# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # TECS Generator # Generator for TOPPERS Embedded Component System # # Copyright (C) 2008-2017 by TOPPERS Project #-- # 上記著作権者は,以下の(1)~(4)の条件を満たす場合に限り,本ソフトウェ # ア(本ソフトウェアを改変したものを含む.以下同じ)を使用・複製・改 # 変・再配布(以下,利用と呼ぶ)することを無償で許諾する. # (1) 本ソフトウェアをソースコードの形で利用する場合には,上記の著作 # 権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定が,そのままの形でソー # スコード中に含まれていること. # (2) 本ソフトウェアを,ライブラリ形式など,他のソフトウェア開発に使 # 用できる形で再配布する場合には,再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用 # 者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著作権表示,この利用条件および下記 # の無保証規定を掲載すること. # (3) 本ソフトウェアを,機器に組み込むなど,他のソフトウェア開発に使 # 用できない形で再配布する場合には,次のいずれかの条件を満たすこ # と. # (a) 再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著 # 作権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定を掲載すること. # (b) 再配布の形態を,別に定める方法によって,TOPPERSプロジェクトに # 報告すること. # (4) 本ソフトウェアの利用により直接的または間接的に生じるいかなる損 # 害からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを免責すること. # また,本ソフトウェアのユーザまたはエンドユーザからのいかなる理 # 由に基づく請求からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを # 免責すること. # # 本ソフトウェアは,無保証で提供されているものである.上記著作権者お # よびTOPPERSプロジェクトは,本ソフトウェアに関して,特定の使用目的 # に対する適合性も含めて,いかなる保証も行わない.また,本ソフトウェ # アの利用により直接的または間接的に生じたいかなる損害に関しても,そ # の責任を負わない. # # $Id$ #++ def ifdef_macro_only f f.print < evar # もしスタックトレースが出るまでい時間がかかるようならば、次をコメントアウトしてみるべし cdl_error( "H1001 tecsgen: fatal internal error during code generation" ) print_exception( evar ) end end def generate_post if $generating_region.get_n_cells == 0 then return end begin # global_tecsgen.h (typedef, struct, const) の終わりのガードコード生成 gen_global_header_post # signature のコードを生成 @signature_list.each { |s| s.generate_post } # celltype のコードを生成 @celltype_list.each { |t| t.generate_post } # サブネームスペースのコードを生成 @namespace_list.each { |n| n.generate_post } rescue => evar cdl_error( "H1002 tecsgen: fatal internal error during post code generation" ) print_exception( evar ) end end ### def gen_global_header # global_tecs.h の生成 f = AppFile.open( "#{$gen}/global_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}" ) if @name == "::" then print_note f # ガードコードを出力 f.print < 0 then # ヘッダ include の出力 f.printf TECSMsg.get( :IMP_comment ), "#_IMP_#" Import_C.get_header_list2.each{ |h| f.printf( "#include \"#{h}\"\n" ) } f.printf( "/**/\n\n" ) end ifndef_macro_only f end # typedef, struct, enum を生成 @decl_list.each { |d| # d は Typedef, StructType, EnumType のいずれか if d.instance_of?( Typedef ) then # Typedef の場合、declarator の @type が CType でないか if ! d.get_declarator.get_type.kind_of?( CType ) then d.gen_gh f end elsif ! d.kind_of?( CType ) then # CType ではない (StructType または EnumType) d.gen_gh f # else # ここに該当するのは CStructType, CEnumType end } if @name == "::" then if $ram_initializer then # Proc to judge the necessity of CB initializer b_inline_only_or_proc = Proc.new{ |ct| # print ct.get_name, ": ", ct.need_CB_initializer?, "\n" ct.need_CB_initializer? } gen_celltype_names( f, "extern void ", "_CB_initialize();\n", true, b_inline_only_or_proc ) gen_celltype_names( f, "extern void ", "_CB_initialize();\n", false, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print "\n#define INITIALIZE_TECS() \\\n" gen_celltype_names( f, "\t", "_CB_initialize();\\\n", true, b_inline_only_or_proc ) gen_celltype_names( f, "\t", "_CB_initialize();\\\n", false, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print( "/* INITIALIZE_TECS terminator */\n\n" ) else f.print "\n#define INITIALIZE_TECS() \n" end f.print "#define INITIALZE_TECSGEN() INITIALIZE_TECS() /* for backward compatibility */\n\n" f.print( "/* Descriptor for dynamic join */\n" ) f.print( "#define Descriptor( signature_global_name ) DynDesc__ ## signature_global_name\n" ) f.print( "#define is_descriptor_unjoined( desc ) ((desc).vdes==NULL)\n\n" ) endif_macro_only f end # const を生成 mikan @const_decl_list.each { |d| f.printf( "#define %-14s ((%s%s)%s)\n", d.get_global_name, d.get_type.get_type_str, d.get_type.get_type_str_post, d.get_initializer.eval_const2(nil) ) } f.close end def gen_global_header_post # global_tecs.h を開く f = AppFile.open( "#{$gen}/global_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}" ) if @name == "::" then f.print < 1 then all_target += " sub_regions" end timestamp = " $(TIMESTAMP)" else timestamp = "" end f.print "all : #{all_target}\n\n" f.printf TECSMsg.get( :MDEP_comment ), "#_MDEP_#" f.print "-include $(GEN_DIR)/Makefile.tecsgen\n" if $generating_region.get_n_cells != 0 then # Makefile.depend の include f.print "-include $(GEN_DIR)/Makefile.depend\n\n" f.print "$(TARGET) :#{timestamp} $(CELLTYPE_COBJS) $(TECSGEN_COBJS) $(PLUGIN_COBJS) $(OTHER_OBJS)\n" f.print " $(LD) -o $(TARGET) $(TECSGEN_COBJS) $(CELLTYPE_COBJS) $(PLUGIN_COBJS) $(OTHER_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)\n\n" end if Region.get_link_roots.length > 1 && $generating_region == @@root_namespace then f.print "\nsub_regions:$(TIMESTAMP)\n" Region.get_link_roots.each {|region| if region.get_global_name != "" then # Root region: この Makefile 自身 f.print "\tcd #{region.get_global_name}; make all\n" end } f.print "\n" end # clean: ターゲット f.print "clean :\n" if $generating_region == @@root_namespace then Region.get_link_roots.each {|region| if region.get_global_name != "" then # Root region: この Makefile 自身 f.print "\tcd #{region.get_global_name}; make clean\n" end } end f.print " rm -f $(CELLTYPE_COBJS) $(TECSGEN_COBJS) $(PLUGIN_COBJS) $(OTHER_OBJS) $(TARGET) #{timestamp}\n" if $generating_region == @@root_namespace then f.print " rm -rf $(GEN_DIR)\n" end f.print "\n" # tecs: ターゲット if $generating_region == @@root_namespace then f.print "tecs : $(PRE_TECSGEN_TARGET) $(TIMESTAMP) $(POST_TECSGEN_TARGET)\n\n" f.print "$(TIMESTAMP) : $(TECS_IMPORTS)\n" f.print " $(TECSGEN) #{TECSGEN.subst_tecspath( $arguments, true )}\n" # f.print " touch $(TIMESTAMP)\n\n" else f.print "tecs:\n" f.print "\t@echo \"run 'make tecs' in root region\"\n\n" end f.print "# generic target for objs\n" f.print "$(_TECS_OBJ_DIR)%.o : %.#{$c_suffix}\n" f.print " $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<\n\n" lines = TECSGEN::Makefile.get_lines if lines.length > 0 then f.print( "# additional lines\n" ) lines.each{ |line| f.print line, "\n" } f.print( "# end additional lines\n\n" ) end f.close end def gen_makefile_tecsgen ### Makefile.tecsgen の生成 f = AppFile.open( "#{$gen}/Makefile.tecsgen" ) f.print( "TECS_IMPORT_CDLS =" ) Import.get_list.each{ |cdl_expand_path, import| path = import.get_cdl_path if TECSGEN.is_absolute_path? path then path = TECSGEN.subst_tecspath path end f.print " " f.print( path ) } f.print( "\n" ) f.print( "TECS_IMPORT_HEADERS =" ) Import_C.get_header_list.each{ |header,path| if TECSGEN.is_absolute_path? path then path = TECSGEN.subst_tecspath path end f.print " " f.print path } f.print "\n" f.print "TECS_IMPORTS = $(TECS_IMPORT_CDLS) $(TECS_IMPORT_HEADERS)\n\n" f.print "SIGNATURE_HEADERS = \\\n" if $generating_region.get_n_cells != 0 then @signature_list.each{ |s| f.print "\t$(GEN_DIR)/#{s.get_global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix} \\\n" } end f.print "# SIGNATURE_HEADERS terminator\n\n" b_inline_only_or_proc = Proc.new { |ct| true } f.print "CELLTYPE_TECSGEN_HEADERS = \\\n" gen_celltype_names( f, "\t$(GEN_DIR)/", "_tecsgen.h \\\n", true, b_inline_only_or_proc ) gen_celltype_names( f, "\t$(GEN_DIR)/", "_tecsgen.h \\\n", false, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print "# CELLTYPE_TECSGEN_HEADERS terminator\n\n" f.print "CELLTYPE_FACTORY_HEADERS = \\\n" gen_celltype_names( f, "\t$(GEN_DIR)/", "_factory.h \\\n", true, b_inline_only_or_proc ) gen_celltype_names( f, "\t$(GEN_DIR)/", "_factory.h \\\n", false, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print "# CELLTYPE_FACTORY_HEADERS terminator\n\n" f.print "# TECS_HEADERS: headers generated by tecsgen\n" f.print "TECS_HEADERS = $(SIGNATURE_HEADERS) $(CELLTYPE_TECSGEN_HEADERS) $(CELLTYPE_FACTORY_HEADERS)\n\n" b_inline_only_or_proc = true f.print "TECS_INLINE_HEADERS = \\\n" gen_celltype_names( f, "\t", "_tecsgen.h \\\n", false, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print "# TECS_INLINE_HEADERS terminator\n\n" f.print "PLUGIN_INLINE_HEADERS = \\\n" gen_celltype_names( f, "\t", "_tecsgen.h \\\n", true, b_inline_only_or_proc ) f.print "# PLUGIN_INLINE_HEADERS terminator\n\n" ### set domain variables ### domain_type = nil domain_regions = nil DomainType.get_domain_regions.each{ |dt, regions| # domain_type は一つのノードには、一つしかないので、このループは、必ず一回しか回らない domain_regions = regions domain_type = dt } if domain_regions == nil then # in case no 'domain' specified at region domain_regions = [ Region.get_root ] end hasDomainProc = Proc.new{ if domain_regions.length > 1 || domain_regions[0] != Region.get_root then true else false end } decideDomainNameProc = Proc.new { |region| if region.is_root? then if hasDomainProc.call then dn = "_Root_" else dn = "" end else dn = "_#{region.get_namespace_path.get_global_name}" end } f.print( "# TECS_COBJS: all objects of TECS, include both user written code and tecsgen automatically generated code\n" ) f.print( "TECS_COBJS = $(TECSGEN_COBJS) $(PLUGIN_COBJS) $(CELLTYPE_COBJS)\n\n" ) ### in case domain is used ### if hasDomainProc.call then f.print( "# TECS_DOMAINS: list of domain names (names of 'domain' spacified region)\n" ) f.print( "TECS_DOMAINS = " ) domain_regions.each{ |r| if r.get_domain_type.get_option != "OutOfDomain" then f.print( " #{r.get_namespace_path.get_global_name}" ) end } f.print( "\n\n" ) f.print( "# TECS_COBJS: objects from sources which are automatically generated by tecsgen\n" ) f.print( "TECSGEN_COBJS = \\\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| f.print( " $(TECSGEN#{decideDomainNameProc.call r}_COBJS) \\\n" ) } f.print( "# TECSGEN_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) f.print( "# PLUGIN_COBJS: objects from sources which are automatically generated by plugin(s)\n" ) f.print( "PLUGIN_COBJS = \\\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| f.print( " $(PLUGIN#{decideDomainNameProc.call r}_COBJS) \\\n" ) } f.print( "# PLUGIN_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) f.print( "CELLTYPE_COBJS = \\\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| f.print( " $(CELLTYPE#{decideDomainNameProc.call r}_COBJS) \\\n" ) } f.print( "# CELLTYPE_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) f.print( "TECSGEN_SRCS = \\\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| f.print( " $(TECSGEN#{decideDomainNameProc.call r}_SRCS) \\\n" ) } f.print( "# TECSGEN_SRCS terminator\n\n" ) f.print( "PLUGIN_SRCS = \\\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| f.print( " $(PLUGIN#{decideDomainNameProc.call r}_SRCS) \\\n" ) } f.print( "# PLUGIN#_SRCS terminator\n\n" ) end ### f.print( "# TECS_COBJS: objects from sources which are automatically generated by tecsgen\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| nsp = decideDomainNameProc.call( r ) f.print( "TECSGEN#{nsp}_COBJS = \\\n" ) gen_celltype_names_domain( f, " $(_TECS_OBJ_DIR)", "_tecsgen.o \\\n", domain_type, r, false ) f.print( "# TECSGEN#{nsp}_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) } f.print( "# PLUGIN_COBJS: objects from sources which are automatically generated by plugin(s)\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| nsp = decideDomainNameProc.call( r ) f.print( "PLUGIN#{nsp}_COBJS = \\\n" ) gen_celltype_names_domain( f, " $(_TECS_OBJ_DIR)", "_tecsgen.o \\\n", domain_type, r, true ) gen_celltype_names_domain2( f, " $(_TECS_OBJ_DIR)", ".o \\\n", domain_type, r, true, false ) f.print( "# PLUGIN#{nsp}_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) } f.print( "# CELLTYPE_COBJS: objects of celltype code written by user\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| nsp = decideDomainNameProc.call( r ) f.print( "CELLTYPE#{nsp}_COBJS = \\\n" ) gen_celltype_names_domain2( f, " $(_TECS_OBJ_DIR)", ".o \\\n", domain_type, r, false, false ) f.print( "# CELLTYPE#{nsp}_COBJS terminator\n\n" ) } f.print( "# TECSGEN_SRCS: sources automatically generated by tecsgen\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| nsp = decideDomainNameProc.call( r ) f.print( "TECSGEN#{nsp}_SRCS = \\\n" ) gen_celltype_names_domain( f, " $(GEN_DIR)/", "_tecsgen.