/* * TECS Generator * Generator for TOPPERS Embedded Component System * * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 by TOPPERS Project *-- * 上記著作権者は,以下の(1)(4)の条件を満たす場合に限り,本ソフトウェ * ア(本ソフトウェアを改変したものを含む.以下同じ)を使用・複製・改 * 変・再配布(以下,利用と呼ぶ)することを無償で許諾する. * (1) 本ソフトウェアをソースコードの形で利用する場合には,上記の著作 * 権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定が,そのままの形でソー * スコード中に含まれていること. * (2) 本ソフトウェアを,ライブラリ形式など,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できる形で再配布する場合には,再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用 * 者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著作権表示,この利用条件および下記 * の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (3) 本ソフトウェアを,機器に組み込むなど,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できない形で再配布する場合には,次のいずれかの条件を満たすこ * と. * (a) 再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著 * 作権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (b) 再配布の形態を,別に定める方法によって,TOPPERSプロジェクトに * 報告すること. * (4) 本ソフトウェアの利用により直接的または間接的に生じるいかなる損 * 害からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを免責すること. * また,本ソフトウェアのユーザまたはエンドユーザからのいかなる理 * 由に基づく請求からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを * 免責すること. * * 本ソフトウェアは,無保証で提供されているものである.上記著作権者お * よびTOPPERSプロジェクトは,本ソフトウェアに関して,特定の使用目的 * に対する適合性も含めて,いかなる保証も行わない.また,本ソフトウェ * アの利用により直接的または間接的に生じたいかなる損害に関しても,そ * の責任を負わない. * * $Id$ */ /* #[]# * #[<...>]# から #[]# で囲まれたコメントは編集しないでください * tecsmerge によるマージに使用されます * * 属性アクセスマクロ #_CAAM_# * tmo TMO VAR_tmo * * 呼び口関数 #_TCPF_# * call port: cChannel signature: sChannel context:task * ER cChannel_send( const int8_t* buf, int16_t size, TMO tmo ); * ER cChannel_flush( TMO tmo ); * ER_UINT cChannel_receive( int8_t* buf, int16_t size, TMO tmo ); * ER cChannel_end_receive( ); * ER cChannel_reset( ); * require port: signature:sSysLog context:task * ER write( uint_t prio, const SYSLOG* p_syslog ); * ER_UINT read( SYSLOG* p_syslog ); * ER mask( uint_t logmask, uint_t lowmask ); * ER refer( T_SYSLOG_RLOG* pk_rlog ); * * #[]# */ /* * marhaler, unmarshaler が使用する STRLEN 関数を定義する * marshaler, unmarshaler は必ず TDR は に結合されるため */ #include "rpc_string.h" /* * Network Byte Order TECS Data Representation * * NBOTDR is one of sTDR implementation and is default TDR for OpaqueRPC. * NBOTDR always sends and receives data in Big Endian (Network Byte Order). * So NBOTDR is useful with distributed hybrid systems. */ /* * Macro Symbols: * 1) endian * NBOTDR_BIGENDIAN * NBOTDR_LITTLEENDIAN * if these macros are not specified, endian is automatically decided. * 2) size of each type in bits. * NBOTDR_LONG_BIT (32) * NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT (16) * NBOTDR_INT_BIT (32) * NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT (32) * default value in parenthesises * normally use default value */ /* * 無調整型だが、いくらか暫定的な実装になっている * ・ntohX(), htonX() は int64_t 型に定義されている (32bitならオーバヘッド大) * ・int128_t, uint128_t は tecs.h で typedef された型である * ・BIGENDIAN 判定は動的になっている (恐らく最適化で定数判定にされることはない) */ #if defined( NBOTDR_BIGENDIAN ) #define IS_BIGENDIAN() (1) # if defined( NBOTDR_LITTLEENDIAN ) # error "Don't specify both NBOTDR_LITTLEENDIAN and NBOTDR_BIGENDIAN" # endif #elif defined( NBOTDR_LITTLEENDIAN ) #define IS_BIGENDIAN() (0) #else /* BIGENDIAN かどうか自動判定 */ static const uint16_t endian_check = 0xff00; #define IS_BIGENDIAN() (*(uint8_t *)&endian_check) #warning "it is better to specify -D NBOTDR_BIGENDIAN or -D NBOTDR_LITTLEENDIAN" #endif #if ! defined( NBOTDR_LONG_BIT ) #define NBOTDR_LONG_BIT 32 #endif #if NBOTDR_LONG_BIT == 32 # define NTOHL( d, sz ) ntoh32( d ) # define HTONL( d, sz ) hton32( d ) typedef int32_t TDR_LONG; typedef uint32_t TDR_ULONG; #elif NBOTDR_LONG_BIT == 64 # define NTOHL( d, sz ) ntoh64( d ) # define HTONL( d, sz ) hton64( d ) typedef int64_t TDR_LONG; typedef uint64_t TDR_ULONG; #elif NBOTDR_LONG_BIT == 128 # define NTOHL( d, sz ) ntoh128( d ) # define HTONL( d, sz ) hton128( d ) typedef int128_t TDR_LONG; typedef uint128_t TDR_ULONG; #elif ! defined( NBOTDR_LONG_BIT ) # define NTOHL ntohX # define HTONL htonX # warning "it is better to specify -D NBOTDR_LONG_BIT=N N: 32, 64, 128" #else # error "NBOTDR_LONG_BIT must be 32, 64 or 128" #endif #if ! defined( NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT ) #define NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT 16 #endif #if NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT == 16 # define NTOHS( d, sz ) ntoh16( d ) # define HTONS( d, sz ) hton16( d ) typedef int16_t TDR_SHORT; typedef uint16_t TDR_USHORT; #elif NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT == 32 # define NTOHS( d, sz ) ntoh32( d ) # define HTONS( d, sz ) hton32( d ) typedef int32_t TDR_SHORT; typedef uint32_t TDR_USHORT; #elif NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT == 64 # define NTOHS( d, sz ) ntoh64( d ) # define HTONS( d, sz ) hton64( d ) typedef int64_t TDR_SHORT; typedef uint64_t TDR_USHORT; #elif ! defined( NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT ) # define NTOHS( d, sz ) ntohX( d, sz ) # define HTONS( d, sz ) htonX( d, sz ) # warning "it is better to specify -D NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT=N N: 16, 32, 64" #else # error "NBOTDR_SHORT_BIT must be 16, 32 or 64" #endif #if ! defined( NBOTDR_INT_BIT ) #define NBOTDR_INT_BIT 32 #endif #if NBOTDR_INT_BIT == 16 # define NTOHI( d, sz ) ntoh16( d ) # define HTONI( d, sz ) hton16( d ) typedef int16_t TDR_INT; typedef uint16_t TDR_UINT; #elif NBOTDR_INT_BIT == 32 # define NTOHI( d, sz ) ntoh32( d ) # define HTONI( d, sz ) hton32( d ) typedef int32_t TDR_INT; typedef uint32_t TDR_UINT; #elif NBOTDR_INT_BIT == 64 # define NTOHI( d, sz ) ntoh64( d ) # define HTONI( d, sz ) hton64( d ) typedef int64_t TDR_INT; typedef uint64_t TDR_UINT; #elif NBOTDR_INT_BIT == 128 # define NTOHI( d, sz ) ntoh128( d ) # define HTONI( d, sz ) hton128( d ) typedef int128_t TDR_INT; typedef uint128_t TDR_UINT; #elif ! defined( NBOTDR_INT_BIT ) # define NTOHI( d, sz ) ntohX( d, sz ) # define HTONI( d, sz ) htonX( d, sz ) # warning "it is better to specify -D NBOTDR_INT_BIT=N N: 16, 32, 64, 128" #else # error "NBOTDR_INT_BIT must be 16, 32, 64 or 128" #endif #if ! defined( NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT ) #define NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT 32 #endif #if NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT == 16 # define NTOHIP( d, sz ) ntoh16( d ) # define HTONIP( d, sz ) hton16( d ) typedef int16_t TDR_INTPTR; #elif NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT == 32 # define NTOHIP( d, sz ) ntoh32( d ) # define HTONIP( d, sz ) hton32( d ) typedef int32_t TDR_INTPTR; #elif NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT == 64 # define NTOHIP( d, sz ) ntoh64( d ) # define HTONIP( d, sz ) hton64( d ) typedef int64_t TDR_INTPTR; #elif NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT == 128 # define NTOHIP( d, sz ) ntoh128( d ) # define HTONIP( d, sz ) hton128( d ) typedef int128_t TDR_INTPTR; #elif ! defined( NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT ) # define NTOHIP( d, sz ) ntohX( d, sz ) # define HTONIP( d, sz ) htonX( d, sz ) # warning "it is better to specify -D NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT=N N: 16, 32, 64, 128" #else # error "NBOTDR_INTPTR_BIT must be 16, 32, 64 or 128 " #endif Inline int16_t hton16( int16_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; // big endian else{ union { int8_t by[2]; int16_t d; } d0, d1; // syslog( LOG_INFO, "### little endian ###" ); d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } Inline int32_t hton32( int32_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ union { int8_t by[4]; int32_t d; } d0, d1; d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[3]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[2]; d1.by[2] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[3] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } Inline int64_t hton64( int64_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ union { int8_t by[8]; int64_t d; } d0, d1; d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[7]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[6]; d1.by[2] = d0.by[5]; d1.by[3] = d0.by[4]; d1.by[4] = d0.by[3]; d1.by[5] = d0.by[2]; d1.by[6] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[7] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } Inline int128_t hton128( int128_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ /* この実装は tecs.h で typedef した int128_t に適合 */ int128_t d1; d1.hi = hton64( d.lo ); d1.lo = hton64( d.hi ); return d1; } } Inline int16_t ntoh16( int16_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ union { int8_t by[2]; int16_t d; } d0, d1; d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } Inline int32_t ntoh32( int32_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ union { int8_t by[4]; int32_t d; } d0, d1; d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[3]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[2]; d1.by[2] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[3] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } Inline int64_t ntoh64( int64_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ union { int8_t by[8]; int64_t d; } d0, d1; d0.d = d; d1.by[0] = d0.by[7]; d1.by[1] = d0.by[6]; d1.by[2] = d0.by[5]; d1.by[3] = d0.by[4]; d1.by[4] = d0.by[3]; d1.by[5] = d0.by[2]; d1.by[6] = d0.by[1]; d1.by[7] = d0.by[0]; return d1.d; } } /*** unsigned 用の関数 (128 bit 版のみ用意) ***/ Inline int128_t ntoh128( int128_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ /* この実装は tecs.h で typedef した int128_t に適合 */ int128_t d1; d1.hi = ntoh64( d.lo ); d1.lo = ntoh64( d.hi ); return d1; } } Inline uint128_t hton128u( uint128_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ /* この実装は tecs.h で typedef した int128_t に適合 */ uint128_t d1; d1.hi = hton64( d.lo ); d1.lo = hton64( d.hi ); return d1; } } Inline uint128_t ntoh128u( uint128_t d ) { if( IS_BIGENDIAN() ) return d; else{ /* この実装は tecs.h で typedef した int128_t に適合 */ uint128_t d1; d1.hi = ntoh64( d.lo ); d1.lo = ntoh64( d.hi ); return d1; } } /************************************************ * htonX, ntohX は 16, 32, 64 にのみ対応できる * ************************************************/ Inline int64_t htonX( int64_t d, int_t sz ) { switch( sz ){ case 2: return hton16( d ); case 4: return hton32( d ); case 8: return hton64( d ); default: return 0; // # mikan }; } Inline int64_t ntohX( int64_t d, int_t sz ) { switch( sz ){ case 2: return ntoh16( d ); case 4: return ntoh32( d ); case 8: return ntoh64( d ); default: return 0; // # mikan }; } /* 受け口関数 #_TEPF_# */ /* #[]# eTDR * entry port: eTDR * signature: sTDR * context: task * #[]# */ /* #[]# eTDR_reset * name: eTDR_reset * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_reset * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_reset(CELLIDX idx) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ syslog( LOG_INFO, "TDR: resetting channel" ); ercd = cChannel_reset(); return(ercd); } /* #[]# eTDR_sendSOP * name: eTDR_sendSOP * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_sendSOP * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_sendSOP(CELLIDX