slashPos == NULL) { size_t relativeMethodPathLength; if (methodName == fullMethodName) { relativeMethodPathLength = 0; } else { relativeMethodPathLength = methodName - fullMethodName - 1; } relativeMethodPath = (char*)malloc(relativeMethodPathLength + 1); if (relativeMethodPath == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed allocating relative method path"); result = NULL; } else { strncpy(relativeMethodPath, fullMethodName, relativeMethodPathLength); relativeMethodPath[relativeMethodPathLength] = 0; /* no slash found, this must be an method */ result = DecodeAndExecuteModelMethod(commandDecoderInstance, schemaHandle, modelHandle, relativeMethodPath, methodName, methodTree); free(relativeMethodPath); methodName = NULL; } break; } else { /* found a slash, get the child model name */ size_t modelLength = slashPos - methodName; char* childModelName = (char*)malloc(modelLength + 1); if (childModelName == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Failed allocating child model name"); result = NULL; break; } else { strncpy(childModelName, methodName, modelLength); childModelName[modelLength] = 0; /* find the model */ modelHandle = Schema_GetModelModelByName(modelHandle, childModelName); if (modelHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_023: [ If any of the previous operations fail, then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall return NULL. ]*/ LogError("Getting the model %s failed", childModelName); free(childModelName); result = NULL; break; } else { free(childModelName); methodName = slashPos + 1; result = NULL; /*this only exists to quench a compiler warning about returning an uninitialized variable, which is not possible by design*/ } } } } while (methodName != NULL); return result; } static EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT DecodeCommand(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, MULTITREE_HANDLE commandNode) { EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT result; SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_022:[ CommandDecoder shall use the Schema APIs to obtain the information about the entity set name and namespace] */ if ((schemaHandle = Schema_GetSchemaForModelType(commandDecoderInstance->ModelHandle)) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_010:[ If any Schema API fails then the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ LogError("Getting schema information failed"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { const char* actionName; MULTITREE_HANDLE nameTreeNode; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_014: [CommandDecoder shall use the MultiTree APIs to extract a specific element from the command JSON.] */ /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_006:[ The action name shall be decoded from the element "name" of the command JSON.] */ if ((MultiTree_GetChildByName(commandNode, "Name", &nameTreeNode) != MULTITREE_OK) || (MultiTree_GetValue(nameTreeNode, (const void **)&actionName) != MULTITREE_OK)) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_015: [If any MultiTree API call fails then the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ LogError("Getting action name failed."); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else if (strlen(actionName) < 2) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_021:[ If the parsing of the command fails for any other reason the command shall not be dispatched.] */ LogError("Invalid action name."); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { actionName++; result = ScanActionPathAndExecuteAction(commandDecoderInstance, schemaHandle, actionName, commandNode); } } return result; } static METHODRETURN_HANDLE DecodeMethod(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance, const char* fullMethodName, MULTITREE_HANDLE methodTree) { METHODRETURN_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_017: [ CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall get the SCHEMA_HANDLE associated with the modelHandle passed at CommandDecoder_Create. ]*/ if ((schemaHandle = Schema_GetSchemaForModelType(commandDecoderInstance->ModelHandle)) == NULL) { LogError("Getting schema information failed"); result = NULL; } else { result = ScanMethodPathAndExecuteMethod(commandDecoderInstance, schemaHandle, fullMethodName, methodTree); } return result; } /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_009: [Whenever CommandDecoder_ExecuteCommand is the command shall be decoded and further dispatched to the actionCallback passed in CommandDecoder_Create.]