#{$c_suffix} \\\n", domain_type, r, false ) f.print( "# TECSGEN#{nsp}_SRCS terminator\n\n" ) } f.print( "# PLUGIN_SRCS: sources automatically generated by plugin\n" ) domain_regions.each{ |r| nsp = decideDomainNameProc.call( r ) f.print( "PLUGIN#{nsp}_SRCS = \\\n" ) gen_celltype_names_domain( f, " $(GEN_DIR)/", "_tecsgen.#{$c_suffix} \\\n", domain_type, r, true ) gen_celltype_names_domain2( f, " $(GEN_DIR)/", ".#{$c_suffix} \\\n", domain_type, r, true, false ) f.print( "# PLUGIN#{nsp}_SRCS terminator\n\n" ) } f.close end #=== すべてのセルタイプの名前を出力 #f:: FILE: 出力先ファイル #prepend:: string: 前置文字列 #append:: string: 後置文字列 #b_plguin:: bool: plugin により生成されたセルタイプを出力 ##b_inline_only:: bool: true ならば inline の entry port のみのセルタイプを含める #b_inline_only_or_proc:: bool|Proc: true ならば inline の entry port のみ、かつインアクティブなセルタイプを含める # Proc ならば Proc を実行した結果 true ならば含める # namespace "::" から呼出される def gen_celltype_names( f, prepend, append, b_plugin, b_inline_only_or_proc = true ) dbgPrint "gen_celltype_names #{@name}\n" @celltype_list.each { |ct| next if ! ct.need_generate? # next if b_inline_only == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? next if b_inline_only_or_proc == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? && ! ct.is_active? # print "Proc:", b_inline_only_or_proc.kind_of?( Proc ), b_inline_only_or_proc.class, "\n" next if b_inline_only_or_proc.kind_of?( Proc ) && ( b_inline_only_or_proc.call( ct ) == false ) if ( b_plugin && ct.get_plugin ) || ( ! b_plugin && ! ct.get_plugin ) then f.print " #{prepend}#{ct.get_global_name}#{append}" end } @namespace_list.each { |ns| ns.gen_celltype_names( f, prepend, append, b_plugin, b_inline_only_or_proc ) } end #=== すべてのセルタイプの名前を出力 #region:: Region: # gen_celltype_names とgen_celltype_names_domain の相違: # region を domain_roots に含む場合、出力する. # または、region を含まないが、domain_roots が複数かつルートリージョンの場合、出力する. # それ以外は、gen_celltype_names の説明を参照 def gen_celltype_names_domain( f, prepend, append, domain_type, region, b_plugin, b_inline_only = true ) dbgPrint "gen_celltype_names #{@name}\n" @celltype_list.each { |ct| next if ! ct.need_generate? # next if b_inline_only == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? next if b_inline_only == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? && ! ct.is_active? if ( b_plugin && ct.get_plugin ) || ( ! b_plugin && ! ct.get_plugin ) then regions = ct.get_domain_roots[ domain_type ] if regions.include?( region ) then # p "BBB celltype:#{ct.get_name} domain:#{domain_type} append:#{append}" if region.is_root? then nsp = "" else nsp = "_#{region.get_namespace_path.get_global_name}" end f.print " #{prepend}#{ct.get_global_name}#{nsp}#{append}" elsif region.is_root? then # the case of domain_roots >= 2 && no cell in root region if regions.length > 1 then f.print " #{prepend}#{ct.get_global_name}#{append}" end end end } @namespace_list.each { |ns| ns.gen_celltype_names_domain( f, prepend, append, domain_type, region, b_plugin, b_inline_only ) } end #== Namespace#すべてのセルタイプの名前を出力 # セルタイプコードのための名前出力 # gen_celltype_names_domain と gen_celltype_names_domain2 の相違 # ・どれか一つのリージョンにしか出さない # domain_roots が1つだけで、指定リージョンを含む # domain_roots が2つ以上で、指定リージョンがルートリージョン # ・ドメイン名を付加しない def gen_celltype_names_domain2( f, prepend, append, domain_type, region, b_plugin, b_inline_only = true ) dbgPrint "gen_celltype_names #{@name}\n" @celltype_list.each { |ct| next if ! ct.need_generate? # next if b_inline_only == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? next if b_inline_only == false && ct.is_all_entry_inline? && ! ct.is_active? if ( b_plugin && ct.get_plugin ) || ( ! b_plugin && ! ct.get_plugin ) then # p "BBB celltype:#{ct.get_name} domain:#{domain_type} append:#{append}" regions = ct.get_domain_roots[ domain_type ] if regions.include?( region ) && regions.length == 1 then f.print " #{prepend}#{ct.get_global_name}#{append}" elsif region.is_root? then # the case of domain_roots >= 2 && no cell in root region if regions.length > 1 then f.print " #{prepend}#{ct.get_global_name}#{append}" end end end } @namespace_list.each { |ns| ns.gen_celltype_names_domain2( f, prepend, append, domain_type, region, b_plugin, b_inline_only ) } end #=== Namespace#すべてのシグニチャをたどる def travers_all_signature # ブロック引数 { |signature| } proc = Proc.new # このメソッドのブロック引数 @signature_list.each{ |sig| proc.call sig } @namespace_list.each{ |ns| ns.travers_all_signature_proc proc } end def travers_all_signature_proc proc @signature_list.each{ |sig| proc.call sig } @namespace_list.each{ |ns| ns.travers_all_signature_proc proc } end end class Typedef def gen_gh f # print "Typedef.gen_gh\n" # show_tree 1 f.printf( "typedef %-14s %s%s;\n", "#{@declarator.get_type.get_type_str}", "#{@declarator.get_name}", "#{@declarator.get_type.get_type_str_post}") end end class StructType < Type def gen_gh f # print "StructType.gen_gh\n" # show_tree 1 if ! @b_define then return end f.print "struct #{@tag} {\n" @members_decl.get_items.each{ |i| f.printf( " %-14s %s%s;\n", "#{i.get_type.get_type_str}", "#{i.get_name}", "#{i.get_type.get_type_str_post}" ) } f.print "};\n" end end class Signature def generate generate_signature_header end def generate_post generate_signature_header_post end def generate_signature_header f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}") print_note f gen_sh_guard f gen_sh_info f gen_sh_include f ifndef_macro_only f gen_sh_func_tab f endif_macro_only f gen_sh_func_id f f.close end def generate_signature_header_post f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}") gen_sh_endif f f.close end ##### signature header def gen_sh_guard f f.print("#ifndef #{@global_name}_TECSGEN_H\n") f.print("#define #{@global_name}_TECSGEN_H\n\n") end def gen_sh_info f f.print < 0 then f.printf TECSMsg.get(:SDI_comment), "#_SDI_#" dl.each{ |dt,param| f.print < 0 gen_ph_n_ep f if @n_entry_port_array > 0 gen_ph_test_optional_call_port f gen_ph_get_cellcb f gen_ph_attr_access f if @n_attribute_rw > 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 || @n_var > 0 gen_ph_cp_fun_macro f if @n_call_port > 0 # gen_ph_abstract_ep_des_type f if @n_entry_port_inline == 0 then endif_cb_type_only f end ifndef_macro_only f begin_extern_C f # gen_ph_cell_cb_type f # gen_ph_INIB_as_CB f # gen_ph_extern_cell f # セルタイプグルコード以外は参照しない # gen_ph_typedef_idx f # mikan 参照するものができていない # gen_ph_ep_fun_prototype f gen_ph_ep_skel_prototype f #--- CB_TYPE_ONLY の場合、ref_desc, set_desc 関数は含めない (マクロ参照するため) if @n_entry_port_inline == 0 then ifndef_cb_type_only f end gen_ph_ref_desc_func f gen_ph_set_desc_func f if @n_entry_port_inline == 0 then endif_cb_type_only f end end_extern_C f endif_macro_only f # 短縮形などのマクロ出力 if @n_entry_port_inline == 0 then ifndef_cb_type_only f end gen_ph_valid_idx_abbrev f gen_ph_get_cellcb_abbrev f gen_ph_attr_access_abbrev f if @n_attribute_rw > 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 || @n_var > 0 gen_ph_cp_fun_macro_abbrev f if @n_call_port > 0 gen_ph_ref_desc_macro_abbrev f gen_ph_set_desc_macro_abbrev f gen_ph_test_optional_call_port_abbrev f gen_ph_ep_fun_macro f if @n_entry_port > 0 gen_ph_foreach_cell f # FOREACH マクロの出力 gen_ph_cb_initialize_macro f # CB 初期化マクロの出力.消費しないので ram_initializer フラグに関わらず出力 gen_ph_dealloc_code f, "" gen_ph_dealloc_code f, "_RESET" if @n_entry_port_inline == 0 then endif_cb_type_only f end f.close end def generate_private_header_post f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}") ifndef_macro_only f gen_ph_inline f endif_macro_only f if @n_entry_port_inline > 0 then ifdef_cb_type_only f f.printf TECSMsg.get( :UDF_comment ), "#_UDF_#" f.print "#undef VALID_IDX\n" f.print "#undef GET_CELLCB\n" f.print "#undef CELLCB\n" f.print "#undef CELLIDX\n" f.print "#undef #{@name}_IDX\n" f.print "#undef FOREACH_CELL\n" f.print "#undef END_FOREACH_CELL\n" f.print "#undef INITIALIZE_CB\n" f.print "#undef SET_CB_INIB_POINTER\n" @attribute.each { |a| f.print( "#undef ATTR_#{a.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_ATTR_#{a.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_GET_#{a.get_name}\n" ) } @var.each { |v| f.print( "#undef VAR_#{v.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef VAR_#{v.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_VAR_#{v.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_GET_#{v.get_name}\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_SET_#{v.get_name}\n" ) } @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL # is_...joined は omit するケースでも出力されるため、omit を検査する前に出力 if p.is_optional? then f.print( "#undef is_#{p.get_name}_joined\n" ) end next if p.is_omit? p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| f.print( "#undef #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}\n" ) if ! p.is_require? || p.has_name? then f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}\n" ) else f.print( "#undef #{fun.get_name}\n" ) end } if p.is_dynamic? then f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_set_descriptor\n" ) if p.is_optional? then f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_unjoin\n" ) end elsif p.is_ref_desc? then f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_refer_to_descriptor\n" ) f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_ref_desc\n" ) end } @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| f.print( "#undef #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}\n" ) } } gen_ph_dealloc_code( f, "", true ) gen_ph_dealloc_code( f, "_RESET", true ) endif_cb_type_only f end gen_ph_endif f f.close end #=== CELLTYPE_tecsgen.c を生成 def generate_cell_code fs = { } f = nil @domain_roots.each{ |domain_type_name, regions| regions.each{ |r| if r.is_root? then nsp = "" else nsp = "_#{r.get_namespace_path.get_global_name}" end # p "celltype:#{@name} dn:#{domain_type_name} nsp:#{nsp}" fs[r] = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}#{nsp}_tecsgen.#{$c_suffix}") if r.is_root? then f = fs[r] end } } # in case that domain_roots does not include root region if f == nil then regions = nil @domain_roots.each{ |domain_type_name, regions_| regions = regions_ # domain_type_name is unique } if regions.length > 1 then # if domain_roots.length >= 2 && no cell in root region # shared code are placed in root region f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$c_suffix}") else # shared code are placed in unique region f = fs[ regions[0] ] end end # すべての _tecsgen.c に出力 print_note f gen_cell_private_header f gen_cell_factory_header f gen_cell_ep_des_type f # すべての _tecsgen.c に出力 fs.each{ |r,f2| if f == f2 then next end print_note f2 gen_cell_private_header f2 gen_cell_factory_header f2 gen_cell_ep_des_type f2 } # 一つの _tecsgen.c に出力 gen_cell_skel_fun f gen_cell_fun_table f gen_cell_var_init f # セルごとに _tecsgen.c に出力 gen_cell_ep_vdes fs gen_cell_ep_vdes_array fs gen_cell_cb_out_init fs # INITIALIZE_CB で参照されるため ram_initializer=false でも消せない gen_cell_cb fs gen_cell_extern_mt fs gen_cell_ep_des fs # 一つの _tecsgen.c に出力 gen_cell_cb_tab f if $ram_initializer then gen_cell_cb_initialize_code f end fs.each{ |r,f2| f2.close if f == f2 then f = nil end } if f then f.close end end ##### celltype header def gen_ph_guard( f, post = "TECSGEN" ) f.print("#ifndef #{@global_name}_#{post}_H\n") f.print("#define #{@global_name}_#{post}_H\n\n") end def gen_ph_info f yn_idx_is_id = "no" yn_idx_is_id = "yes" if @idx_is_id yn_idx_is_id_act = "no" yn_idx_is_id_act = "yes" if @idx_is_id_act yn_singleton = "no" yn_singleton = "yes" if @singleton yn_rom = "no" yn_rom = "yes" if $rom yn_cb_init = "no" yn_cb_init = "yes" if need_CB_initializer? # @singleton = false # mikan singleton 060827 f.print <n_#{p.get_name})\n" ) f.print( "#define NCP_#{p.get_name} (N_CP_#{p.get_name}(p_cellcb))\n" ) end end } end #=== 受け口配列の大きさを得るマクロの出力 # #セルタイプヘッダへ受け口の個数を出力 def gen_ph_n_ep f b_comment = false @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY # next if p.is_omit? # 受け口配列の個数は省略しない next if p.get_array_size == nil if ! b_comment then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :NEPA_comment ), "#_NEPA_#" ) b_comment = true end if p.get_array_size != "[]" then # 固定長配列 f.print( "#define NEP_#{p.get_name} (#{p.get_array_size})\n" ) else # 可変長配列 if @singleton then if has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end f.print( "#define NEP_#{p.get_name} (#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.n_#{p.get_name})\n" ) # mikan singleton ならば、固定長化できる else if has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end f.print( "#define NEP_#{p.get_name} ((p_cellcb)#{inib}->n_#{p.get_name})\n" ) end end } end #=== optional な呼び口が結合されているかテストするコードの生成 def gen_ph_test_optional_call_port f b_comment = false if @singleton then if has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end else if has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_optional? # next if p.is_omit? # omit でも test コードは生成する if b_comment == false then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :TOCP_comment ), "#_TOCP_#" ) b_comment = true end if @singleton then param = "" delim = "" else param = "p_that" delim = "," end if p.get_array_size != nil then param = param + delim + "subscript" end f.print( "#define #{@global_name}_is_#{p.get_name}_joined(#{param}) \\\n" ) if p.is_omit? then f.print( " omit is_#{p.get_name}_joined\n" ) next end # 関数名の出力(標準:受け口ディスクリプタから VMT の関数名、最適化:受け口関数 or 受け口ディスクリプタ) # mikan 全部つながっているかどうかで (1) を判定する if ! p.is_VMT_useless? then if p.is_dynamic? then if @singleton then inib_tmp = "CB" else inib_tmp = "" end else inib_tmp = inib end # 標準コード if p.get_array_size == nil then if @singleton then f.print( "\t (#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib_tmp}.