SYSTEM std_2s180 { System_Wizard_Version = "6.10"; System_Wizard_Build = "201"; WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { device_family = "STRATIXII"; clock_freq = "50000000"; generate_hdl = "1"; generate_sdk = "0"; do_build_sim = "0"; hdl_language = "vhdl"; view_master_columns = "1"; view_master_priorities = "0"; board_class = "altera_dsp_dev_board_stratix_2s180"; name_column_width = "253"; desc_column_width = "254"; bustype_column_width = "0"; base_column_width = "75"; end_column_width = "75"; view_frame_window = "140:131:1120:787"; do_log_history = "0"; device_family_id = "STRATIXII"; CLOCKS { CLOCK clk { frequency = "50000000"; source = "External"; Is_Clock_Source = "0"; display_name = "clk"; pipeline = "0"; } } clock_column_width = "75"; hardcopy_compatible = "0"; BOARD_INFO { CONFIGURATION factory { length = ""; menu_position = "1"; offset = "0x00200000"; reference_designator = "U17"; } CONFIGURATION page0 { length = ""; menu_position = "2"; offset = "0x00900000"; reference_designator = "U17"; } JTAG_device_index = "1"; REFDES U17 { base = "0x01000000"; } altera_avalon_cfi_flash { reference_designators = "U17"; } class = "altera_dsp_dev_board_stratix_2s180"; class_version = "1.0"; device_family = "STRATIXII"; quartus_pgm_file = "system/altera_dsp_dev_board_stratix_2s180.sof"; quartus_project_file = "system/altera_dsp_dev_board_stratix_2s180.qpf"; reference_designators = "U17"; sopc_system_file = "system/altera_dsp_dev_board_stratix_2s180.ptf"; } } MODULE cpu { class = "altera_nios2"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_nios2"; HDL_INFO { PLI_Files = ""; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_test_bench.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_mult_cell.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_jtag_debug_module.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu_jtag_debug_module_wrapper.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/cpu.vhd"; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } MASTER instruction_master { PORT_WIRING { PORT i_address { direction = "output"; type = "address"; width = "28"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT i_read { direction = "output"; type = "read"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT i_readdata { direction = "input"; type = "readdata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT i_readdatavalid { direction = "input"; type = "readdatavalid"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT i_waitrequest { direction = "input"; type = "waitrequest"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Irq_Scheme = "individual_requests"; Interrupt_Range = "0-0"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "0"; Address_Group = "0"; Maximum_Burst_Size = "1"; Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = ""; Linewrap_Bursts = ""; Interleave_Bursts = ""; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER data_master { PORT_WIRING { PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT d_address { direction = "output"; type = "address"; width = "28"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_byteenable { direction = "output"; type = "byteenable"; width = "4"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_irq { direction = "input"; type = "irq"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_read { direction = "output"; type = "read"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_readdata { direction = "input"; type = "readdata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_waitrequest { direction = "input"; type = "waitrequest"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_write { direction = "output"; type = "write"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT d_writedata { direction = "output"; type = "writedata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_debugaccess_to_roms { direction = "output"; type = "debugaccess"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "1"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Irq_Scheme = "individual_requests"; Interrupt_Range = "0-31"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Maximum_Burst_Size = "1"; Burst_On_Burst_Boundaries_Only = ""; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } SLAVE jtag_debug_module { PORT_WIRING { PORT jtag_debug_module_address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "9"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_begintransfer { direction = "input"; type = "begintransfer"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_debugaccess { direction = "input"; type = "debugaccess"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_reset { direction = "input"; type = "reset"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_resetrequest { direction = "output"; type = "resetrequest"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_select { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_write { direction = "input"; type = "write"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT jtag_debug_module_byteenable { direction = "input"; type = "byteenable"; width = "4"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "1"; Register_Incoming_Signals = "1"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Address_Width = "9"; Accepts_Internal_Connections = "1"; Requires_Internal_Connections = "instruction_master,data_master"; Accepts_External_Connections = "0"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Base_Address = "0x08010000"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Is_Printable_Device = "0"; Uses_Tri_State_Data_Bus = "0"; Has_IRQ = "0"; JTAG_Hub_Base_Id = "1118278"; JTAG_Hub_Instance_Id = "1"; MASTERED_BY cpu/instruction_master { priority = "1"; } MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; Address_Group = "0"; } } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { CPU_Architecture = "nios2"; do_generate = "1"; cpu_selection = "s"; CPU_Implementation = "small"; cache_has_dcache = "0"; cache_has_icache = "1"; cache_dcache_size = "2048"; cache_icache_size = "4096"; include_debug = "0"; include_trace = "0"; include_oci = "1"; debug_level = "2"; oci_offchip_trace = "0"; oci_onchip_trace = "0"; oci_data_trace = "0"; oci_trace_addr_width = "7"; oci_num_xbrk = "0"; oci_num_dbrk = "0"; oci_dbrk_trace = "0"; oci_dbrk_pairs = "0"; oci_num_pm = "0"; oci_pm_width = "40"; oci_debugreq_signals = "0"; oci_instance_number = "1"; hardware_multiply_present = "1"; hardware_divide_present = "0"; bht_ptr_sz = "8"; reset_slave = "ext_flash/s1"; reset_offset = "0x00000000"; exc_slave = "sdram/s1"; exc_offset = "0x00000020"; break_slave = "cpu/jtag_debug_module"; break_offset = "0x00000020"; altera_internal_test = "0"; full_waveform_signals = "0"; activate_model_checker = "0"; activate_monitors_and_trace = "0"; bit_31_bypass_dcache = "1"; always_bypass_dcache = "0"; always_encrypt = "1"; consistent_synthesis = "0"; ibuf_ptr_sz = "4"; jtb_ptr_sz = "5"; performance_counters_present = "0"; performance_counters_width = "32"; ras_ptr_sz = "4"; inst_decode_in_submodule = "0"; register_dependency_in_submodule = "0"; source_operands_in_submodule = "0"; alu_in_submodule = "0"; stdata_in_submodule = "0"; shift_rot_2N_in_submodule = "0"; control_regs_in_submodule = "0"; mult_cell_in_submodule = "0"; M_inst_result_mux_in_submodule = "0"; dcache_load_aligner_in_submodule = "0"; hardware_divide_in_submodule = "0"; mult_result_mux_in_submodule = "0"; shift_rotate_in_submodule = "0"; register_file_write_data_mux_in_submodule = "0"; avalon_imaster_in_submodule = "0"; avalon_dmaster_in_submodule = "0"; avalon_load_aligner_in_submodule = "0"; hbreak_test = "0"; iss_trace_on = "0"; iss_trace_warning = "1"; iss_trace_info = "1"; iss_trace_disassembly = "0"; iss_trace_registers = "0"; iss_trace_instr_count = "0"; iss_software_debug = "0"; iss_software_debug_port = "9996"; iss_memory_dump_start = ""; iss_memory_dump_end = ""; Boot_Copier = "boot_loader_cfi.srec"; Boot_Copier_EPCS = "boot_loader_epcs.srec"; CONSTANTS { CONSTANT __nios_catch_irqs__ { value = "1"; comment = "Include panic handler for all irqs (needs uart)"; } CONSTANT __nios_use_constructors__ { value = "1"; comment = "Call c++ static constructors"; } CONSTANT __nios_use_small_printf__ { value = "1"; comment = "Smaller non-ANSI printf, with no floating point"; } CONSTANT nasys_has_icache { value = "1"; comment = "True if instruction cache present"; } CONSTANT nasys_icache_size { value = "4096"; comment = "Size in bytes of instruction cache"; } CONSTANT nasys_icache_line_size { value = "32"; comment = "Size in bytes of each icache line"; } CONSTANT nasys_icache_line_size_log2 { value = "5"; comment = "Log2 size in bytes of each icache line"; } CONSTANT nasys_has_dcache { value = "0"; comment = "True if instruction cache present"; } CONSTANT nasys_dcache_size { value = "2048"; comment = "Size in bytes of data cache"; } CONSTANT nasys_dcache_line_size { value = "4"; comment = "Size in bytes of each dcache line"; } CONSTANT nasys_dcache_line_size_log2 { value = "2"; comment = "Log2 size in bytes of each dcache line"; } } mainmem_slave = "sdram/s1"; datamem_slave = "sdram/s1"; maincomm_slave = "uart1/s1"; debugcomm_slave = "uart1/s1"; germs_monitor_id = ""; asp_debug = "0"; asp_core_debug = "0"; legacy_sdk_support = "0"; hdl_sim_caches_cleared = "1"; allow_full_address_range = "0"; break_slave_override = ""; break_offset_override = "0x20"; remove_hardware_multiplier = "0"; activate_trace = "1"; activate_monitors = "1"; activate_test_end_checker = "0"; clear_x_bits_ld_non_bypass = "1"; oci_trigger_arming = "1"; illegal_instructions_trap = "0"; include_third_party_debug_port = "0"; hardware_multiply_uses_les = "0"; hardware_multiply_omits_msw = "0"; hardware_multiply_implementation = "0"; hardware_multiply_implementation_dsp_blocks = "0"; hardware_multiply_implementation_embedded_mults = "1"; hardware_multiply_implementation_les = "2"; altera_show_unreleased_features = "0"; cache_omit_dcache = "0"; cache_omit_icache = "0"; omit_instruction_master = "0"; omit_data_master = "0"; num_data_channel_masters = "0"; num_instruction_channel_masters = "0"; gui_branch_prediction_type = "Automatic"; branch_prediction_type = "Static"; bht_index_pc_only = "0"; cpuid_sz = "1"; cpuid_value = "0"; gui_hardware_multiply_setting = "dsp_mul_dsp_shift"; hardware_multiply_impl = "dsp_mul"; num_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "0"; num_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "0"; shift_rot_impl = "dsp_shift"; gui_include_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "0"; gui_num_tightly_coupled_instruction_masters = "1"; gui_omit_avalon_data_master = "0"; gui_include_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "0"; gui_num_tightly_coupled_data_masters = "1"; cache_dcache_line_size = "4"; cache_icache_line_size = "32"; cache_dcache_bursts = "0"; cache_icache_burst_type = "none"; cache_dcache_ram_block_type = "AUTO"; cache_icache_ram_block_type = "AUTO"; oci_embedded_pll = "1"; gui_hardware_divide_setting = "0"; mmu_present = "0"; process_id_num_bits = "10"; dtlb_ptr_sz = "7"; dtlb_num_ways = "4"; udtlb_num_entries = "6"; itlb_ptr_sz = "7"; itlb_num_ways = "4"; uitlb_num_entries = "4"; fast_tlb_miss_exc_slave = ""; fast_tlb_miss_exc_offset = "0x0"; license_status = "encrypted"; cpu_reset = "0"; export_pcb = "0"; big_endian = "0"; altera_show_unpublished_features = "0"; alt_log_port_base = ""; alt_log_port_type = ""; gui_illegal_instructions_trap = "0"; gui_illegal_memory_access_detection = "0"; illegal_memory_access_detection = "0"; gui_mmu_present = "0"; debug_simgen = "0"; allow_legacy_sdk = "0"; Boot_Copier_EPCS_Stratix_II = "boot_loader_epcs_stratix_ii.srec"; Boot_Copier_BE = "boot_loader_cfi_be.srec"; Boot_Copier_EPCS_BE = "boot_loader_epcs_be.srec"; Boot_Copier_EPCS_Stratix_II_BE = "boot_loader_epcs_stratix_ii_be.srec"; dont_overwrite_cpuid = "0"; } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Parameters_Signature = ""; Is_CPU = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Default_Module_Name = "cpu"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "0"; Settings_Summary = "Nios II/s
  4-Kbyte Instruction Cache
  JTAG Debug Module "; } Required_Device_Family = "STRATIX,STRATIXGX,STRATIXII,STRATIXIIGX,STRATIXIII,CYCLONE,CYCLONEII"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } SOFTWARE_COMPONENT altera_hal { class = "altera_hal"; class_version = "1.0"; WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SOFTWARE_COMPONENT altera_nios2_test { class = "altera_nios2_test"; class_version = "2.0"; WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { CONSTANTS { CONSTANT debug_on { value = "0"; comment = "Enable debug features"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Is_Enabled = "0"; } } SOFTWARE_COMPONENT altera_plugs_library { class = "altera_plugs_library"; class_version = "2.1"; WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { CONSTANTS { CONSTANT PLUGS_PLUG_COUNT { value = "5"; comment = "Maximum number of plugs"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_ADAPTER_COUNT { value = "2"; comment = "Maximum number of adapters"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_DNS { value = "1"; comment = "Have routines for DNS lookups"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_PING { value = "1"; comment = "Respond to icmp echo (ping) messages"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_TCP { value = "1"; comment = "Support tcp in/out connections"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_IRQ { value = "1"; comment = "Run at interrupte level"; } CONSTANT PLUGS_DEBUG { value = "1"; comment = "Support debug routines"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Is_Enabled = "1"; } } PORT_WIRING { PORT jtag_debug_trigout { width = "1"; direction = "output"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT jtag_debug_offchip_trace_clk { width = "1"; direction = "output"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT jtag_debug_offchip_trace_data { width = "18"; direction = "output"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT clkx2 { width = "1"; direction = "input"; Is_Enabled = "0"; visible = "0"; } } SIMULATION { DISPLAY { SIGNAL aaa { format = "Logic"; name = "i_readdata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aab { format = "Logic"; name = "i_readdatavalid"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aac { format = "Logic"; name = "i_waitrequest"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aad { format = "Logic"; name = "i_address"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aae { format = "Logic"; name = "i_read"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aaf { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_dataa"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aag { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_datab"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aah { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_ipending"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aai { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_status"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aaj { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_estatus"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aak { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aal { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_a"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aam { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_b"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aan { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_c"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aao { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_readra"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aap { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_readrb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aaq { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_writerc"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aar { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_result"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aas { format = "Logic"; name = "clk"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aat { format = "Logic"; name = "reset_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aau { format = "Logic"; name = "d_readdata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aav { format = "Logic"; name = "d_waitrequest"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aaw { format = "Logic"; name = "d_irq"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aax { format = "Logic"; name = "d_address"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aay { format = "Logic"; name = "d_byteenable"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aaz { format = "Logic"; name = "d_read"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aba { format = "Logic"; name = "d_write"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abb { format = "Logic"; name = "d_writedata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abc { format = "Divider"; name = "base pipeline"; radix = ""; } SIGNAL abd { format = "Logic"; name = "clk"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abe { format = "Logic"; name = "reset_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abf { format = "Logic"; name = "M_stall"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abg { format = "Logic"; name = "F_pcb_nxt"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abh { format = "Logic"; name = "F_pcb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abi { format = "Logic"; name = "D_pcb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abj { format = "Logic"; name = "E_pcb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abk { format = "Logic"; name = "M_pcb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abl { format = "Logic"; name = "W_pcb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abm { format = "Logic"; name = "F_vinst"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL abn { format = "Logic"; name = "D_vinst"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL abo { format = "Logic"; name = "E_vinst"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL abp { format = "Logic"; name = "M_vinst"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL abq { format = "Logic"; name = "W_vinst"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL abr { format = "Logic"; name = "F_inst_ram_hit"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abs { format = "Logic"; name = "F_issue"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abt { format = "Logic"; name = "F_kill"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abu { format = "Logic"; name = "D_kill"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abv { format = "Logic"; name = "D_refetch"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abw { format = "Logic"; name = "D_issue"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abx { format = "Logic"; name = "D_valid"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aby { format = "Logic"; name = "E_valid"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL abz { format = "Logic"; name = "M_valid"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aca { format = "Logic"; name = "W_valid"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acb { format = "Logic"; name = "W_wr_dst_reg"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acc { format = "Logic"; name = "W_dst_regnum"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acd { format = "Logic"; name = "W_wr_data"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL ace { format = "Logic"; name = "F_en"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acf { format = "Logic"; name = "D_en"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acg { format = "Logic"; name = "E_en"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL ach { format = "Logic"; name = "M_en"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aci { format = "Logic"; name = "F_iw"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acj { format = "Logic"; name = "D_iw"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL ack { format = "Logic"; name = "E_iw"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acl { format = "Logic"; name = "E_valid_prior_to_hbreak"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acm { format = "Logic"; name = "M_pipe_flush_nxt"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acn { format = "Logic"; name = "M_pipe_flush_baddr_nxt"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL aco { format = "Logic"; name = "M_status_reg_pie"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acp { format = "Logic"; name = "M_ienable_reg"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acq { format = "Logic"; name = "intr_req"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acr { format = "Divider"; name = "combinatorial_custom_instruction"; radix = ""; } SIGNAL acs { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ctrl_custom_combo"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL act { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_dataa"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acu { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_datab"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acv { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_ipending"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acw { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_status"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acx { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_estatus"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acy { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL acz { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_readra"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL ada { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_readrb"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL adb { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_writerc"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL adc { format = "Logic"; name = "E_ci_combo_result"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } } } MASTER custom_instruction_master { PORT_WIRING { PORT E_ci_combo_a { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_a"; width = "5"; } PORT E_ci_combo_b { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_b"; width = "5"; } PORT E_ci_combo_c { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_c"; width = "5"; } PORT E_ci_combo_dataa { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_dataa"; width = "32"; } PORT E_ci_combo_datab { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_datab"; width = "32"; } PORT E_ci_combo_estatus { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_estatus"; width = "1"; } PORT E_ci_combo_ipending { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_ipending"; width = "32"; } PORT E_ci_combo_n { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_n"; width = "8"; } PORT E_ci_combo_readra { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_readra"; width = "1"; } PORT E_ci_combo_readrb { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_readrb"; width = "1"; } PORT E_ci_combo_result { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "combo_result"; width = "32"; } PORT E_ci_combo_status { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_status"; width = "1"; } PORT E_ci_combo_writerc { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "combo_writerc"; width = "1"; } PORT clk { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; } PORT reset_n { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "nios_custom_instruction"; Data_Width = "32"; Address_Width = "8"; Max_Address_Width = "8"; Base_Address = "N/A"; Is_Visible = "0"; Is_Custom_Instruction = "0"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } MASTER data_master2 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "1"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER data_channel_master_0 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; } } MASTER data_channel_master_1 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; } } MASTER data_channel_master_2 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; } } MASTER data_channel_master_3 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; } } MASTER instruction_channel_master_0 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_0 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_1 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_2 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_data_master_3 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Data_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_0 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_1 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "0"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_2 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "0"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } MASTER tightly_coupled_instruction_master_3 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Register_Incoming_Signals = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon"; Data_Width = "32"; Max_Address_Width = "31"; Address_Width = "8"; Address_Group = "0"; Is_Instruction_Master = "1"; Is_Readable = "1"; Is_Writeable = "0"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Connection_Limit = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Big_Endian = "0"; } } } MODULE button_pio { class = "altera_avalon_pio"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/button_pio.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT in_port { direction = "input"; width = "4"; test_bench_value = "15"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT out_port { direction = "output"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } PORT bidir_port { direction = "inout"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT irq { direction = "output"; type = "irq"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "4"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "4"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Address_Width = "2"; Data_Width = "4"; Base_Address = "0x08010830"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "5"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = " 4-bit PIO using
input pins with edge type ANY and interrupt source EDGE "; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { has_tri = "0"; has_out = "0"; has_in = "1"; capture = "1"; edge_type = "ANY"; irq_type = "EDGE"; Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "1"; Driven_Sim_Value = "0x000F"; } } MODULE ext_flash { class = "altera_avalon_cfi_flash"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_flash"; HDL_INFO { } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT data { width = "8"; is_shared = "1"; direction = "inout"; type = "data"; } PORT address { width = "24"; is_shared = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "address"; } PORT read_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "read_n"; } PORT write_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; } PORT select_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "chipselect_n"; } } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { class = "altera_avalon_cfi_flash"; flash_reference_designator = "U17"; Supports_Flash_File_System = "1"; } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Base_Address = "0x00000000"; Data_Width = "8"; Address_Width = "24"; Write_Wait_States = "160ns"; Read_Wait_States = "160ns"; Setup_Time = "45ns"; Hold_Time = "35ns"; Is_Base_Locked = "1"; Simulation_Num_Lanes = "1"; Is_Nonvolatile_Storage = "1"; Address_Span = "16777216"; IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Convert_Xs_To_0 = "1"; MASTERED_BY ext_flash_bus/tristate_master { priority = "1"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Make_Memory_Model = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { Setup_Value = "45"; Wait_Value = "160"; Hold_Value = "35"; Timing_Units = "ns"; Unit_Multiplier = "1"; Size = "16777216"; MAKE { TARGET flashfiles { ext_flash { Command1 = "@echo Post-processing to create $(notdir $@)"; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(EXT_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)ext_flash.flash"; Command2 = "elf2flash --input=$(ELF) --flash=U17 --boot=$(DBL_QUOTE)$(shell $(DBL_QUOTE)$(QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)/sopc_builder/bin/find_sopc_component_dir$(DBL_QUOTE) $(CPU_CLASS) $(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR))/$(BOOT_COPIER)$(DBL_QUOTE) --outfile=$(EXT_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX)ext_flash.flash --sim_optimize=$(ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE) --base=0x0 --end=0xFFFFFF --reset=$(CPU_RESET_ADDRESS) "; } } MACRO { EXT_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_ALT_SIM_PREFIX = "$(EXT_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_TMP1:0=)"; EXT_FLASH_FLASHTARGET_TMP1 = "$(ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE:1=RUN_ON_HDL_SIMULATOR_ONLY_)"; } MASTER cpu { MACRO { BOOT_COPIER = "boot_loader_cfi.srec"; CPU_CLASS = "altera_nios2"; CPU_RESET_ADDRESS = "0x0"; } } TARGET delete_placeholder_warning { ext_flash { Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt"; Is_Phony = "1"; Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning"; } } TARGET sim { ext_flash { Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi"; Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)"; Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; } } } contents_info = ""; } } MODULE ext_flash_bus { class = "altera_avalon_tri_state_bridge"; class_version = "6.05"; SLAVE avalon_slave { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Bridges_To = "tristate_master"; Base_Address = "N/A"; Has_IRQ = "0"; IRQ = "N/A"; Register_Outgoing_Signals = "1"; Register_Incoming_Signals = "1"; MASTERED_BY cpu/instruction_master { priority = "1"; } MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } MASTER tristate_master { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate"; Bridges_To = "avalon_slave"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Is_Bridge = "1"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "0"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { } } MODULE ext_ram { class = "altera_nios_dev_kit_stratix_edition_sram2"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_memory"; HDL_INFO { } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { sram_memory_size = "1024"; sram_memory_units = "1024"; sram_data_width = "32"; MAKE { TARGET delete_placeholder_warning { ext_ram { Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt"; Is_Phony = "1"; Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning"; } } TARGET sim { ext_ram { Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi"; Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)"; Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; } } } contents_info = ""; } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT data { width = "32"; is_shared = "1"; direction = "inout"; type = "data"; } PORT address { width = "18"; is_shared = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "address"; } PORT read_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "read_n"; } PORT write_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; } PORT be_n { width = "4"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "byteenable_n"; } PORT select_n { width = "1"; is_shared = "0"; direction = "input"; type = "chipselect_n"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Data_Width = "32"; Address_Width = "18"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Read_Wait_States = "0ns"; Write_Wait_States = "0ns"; Hold_Time = "half"; Base_Address = "0x09000000"; Address_Span = "1048576"; MASTERED_BY ext_ram_bus/tristate_master { priority = "1"; } Setup_Time = "0"; IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Is_Base_Locked = "0"; Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0"; Make_Memory_Model = "1"; Default_Module_Name = "sram"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } } MODULE ext_ram_bus { class = "altera_avalon_tri_state_bridge"; class_version = "6.05"; SLAVE avalon_slave { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Bridges_To = "tristate_master"; Base_Address = "N/A"; Has_IRQ = "0"; IRQ = "N/A"; Register_Outgoing_Signals = "1"; Register_Incoming_Signals = "1"; MASTERED_BY cpu/instruction_master { priority = "1"; } MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; MASTERED_BY vga_16_bit/image_dma_master { priority = "1"; } } } MASTER tristate_master { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate"; Bridges_To = "avalon_slave"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Is_Bridge = "1"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "0"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { } } MODULE high_res_timer { class = "altera_avalon_timer"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_timer"; SLAVE s1 { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Printable_Device = "0"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Address_Width = "3"; Data_Width = "16"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; Base_Address = "0x08010860"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "4"; } Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "3"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT irq { direction = "output"; type = "irq"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = "Timer with 1 ms timeout period."; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { always_run = "0"; fixed_period = "0"; snapshot = "1"; period = "1"; period_units = "ms"; reset_output = "0"; timeout_pulse_output = "0"; mult = "0.001"; } HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/high_res_timer.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { } } MODULE jtag_uart { class = "altera_avalon_jtag_uart"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_jtag_uart"; SLAVE avalon_jtag_slave { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Printable_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Address_Width = "1"; Data_Width = "32"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Read_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled"; Write_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled"; JTAG_Hub_Base_Id = "0x04006E"; JTAG_Hub_Instance_Id = "1"; Base_Address = "0x08010820"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "2"; } Connection_Limit = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT clk { type = "clk"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT rst_n { type = "reset_n"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_chipselect { type = "chipselect"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_address { type = "address"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_read_n { type = "read_n"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_readdata { type = "readdata"; direction = "output"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_write_n { type = "write_n"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_writedata { type = "writedata"; direction = "input"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_waitrequest { type = "waitrequest"; direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT av_irq { type = "irq"; direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT dataavailable { direction = "output"; type = "dataavailable"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readyfordata { direction = "output"; type = "readyfordata"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Iss_Launch_Telnet = "0"; View { Settings_Summary = "
Write Depth: 64; Write IRQ Threshold: 8
Read Depth: 64; Read IRQ Threshold: 8"; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { write_depth = "64"; read_depth = "64"; write_threshold = "8"; read_threshold = "8"; read_char_stream = ""; showascii = "1"; read_le = "0"; write_le = "0"; altera_show_unreleased_jtag_uart_features = "0"; } SIMULATION { Fix_Me_Up = ""; DISPLAY { SIGNAL av_chipselect { name = "av_chipselect"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_address { name = "av_address"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_read_n { name = "av_read_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_readdata { name = "av_readdata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_write_n { name = "av_write_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_writedata { name = "av_writedata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_waitrequest { name = "av_waitrequest"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL av_irq { name = "av_irq"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL dataavailable { name = "dataavailable"; } SIGNAL readyfordata { name = "readyfordata"; } } INTERACTIVE_IN drive { enable = "0"; file = "_input_data_stream.dat"; mutex = "_input_data_mutex.dat"; log = "_in.log"; rate = "100"; signals = "temp,list"; exe = "nios2-terminal"; } INTERACTIVE_OUT log { enable = "1"; exe = "perl --"; file = "_output_stream.dat"; radix = "ascii"; signals = "temp,list"; } } HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/jtag_uart.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { } } MODULE lan91c111 { class = "altera_avalon_lan91c111"; class_version = "6.05"; WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { CONSTANTS { CONSTANT LAN91C111_REGISTERS_OFFSET { value = "0x0300"; comment = "offset 0 or 0x300, depending on address bus wiring"; } CONSTANT LAN91C111_DATA_BUS_WIDTH { value = "32"; comment = "width 16 or 32, depending on data bus wiring"; } } Is_Ethernet_Mac = "1"; } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0"; Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } SLAVE s1 { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "0"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Is_Bus_Master = "0"; Bus_Type = "avalon_tristate"; Uses_Tri_State_Data_Bus = "1"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Address_Width = "14"; Data_Width = "32"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Read_Wait_States = "20ns"; Write_Wait_States = "20ns"; Setup_Time = "20ns"; Hold_Time = "20ns"; Is_Memory_Device = "0"; Date_Modified = "2002.03.19.10:51:51"; Base_Address = "0x08000000"; Tri_State_Data_Bus = "--unknown--"; MASTERED_BY ext_ram_bus/tristate_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "0"; } Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT irq { direction = "output"; width = "1"; type = "irq"; test_bench_value = "0"; } PORT byteenablen { is_shared = "1"; direction = "input"; width = "4"; type = "byteenable_n"; } PORT address { is_shared = "1"; direction = "input"; width = "14"; type = "address"; } PORT data { is_shared = "1"; direction = "inout"; width = "32"; type = "data"; } PORT iow_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; type = "write_n"; } PORT ior_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; type = "read_n"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; type = "reset_n"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT reset { direction = "input"; width = "1"; type = "reset"; } PORT ardy { direction = "output"; width = "1"; type = "inhibitrequest_n"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } } } } MODULE lcd_display { class = "altera_avalon_lcd_16207"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/lcd_display.