idx, bool_t b_client ) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; uint16_t sopMagic; uint8_t val; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ #ifdef RPC_DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO, "eTDR_sendSOP(b_client=%d)", b_client); #endif if( b_client ) sopMagic = TDR_SOP_MAGIC1; else sopMagic = TDR_SOP_MAGIC2; /* * SOP パケットの送信 * パケットシーケンスが多少崩れても回復できるように、バイト単位で送る * 上位バイト、下位バイトの順に送る */ val = (uint8_t)(sopMagic>>8); ercd = eTDR_putUInt8( idx, val ); /* 上位8ビット */ if( ercd != E_OK ) return ercd; val = (uint8_t)(sopMagic&0xff); /* 下位8ビット */ ercd = eTDR_putUInt8( idx, val ); return ercd; } /* #[]# eTDR_receiveSOP * name: eTDR_receiveSOP * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_receiveSOP * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_receiveSOP(CELLIDX idx, bool_t b_client ) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; uint16_t sopMagic; uint8_t val; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ #ifdef RPC_DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO, "eTDR_receiveSOP(b_client=%d)", b_client); #endif if( b_client ) sopMagic = TDR_SOP_MAGIC2; else sopMagic = TDR_SOP_MAGIC1; if( (ercd=eTDR_getUInt8( idx, &val )) != E_OK ) ; else if( val != (uint8_t)(sopMagic>>8) ){ ercd = E_MAGIC; } else if((ercd=eTDR_getUInt8( idx, &val )) != E_OK ) ; else if( val != (uint8_t)sopMagic ){ ercd = E_MAGIC; } if( ercd != E_OK ) syslog( LOG_INFO, "receiveSOP: ERCD=%d", ercd ); return ercd; } /* #[]# eTDR_sendEOP * name: eTDR_sendEOP * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_sendEOP * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_sendEOP(CELLIDX idx, bool_t b_continue ) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; uint16_t magic; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ #ifdef RPC_DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO, "eTDR_sendEOP(b_continue=%d)", b_continue); #endif if( b_continue ) magic = TDR_EOP_MAGIC1; else magic = TDR_EOP_MAGIC2; /* EOP magic の送信 */ if( (ercd = eTDR_putUInt16( idx, magic )) != E_OK ) return ercd; return cChannel_flush(VAR_tmo); } /* #[]# eTDR_receiveEOP * name: eTDR_receiveEOP * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_receiveEOP * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_receiveEOP(CELLIDX idx, bool_t b_continue) { ER ercd = E_OK, er2; CELLCB *p_cellcb; uint16_t magic; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ #ifdef RPC_DEBUG syslog(LOG_INFO, "eTDR_receiveEOP(b_continue=%d)",b_continue); #endif /* mikan cChannel EOF get_* */ /* mikan magic EOF */ if( (ercd=eTDR_getUInt16( idx, &magic )) == E_OK ){ if( (b_continue && magic == TDR_EOP_MAGIC1) || (!b_continue && magic == TDR_EOP_MAGIC2) ){ } else { ercd = E_MAGIC; } } er2 = cChannel_end_receive(); return ercd != E_OK ? ercd : er2; } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt8 * name: eTDR_putInt8 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt8 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt8(CELLIDX idx, int8_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt16 * name: eTDR_putInt16 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt16 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt16(CELLIDX idx, int16_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton16( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt32 * name: eTDR_putInt32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt32(CELLIDX idx, int32_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton32( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt64 * name: eTDR_putInt64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt64(CELLIDX idx, int64_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton64( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt128 * name: eTDR_putInt128 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt128 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt128(CELLIDX idx, int128_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton128( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt8 * name: eTDR_getInt8 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt8 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt8(CELLIDX idx, int8_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt16 * name: eTDR_getInt16 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt16 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt16(CELLIDX idx, int16_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh16( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt32 * name: eTDR_getInt32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt32(CELLIDX idx, int32_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh32( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt64 * name: eTDR_getInt64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt64(CELLIDX idx, int64_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh64( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt128 * name: eTDR_getInt128 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt128 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt128(CELLIDX idx, int128_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh128( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt8 * name: eTDR_putUInt8 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt8 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt8(CELLIDX idx, uint8_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt16 * name: eTDR_putUInt16 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt16 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt16(CELLIDX