/* Esplora Sound Sensor This sketch shows you how to read the microphone sensor. The microphone will range from 0 (total silence) to 1023 (really loud). When you're using the sensor's reading (for example, to set the brightness of the LED), you map the sensor's reading to a range between the minimum and the maximum. Created on 22 Dec 2012 by Tom Igoe This example is in the public domain. */ #include void setup() { // initialize the serial communication: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // read the sensor into a variable: int loudness = Esplora.readMicrophone(); // map the sound level to a brightness level for the LED: int brightness = map(loudness, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // write the brightness to the green LED: Esplora.writeGreen(brightness); // print the microphone levels and the LED levels (to see what's going on): Serial.print("sound level: "); Serial.print(loudness); Serial.print(" Green brightness: "); Serial.println(brightness); // add a delay to keep the LED from flickering: delay(10); }