#{p.get_name}!=0)\n" ) else f.print( "\t ((p_that)#{inib_tmp}->#{p.get_name}!=0)\n" ) end else # 配列の場合 if @singleton then f.print( "\t ((#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib_tmp}.#{p.get_name}!=0) \\\n" ) f.print( "\t &&(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib_tmp}.#{p.get_name}[subscript]!=0))\n" ) else f.print( "\t (((p_that)#{inib_tmp}->#{p.get_name}!=0)\\\n" ) f.print( "\t &&((p_that)#{inib_tmp}->#{p.get_name}[subscript]!=0))\n" ) end end else # 最適化コード (optimize) # VMT 不要(配列要素すべて同じ) p2 = p.get_real_callee_port if p2 then ct = p2.get_celltype if p.is_skelton_useless? then # 受け口関数を直接呼出す f.print( "\t (1)\n" ) else # 受け口スケルトン関数を直接呼出す f.print( "\t (1)\n" ) end else # optional で未結合 f.print( "\t (0) /* not joined */\n" ) end end } end #=== optional な呼び口が結合されているかテストするコードの生成(短縮形) def gen_ph_test_optional_call_port_abbrev f b_comment = false @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_optional? # next if p.is_omit? # omit でも test コードは生成する if b_comment == false then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :TOCPA_comment ), "#_TOCPA_#" ) b_comment = true end if @singleton then param = "" delim = "" else param = "p_cellcb" delim = "," end if p.get_array_size == nil then subscript = "" else subscript = "subscript" param = param + delim + subscript end f.print( "#define is_#{p.get_name}_joined(#{subscript})\\\n\t\t#{@global_name}_is_#{p.get_name}_joined(#{param})\n" ) } end #=== CELLCB へのポインタを得るマクロを出力 # セルタイプヘッダへ出力 def gen_ph_get_cellcb f f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :GCB_comment ), "#_GCB_#" ) if ( ! has_CB? && ! has_INIB? ) || @singleton then f.print( "#define #{@global_name}_GET_CELLCB(idx) ((void *)0)\n" ) elsif @idx_is_id_act then # mikan 単一のセルの場合の最適化, idx_is_id でない場合 f.print( "#define #{@global_name}_GET_CELLCB(idx) (#{@global_name}_CB_tab[(idx) - #{@global_name}_ID_BASE])\n" ) else f.print( "#define #{@global_name}_GET_CELLCB(idx) (idx)\n" ) end end #=== CELLCB へのポインタを得るマクロ(短縮形)を出力 # セルタイプヘッダへ出力 def gen_ph_get_cellcb_abbrev f f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :GCBA_comment ), "#_GCBA_#" ) f.print("#define GET_CELLCB(idx) #{@global_name}_GET_CELLCB(idx)\n\n") f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CCT_comment ), "#_CCT_#" ) f.print( "#define CELLCB\t#{@global_name}_CB\n\n" ) f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CTIXA_comment ), "#_CTIXA_#" ) f.print( "#define CELLIDX\t#{@global_name}_IDX\n\n" ) if @name != @global_name then f.print( "#define #{@name}_IDX #{@global_name}_IDX\n" ) end end #=== attribute, var をアクセスするマクロを出力 # セルタイプヘッダへ出力 def gen_ph_attr_access f if @n_attribute_rw > 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :AAM_comment ), "#_AAM_#" ) end @attribute.each { |a| next if a.is_omit? # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then if has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_ATTR_#{a.get_name}" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{a.get_name})\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else if ! a.is_rw? && has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_ATTR_#{a.get_name}( p_that )" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)#{inib}->#{a.get_name})\n" ) end } f.print( "\n" ) @attribute.each { |a| next if a.is_omit? if @singleton then if has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end else if ! a.is_rw? && has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end end # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_GET_#{a.get_name}()" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{a.get_name})\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_GET_#{a.get_name}(p_that)" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)#{inib}->#{a.get_name})\n" ) end if a.is_rw? then f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_SET_#{a.get_name}(val)" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{a.get_name} = (val))\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_SET_#{a.get_name}(p_that,val)" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)#{inib}->#{a.get_name}=(val))\n" ) end end } f.print( "\n" ) if @n_var > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :VAM_comment ), "#_VAM_#" ) end @var.each { |v| next if v.is_omit? if @singleton then if v.get_size_is && has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end else if v.get_size_is && has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end end # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_VAR_#{v.get_name}" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{v.get_name})\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_VAR_#{v.get_name}(p_that)" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)#{inib}->#{v.get_name})\n" ) end } f.print( "\n" ) @var.each { |v| next if v.is_omit? # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_GET_#{v.get_name}()" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB.#{v.get_name})\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_GET_#{v.get_name}(p_that)" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)->#{v.get_name})\n" ) end f.print( "#define " ) if @singleton then f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_SET_#{v.get_name}(val)" ) f.print( "\t(#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB.#{v.get_name}=(val))\n" ) # mikan ここでは cell ではなく celltype の名前 else f.printf( "%-20s", "#{@global_name}_SET_#{v.get_name}(p_that,val)" ) f.print( "\t((p_that)->#{v.get_name}=(val))\n" ) end } f.print( "\n" ) end #=== attribute/var アクセスマクロ(短縮形)コードの生成 def gen_ph_attr_access_abbrev f if @n_attribute_rw > 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :AAMA_comment ), "#_AAMA_#" ) end @attribute.each { |a| next if a.is_omit? # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) f.printf( "%-20s", "ATTR_#{a.get_name}" ) f.print( " #{@global_name}_ATTR_#{a.get_name}" ) if ! @singleton then f.print( "( p_cellcb )" ) end f.print "\n" } f.print( "\n" ) if @n_var > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :VAMA_comment ), "#_VAMA_#" ) end @var.each { |v| next if v.is_omit? # mikan const_value の場合 f.print( "#define " ) f.printf( "%-20s", "VAR_#{v.get_name}" ) f.print( " #{@global_name}_VAR_#{v.get_name}" ) if ! @singleton then f.print( "( p_cellcb )" ) end f.print( "\n" ) } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_cp_fun_macro f if @n_call_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CPM_comment ) , "#_CPM_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if p.is_omit? p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| if @singleton then if has_INIB? then inib = "INIB" else inib = "CB" end if p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size == nil then # dynamic call port (not array) inib = "CB" end else if has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end if p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size == nil then # dynamic call port (not array) inib = "" end end f.print( "#define #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) ft = fun.get_declarator.get_type delim = "" if ! @singleton then f.print( "#{delim} p_that" ) delim = "," end if p.get_array_size then f.print( "#{delim} subscript" ) delim = "," end ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| f.print( "#{delim} #{param.get_name}" ) delim = "," } f.print( " ) \\\n" ) subsc = "" subsc = "[subscript]" if p.get_array_size delim = "" # 関数名の出力(標準:受け口ディスクリプタから VMT の関数名、最適化:受け口関数 or 受け口ディスクリプタ) if ! p.is_VMT_useless? then # 標準コード if @singleton then f.print( "\t #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{p.get_name}" ) else f.print( "\t (p_that)#{inib}->#{p.get_name}" ) end f.print( "#{subsc}->VMT->#{fun.get_name}__T( \\\n" ) else # 最適化コード (optimize) # VMT 不要 p2 = p.get_real_callee_port if p2 then ct = p2.get_celltype if p.is_skelton_useless? then # 受け口関数を直接呼出す f.print( "\t #{ct.get_global_name}_#{p2.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}( \\\n" ) else # 受け口スケルトン関数を直接呼出す f.print( "\t #{ct.get_global_name}_#{p2.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}_skel( \\\n" ) # print "skelton: #{@name} #{ct.get_global_name}_#{p2.get_name}\n" end else # optional で未結合 f.print( "\t ((#{fun.get_declarator.get_type.get_type.get_type_str} (*)()" ) f.print( "#{fun.get_declarator.get_type.get_type.get_type_str_post})0)()\n" ) f.print( "\t /* optional no entry port joined */\n" ) if ! p.is_optional? then raise "unjoined but not optional celltype: #{@name} #{p.get_name}" end end end b_join = true # optional で結合していない場合 false # 受け口情報の出力(標準:受け口ディスクリプタ、最適化:IDX など) if ! p.is_skelton_useless? && ! p.is_cell_unique? then # 標準コード if @singleton then f.print( "\t #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_#{inib}.#{p.get_name}#{subsc}" ) delim = "," else f.print( "\t (p_that)#{inib}->#{p.get_name}#{subsc}" ) delim = "," end else # 最適化コード (optimize) # スケルトン不要 c2 = p.get_real_callee_cell # 唯一のセル(でない場合もある、複数セルがある場合) p2 = p.get_real_callee_port # 唯一のポート(でない場合は、ない) if p2 then ct = p2.get_celltype # 呼び先のセルタイプ if ! ct.is_singleton? then if ct.has_CB? || ct.has_INIB? then if p.is_cell_unique? then name_array = ct.get_name_array( c2 ) f.print( "\t #{name_array[7]}" ) else # CELLCB IDX を渡す (標準コードと同じだが、扱う型は異なる) # p.is_skelton_useless? == true/false ともに同じ f.print( "\t (p_that)#{inib}->#{p.get_name}#{subsc}" ) end else f.print( "\t (#{ct.get_global_name}_IDX)0" ) end delim = "," else f.print( "\t " ) end else # optional で未結合 b_join = false end end if b_join then ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| f.print( "#{delim} (#{param.get_name})" ) delim = "," } f.print( " )\n" ) end } } f.print( "\n" ) end #=== ref_desc 指定された呼び口に対するディスクリプタ参照関数の生成 def gen_ph_ref_desc_func f if @n_call_port_ref_desc >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CRD_comment ), "#_CRD_#" ) end if has_CB? && has_INIB? then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_ref_desc? if @singleton then p_that = "" p_cellcb = "" delim = "" if has_INIB? then cb = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB." else cb = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB." end else p_that = "#{@global_name}_CB *p_that" p_cellcb = " #{@global_name}_CB *p_cellcb = p_that;\n" delim = ", " cb = "p_that#{inib}->" end if p.get_array_size array = "#{delim}int_t i " array2 = "[ i ]" assert = " assert( 0 <= i && i < NCP_#{p.get_name} );\n" else array = "" array2 = "" assert = "" end f.print <0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :SDF_comment ), "#_SDF_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_dynamic? if has_CB? && has_INIB? && p.get_array_size then inib = "->_inib" else inib = "" end if @singleton then # p "main== #{@global_name} #{p.get_name} #{p.get_array_size}" p_that = "" p_that2 = "" p_cellcb = "" if p.get_array_size && $rom then cb = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB." else cb = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB." end else p_that = "#{@global_name}_CB *p_that, " p_that2 = "#{@global_name}_CB *p_that " p_cellcb = " #{@global_name}_CB *p_cellcb = p_that;\n" cb = "(p_cellcb)->#{inib}" end if p.get_array_size then array = "int_t i, " array2 = "[ i ]" array3 = " int_t i " assert2 = " assert( 0 <= i && i < NCP_#{p.get_name} );\n" else array = "" array2 = "" array3 = "" assert2 = "" end f.print <0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CPMA_comment ), "#_CPMA_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL # next if p.is_omit? 