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT LCD_E { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT LCD_RS { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT LCD_RW { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT LCD_data { direction = "inout"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SLAVE control_slave { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT begintransfer { direction = "input"; type = "begintransfer"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT irq { direction = "output"; type = "irq"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT read { direction = "input"; type = "read"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write { direction = "input"; type = "write"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Is_Printable_Device = "1"; Address_Width = "2"; Data_Width = "8"; Base_Address = "0x080108B0"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "250ns"; Write_Wait_States = "250ns"; Setup_Time = "250ns"; Hold_Time = "250ns"; Read_Latency = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; View { Is_Collapsed = "1"; MESSAGES { } } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { } } MODULE led_pio { class = "altera_avalon_pio"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/led_pio.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT out_port { direction = "output"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT in_port { direction = "input"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } PORT bidir_port { direction = "inout"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Address_Width = "2"; Data_Width = "8"; Base_Address = "0x08010880"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = " 8-bit PIO using
output pins"; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { has_tri = "0"; has_out = "1"; has_in = "0"; capture = "0"; edge_type = "NONE"; irq_type = "NONE"; Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0"; Driven_Sim_Value = "0x0000"; } } MODULE onchip_ram_64_kbytes { class = "altera_avalon_onchip_memory2"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_memory"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/onchip_ram_64_kbytes.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { allow_mram_sim_contents_only_file = "0"; ram_block_type = "M4K"; gui_ram_block_type = "M4K"; Writeable = "1"; dual_port = "0"; Size_Value = "64"; Size_Multiple = "1024"; contents_info = "QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR/onchip_ram_64_kbytes.hex 1194955072 "; MAKE { TARGET delete_placeholder_warning { onchip_ram_64_kbytes { Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt"; Is_Phony = "1"; Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning"; } } TARGET hex { onchip_ram_64_kbytes { Command1 = "@echo Post-processing to create $(notdir $@)"; Command2 = "elf2hex $(ELF) 0x02100000 0x210FFFF --width=32 $(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR)/onchip_ram_64_kbytes.hex --create-lanes=0 "; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(QUARTUS_PROJECT_DIR)/onchip_ram_64_kbytes.hex"; } } TARGET sim { onchip_ram_64_kbytes { Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi"; Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)"; Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; } } } init_contents_file = "onchip_ram_64_kbytes"; non_default_init_file_enabled = "0"; } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Prohibited_Device_Family = "MERCURY, APEX20K, APEX20KE, APEX20KC, APEXII, ACEX1K, FLEX10KE, EXCALIBUR_ARM, MAXII"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Default_Module_Name = "onchip_memory"; View { MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "14"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT byteenable { direction = "input"; type = "byteenable"; width = "4"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write { direction = "input"; type = "write"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clken { default_value = "1'b1"; direction = "input"; type = "clken"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Address_Width = "14"; Data_Width = "32"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Read_Wait_States = "0"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; Address_Span = "65536"; Read_Latency = "1"; Base_Address = "0x02100000"; MASTERED_BY cpu/instruction_master { priority = "1"; } MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Is_Base_Locked = "1"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Writable = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; } } SLAVE s2 { PORT_WIRING { } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Address_Width = "14"; Data_Width = "32"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Read_Wait_States = "0"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; Address_Span = "65536"; Read_Latency = "1"; Is_Enabled = "0"; Is_Channel = "1"; Is_Writable = "1"; Address_Group = "0"; } } SIMULATION { DISPLAY { SIGNAL a { name = "chipselect"; conditional = "1"; } SIGNAL b { name = "write"; conditional = "1"; } SIGNAL c { name = "address"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL d { name = "byteenable"; radix = "binary"; conditional = "1"; } SIGNAL e { name = "readdata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL f { name = "writedata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; conditional = "1"; } } } PORT_WIRING { } } MODULE reconfig_request_pio { class = "altera_avalon_pio"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/reconfig_request_pio.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT bidir_port { direction = "inout"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT in_port { direction = "input"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } PORT out_port { direction = "output"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Address_Width = "2"; Data_Width = "1"; Base_Address = "0x080108A0"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = " 1-bit PIO using
tri-state pins with edge type NONE and interrupt source NONE "; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { has_tri = "1"; has_out = "0"; has_in = "0"; capture = "0"; edge_type = "NONE"; irq_type = "NONE"; Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0"; Driven_Sim_Value = "0x0000"; } } MODULE sdram { class = "altera_avalon_new_sdram_controller"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_memory"; SLAVE s1 { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Maximum_Pending_Read_Transactions = "6"; Read_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled"; Write_Wait_States = "peripheral_controlled"; Is_Memory_Device = "1"; Address_Width = "22"; Data_Width = "64"; Simulation_Num_Lanes = "1"; Base_Address = "0x0A000000"; MASTERED_BY cpu/instruction_master { priority = "1"; } MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Is_Base_Locked = "0"; Address_Group = "0"; MASTERED_BY vga_16_bit/image_dma_master { priority = "1"; } } PORT_WIRING { PORT az_addr { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "22"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT az_be_n { direction = "input"; type = "byteenable_n"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT az_cs { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT az_data { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "64"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT az_rd_n { direction = "input"; type = "read_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT az_wr_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT za_data { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "64"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT za_valid { direction = "output"; type = "readdatavalid"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT za_waitrequest { direction = "output"; type = "waitrequest"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_addr { direction = "output"; width = "12"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_ba { direction = "output"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cas_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cke { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cs_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_dq { direction = "inout"; width = "64"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_dqm { direction = "output"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_ras_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_we_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Default_Module_Name = "sdram"; Disable_Simulation_Port_Wiring = "0"; View { Settings_Summary = "4194304 x 64
