/********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* * This sketch demonstrates how configure alarm in polled mode. In this mode you hav to check continuously ALARM0 flag in the main program code. NOTE: for M0/M0 pro only you can select the oscillator source for count. If you want to use a low power oscillator use rtc.begin(TIME_H24, LOW_POWER); function. If you want to use a more accurate oscillator use rtc.begin(TIME_H24, HIGH_PRECISION); function. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ #include RTCInt rtc; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //serial communication initializing pinMode(13,OUTPUT); rtc.begin(TIME_H24); //RTC initializing with 24 hour representation mode rtc.setTime(17,0,5,0); //setting time (hour minute and second) rtc.setDate(13,8,15); //setting date rtc.enableAlarm(SEC,ALARM_POLLED,NULL); //enabling alarm in polled mode and match on second rtc.time.hour=17; rtc.time.minute=5; rtc.time.second=10; //setting second to match rtc.setAlarm(); //write second in alarm register } void loop() { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(400); if(rtc.alarmMatch()) //when match occurs led on pin 13 blinks ten times { Serial.println("Alarm match!"); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(800); } RTC->MODE2.INTFLAG.bit.ALARM0=1; //clearing alarm0 flag } }