呼び出すとエラーを起こすコードを生成 p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| if p.is_VMT_useless? && ! @singleton then dummy_p_cell_access_pre = "((void)p_cellcb, " dummy_p_cell_access_post = ")" else dummy_p_cell_access_pre = "" dummy_p_cell_access_post = "" end if ! p.is_require? || p.has_name? then f.print( "#define #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) else f.print( "#define #{fun.get_name}(" ) end ft = fun.get_declarator.get_type delim = "" # if ! @singleton then # f.print( "#{delim} p_that" ) # delim = "," # end if p.get_array_size then f.print( "#{delim} subscript" ) delim = "," end ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| f.print( "#{delim} #{param.get_name}" ) delim = "," } f.print( " ) \\\n" ) if p.is_omit? then f.print( " #{dummy_p_cell_access_pre}omitted #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) else f.print( " #{dummy_p_cell_access_pre}#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) end ft = fun.get_declarator.get_type delim = "" if ! @singleton then f.print( "#{delim} p_cellcb" ) delim = "," end if p.get_array_size then f.print( "#{delim} subscript" ) delim = "," end ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| f.print( "#{delim} #{param.get_name}" ) delim = "," } f.print( " )#{dummy_p_cell_access_post}\n" ) } } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_ref_desc_macro_abbrev f if @n_call_port_ref_desc >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CRDA_comment ), "#_CRDA_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_ref_desc? if @singleton then p_cellcb = "" delim = "" else p_cellcb = "p_cellcb" delim = ", " end if p.get_array_size then array = " i " array2 = "#{delim}i" else array = "" array2 = "" end f.printf( "#define %s_refer_to_descriptor(#{array})\\\n %s_refer_to_descriptor( #{p_cellcb}#{array2} )\n", "#{p.get_name}", "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}" ) f.printf( "#define %s_ref_desc(#{array})\\\n %s_refer_to_descriptor(#{array})\n", "#{p.get_name}", "#{p.get_name}" ) } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_set_desc_macro_abbrev f if @n_call_port_dynamic >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :SDMA_comment ), "#_SDMA_#" ) end if @singleton then p_cellcb = "" delim = "" else p_cellcb = "p_cellcb" delim = ", " end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if ! p.is_dynamic? if p.get_array_size then subsc = "i, " subsc2 = "i" subsc3 = delim + subsc2 else subsc = "" subsc2 = "" subsc3 = "" end f.printf( "#define %s_set_descriptor( #{subsc}desc )\\\n %s_set_descriptor( #{p_cellcb}#{delim}#{subsc}desc )\n", "#{p.get_name}", "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}" ) f.printf( "#define %s_unjoin( #{subsc2} )\\\n %s_unjoin( #{p_cellcb}#{subsc3} )\n", "#{p.get_name}", "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}" ) } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_ep_fun_macro f if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPM_comment ), "#_EPM_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| f.printf( "#define %-16s %s\n", "#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}", "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}" ) } } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_typedef_idx f f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CTIX_comment ), "#_CTIX_#" ) if @idx_is_id_act then f.print( "typedef ID #{@global_name}_IDX;\n" ) else if has_CB? then f.print( "typedef struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB *#{@global_name}_IDX;\n" ) elsif has_INIB? then f.print( "typedef const struct tag_#{@global_name}_INIB *#{@global_name}_IDX;\n" ) else f.print( "typedef int #{@global_name}_IDX;\n" ) end end end def gen_ph_idx_type f if @idx_is_id_act then f.print( "ID" ) else if has_CB? then f.print( "struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB *" ) elsif has_INIB? then # f.print( "struct tag_#{@global_name}_INIB *" ) # const を出力していない f.print( "const struct tag_#{@global_name}_INIB *" ) else f.print( "int" ) end end end def gen_ph_ep_fun_prototype f if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPP_comment ), "#_EPP_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? f.print( "/* #{p.get_signature.get_global_name} */\n" ) p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| if p.is_inline? then f.print( "Inline " ) end functype = fun.get_declarator.get_type f.printf( "%-12s", functype.get_type_str ) f.print( " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) if @singleton then delim = "" else f.print( "#{@global_name}_IDX idx" ) delim = "," end if p.get_array_size then f.print( "#{delim} int_t subscript" ) # mikan singleton 時の ',' の始末 delim = "," end if functype.get_paramlist then items = functype.get_paramlist.get_items len = items.length else # ここで nil になるのは、引数なしの時に void がなかった場合 items = [] len = 0 end i = 0 items.each{ |param| f.print "#{delim} " delim = "," f.print( param.get_type.get_type_str ) f.print( " " ) f.print( param.get_name ) f.print( param.get_type.get_type_str_post ) i += 1 } f.print( ");\n" ) } } end def gen_ph_ep_skel_prototype f # 受け口スケルトン関数のプロトタイプ宣言を出力 if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPSP_comment ), "#_EPSP_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? # if p.is_skelton_useless? || ! p.is_VMT_useless? then # 受け口最適化 if p.is_skelton_useless? then # 受け口最適化 # f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} : omitted by entry port optimize */\n" ) next end f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} */\n" ) p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| functype = fun.get_declarator.get_type f.printf "%-14s", functype.get_type_str f.print " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}_skel(" f.print " const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES *epd" delim = "," if functype.get_paramlist then items = functype.get_paramlist.get_items len = items.length else # ここで nil になるのは、引数なしの時に void がなかった場合 items = [] len = 0 end i = 0 items.each{ |param| f.print "#{delim} " delim = "," f.print param.get_type.get_type_str f.print " " f.print param.get_name f.print param.get_type.get_type_str_post i += 1 } f.print ");\n" } } f.print( "\n" ) end def gen_ph_cell_cb_type f if ( $rom )then # 定数部は ROM, 変数部は RAM if has_INIB? then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CIP_comment ), "#_CIP_#" ) f.print( "typedef const struct tag_#{@global_name}_INIB {\n" ) gen_cell_cb_type_port( f, :INIB ) gen_cell_cb_type_attribute( f, :INIB ) f.print( "} #{@global_name}_INIB;\n" ) end if has_CB? then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CCTPA_comment ), "#_CCTPA_#" ) f.print( "typedef struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB {\n" ) if has_INIB? then f.print " #{@global_name}_INIB *_inib;\n" end gen_cell_cb_type_port( f, :CB_DYNAMIC ) gen_cell_cb_type_attribute( f, :CB ) gen_cell_cb_type_var f f.print( "} #{@global_name}_CB;\n" ) end if ! has_CB? && ! has_INIB? then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CCDP_comment ), "#_CCDP_#" ) f.print( "typedef struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB {\n" ) f.print( " int dummy;\n" ) f.print( "} #{@global_name}_CB;\n" ) end else # 全て RAM f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CCTPO_comment ), "#_CCTPO_#" ) f.print( "typedef struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB {\n" ) gen_cell_cb_type_port( f, :CB ) gen_cell_cb_type_attribute( f, :CB ) gen_cell_cb_type_var f f.print( "} #{@global_name}_CB;\n" ) end end #=== attribute の型宣言出力 #inib_cb:: :INIB または :CB def gen_cell_cb_type_attribute( f, inib_cb ) if inib_cb == :INIB && @n_attribute_ro > 0 then f.print " /* attribute(RO) #_ATO_# */ \n" elsif inib_cb == :CB then if $rom then if @n_attribute_rw > 0 then f.print " /* attribute(RW) #_ATW_# */ \n" end else if @n_attribute_rw > 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 then f.print " /* attribute #_AT_# */ \n" end end end @attribute.each{ |a| next if a.is_omit? next if inib_cb == :INIB && a.is_rw? next if has_INIB? && inib_cb == :CB && ! a.is_rw? if a.get_type.kind_of?( PtrType ) && ! a.get_type.is_const? && a.get_size_is then const_str = "const " else const_str = "" end f.print " " f.printf( "#{const_str}%-14s", a.get_type.get_type_str ) f.print " #{a.get_name}#{a.get_type.get_type_str_post};\n" } @var.each { |v| next if v.is_omit? next if v.get_size_is == nil next if $rom && inib_cb == :CB # size_is 指定されたものは INIB にのみ出力する f.print " " f.printf( "%-14s", v.get_type.get_type_str ) f.print " #{v.get_name}#{v.get_type.get_type_str_post};\n" } end def gen_cell_cb_type_var f # 変数の出力 if @n_var > 0 then f.print " /* var #_VA_# */ \n" end @var.each{ |v| next if v.is_omit? next if v.get_size_is != nil # size_is 指定された var は attribute へ出力する f.print " " f.printf( "%-14s", v.get_type.get_type_str ) f.print " #{v.get_name}#{v.get_type.get_type_str_post};\n" } end def gen_cell_cb_type_port( f, inib_cb ) gen_cell_cb_type_call_port( f, inib_cb ) gen_cell_cb_type_entry_port( f, inib_cb ) end def gen_cell_cb_type_call_port( f, inib_cb ) # 呼び口 if @n_call_port >0 then f.print " /* call port #_TCP_# */\n" end @port.each{ |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if p.is_omit? next if inib_cb == :INIB && p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size == nil && ! $ram_initializer next if inib_cb == :CB_DYNAMIC && ( ! p.is_dynamic? || p.get_array_size != nil ) # bprint "cb_type #{inib_cb} #{p.get_name} dynamic=#{p.is_dynamic?}\n" ptr = p.get_array_size ? '*' : '' if ! p.is_cell_unique? then const = p.is_dynamic? ? '' : 'const' if inib_cb == :INIB && p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size == nil && $ram_initializer then init = '_init_' const2 = 'const' else init = '' const2 = 'const' end if ! p.is_skelton_useless? then # 標準形 if inib_cb == :INIB && p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size != nil && $ram_initializer then f.print( " struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES #{ptr}#{const2}*#{p.get_name;}_init_;\n" ) end f.print( " struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES #{ptr}#{const}*#{p.get_name;}#{init};\n" ) # f.print( " struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES #{ptr}*#{p.get_name;};\n" ) if p.get_array_size == "[]" then f.print( " int_t n_#{p.get_name};\n" ) end else # 最適化 skelton 関数を呼出さない(受け口関数を直接呼出す) # 呼び先セルタイプの CB の IDX 型 if p.get_real_callee_cell then f.print( " " ) p.get_real_callee_cell.get_celltype.gen_ph_idx_type f f.print( " #{ptr}#{p.get_name;};\n" ) # 相互参照に備えて、typedef した型を使わない # f.print( " #{p.get_real_callee_cell.get_celltype.get_global_name}_IDX #{ptr}#{p.get_name;};\n" ) if p.get_array_size == "[]" then f.print( " int_t n_#{p.get_name};\n" ) end #else # optional で未結合 end end # else # 最適化 一つしかセルがない場合、受け口ディスクリプタまたは受け側の IDX は呼び口関数マクロに埋め込まれる end } end #=== Celltype#受け口配列添数を記憶する変数の定義 def gen_cell_cb_type_entry_port( f, inib_cb ) # 呼び口 if @n_entry_port >0 then f.print " /* call port #_NEP_# */ \n" end @port.each{ |p| # next if p.is_omit? # 受け口配列の個数は省略しない if p.get_port_type == :ENTRY && p.get_array_size == "[]" f.print( " int_t n_#{p.get_name};\n" ) end } end def gen_ph_extern_cell f if @singleton then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :SCP_comment ), "#_SCP_#" ) if has_CB? then f.print "extern #{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB;\n" end if has_INIB? then f.print "extern #{@global_name}_INIB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB;\n" end # @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| # f.print "extern #{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_#{c.get_name}_CB;\n" # } f.print "\n" elsif @idx_is_id_act then f.print "extern #{@global_name}_CB *#{@global_name}_CB_tab[];\n" else f.print "extern #{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_CB_tab[];\n" end end def gen_ph_INIB_as_CB f if ! has_CB? && has_INIB? then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :DCI_comment ), "#_DCI_#" ) f.print "#define #{@global_name}_CB_tab #{@global_name}_INIB_tab\n" f.print "#define #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB\n" f.print "#define #{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_INIB\n" f.print "#define tag_#{@global_name}_CB tag_#{@global_name}_INIB\n" f.print "\n" end end #=== イテレータコード (FOREACH_CELL)の生成 # singleton では出力しない def gen_ph_foreach_cell f return if @singleton if has_CB? || has_INIB? then if need_CB_initializer? necessity = "" else necessity = "//" end f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :FEC_comment ), "#_FEC_#" ) if @idx_is_id_act then amp = '' else amp = '&' end f.print < 0 && need_CB_initializer? then b_var_init = false f.print "#define INITIALIZE_CB#{arg}" @var.each { |v| init = v.get_initializer next if init == nil b_var_init = true type = v.get_type.get_original_type f.print "\\\n" # print v.get_name, type.class, "\n" # if init.instance_of? Array || type.kind_of?