Memory size: 32 MBytes
256 MBits "; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { register_data_in = "1"; sim_model_base = "1"; sdram_data_width = "64"; sdram_addr_width = "12"; sdram_row_width = "12"; sdram_col_width = "8"; sdram_num_chipselects = "1"; sdram_num_banks = "4"; refresh_period = "15.625"; powerup_delay = "100"; cas_latency = "2"; t_rfc = "70"; t_rp = "20"; t_mrd = "3"; t_rcd = "20"; t_ac = "5.5"; t_wr = "14"; init_refresh_commands = "2"; init_nop_delay = "0"; shared_data = "0"; starvation_indicator = "0"; tristate_bridge_slave = ""; is_initialized = "1"; sdram_bank_width = "2"; MAKE { TARGET delete_placeholder_warning { sdram { Command1 = "rm -f $(SIMDIR)/contents_file_warning.txt"; Is_Phony = "1"; Target_File = "do_delete_placeholder_warning"; } } TARGET sim { sdram { Command1 = "if [ ! -d $(SIMDIR) ]; then mkdir $(SIMDIR) ; fi"; Command2 = "@echo Hardware simulation is not enabled for the target SOPC Builder system. Skipping creation of hardware simulation model contents and simulation symbol files. \\(Note: This does not affect the instruction set simulator.\\)"; Command3 = "touch $(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; Dependency = "$(ELF)"; Target_File = "$(SIMDIR)/dummy_file"; } } } contents_info = ""; } SIMULATION { Fix_Me_Up = ""; DISPLAY { SIGNAL a { name = "az_addr"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL b { name = "az_be_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL c { name = "az_cs"; } SIGNAL d { name = "az_data"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL e { name = "az_rd_n"; } SIGNAL f { name = "az_wr_n"; } SIGNAL g { name = "clk"; } SIGNAL h { name = "za_data"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL i { name = "za_valid"; } SIGNAL j { name = "za_waitrequest"; } SIGNAL k { name = "za_cannotrefresh"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL l { name = "CODE"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL m { name = "zs_addr"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL n { name = "zs_ba"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL o { name = "zs_cs_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL p { name = "zs_ras_n"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL q { name = "zs_cas_n"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL r { name = "zs_we_n"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL s { name = "zs_dq"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL t { name = "zs_dqm"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "0"; } SIGNAL u { name = "zt_addr"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL v { name = "zt_ba"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL w { name = "zt_oe"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL x { name = "zt_cke"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL y { name = "zt_chipselect"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z0 { name = "zt_lock_n"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z1 { name = "zt_ras_n"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z2 { name = "zt_cas_n"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z3 { name = "zt_we_n"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z4 { name = "zt_cs_n"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z5 { name = "zt_dqm"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z6 { name = "zt_data"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z7 { name = "tz_data"; radix = "hexadecimal"; suppress = "1"; } SIGNAL z8 { name = "tz_waitrequest"; suppress = "1"; } } PORT_WIRING { PORT clk { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_addr { direction = "input"; width = "12"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_ba { direction = "input"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cas_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cke { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_cs_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_dq { direction = "inout"; width = "64"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_dqm { direction = "input"; width = "8"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_ras_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT zs_we_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sdram.vhd, __PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sdram_test_component.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { } } MODULE seven_seg_pio { class = "altera_avalon_pio"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/seven_seg_pio.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT out_port { direction = "output"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT in_port { direction = "input"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } PORT bidir_port { direction = "inout"; Is_Enabled = "0"; width = "4"; } } SLAVE s1 { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "2"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Address_Width = "2"; Data_Width = "16"; Base_Address = "0x08010890"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = " 16-bit PIO using
output pins"; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Wire_Test_Bench_Values = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { has_tri = "0"; has_out = "1"; has_in = "0"; capture = "0"; edge_type = "NONE"; irq_type = "NONE"; Do_Test_Bench_Wiring = "0"; Driven_Sim_Value = "0x0000"; } } MODULE sys_clk_timer { class = "altera_avalon_timer"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_timer"; SLAVE s1 { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Printable_Device = "0"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Address_Width = "3"; Data_Width = "16"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; Base_Address = "0x08010800"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "1"; } Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "3"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT irq { direction = "output"; type = "irq"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; View { Settings_Summary = "Timer with 1 ms timeout period."; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { always_run = "0"; fixed_period = "0"; snapshot = "1"; period = "1"; period_units = "ms"; reset_output = "0"; timeout_pulse_output = "0"; mult = "0.001"; } HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sys_clk_timer.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { } } MODULE sysid { class = "altera_avalon_sysid"; class_version = "6.05"; HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/sysid.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { } SLAVE control_slave { PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Has_IRQ = "0"; Address_Width = "1"; Data_Width = "32"; Base_Address = "0x08010828"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; Read_Latency = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } Address_Group = "0"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Fixed_Module_Name = "sysid"; View { Settings_Summary = "System ID (at last Generate):
A957D3F3 (unique ID tag)