idx, uint16_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton16( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt32 * name: eTDR_putUInt32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt32(CELLIDX idx, uint32_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton32( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt64 * name: eTDR_putUInt64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt64(CELLIDX idx, uint64_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton64( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt128 * name: eTDR_putUInt128 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt128 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt128(CELLIDX idx, uint128_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ in = hton128u( in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt8 * name: eTDR_getUInt8 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt8 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt8(CELLIDX idx, uint8_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt16 * name: eTDR_getUInt16 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt16 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt16(CELLIDX idx, uint16_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh16( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt32 * name: eTDR_getUInt32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt32(CELLIDX idx, uint32_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh32( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt64 * name: eTDR_getUInt64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt64(CELLIDX idx, uint64_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh64( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt128 * name: eTDR_getUInt128 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt128 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt128(CELLIDX idx, uint128_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); *out = ntoh128u( *out ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putChar * name: eTDR_putChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putChar(CELLIDX idx, char_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getChar * name: eTDR_getChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getChar(CELLIDX idx, char_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putBool * name: eTDR_putBool * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putBool * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putBool(CELLIDX idx, bool_t in) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ eTDR_putUInt8(idx, (uint8_t)(in != 0) ); return(ercd); } /* #[]# eTDR_getBool * name: eTDR_getBool * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getBool * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getBool(CELLIDX idx, bool_t* out) { ER ercd = E_OK; CELLCB *p_cellcb; uint8_t val; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ ercd = eTDR_getUInt8(idx, &val ); if( ercd != E_OK ) return ercd; *out = (val != 0); return(ercd); } /* #[]# eTDR_putFloat32 * name: eTDR_putFloat32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putFloat32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putFloat32(CELLIDX idx, float32_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; int32_t val; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ val = hton32( *(int32_t*)&in ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&val, (int16_t)sizeof( val ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putDouble64 * name: eTDR_putDouble64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putDouble64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putDouble64(CELLIDX idx, double64_t in) { int64_t val; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ val = *(int64_t *)∈ val = hton64( val ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&val, (int16_t)sizeof( val ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getFloat32 * name: eTDR_getFloat32 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getFloat32 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getFloat32(CELLIDX idx, float32_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz = E_OK; int32_t val; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&val, (int16_t)sizeof( val ), VAR_tmo ); val = ntoh32( val ); *out = *(float32_t *)&val; return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getDouble64 * name: eTDR_getDouble64 * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getDouble64 * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getDouble64(CELLIDX idx, double64_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz = E_OK; int64_t val; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&val, (int16_t)sizeof( val ), VAR_tmo ); val = ntoh64( val ); *out = *(double64_t *)&val; return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putSChar * name: eTDR_putSChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putSChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putSChar(CELLIDX idx, signed char in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putShort * name: eTDR_putShort * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putShort * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putShort(CELLIDX idx, short_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_SHORT IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONS( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putInt * name: eTDR_putInt * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putInt * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putInt(CELLIDX idx, int_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_INT IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONI( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putLong * name: eTDR_putLong * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putLong * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putLong(CELLIDX idx, long_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_LONG IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONL( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getSChar * name: eTDR_getSChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getSChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getSChar(CELLIDX idx, signed char* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getShort * name: eTDR_getShort * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getShort * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getShort(CELLIDX idx, short* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_SHORT OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHS( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getInt * name: eTDR_getInt * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getInt * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getInt(CELLIDX idx, int_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_INT OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHI( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getLong * name: eTDR_getLong * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getLong * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getLong(CELLIDX idx, long_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_LONG OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHL( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUChar * name: eTDR_putUChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUChar(CELLIDX idx, unsigned char in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&in, (int16_t)sizeof( in ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUShort * name: eTDR_putUShort * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUShort * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUShort(CELLIDX idx, ushort_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_USHORT IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONS( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putUInt * name: eTDR_putUInt * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putUInt * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putUInt(CELLIDX idx, uint_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_UINT IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONI( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putULong * name: eTDR_putULong * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putULong * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putULong(CELLIDX idx, ulong_t in) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_ULONG IN = in; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONL( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUChar * name: eTDR_getUChar * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUChar * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUChar(CELLIDX idx, unsigned char* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)out, (int16_t)sizeof( *out ), VAR_tmo ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( *out ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUShort * name: eTDR_getUShort * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUShort * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUShort(CELLIDX idx, unsigned short* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_USHORT OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHS( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getUInt * name: eTDR_getUInt * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getUInt * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getUInt(CELLIDX idx, uint_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_UINT OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHI( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getULong * name: eTDR_getULong * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getULong * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getULong(CELLIDX idx, ulong_t* out) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_ULONG OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* end if VALID_IDX(idx) */ /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *out = NTOHL( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# eTDR_putIntptr * name: eTDR_putIntptr * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_putIntptr * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_putIntptr(CELLIDX idx, const intptr_t ptr) { CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_INTPTR IN = ptr; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ IN = HTONIP( IN, sizeof IN ); return cChannel_send( (int8_t *)&IN, (int16_t)sizeof( IN ), VAR_tmo ); } /* #[]# eTDR_getIntptr * name: eTDR_getIntptr * global_name: tNBOTDR_eTDR_getIntptr * oneway: false * #[]# */ Inline ER eTDR_getIntptr(CELLIDX idx, intptr_t* ptr) { ER_UINT er_sz; CELLCB *p_cellcb; TDR_INTPTR OUT; if (VALID_IDX(idx)) { p_cellcb = GET_CELLCB(idx); } else { return(E_ID); } /* ここに処理本体を記述します #_TEFB_# */ er_sz = cChannel_receive( (int8_t *)&OUT, (int16_t)sizeof( OUT ), VAR_tmo ); *ptr = NTOHIP( OUT, sizeof OUT ); return er_sz < 0 ? er_sz : ( er_sz == sizeof( OUT ) ? E_OK : E_BOVR ); } /* #[]# * これより下に非受け口関数を書きます * #[]#*/