( StructType ) then if init.instance_of? Array then if(type.kind_of?( ArrayType ) || type.kind_of?( PtrType ))then pre = "&" post = "[0]" elsif type.kind_of? StructType then pre = "&" post = "" # elsif type.kind_of? PtrType then # pre = "" # post = "" end f.print "\tmemcpy((void*)#{pre}#{@global_name}_VAR_#{v.get_name}#{p_that}#{post}, " f.print "(void*)#{pre}#{@global_name}_#{v.get_name}_VAR_INIT#{post}, sizeof(#{@global_name}_#{v.get_name}_VAR_INIT));" elsif init.instance_of? C_EXP then f.print "\t#{that}#{v.get_name} = #{init.get_c_exp_string};" else pre = "#{get_global_name}_ATTR_" if @singleton then post = "" else post = "#{p_that}" end f.print "\t#{that}#{v.get_name} = #{init.to_str( @name_list, pre, post )};" end } # dynamic call port の初期化コード b_dyn_port = false @port.each{ |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL if p.is_dynamic? && $ram_initializer then if p.get_array_size == nil then f.print "\\\n\t#{that}#{p.get_name} = #{that}_inib->#{p.get_name}_init_;" else if @singleton || p.get_array_size != "[]" then p_that = "" else p_that = "(p_that)" end if @singleton then that = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB." else that = "(p_that)->" end if has_CB? then init = '_init->' else init = '' end f.printf( "\\\n%-80s\\\n", ' {' ) f.printf( "%-80s\\\n", ' int_t j;' ) f.printf( "%-80s\\\n", " for( j = 0; j < N_CP_#{p.get_name}#{p_that}; j++ ){" ) f.printf( "%-80s\\\n", " #{that}#{p.get_name}[j] = #{that}#{init}#{p.get_name}_init_[j];" ) f.printf( "%-80s\\\n", ' }' ) f.printf( "%-80s", ' }' ) end b_dyn_port = true end } if b_dyn_port then f.print( "\n" ) end if b_var_init == false && b_dyn_port == false && ! @singleton then f.print "\t(void)(p_that);" end f.print "\n" f.print "#define SET_CB_INIB_POINTER(i,p_that)\\\n" if has_CB? && has_INIB? then if @singleton then f.print "\t#{that}_inib = &#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB;\n\n" elsif @idx_is_id_act f.print "\t#{that}_inib = #{@global_name}_INIB_tab[(i)];\n\n" else f.print "\t#{that}_inib = &#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[(i)];\n\n" end else f.print "\t/* empty */\n" end # else # セルが一つもなければ出力しない end end def gen_ph_inline f # inline ポートが一つでもあれば、inline.h の include if @n_entry_port_inline > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :INL_comment ), "#_INL_#" ) f.print( "#include \"#{@global_name}_inline.#{$h_suffix}\"\n\n" ) end end def gen_ph_endif( f, post = "TECSGEN" ) f.print("#endif /* #{@global_name}_#{post}H */\n") end ##### celltype factory header def generate_factory_header f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_factory.#{$h_suffix}") f.print("#ifndef #{@name}_FACTORY_H\n") f.print("#define #{@name}_FACTORY_H\n") f.close end def generate_factory_header_post f = AppFile.open("#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_factory.#{$h_suffix}") plugin_obj = get_celltype_plugin if plugin_obj plugin_obj.gen_factory f end f.print("#endif /* #{@name}_FACTORY_H */\n") f.close end ##### celltype glue code def gen_cell_private_header f f.print "#include \"#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}\"\n" end def gen_cell_factory_header f f.print "#include \"#{@global_name}_factory.#{$h_suffix}\"\n\n" end def gen_cell_ep_des_type f if @n_entry_port > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EDT_comment ), "#_EDT_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? if p.is_skelton_useless? # 受け口最適化 f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} : omitted by entry port optimize */\n\n" ) next end f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} */\n" ) f.print( "struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES {\n" ) f.print( " const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VMT *vmt;\n" ) if has_CB? || has_INIB? then f.print( " #{@name}_IDX idx;\n" ) else # CB も INIB も存在しない (ので、idx として整数で初期化しておく) f.print( " int idx;\n" ) end if p.get_array_size then f.print( " int_t subscript;\n" ) end f.print( "};\n\n" ) } end def gen_cell_skel_fun f if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPSF_comment ), "#_EPSF_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? if p.is_skelton_useless? then # 受け口最適化 f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} : omitted by entry port optimize */\n" ) next end f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} */\n" ) p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| functype = fun.get_declarator.get_type f.printf "%-14s", functype.get_type_str f.print " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}_skel(" f.print " const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES *epd" delim = "," if functype.get_paramlist then items = functype.get_paramlist.get_items len = items.length else # ここで nil になるのは、引数なしの時に void がなかった場合 items = [] len = 0 end i = 0 items.each{ |param| f.print "#{delim} " delim = "," f.print param.get_type.get_type_str f.print " " f.print param.get_name f.print param.get_type.get_type_str_post i += 1 } f.print ")\n" f.print "{\n" if ( ! @singleton || p.get_array_size != nil ) then f.print " struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES *lepd\n" f.print " = (struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES *)epd;\n" end if functype.get_type_str == "void" then # mikan "void" の typedef に未対応 f.print " " else f.print " return " end f.print "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" if @singleton then delim = "" else f.print " lepd->idx" delim = "," end if p.get_array_size then f.print "#{delim} lepd->subscript" delim = "," end items.each{ |param| f.print "#{delim} " delim = "," f.print param.get_name i += 1 } f.print " );\n" f.print "}\n" } } if @n_entry_port >0 then f.print( "\n" ) end end def gen_cell_fun_table f if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPSFT_comment ), "#_EPSFT_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? if p.is_VMT_useless? then # 受け口最適化 f.print "/* #{p.get_name} : omitted by entry port optimize */\n" next end f.print "/* #{p.get_name} */\n" # f.print "static const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VMT" f.print "const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VMT" f.print " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_MT_ = {\n" p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| f.print " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}_skel,\n" } f.print "};\n" } f.print "\n" end def gen_cell_ep_vdes fs if @n_cell_gen >0 then fs.each{ |r,f| f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CPEPD_comment ), "#_CPEPD_#" ) } end # このセルタイプのすべてのセルについて @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? then # 生成対象か? f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] # 結合のリスト (NamedList) jl = c.get_join_list # 全ての結合リストについて jl.get_items.each{ |j| # 左辺の定義を得る definition = j.get_definition # 呼び口ではない? (属性) next unless definition.instance_of? Port port = find j.get_name # celltype の Port (こちらに最適化情報がある) # port = definition # definition は composite の Port が得られることがある next if port.is_cell_unique? next if port.is_omit? # 配列要素を得る(受け口配列でなければ nil が返る) am = j.get_array_member2 # 呼び口配列か? if am then i = 0 while( i < am.length ) j = am[i] if j then if am[i].get_rhs_cell.get_celltype == self then # 同じセルタイプへ結合している場合(VDES では type conflict になる) p = am[i].get_rhs_port des_type = "const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" else des_type = "struct tag_#{definition.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES" end # 右辺は受け口配列か? if j.get_rhs_subscript then # 受け口の配列添数 subscript = j.get_rhs_subscript f.printf( "extern %s %s%d;\n", des_type, "#{j.get_port_global_name(i)}_des", subscript) else f.printf( "extern %s %s;\n", des_type, "#{j.get_port_global_name(i)}_des") end #else if j == nil # optioanl で配列要素が初期化されていない end i += 1 end else dbgPrint "me=#{@name} callee=#{j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype.get_name} #{j.get_cell.get_celltype.get_name} \n" if j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype == self then # 同じセルタイプへ結合している場合(VDES では type conflict になる) p = j.get_rhs_port des_type = "const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" else des_type = "struct tag_#{definition.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES" end if j.get_rhs_subscript then # 受け口配列 subscript = j.get_rhs_subscript f.printf( "extern %s %s%d;\n", des_type, "#{j.get_port_global_name}_des", subscript) else f.printf( "extern %s %s;\n", des_type, "#{j.get_port_global_name}_des" ) end end # mikan cell の namespace 未対応、Join で Cell オブジェクトを引当ておく必要あり } f.print "\n" end } end def gen_cell_ep_vdes_array fs if @n_cell_gen >0 then fs.each{ |r, f| f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CPA_comment ), "#_CPA_#" ) } # mikan 呼び口配列が無い場合も出てしまう end @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? then f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] jl = c.get_join_list # ループを回す変数を jl から @port に変更 # dynamic, optional # jl.get_items.each{ |j| @port.each { |port| next if port.get_port_type != :CALL dbgPrint( "gen_cell_ep_vdes_array: #{c.get_name}.#{port.get_name}\n" ) # definition = j.get_definition # next unless definition.instance_of? Port j = jl.get_item( port.get_name ) # port = definition # definition は composite の Port が得られることがある # port = find j.get_name # celltype の Port (こちらに最適化情報がある) next if port.is_cell_unique? next if port.is_omit? b_array = false am = nil if j then am = j.get_array_member2 if am then b_array = true end else if port.get_array_size == "[]" then # this case is dynamic optional and nothing joined next elsif port.get_array_size then b_array = true end end if b_array then # if am then # 左辺は配列 const = ( port.is_dynamic? && ! $ram_initializer ) ? '' : 'const ' init = ( port.is_dynamic? && $ram_initializer ) ? '_init_' : '' if ! port.is_skelton_useless? then f.printf( "struct %s * #{const}%s_%s[] = {\n", "tag_#{port.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES", "#{c.get_global_name}", "#{port.get_name}" + init ) else # スケルトン関数不要最適化の場合、この配列は参照されない # mikan このケースがテストされていない f.printf( "#{const}%s_IDX %s_%s[] = {\n", # "#{j.get_celltype.get_global_name}", # 右辺 composite に対応できない "#{j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype.get_global_name}", "#{c.get_global_name}", "#{j.get_name}" ) end if port.get_array_size == "[]" then length = am.length else length = port.get_array_size end # am.each { |j| i = 0 while i < length if am == nil then f.print( " 0,\n" ) i += 1 next end j = am[i] i += 1 if j then # 同一セルタイプの結合の場合、VDES 型へのキャストが必要 if j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype == self then definition = j.get_definition des_type_cast = "(struct tag_#{definition.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES *)" else des_type_cast = "" end if j.get_rhs_subscript then # 右辺配列の場合(最適化はない) subscript = j.get_rhs_subscript f.printf( " %s%d,\n", "#{des_type_cast}&#{j.get_port_global_name}_des", subscript) # p "1: #{j.get_port_global_name}_des" # p "2: #{j.get_cell_global_name}_#{j.get_port_name}_des" else # 右辺非配列の場合 */ if ! port.is_skelton_useless? then f.printf( " %s,\n", "#{des_type_cast}&#{j.get_port_global_name}_des" ) else cell = j.get_rhs_cell name_array = cell.get_celltype.get_name_array( cell ) f.printf( " #{name_array[7]},\n" ) end end else # optional で呼び口配列要素が初期化されていない f.printf( " 0,\n" ) end # } end # mikan cell の namespace 未対応、Join で Cell オブジェクトを引当ておく必要あり f.print "};\n" # dynamic の呼び口配列 if port.is_dynamic? && $ram_initializer then f.printf( "struct %s * %s_%s[ #{length} ];\n", "tag_#{port.