4739914A (timestamp: Tue Nov 13, 2007 @8:58 PM)"; Is_Collapsed = "1"; MESSAGES { } } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { value0 = "3165772932u"; value1 = "1077149968u"; MAKE { TARGET verifysysid { verifysysid { All_Depends_On = "0"; Command = "nios2-download $(JTAG_CABLE) --sidp=0x08010828 --id=2841105395 --timestamp=1194955082"; Target_File = "dummy_verifysysid_file"; Is_Phony = "1"; } } } id = "2841105395u"; timestamp = "1194955082u"; } } MODULE uart1 { class = "altera_avalon_uart"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "altera_avalon_uart"; SLAVE s1 { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Is_Printable_Device = "1"; Address_Alignment = "native"; Address_Width = "3"; Data_Width = "16"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "1"; Base_Address = "0x08010840"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "3"; } Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT address { direction = "input"; type = "address"; width = "3"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT begintransfer { direction = "input"; type = "begintransfer"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT chipselect { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT clk { direction = "input"; type = "clk"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT dataavailable { direction = "output"; type = "dataavailable"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT irq { direction = "output"; type = "irq"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT read_n { direction = "input"; type = "read_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readdata { direction = "output"; type = "readdata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT readyfordata { direction = "output"; type = "readyfordata"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT reset_n { direction = "input"; type = "reset_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT write_n { direction = "input"; type = "write_n"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT writedata { direction = "input"; type = "writedata"; width = "16"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Iss_Launch_Telnet = "0"; View { Settings_Summary = "8-bit UART with 115200 baud,
1 stop bits and N parity"; MESSAGES { } Is_Collapsed = "1"; } Clock_Source = "clk"; Top_Level_Ports_Are_Enumerated = "1"; } SIMULATION { DISPLAY { SIGNAL a { name = " Bus Interface"; format = "Divider"; } SIGNAL b { name = "chipselect"; } SIGNAL c { name = "address"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL d { name = "writedata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL e { name = "readdata"; radix = "hexadecimal"; } SIGNAL f { name = " Internals"; format = "Divider"; } SIGNAL g { name = "tx_ready"; } SIGNAL h { name = "tx_data"; radix = "ascii"; } SIGNAL i { name = "rx_char_ready"; } SIGNAL j { name = "rx_data"; radix = "ascii"; } } INTERACTIVE_OUT log { enable = "0"; file = "_log_module.txt"; radix = "ascii"; signals = "temp,list"; exe = "perl --"; } INTERACTIVE_IN drive { enable = "0"; file = "_input_data_stream.dat"; mutex = "_input_data_mutex.dat"; log = "_in.log"; rate = "100"; signals = "temp,list"; exe = "perl --"; } } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { baud = "115200"; data_bits = "8"; fixed_baud = "1"; parity = "N"; stop_bits = "1"; use_cts_rts = "0"; use_eop_register = "0"; sim_true_baud = "0"; sim_char_stream = ""; } HDL_INFO { Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/uart1.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } PORT_WIRING { PORT rxd { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT txd { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; } PORT cts_n { direction = "input"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } PORT rts_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; Is_Enabled = "0"; } } } MODULE vga_16_bit { class = "altera_avalon_16_bit_vga"; class_version = "2.0"; HDL_INFO { Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/image_package.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/vga_register_bank.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/line_buffer.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/image_dma.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/vga_driver.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/altera_avalon_16_bit_vga.vhd,__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/vga_16_bit.vhd"; Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; vhdl_Sim_Model_Files = ""; } MASTER image_dma_master { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Address_Width = "32"; Data_Width = "32"; Is_Enabled = "1"; Interrupts_Enabled = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT read_to_sram { type = "read"; direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT address_to_sram { type = "address"; direction = "output"; width = "32"; } PORT data_from_sram { type = "readdata"; direction = "input"; width = "32"; } PORT waitrequest { type = "waitrequest"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT readdatavalid { type = "readdatavalid"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; } } } SLAVE config_slave { SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "avalon"; Address_Width = "3"; Data_Width = "32"; Has_IRQ = "1"; Address_Alignment = "dynamic"; Read_Wait_States = "1"; Write_Wait_States = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/data_master { priority = "1"; } IRQ_MASTER cpu/data_master { IRQ_Number = "6"; } Base_Address = "0x080108C0"; Address_Group = "0"; } PORT_WIRING { PORT clk { width = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "clk"; } PORT chipselect_config { direction = "input"; type = "chipselect"; width = "1"; } PORT address_config { direction = "input"; is_shared = "1"; type = "address"; width = "3"; } PORT read_config { type = "read"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT readdata_config { type = "readdata"; direction = "output"; width = "32"; } PORT write_config { type = "write"; direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT writedata_config { type = "writedata"; direction = "input"; width = "32"; } PORT irq { type = "irq"; direction = "output"; width = "1"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Enabled = "1"; View { Is_Collapsed = "0"; MESSAGES { } } Clock_Source = "clk"; } SIMULATION { } PORT_WIRING { PORT vga_clk { direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT clock25 { direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT resetn { direction = "input"; width = "1"; } PORT vga_clock_external { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT hsync { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT vsync { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT M1 { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT M2 { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT sync_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT sync_t { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT blank_n { direction = "output"; width = "1"; } PORT R { direction = "output"; width = "8"; } PORT G { direction = "output"; width = "8"; } PORT B { direction = "output"; width = "8"; } } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { } } MODULE interruptvector_cpu { class = "altera_nios_custom_instr_interrupt_vector"; class_version = "6.05"; iss_model_name = "nios2_custom_instruction"; HDL_INFO { Synthesis_HDL_Files = "__PROJECT_DIRECTORY__/interruptvector_cpu.vhd"; Precompiled_Simulation_Library_Files = ""; Simulation_HDL_Files = ""; Synthesis_Only_Files = ""; } SLAVE interrupt_vector { PORT_WIRING { PORT estatus { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "estatus"; width = "1"; } PORT ipending { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "input"; type = "ipending"; width = "32"; } PORT result { Is_Enabled = "1"; direction = "output"; type = "result"; width = "32"; } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Bus_Type = "nios_custom_instruction"; Data_Width = "32"; Address_Width = "0"; Is_Custom_Instruction = "1"; Is_Visible = "0"; Is_Enabled = "1"; ci_macro_name = "interrupt_vector"; required_ci_macro_name = "interrupt_vector"; ci_inst_type = "combinatorial"; ci_operands = "0"; MASTERED_BY cpu/custom_instruction_master { priority = "1"; } Base_Address = "0x00000000"; Address_Group = "0"; IRQ_MASTER cpu/custom_instruction_master { IRQ_Number = "NC"; } } } SYSTEM_BUILDER_INFO { Date_Modified = ""; Is_Enabled = "1"; Is_Visible = "0"; Instantiate_In_System_Module = "1"; Is_Custom_Instruction = "1"; Clock_Source = "clk"; View { MESSAGES { } } } WIZARD_SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS { Module_Name = "interrupt_vector"; Synthesize_Imported_HDL = "1"; } PORT_WIRING { } } }