*/ EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT CommandDecoder_ExecuteCommand(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle, const char* command) { EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT result; COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance = (COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_010: [If either the buffer or the receiveCallbackContext argument is NULL, the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ if ( (command == NULL) || (commandDecoderInstance == NULL) ) { LogError("Invalid argument, COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle=%p, const char* command=%p", handle, command); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { size_t size = strlen(command); char* commandJSON; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_011: [If the size of the command is 0 then the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ if (size == 0) { LogError("Failed because command size is zero"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_013: [If parsing the JSON to a multi tree fails, the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.]*/ else if ((commandJSON = (char*)malloc(size + 1)) == NULL) { LogError("Failed to allocate temporary storage for the commands JSON"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { MULTITREE_HANDLE commandsTree; (void)memcpy(commandJSON, command, size); commandJSON[size] = '\0'; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_012: [CommandDecoder shall decode the command JSON contained in buffer to a multi-tree by using JSONDecoder_JSON_To_MultiTree.] */ if (JSONDecoder_JSON_To_MultiTree(commandJSON, &commandsTree) != JSON_DECODER_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_013: [If parsing the JSON to a multi tree fails, the processing shall stop and the command shall not be dispatched and it shall return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR.] */ LogError("Decoding JSON to a multi tree failed"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { result = DecodeCommand(commandDecoderInstance, commandsTree); /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_016: [CommandDecoder shall ensure that the multi-tree resulting from JSONDecoder_JSON_To_MultiTree is freed after the commands are executed.] */ MultiTree_Destroy(commandsTree); } free(commandJSON); } } return result; } METHODRETURN_HANDLE CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle, const char* fullMethodName, const char* methodPayload) { METHODRETURN_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_014: [ If handle is NULL then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_015: [ If fulMethodName is NULL then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ( (handle == NULL) || (fullMethodName == NULL) /*methodPayload can be NULL*/ ) { LogError("Invalid argument, COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle=%p, const char* fullMethodName=%p", handle, fullMethodName); result = NULL; } else { COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance = (COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_025: [ If methodCallback is NULL then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (commandDecoderInstance->methodCallback == NULL) { LogError("unable to execute a method when the methodCallback passed in CommandDecoder_Create is NULL"); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_016: [ If methodPayload is not NULL then CommandDecoder_ExecuteMethod shall build a MULTITREE_HANDLE out of methodPayload. ]*/ if (methodPayload == NULL) { result = DecodeMethod(commandDecoderInstance, fullMethodName, NULL); } else { char* methodJSON; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&methodJSON, methodPayload) != 0) { LogError("Failed to allocate temporary storage for the method JSON"); result = NULL; } else { //printf("%s %s\n", fullMethodName, methodJSON); if (strcmp(methodJSON, "null") == 0) { strcpy(methodJSON, "{}"); } MULTITREE_HANDLE methodTree; if (JSONDecoder_JSON_To_MultiTree(methodJSON, &methodTree) != JSON_DECODER_OK) { LogError("Decoding JSON to a multi tree failed"); result = NULL; } else { result = DecodeMethod(commandDecoderInstance, fullMethodName, methodTree); MultiTree_Destroy(methodTree); } free(methodJSON); } } } } return result; } COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE CommandDecoder_Create(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle, ACTION_CALLBACK_FUNC actionCallback, void* actionCallbackContext, METHOD_CALLBACK_FUNC methodCallback, void* methodCallbackContext) { COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* result; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_99_019:[ For all exposed APIs argument validity checks shall precede other checks.] */ /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_003: [ If modelHandle is NULL, CommandDecoder_Create shall return NULL. ]*/ if (modelHandle == NULL) { LogError("Invalid arguments: SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle=%p, ACTION_CALLBACK_FUNC actionCallback=%p, void* actionCallbackContext=%p, METHOD_CALLBACK_FUNC methodCallback=%p, void* methodCallbackContext=%p", modelHandle, actionCallback, actionCallbackContext, methodCallback, methodCallbackContext); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_001: [CommandDecoder_Create shall create a new instance of a CommandDecoder.] */ result = malloc(sizeof(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_004: [If any error is encountered during CommandDecoder_Create CommandDecoder_Create shall return NULL.] */ /*return