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES", "#{c.get_global_name}", "#{port.get_name}" ) end end } f.print "\n" end } end #=== CB を初期化するプログラムの生成 def gen_cell_cb_initialize_code f if ! need_CB_initializer? return end f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CIC_comment ), "#_CIC_#" ) f.print < 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :AVI_comment ), "#_AVI_#" ) @var.each { |v| init = v.get_initializer if init && init.instance_of?( Array ) then type = v.get_type org_type = v.get_type.get_original_type if( org_type.kind_of? PtrType )then # PtrType は ArrayType にすり替える # 初期化子の要素数だけとする(後は 0) t2 = ArrayType.new( Expression.create_integer_constant( init.length, nil ) ) t2.set_type( type.get_type ) type = t2 org_type = t2 end c = @ordered_cell_list[0] # 仮の cell (実際には使われない) name_array = get_name_array( c ) # f.print "const #{type0.get_type_str}\t#{@global_name}_#{v.get_name}_VAR_INIT#{type0.get_type_str_post} = " f.print "const #{type.get_type_str}\t#{@global_name}_#{v.get_name}_VAR_INIT#{type.get_type_str_post} = " if org_type.kind_of? StructType then # celltype の default の初期値あり str = gen_cell_cb_init( f, c, name_array, type, init, v.get_identifier, 1, true ) elsif( org_type.kind_of?( PtrType ) || org_type.kind_of?( ArrayType ) ) then str = "{ " type = org_type.get_type # mikan ポインタではなく、配列型としないと、ポインタ変数の領域の分、損する init.each { |i| str += gen_cell_cb_init( f, c, name_array, type, i, v.get_identifier, 1, true ) str += ", " } str += "}" else p type.class raise "Unknown Type" end f.print str f.print ";\n" end } f.print "\n" end end def gen_cell_cb fs if has_INIB? then if @n_cell_gen > 0 then fs.each{ |r, f| f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :INIB_comment ), "#_INIB_#" ) } end if @singleton then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "#{@global_name}_INIB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB = \n" } indent = 0 elsif ! @idx_is_id_act then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "#{@global_name}_INIB #{@global_name}_INIB_tab[] = {\n" } indent = 1 else indent = 0 end @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| next if ! c.is_generate? f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] name_array = get_name_array( c ) unless @singleton then print_indent( f, indent ) f.print "/* cell: #{name_array[2]}: #{name_array[1]} id=#{c.get_id} */\n" # name_array[2]: cell_CB_name end print_indent( f, indent ) if @idx_is_id_act then f.print "const #{@global_name}_INIB #{name_array[5]} = " end f.print "{\n" gen_cell_cb_port( c, indent, f, name_array, :INIB ) gen_cell_cb_attribute( c, indent, f, name_array, :INIB ) unless @singleton then # 1 つの cell INIB の終わり if @idx_is_id_act then f.print( "};\n\n" ) else f.print( " },\n" ) end end } if ! @idx_is_id_act then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print( "};\n\n" ) } end end # has_INIB? if has_CB? then if @n_cell_gen >0 then fs.each{ |r, f| f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CB_comment ), "#_CB_#" ) } end # RAM initializer を使用しない、または ROM 化しない if $ram_initializer == false || $rom == false then if @singleton then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB = \n" } indent = 0 elsif ! @idx_is_id_act then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_CB_tab[] = {\n" } indent = 1 else indent = 0 end @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| next if ! c.is_generate? f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] name_array = get_name_array( c ) unless @singleton then print_indent( f, indent ) f.print "/* cell: #{name_array[2]}: #{name_array[1]} id=#{c.get_id} */\n" # name_array[2]: cell_CB_name end print_indent( f, indent ) if @idx_is_id_act then f.print "#{@global_name}_CB #{name_array[2]} = " end f.print "{\n" if has_INIB? then print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.printf( "&%-39s /* _inib */\n", "#{name_array[5]}," ) end #if ! has_INIB? then if $rom == false then gen_cell_cb_port( c, indent, f, name_array, :CB_ALL ) else gen_cell_cb_port( c, indent, f, name_array, :CB_DYNAMIC ) end gen_cell_cb_attribute( c, indent, f, name_array, :CB ) gen_cell_cb_var( c, indent, f, name_array ) unless @singleton then # 1 つの cell CB の終わり if @idx_is_id_act then f.print( "};\n\n" ) else f.print( " },\n" ) end end } if ! @idx_is_id_act then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print( "};\n\n" ) } end else if @singleton then fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB;\n" } indent = 0 elsif @idx_is_id_act then @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| next if ! c.is_generate? f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] name_array = get_name_array( c ) f.print "/* cell: #{name_array[2]}: #{name_array[1]} id=#{c.get_id} */\n" f.print "#{@global_name}_CB #{name_array[2]} = {};\n" } else fs.each{ |r, f| f.print "struct tag_#{@global_name}_CB #{@global_name}_CB_tab[#{@n_cell_gen}];\n" } end end end # has_CB? end def gen_cell_cb_tab f indent = 0 if @idx_is_id_act then if has_INIB? && ( $ram_initializer || ! has_CB? ) then f.print "/* ID to INIB table #_INTAB_# */\n" @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? && ( c.get_region.get_domain_root != Region.get_root ) then # 生成対象かつ、ルート以外か name_array = get_name_array( c ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "extern #{@global_name}_INIB #{name_array[5]};\n" end } f.print "#{@global_name}_INIB *#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[] ={\n" @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? then # 生成対象か? name_array = get_name_array( c ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "&#{name_array[5]},\n" end } f.print "};\n" end if has_CB? then f.print "/* ID to CB table #_CBTAB_# */\n" @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? && ( c.get_region.get_domain_root != Region.get_root ) then # 生成対象かつ、ルート以外か name_array = get_name_array( c ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "extern #{@global_name}_CB #{name_array[2]};\n" end } f.print "#{@global_name}_CB *#{@global_name}_CB_tab[] ={\n" @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| if c.is_generate? then # 生成対象か? name_array = get_name_array( c ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "&#{name_array[2]},\n" end } f.print "};\n" end end end #=== name_array を生成 # IN: cell : Cell # index : CB, INIB 配列の添数 # RETURN: name_array # name_array[0] = @name # celltype name # name_array[1] = cell.get_name # cell name # name_array[2] = cell_CB_name # cell_CB_name # name_array[3] = cell_CB_INIT # cell_CB_INIT # CB の外側で初期化が必要な配列の名前 # name_array[4] = cell_CB_proto # CB name for prototype # name_array[5] = cell_INIB # INIB name # name_array[6] = cell_ID # ID # name_array[7] = cell_IDX # IDX # name_array[8] = cell_CBP # CB pointer # name_array[9] = @global_name # celltype global name # name_array[10] = cell.get_global_name # cell global name # name_array[11] = cell_INIB_proto #INIB name for proto type def get_name_array( cell ) if @singleton then cell_CB_name = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB" cell_CB_INIT = cell_CB_name cell_CB_proto = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB" cell_INIB_name = "#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB" cell_INIB_proto = cell_INIB_name cell_ID = 0 else if ! @idx_is_id_act then index = cell.get_id - cell.get_celltype.get_id_base cell_CB_name = "#{@global_name}_CB_tab[#{index}]" cell_CB_INIT = "#{@global_name}_#{cell.get_name}_CB" cell_CB_proto = "#{@global_name}_CB_tab[]" cell_INIB_name = "#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[#{index}]" cell_INIB_proto = "#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[]" else cell_CB_name = "#{cell.get_global_name}_CB" cell_CB_INIT = cell_CB_name cell_CB_proto = cell_CB_name cell_INIB_name = "#{cell.get_global_name}_INIB" cell_INIB_proto = cell_INIB_name end cell_ID = cell.get_id end if @idx_is_id_act then cell_IDX = cell_ID else cell_IDX = "&#{cell_CB_name}" end if has_CB? then cell_CBP = "&#{cell_CB_name}" elsif has_INIB? then cell_CBP = "&#{cell_INIB_name}" else cell_CBP = "NULL" # CB も INIB もなければ NULL に置換 end name_array = [] name_array[0] = @name # celltype name name_array[1] = cell.get_name # cell name name_array[2] = cell_CB_name # cell_CB_name name_array[3] = cell_CB_INIT # cell_CB_INIT name_array[4] = cell_CB_proto # CB name for prototype name_array[5] = cell_INIB_name # cell INIB name name_array[6] = cell_ID # cell ID name_array[7] = cell_IDX # cell IDX name_array[8] = cell_CBP # cell CBP name_array[9] = @global_name # celltype global name name_array[10] = cell.get_global_name # cell global name name_array[11] = cell_INIB_proto # INIB name for prototype return name_array end #=== attribute と size_is 指定された var (ポインタ)の初期化データを出力 # # ROM 化サポートの有無、および出力対象が CB か INIB かにより出力される内容が異なる def gen_cell_cb_attribute( cell, indent, f, name_array, cb_inib ) ct = self jl = cell.get_join_list if cb_inib == :INIB then return if @n_attribute_ro == 0 && @n_var_size_is == 0 print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* attribute(RO) */ \n" elsif $rom then # && cb_inib == CB # CB で rw と var return if @n_attribute_rw == 0 print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* attribute(RW) */ \n" else # cb_inib == CB && $rom == false # CB に全部 return if @n_attribute_rw == 0 && @n_attribute_ro == 0 && @n_var_size_is == 0 print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* attribute */ \n" end attribute = ct.get_attribute_list attribute.each{ |a| # a: Decl next if a.is_omit? if cb_inib == :INIB && a.is_rw? == true then # $rom == true でしか、ここへ来ない next elsif cb_inib == :CB && $rom && ! a.is_rw? then next end j = jl.get_item( a.get_identifier ) if j then # cell の初期値指定あり gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, a.get_type, j.get_rhs, a.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) elsif a.get_initializer then # celltype の default の初期値あり gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, a.get_type, a.get_initializer, a.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) else # 初期値未指定 gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, a.get_type, nil, a.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) end } @var.each{ |v| next if v.is_omit? next if v.get_size_is == nil # size_is 指定がある場合 attribute の一部として出力 if v.get_initializer && $ram_initializer == false then gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, v.get_type, v.get_initializer, v.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) else # 初期値未指定 または RAM initializer 使用 gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, v.get_type, nil, v.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) end } end #=== var の初期化データを出力 def gen_cell_cb_var( cell, indent, f, name_array ) jl = cell.get_join_list var = get_var_list if @n_var - @n_var_size_is > 0 then print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* var */ \n" var.each{ |v| next if v.is_omit? next if v.get_size_is # size_is 指定がある場合 attribute の一部として出力 if v.get_initializer && $ram_initializer == false then gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, v.get_type, v.get_initializer, v.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) else # 初期値未指定 または RAM initializer 使用 gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, v.get_type, nil, v.get_identifier, indent + 1 ) end } end end #inib_cb::Symbol: :INIB, :CB_ALL, :CB_DYNAMIC def gen_cell_cb_port( cell, indent, f, name_array, inib_cb = :INIB ) gen_cell_cb_call_port( cell, indent, f, name_array, inib_cb ) gen_cell_cb_entry_port( cell, indent, f, name_array ) end #=== 呼び口の初期化コードの生成 def gen_cell_cb_call_port( cell, indent, f, name_array, inib_cb ) jl = cell.get_join_list port = get_port_list if inib_cb == :INIB && ( @n_call_port - @n_call_port_omitted_in_CB - ( $ram_initializer ? 0 : (@n_call_port_dynamic-@n_call_port_array_dynamic) ) > 0 ) || inib_cb == :CB_ALL && @n_call_port > 0 || inib_cb == :CB_DYNAMIC && (@n_call_port_dynamic - @n_call_port_array_dynamic) > 0 then print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* call port (#{inib_cb}) #_CP_# */ \n" port.each{ |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL next if p.is_omit? next if p.is_cell_unique? # 最適化(単一セルで呼び口マクロに埋め込まれる) next if inib_cb == :INIB && p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size == nil && ! $ram_initializer next if inib_cb == :CB_DYNAMIC && ( ! p.is_dynamic? || p.get_array_size != nil ) j = jl.get_item( p.get_name ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) # debug if j == nil then dbgPrint "cell_cb_call_port: #{p.get_name} array size=#{p.get_array_size}\n" # optional 呼び口 # cdl_error( "H1003 internal error: cell \'$1\' port \'$2\': initializer not found\n" , cell.get_name, p.get_name ) # exit( 1 ) if p.get_array_size then if p.is_dynamic? then if inib_cb == :INIB then if $ram_initializer then f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP7_# _init_ */\n", "#{cell.