#line 2 "testBegin.ino" /* testWriteField unit test Unit Test for the writeField function in the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino ThingSpeak ( https://www.thingspeak.com ) is a free IoT service for prototyping systems that collect, analyze, and react to their environments. This test use the ArduinoUnit 2.1.0 unit test framework. Visit https://github.com/mmurdoch/arduinounit to learn more. Copyright 2015, The MathWorks, Inc. Documentation for the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino is in the extras/documentation folder where the library was installed. See the accompaning licence.txt file for licensing information. */ #include #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_YUN #include #include "YunClient.h" YunClient client; #else // Assume that we're using a wired Ethernet shield on a Mega #include #include byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED}; EthernetClient client; #endif #include unsigned long testChannelNumber = 31461; const char * testChannelWriteAPIKey = "LD79EOAAWRVYF04Y"; test(beginCase) { assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client)); assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,IPAddress(1,2,3,4),80)); assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,"www.mathworks.com",80)); } test(badAddresses) { // Test for valid, but incorrect, URL (en.wikipedia.org) that gives a 404 response assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,"en.wikipedia.org",80)); assertEqual(ERR_BADURL, ThingSpeak.writeField(testChannelNumber, 1, (float)1.0, testChannelWriteAPIKey)); // Test for non-existant URL (http://www.iwishthiswebsitewerereal.com/) assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,"www.iwishthiswebsitewerereal.com",80)); #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_YUN // Yun gives -301 response int badURLResponse = ERR_CONNECT_FAILED; #else // Ethernet shield gives -302 response int badURLResponse = ERR_UNEXPECTED_FAIL; #endif assertEqual(badURLResponse, ThingSpeak.writeField(testChannelNumber, 1, (float)2.0, testChannelWriteAPIKey)); // Test for non-existant IP assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,IPAddress(192,168,1,234),80)); assertEqual(-301, ThingSpeak.writeField(testChannelNumber, 1, (float)2.0, testChannelWriteAPIKey)); //Test for bad suburl (badapi.thingspeak.com) assertTrue(ThingSpeak.begin(client,"invalid.thingspeak.com",80)); assertEqual(badURLResponse, ThingSpeak.writeField(testChannelNumber, 1, (float)4.0, testChannelWriteAPIKey)); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); // for the Arduino Leonardo/Micro only #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_YUN Bridge.begin(); #else Ethernet.begin(mac); #endif } void loop() { Test::run(); }