#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu if [ ! -v SCRIPTS_DIR ]; then SCRIPTS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) fi if [ ! -v WORK_DIR ]; then WORK_DIR=$HOME/workdir fi SSP_DIR=$WORK_DIR/ssp SSP_PACKAGE=ssp-1.3.0.tar.gz SSP_DOWNLOAD_URL=http://www.toppers.jp/download.cgi/$SSP_PACKAGE SSP_RUBYCFG_FILES_URL=http://dev.toppers.jp/svn_user/contrib/rubycfg_ssp/trunk SSP_TARGET_NAME=qemu_virt_gcc ASP3_DIR=$WORK_DIR/asp3 ASP3_PACKAGE=asp3-3.1.0.tar.gz ASP3_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://www.toppers.jp/download.cgi/$ASP3_PACKAGE : "setup tools (compiler, emulator, etc.)" && { $SCRIPTS_DIR/setup_tools.sh . $HOME/.profile } : "Download TOPPERS/ASP3 package to get a configurator files" && { cd $WORK_DIR if [ ! -e $ASP3_DIR ]; then if [ ! -e $ASP3_PACKAGE ]; then curl $ASP3_DOWNLOAD_URL -o $ASP3_PACKAGE fi tar xvf $ASP3_PACKAGE fi } : "if ssp directory already exists, rename it and create new directory" && { cd $WORK_DIR if [ -e $SSP_DIR ]; then mv $SSP_DIR $SSP_DIR.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) fi if [ ! -e $SSP_PACKAGE ]; then curl $SSP_DOWNLOAD_URL -o $SSP_PACKAGE fi mkdir $SSP_DIR tar xvf $SSP_PACKAGE -C $SSP_DIR --strip-components 2 } : "setup source code(convert to UTF8, patch, etc.)" && { for i in `find $SSP_DIR -type f` ; do nkf --overwrite --oc=UTF-8 $i; done cp -a $ASP3_DIR/sample/Makefile $SSP_DIR/sample svn co $SSP_RUBYCFG_FILES_URL rubycfg_ssp rubycfg_ssp/install.sh $SSP_DIR $SCRIPTS_DIR/install.sh $SSP_DIR cd $SSP_DIR ln -s $ASP3_DIR/configure.rb configure.rb ln -s $ASP3_DIR/cfg cfg } : "build a kernel" && { cd $SSP_DIR if [ -e build ]; then mv build build.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) fi mkdir build cd build ../configure.rb -T $SSP_TARGET_NAME -w make } exit 0