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}_init_," ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) end f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP7B_# */\n", "#{cell.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}," ) elsif $rom == false then f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP8_# */\n", "#{cell.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}," ) end else f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP9_# */\n", "0," ) end if p.get_array_size == "[]" then # 添数省略の呼び口配列 print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP6_# */\n", "0,", "length of #{p.get_name} (n_#{p.get_name})" ) end else f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP5_# */\n", "0," ) end next end am = j.get_array_member2 if am then # 呼び口配列の場合 if inib_cb == :INIB && p.is_dynamic? && p.get_array_size != nil && $ram_initializer then f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP3_# _init_ */\n", "#{cell.get_global_name}_#{j.get_name}_init_," ) print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) end f.printf( "%-40s /* #_CCP3B_# */\n", "#{cell.get_global_name}_#{j.get_name}," ) if p.get_array_size == "[]" then # 添数省略の呼び口配列 print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP4_# */\n", "#{am.length},", "length of #{p.get_name} (n_#{p.get_name})" ) end else # 同一セルタイプの結合の場合、VDES 型へのキャストが必要 #print "CCP0/CCP1 #{p.get_name}, #{j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype.get_name}, #{@name}\n" if j.get_rhs_cell.get_celltype == self then definition = j.get_definition des_type_cast = "(struct tag_#{definition.get_signature.get_global_name}_VDES *)" else des_type_cast = "" end init = ( p.is_dynamic? && inib_cb == :INIB ) ? "_init_" : "" if j.get_rhs_subscript then # 受け口配列の場合 subscript = j.get_rhs_subscript f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP0_# */\n", # "&#{j.get_cell_global_name}_#{j.get_port_name}_des#{subscript},", "#{des_type_cast}&#{j.get_port_global_name}_des#{subscript},", p.get_name.to_s + init ) else # 呼び口配列でも、受け口配列でもない if ! p.is_skelton_useless? then f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP1_# */\n", "#{des_type_cast}&#{j.get_port_global_name}_des,", p.get_name.to_s + init ) else # スケルトン不要最適化(CB (INIB) へのポインタを埋め込む) c = j.get_rhs_cell # 呼び先セル ct = c.get_celltype # 呼び先セルタイプ if ct.has_INIB? || ct.has_CB? then name_array = ct.get_name_array( c ) # 呼び先セルタイプで name_array を得る f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP2_# */\n", "#{name_array[7]},", p.get_name ) else # 呼び先は CB も INIB も持たない(NULL に初期化) f.printf( "%-40s /* %s #_CCP2B_# */\n", "0,", p.get_name ) end end end end } end end #=== 受け口の初期化コードの生成 def gen_cell_cb_entry_port( cell, indent, f, name_array ) jl = cell.get_join_list port = get_port_list if @n_entry_port != 0 then print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.print "/* entry port #_EP_# */ \n" @port.each{ |p| # next if p.is_omit? # 受け口配列の個数は省略しない if p.get_port_type == :ENTRY && p.get_array_size == "[]" print_indent( f, indent + 1 ) f.printf( "%-40s /* #_EEP_# */\n", "#{cell.get_entry_port_max_subscript( p )+1}," ) end } end end #=== セルの attribute の初期値を出力 # #f_get_str:: true の場合、文字列を返す、false の場合、ファイル f に出力する. # 文字列を返すとき、末尾に ',' は含まれない. # ファイルへ出力するとき、末尾に ',' が出力される.構造体要素、配列要素の初期値を出力すると ',' が二重に出力される. # ただし現状では、ファイルへ出力することはない # def gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, type, init, identifier, indent, f_get_str = false ) cell_CB_name = name_array[2] cell_CB_INIT = name_array[3] while type.kind_of?( DefinedType ) type = type.get_type end if ( init == nil ) then if f_get_str then # 初期値未指定 if type.kind_of?( BoolType ) then str = "false" # formerly tecs_false elsif type.kind_of?( IntType ) then str = "0" elsif type.kind_of?( FloatType ) then str = "0.0" elsif type.kind_of?( EnumType ) then str = "0" elsif type.kind_of?( ArrayType ) then str = "{}" elsif type.kind_of?( StructType ) then str = "{}" elsif type.kind_of?( PtrType ) then if type.get_size then str = "#{cell_CB_INIT}_#{identifier}_INIT" else str = "0" end else raise "UnknownType" end return str else # 初期値未指定 if type.kind_of?( BoolType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "false,", identifier ) # formerly tecs_false elsif type.kind_of?( IntType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "0,", identifier ) elsif type.kind_of?( FloatType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "0.0,", identifier ) elsif type.kind_of?( EnumType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "0,", identifier ) elsif type.kind_of?( ArrayType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "{},", identifier ) elsif type.kind_of?( StructType ) then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "{},", identifier ) elsif type.kind_of?( PtrType ) then if type.get_size then f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{cell_CB_INIT}_#{identifier}_INIT,", identifier ) else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "0,", identifier ) end else raise "UnknownType" end end return end # このメソッドは Celltype のものである必要は無い(上に続くのでここに置く) # 初期値指定あり if type.kind_of?( BoolType ) then if init.instance_of?( C_EXP ) then init_str = subst_name( init.get_c_exp_string, name_array ) else init_str = init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list) end if f_get_str then return "#{init_str}" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init_str},", identifier ) end # if f_get_str then # return "#{init.eval_const2(nil)}" # else # f.print " " * indent # f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init.eval_const2(nil)},", identifier ) # end elsif type.kind_of?( IntType ) then if init.instance_of?( C_EXP ) then init_str = subst_name( init.get_c_exp_string, name_array ) else init_str = init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list) end if f_get_str then return "#{init_str}" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init_str},", identifier ) end elsif type.kind_of?( FloatType ) then # mikan C_EXP for FloatType if f_get_str then return "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)}" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)},", identifier ) end elsif type.kind_of?( EnumType ) then # mikan C_EXP for EnumType if f_get_str then return "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)}" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)},", identifier ) end elsif type.kind_of?( ArrayType ) then if type.get_subscript len = type.get_subscript.eval_const(cell.get_join_list,@name_list) else len = init.length end at = type.get_type i = 0 if f_get_str then str = "{ " else f.print " " * indent f.print( "{\n" ) end len.times { next if ! init[i] # mikan この処置は適切? if f_get_str then str += gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, at, init[i], "#{identifier}[#{i}]", indent + 1, f_get_str ) str += ', ' else gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, at, init[i], "#{identifier}[#{i}]", indent + 1, f_get_str ) end i += 1 } if f_get_str then str += "}" else f.print " " * indent f.print( "},\n" ) end elsif type.kind_of?( StructType ) then i = 0 decls = type.get_members_decl.get_items if f_get_str then str = "{ " else f.print " " * indent f.print( "{ /* #{identifier} */\n" ) end decls.each{ |d| # p "#{d.get_identifier}: #{init}" next if ! init[i] if f_get_str then str += gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, d.get_type, init[i], d.get_identifier, indent + 1, f_get_str ) str += ', ' else gen_cell_cb_init( f, cell, name_array, d.get_type, init[i], d.get_identifier, indent + 1, f_get_str ) end i += 1 } if f_get_str then str += "}" else f.print " " * indent f.print( "},\n" ) end elsif type.kind_of?( PtrType ) then if init.instance_of?( Array ) then if f_get_str then return "#{cell_CB_INIT}_#{identifier}_INIT" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{cell_CB_INIT}_#{identifier}_INIT,", identifier ) end elsif init.instance_of?( C_EXP ) then init_str = subst_name( init.get_c_exp_string, name_array ) if f_get_str then return "#{init_str}" else f.print " " * indent f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init_str},", identifier ) end else if f_get_str then return "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)}" else f.print " " * indent # p init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list).class # p init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list) # p identifier f.printf( "%-40s /* %s */\n", "#{init.eval_const2(cell.get_join_list,@name_list)},", identifier ) end end else raise "UnknownType" end end #== 関数テーブルの外部参照 def gen_cell_extern_mt fs fs.each{ |r, f| if ! r.is_root? then @port.each{ |p| next if p.is_omit? if p.get_port_type == :ENTRY && ! p.is_VMT_useless? then f.print "extern const struct tag_#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_VMT" f.print " #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_MT_;\n" end } end } end #=== 受け口ディスクリプタの定義を生成 def gen_cell_ep_des fs if @n_cell_gen >0 then fs.each{ |r, f| f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :EPD_comment ), "#_EPD_#" ) } end index = 0 @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| next if ! c.is_generate? f = fs[ c.get_region.get_domain_root ] ct = c.get_celltype jl = c.get_join_list port = ct.get_port_list if port.length != 0 then port.each{ |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? if p.is_skelton_useless? # 受け口最適化n ep_opt f.print( "/* #{p.get_name} : omitted by entry port optimize */\n" ) next end len = p.get_array_size if len == "[]" then len = c.get_entry_port_max_subscript(p) + 1 end if len != nil then # 受け口配列の場合 i = 0 while i < len f.print "extern const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" f.print " #{c.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}_des#{i};\n" f.print "const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" # f.print " #{c.get_name}_#{p.get_name}_des#{i} = {\n" f.print " #{c.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}_des#{i} = {\n" if p.is_VMT_useless? then f.print " 0,\n" else f.print " &#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_MT_,\n" end if( @idx_is_id_act )then f.print " #{c.get_id}, /* ID */\n" else if has_CB? then if @singleton then f.print " &#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB, /* CB */\n" else # f.print " &#{@global_name}_#{c.get_name}_CB,\n" f.print " &#{@global_name}_CB_tab[#{index}], /* CB */\n" end elsif has_INIB? then if @singleton then f.print " &#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB, /* INIB */\n" else f.print " &#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[#{index}], /* INIB */\n" end else f.print " 0,\n" end end f.print " #{i}\n" f.print "};\n" i += 1 end else f.print "extern const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" f.print " #{c.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}_des;\n" f.print "const struct tag_#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_DES" # f.print " #{c.get_name}_#{p.get_name}_des = {\n" f.print " #{c.get_global_name}_#{p.get_name}_des = {\n" if p.is_VMT_useless? then f.print " 0,\n" else f.print " &#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_MT_,\n" end if @idx_is_id_act then f.print " #{c.get_id}, /* ID */\n" else if has_CB? then if @singleton then f.print " &#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_CB, /* CB */\n" else f.print " &#{@global_name}_CB_tab[#{index}], /* CB */\n" # f.print " &#{@global_name}_#{c.get_name}_CB,\n" end elsif has_INIB? then if @singleton then f.print " &#{@global_name}_SINGLE_CELL_INIB, /* INIB */\n" else f.print " &#{@global_name}_INIB_tab[#{index}], /* INIB */\n" end else f.print " 0,\n" end end f.print "};\n" end } end index += 1 } end def generate_template_code return if is_all_entry_inline? return if @b_reuse && ! $generate_all_template if ! ( @plugin && @plugin.gen_ep_func? ) then return if $generate_no_template # $generate_all_template より優先される # 参考として出力するテンプレートファイルであることを示すために "_templ" を付加する fname = "#{$gen}/#{@global_name}_templ.