as is*/ } else { result->ModelHandle = modelHandle; result->ActionCallback = actionCallback; result->ActionCallbackContext = actionCallbackContext; result->methodCallback = methodCallback; result->methodCallbackContext = methodCallbackContext; } } return result; } void CommandDecoder_Destroy(COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE commandDecoderHandle) { /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_007: [If CommandDecoder_Destroy is called with a NULL handle, CommandDecoder_Destroy shall do nothing.] */ if (commandDecoderHandle != NULL) { COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance = (COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA*)commandDecoderHandle; /* Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_01_005: [CommandDecoder_Destroy shall free all resources associated with the commandDecoderHandle instance.] */ free(commandDecoderInstance); } } MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(AGENT_DATA_TYPE_TYPE, AGENT_DATA_TYPE_TYPE_VALUES); /*validates that the multitree (coming from a JSON) is actually a serialization of the model (complete or incomplete)*/ /*if the serialization contains more than the model, then it fails.*/ /*if the serialization does not contain mandatory items from the model, it fails*/ static bool validateModel_vs_Multitree(void* startAddress, SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle, MULTITREE_HANDLE desiredPropertiesTree, size_t offset) { bool result; size_t nChildren; size_t nProcessedChildren = 0; (void)MultiTree_GetChildCount(desiredPropertiesTree, &nChildren); for (size_t i = 0;i < nChildren;i++) { MULTITREE_HANDLE child; if (MultiTree_GetChild(desiredPropertiesTree, i, &child) != MULTITREE_OK) { LogError("failure in MultiTree_GetChild"); i = nChildren; } else { STRING_HANDLE childName = STRING_new(); if (childName == NULL) { LogError("failure to STRING_new"); i = nChildren; } else { if (MultiTree_GetName(child, childName) != MULTITREE_OK) { LogError("failure to MultiTree_GetName"); i = nChildren; } else { const char *childName_str = STRING_c_str(childName); SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT elementType = Schema_GetModelElementByName(modelHandle, childName_str); switch (elementType.elementType) { default: { LogError("INTERNAL ERROR: unexpected function return"); i = nChildren; break; } case (SCHEMA_PROPERTY): { LogError("cannot ingest name (WITH_DATA instead of WITH_DESIRED_PROPERTY): %s", childName_str); i = nChildren; break; } case (SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY): { LogError("cannot ingest name (WITH_REPORTED_PROPERTY instead of WITH_DESIRED_PROPERTY): %s", childName_str); i = nChildren; break; } case (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY): { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_007: [ If the child name corresponds to a desired property then an AGENT_DATA_TYPE shall be constructed from the MULTITREE node. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle = elementType.elementHandle.desiredPropertyHandle; const char* desiredPropertyType = Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyType(desiredPropertyHandle); AGENT_DATA_TYPE output; if (DecodeValueFromNode(Schema_GetSchemaForModelType(modelHandle), &output, child, desiredPropertyType) != 0) { LogError("failure in DecodeValueFromNode"); i = nChildren; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_008: [ The desired property shall be constructed in memory by calling pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE. ]*/ pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE leFunction = Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE(desiredPropertyHandle); if (leFunction(&output, (char*)startAddress + offset + Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_offset(desiredPropertyHandle)) != 0) { LogError("failure in a function that converts from AGENT_DATA_TYPE to C data"); } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_013: [ If the desired property has a non-NULL pfOnDesiredProperty then it shall be called. ]*/ pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty = Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfOnDesiredProperty(desiredPropertyHandle); if (onDesiredProperty != NULL) { onDesiredProperty((char*)startAddress + offset); } nProcessedChildren++; } Destroy_AGENT_DATA_TYPE(&output); } break; } case(SCHEMA_MODEL_IN_MODEL): { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelModel = elementType.elementHandle.modelHandle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_009: [ If the child name corresponds to a model in model then the function shall call itself recursively. ]*/ if (!validateModel_vs_Multitree(startAddress, modelModel, child, offset + Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset(modelHandle, childName_str))) { LogError("failure in validateModel_vs_Multitree"); i = nChildren; } else { /*if the model in model so happened to be a WITH_DESIRED_PROPERTY... (only those has non_NULL pfOnDesiredProperty) */ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_012: [ If the child model in model has a non-NULL pfOnDesiredProperty then pfOnDesiredProperty shall be called. ]*/ pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty = Schema_GetModelModelByName_OnDesiredProperty(modelHandle, childName_str); if (onDesiredProperty != NULL) { onDesiredProperty((char*)startAddress + offset); } nProcessedChildren++; } break; } } /*switch*/ } STRING_delete(childName); } } } if(nProcessedChildren == nChildren) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_010: [ If the complete MULTITREE has been parsed then CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall succeed and return EXECUTE_COMMAND_SUCCESS. ]*/ result = true; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_011: [ Otherwise CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall fail and return EXECUTE_COMMAND_FAILED. ]*/ LogError("not all constituents of the JSON have been ingested"); result = false; } return result; } static EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT DecodeDesiredProperties(void* startAddress, COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* handle, MULTITREE_HANDLE desiredPropertiesTree) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_006: [ CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall parse the MULTITREEE recursively. ]*/ return validateModel_vs_Multitree(startAddress, handle->ModelHandle, desiredPropertiesTree, 0 )?EXECUTE_COMMAND_SUCCESS:EXECUTE_COMMAND_FAILED; } /* Raw JSON has properties we don't need; potentially nodes other than "desired" for full TWIN as well as a $version we don't pass to callees */ static bool RemoveUnneededTwinProperties(MULTITREE_HANDLE initialParsedTree, bool parseDesiredNode, MULTITREE_HANDLE *desiredPropertiesTree) { MULTITREE_HANDLE updateTree; bool result; if (parseDesiredNode) { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_014: [ If parseDesiredNode is TRUE, parse only the `desired` part of JSON tree ]*/ if (MultiTree_GetChildByName(initialParsedTree, "desired", &updateTree) != MULTITREE_OK) { LogError("Unable to find 'desired' in tree"); return false; } } else { // Tree already starts on node we want so just use it. updateTree = initialParsedTree; } /*Codes_COMMAND_DECODER_02_015: [ Remove '$version' string from node, if it is present. It not being present is not an error ]*/ MULTITREE_RESULT deleteChildResult = MultiTree_DeleteChild(updateTree, "$version"); if ((deleteChildResult == MULTITREE_OK) || (deleteChildResult == MULTITREE_CHILD_NOT_FOUND)) { *desiredPropertiesTree = updateTree; result = true; } else { *desiredPropertiesTree = NULL; result = false; } return result; } EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties(void* startAddress, COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle, const char* jsonPayload, bool parseDesiredNode) { EXECUTE_COMMAND_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_001: [ If startAddress is NULL then CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall fail and return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_002: [ If handle is NULL then CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall fail and return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_003: [ If jsonPayload is NULL then CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall fail and return EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR. ]*/ if( (startAddress == NULL) || (handle == NULL) || (jsonPayload == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid argument COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE handle=%p, const char* jsonPayload=%p", handle, jsonPayload); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_004: [ CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall clone desiredProperties. ]*/ char* copy; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(©, jsonPayload) != 0) { LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_FAILED; } else { /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_005: [ CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall create a MULTITREE_HANDLE ouf of the clone of desiredProperties. ]*/ MULTITREE_HANDLE initialParsedTree; MULTITREE_HANDLE desiredPropertiesTree; if (JSONDecoder_JSON_To_MultiTree(copy, &initialParsedTree) != JSON_DECODER_OK) { LogError("Decoding JSON to a multi tree failed"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { if (RemoveUnneededTwinProperties(initialParsedTree, parseDesiredNode, &desiredPropertiesTree) == false) { LogError("Removing unneeded twin properties failed"); result = EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA* commandDecoderInstance = (COMMAND_DECODER_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; /*Codes_SRS_COMMAND_DECODER_02_006: [ CommandDecoder_IngestDesiredProperties shall parse the MULTITREEE recursively. ]*/ result = DecodeDesiredProperties(startAddress, commandDecoderInstance, desiredPropertiesTree); // Do NOT free desiredPropertiesTree. It is only a pointer into initialParsedTree. MultiTree_Destroy(initialParsedTree); } } free(copy); } } return result; }