#{$c_suffix}" else # Plugin により生成されたセルタイプについては、原則的にテンプレートではなく、 # 修正不要なセルタイプの実装コードを生成する. # このため、ファイル名に _temp を付加しない fname = "#{$gen}/#{@global_name}.#{$c_suffix}" end f = AppFile.open(fname) unless ( @plugin && @plugin.gen_ep_func? ) then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :template_note ), @name, @name ) else print_note( f, true ) end f.print TECSMsg.get( :preamble_note ) gen_template_attr_access f gen_template_cp_fun f # gen_template_types f # 0805503 追加してみたが、やっぱりやめる f.print( " *\n * #[]# */\n\n" ) f.printf TECSMsg.get( :PAC_comment ), "#_PAC_#" gen_template_private_header f if ( @plugin ) then # このメソッドの引数は plugin.rb の説明を見よ @plugin.gen_preamble( f, @singleton, @name, @global_name ) end gen_template_ep_fun f f.print TECSMsg.get( :postamble_note ) if ( @plugin ) then # このメソッドの引数は plugin.rb の説明を見よ @plugin.gen_postamble( f, @singleton, @name, @global_name ) end f.close end ##### celltype template def gen_template_private_header f f.print "#include \"#{@global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}\"\n\n" f.print < 0 || @n_attribute_ro > 0 || @n_var > 0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :CAAM_comment ), "#_CAAM_#" ) end @attribute.each { |a| next if a.is_omit? f.printf( " * %-16s %-16s %-16s\n", a.get_name, "#{a.get_type.get_type_str} #{a.get_type.get_type_str_post}", "ATTR_#{a.get_name}" ) } @var.each { |v| next if v.is_omit? f.printf( " * %-16s %-16s %-16s\n", v.get_name, "#{v.get_type.get_type_str} #{v.get_type.get_type_str_post}", "VAR_#{v.get_name}" ) } end def gen_template_types f f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :TYP_comment ), "#_TYP_#", "#{@global_name}_CB", "#{@name}_IDX" ) end def gen_template_cp_fun f if @n_call_port >0 then f.print " *\n" f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :TCPF_comment ), "#_TCPF_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :CALL # next if p.is_omit? sig_name = p.get_signature.get_global_name con_tmp = p.get_signature.get_context if con_tmp then context = " context:#{con_tmp}" else context = "" end if p.is_optional? then optional = " optional:true" if p.get_array_size is_join = " * bool_t is_#{p.get_name}_joined(int subscript) check if joined\n" else is_join = " * bool_t is_#{p.get_name}_joined() check if joined\n" end else optional = "" is_join = "" end if p.is_omit? then omit = " omit:true" else omit = "" end if p.is_allocator_port? then f.print " * allocator port for #{p.get_port_type.to_s.downcase} port:#{p.get_allocator_port.get_name} func:#{p.get_allocator_func_decl.get_name} param: #{p.get_allocator_param_decl.get_name}\n" elsif ! p.is_require? then f.print " * call port: #{p.get_name} signature: #{sig_name}#{context}#{optional}#{omit}\n#{is_join}" else f.print " * require port: signature:#{sig_name}#{context}\n" end p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| ft = fun.get_declarator.get_type f.printf( " * %-14s ", ft.get_type.get_type_str ) if ! p.is_require? || p.has_name? then f.print( "#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" ) else f.print( "#{fun.get_name}(" ) end delim = "" # if ! @singleton then # f.print( "#{delim} p_that" ) # delim = "," # end if p.get_array_size then f.print( "#{delim} subscript" ) delim = "," end ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| # p "type_str: #{param.get_type.get_type_str}" f.print( "#{delim} #{param.get_type.get_type_str}" ) f.print( " #{param.get_name}#{param.get_type.get_type_str_post}" ) delim = "," } f.print( " );\n" ) # subsc = "" # subsc = "[subscript]" if p.get_array_size # # if @singleton then # f.print( " * #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}" ) # else # f.print( " * (p_that)->#{p.get_name}" ) # end # f.print( "#{subsc}->VMT->#{fun.get_name}(" ) # f.print( " (p_that)->#{p.get_name}#{subsc}" ) # ft.get_paramlist.get_items.each{ |param| # f.print( ", (#{param.get_name})" ) # } # f.print( " )\n" ) } if p.get_array_size then f.print " * subscript: 0...(NCP_#{p.get_name}-1)\n" end if p.is_ref_desc? then subsc = p.get_array_size ? ' int_t subscript ' : '' f.print " * [ref_desc]\n" f.printf( " * %-14s %s;\n", "Descriptor( #{p.get_signature.get_global_name} )", "#{p.get_name}_refer_to_descriptor(#{subsc})" ) f.printf( " * %-14s %s;\n", "Descriptor( #{p.get_signature.get_global_name} )", "#{p.get_name}_ref_desc(#{subsc}) (same as above; abbreviated version)" ) end if p.is_dynamic? then subsc = p.get_array_size ? 'int_t subscript, ' : '' subsc2 = p.get_array_size ? ' int_t subscript' : '' if p.is_optional? then f.print " * [dynamic, optional]\n" else f.print " * [dynamic]\n" end f.printf( " * %-14s %s;\n", "void", "#{p.get_name}_set_descriptor( #{subsc}Descriptor( #{p.get_signature.get_global_name} ) desc )" ) if p.is_optional? then f.printf( " * %-14s %s;\n", "void", "#{p.get_name}_unjoin( #{subsc2} )" ) end end } end def gen_template_ep_fun( f, b_inline = false ) if @n_entry_port >0 then f.printf( TECSMsg.get( :TEPF_comment ), "#_TEPF_#" ) end @port.each { |p| next if p.get_port_type != :ENTRY next if p.is_omit? next if b_inline && ! p.is_inline? # inline ポート next if ! b_inline && p.is_inline? # 非 inline ポート inline_prefix = "" nCELLIDX = "CELLIDX" nCELLCB = "CELLCB" nVALID_IDX = "VALID_IDX" nGET_CELLCB = "GET_CELLCB" f.print <]# #{p.get_name} * entry port: #{p.get_name} * signature: #{p.get_signature.get_global_name} * context: #{p.get_signature.get_context} EOT if p.get_array_size != nil then f.print <]# */ EOT p.get_signature.get_function_head_array.each{ |fun| f.print <]# #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name} * name: #{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name} * global_name: #{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name} * oneway: #{fun.is_oneway?} * #[]# */ EOT if b_inline then f.print "Inline " end functype = fun.get_declarator.get_type f.printf "%s\n", functype.get_type_str f.print "#{inline_prefix}#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}(" if @singleton then delim = "" else f.print "#{nCELLIDX} idx" delim = ", " end if p.get_array_size then f.print "#{delim}int_t subscript" delim = ", " end if functype.get_paramlist then items = functype.get_paramlist.get_items len = items.length else # ここで nil になるのは、引数なしの時に void がなかった場合 items = [] len = 0 end i = 0 items.each{ |param| f.print "#{delim}" delim = ", " f.print param.get_type.get_type_str # p "type_str2: #{param.get_type.get_type_str}" f.print " " f.print param.get_name f.print param.get_type.get_type_str_post i += 1 } f.print ")\n" f.print "{\n" if ( @plugin && @plugin.gen_ep_func? ) then # このメソッドの引数は plugin.rb の説明を見よ @plugin.gen_ep_func_body( f, @singleton, @name, @global_name, p.get_signature.get_global_name, p.get_name, fun.get_name, "#{@global_name}_#{p.get_name}_#{fun.get_name}", functype, items ) else if ! @singleton then if functype.get_type.kind_of?( DefinedType ) && ( functype.get_type.get_type_str == "ER" || functype.get_type.get_type_str == "ER_UINT" ) then if ! fun.is_oneway? then f.print " ER\t\tercd = E_OK;\n" er_cd = "return(E_ID);" ret_cd = "return(ercd);" else er_cd = "#{TECSMsg.get(:oneway_ercd_note)}\n return(E_OK);" ret_cd = "#{TECSMsg.get(:oneway_ercd_note)}\n return(E_OK);" end else er_cd = "#{TECSMsg.get(:ercd_note)}" ret_cd = nil end f.print <]# */\n\n" ) gen_template_ep_fun( f, true ) f.print TECSMsg.get( :postamble_note ) if ( @plugin ) then # このメソッドの引数は plugin.rb の説明を見よ @plugin.gen_postamble( f, @singleton, @name, @global_name ) end f.print "\n" gen_ph_endif f, "INLINE" f.close end ##### generate tecsgen.cfg def generate_celltype_factory_code @ct_factory_list.each { |fa| if fa.get_name == :write then # 前後の " を取り除く # file_name = fa.get_file_name.sub( /^\"(.*)\"$/, "\\1" ) file_name = CDLString.remove_dquote fa.get_file_name format = CDLString.remove_dquote fa.get_format # format = fa.get_format.sub( /^\"(.*)/, "\\1" ) # 前の " を取り除く # format = format.sub( /(.*)\"\z/, "\\1" ) # 後の " を取り除く format = format.gsub( /\\\n/, "\n" ) # \\\n => \n # mikan 以下は subst_name で置換するように変更すべき file_name = file_name.gsub( /(^|[^\$])\$ct\$/, "\\1#{@name}" ) # $ct$ をセルタイプ名に置換 file_name = file_name.gsub( /(^|[^\$])\$ct_global\$/, "\\1#{@global_name}" ) # $ct$ をセルタイプ名に置換 format = format.gsub( /(^|[^\$])\$ct\$/, "\\1#{@name}" ) # $ct$ をセルタイプ名に置換 format = format.gsub( /(^|[^\$])\$ct_global\$/, "\\1#{@global_name}" ) # $ct$ をセルタイプ名に置換 format = format.gsub( /\$\$/, "\$" ) # $$ を $ に置換 if file_name[0] != ?/ then file_name = "#{$gen}/#{file_name}" end begin cfg_file = AppFile.open( file_name ) if $debug then print "'#{@name}' : celltype factory format: " puts( format ) end # format 中の \n, \r, \t, \f と \" などを置換 fmt = CDLString.escape format cfg_file.print( fmt ) cfg_file.puts( "\n" ) cfg_file.close() rescue => evar cdl_error( "H1004 \'$1\' : write error while writing factory (specify -t to get more info)" , file_name ) print_exception( evar ) end end } end def generate_cell_factory_code @ordered_cell_list.each{ |c| # cell のプロトタイプ宣言なら無視 next if ! c.is_generate? name_array = get_name_array( c ) @factory_list.each { |fa| if fa.get_name == :write then # 前後の " を取り除く # file_name = fa.get_file_name.sub( /^\"(.*)\"$/, "\\1" ) file_name = CDLString.remove_dquote fa.get_file_name file_name = subst_name( file_name, name_array ) # format = fa.get_format.sub( /^\"(.*)\"$/, "\\1" ) # 前後の "" を取り除く format = CDLString.remove_dquote fa.get_format # format = fa.get_format.sub( /^\"(.*)/, "\\1" ) # 前の " を取り除く # format = format.sub( /(.*)\"\z/, "\\1" ) # 後の " を取り除く format = format.gsub( /\\\n/, "\n" ) # \\\n => \n format = subst_name( format, name_array ) arg_list = fa.get_arg_list if file_name[0] != ?/ then file_name = "#{$gen}/#{file_name}" end na = [] # シンボルを attribute の値に置き換えた後の引数 if arg_list then arg_list.each { |a| case a[0] when :STRING_LITERAL # 文字列定数 # s = a[1].sub( /^\"(.*)\"$/, "\\1" ) # 前後の "" を取り除く s = CDLString.remove_dquote a[1] s = subst_name( s, name_array ) # s = subst_name( a[1], name_array ) na << s when :IDENTIFIER param_name = a[1] # 識別子(属性の名前) attr = self.find( param_name ) init = attr.get_initializer # celltype で指定された初期値 # cell の join のリストから名前を探す j = c.get_join_list.get_item( param_name ) if j then # param_name の cell のジョインがあるか init = j.get_rhs # cell で指定された初期値を優先 end str = gen_cell_cb_init( nil, c, name_array, attr.get_type, init, attr.get_identifier, 0, true ) # file,cell, name_array, type, init, identifier, indent, f_get_str # str = str.sub( /^\"(.*)\"$/, "\\1" ) # 前後の "" を取り除く mikan ここで置換でよい? str = CDLString.remove_dquote str na << str end } end begin cfg_file = AppFile.open( file_name ) if $debug then print "'#{c.get_name}' : factory format: " print( format ) print( " arg: " ) na.each { |n| print "'#{n}' " } print( "\n" ) end # format 中の \n, \r, \t, \f と \" などを置換 fmt = CDLString.escape format cfg_file.printf( fmt, *na ) cfg_file.puts( "\n" ) cfg_file.close() rescue => evar cdl_error( "H1005 \'$1\' : write error while writing factory (specify -t to get more info)" , file_name ) print_exception( evar ) end end } } end def generate_makefile generate_makefile_template generate_makefile_depend end def generate_makefile_template return if $generate_no_template # Makefile.templ の生成(追記) f = AppFile.open( "#{$gen}/Makefile.templ" ) f.print < 0 then headers << "#{@global_name}_inline.#{$h_suffix}" end # 呼び口または受け口のシグニチャのヘッダ @port.each { |p| next if p.is_omit? headers << "$(GEN_DIR)/#{p.get_signature.get_global_name}_tecsgen.#{$h_suffix}" } headers += get_depend_header_list headers.sort! headers.uniq! headers = headers.join " " f = AppFile.open( "#{$gen}/Makefile.depend" ) # print_Makefile_note f f.print < '#{name}'\n" end File.rename name+".tmp", name else if $verbose then print "#{name} not updated\n" end File.delete name+".tmp" end } end end class MemFile def initialize @string = "" end def print str @string += str end def get_string @string end end class Region def gen_region_str_pre f nest = 1 while nest < @family_line.length f.print " " * ( nest-1 ) f.print "region #{@family_line[ nest ].get_name}{\n" nest += 1 end return nest - 1 end def gen_region_str_post f nest = @family_line.length - 1 while nest >= 1 f.print " " * ( nest-1 ) f.print "};\n" nest -= 1 end return nest - 1 end end