/* * jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin to provide a date and time picker. * Copyright (c) JTSage * CC 3.0 Attribution. May be relicensed without permission/notification. * https://github.com/jtsage/jquery-mobile-datebox */ (function($, undefined ) { // We can greatly reduce some operations by adding to the date object. Date.prototype.getISO = function () { return String(this.getFullYear()) + '-' + (( this.getMonth() < 9 ) ? "0" : "") + String(this.getMonth()+1) + '-' + ((this.getDate() < 10 ) ? "0" : "") + String(this.getDate()); }; Date.prototype.getComp = function () { return parseInt(this.getISO().replace(/-/g,''),10); } Date.prototype.copy = function() { return this.copymod(); } Date.prototype.copymod = function(adj,over) { if ( typeof adj === 'undefined' ) { adj = [0,0,0,0,0,0]; } if ( typeof over === 'undefined' ) { over = [0,0,0,0,0,0]; } while ( adj.length < 6 ) { adj.push(0); } while ( over.length < 6 ) { over.push(0); } return new Date(((over[0] > 0 ) ? over[0] : this.getFullYear() + adj[0]),((over[1] > 0 ) ? over[1] : this.getMonth() + adj[1]),((over[2] > 0 ) ? over[2] : this.getDate() + adj[2]),((over[3] > 0 ) ? over[3] : this.getHours() + adj[3]),((over[4] > 0 ) ? over[4] : this.getMinutes() + adj[4]),((over[5] > 0 ) ? over[5] : this.getSeconds() + adj[5]),0); } Date.prototype.getEpoch = function() { return (this.getTime() - this.getMilliseconds()) / 1000; } Date.prototype.adjust = function (type, amount) { switch (type) { case 'y': this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + amount); break; case 'm': this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + amount); break; case 'd': this.setDate(this.getDate() + amount); break; case 'h': this.setHours(this.getHours() + amount); break; case 'i': this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + amount); break; case 's': this.setSeconds(this.getSeconds() + amount); break; } return this.getTime(); } $.widget( "mobile.datebox", $.mobile.widget, { options: { // All widget options, including some internal runtime details version: '1.0.1-2012022700', // jQMMajor.jQMMinor.DBoxMinor-YrMoDaySerial theme: false, defaultTheme: 'c', pickPageTheme: 'b', pickPageInputTheme: 'e', pickPageButtonTheme: 'a', pickPageHighButtonTheme: 'e', pickPageOHighButtonTheme: 'e', pickPageOAHighButtonTheme: 'e', pickPageODHighButtonTheme: 'e', pickPageTodayButtonTheme: 'e', pickPageSlideButtonTheme: 'd', pickPageFlipButtonTheme: 'b', forceInheritTheme: false, centerWindow: false, calHighToday: true, calHighPicked: true, transition: 'pop', noAnimation: false, disableManualInput: false, disabled: false, wheelExists: false, swipeEnabled: true, zindex: '500', debug: false, clickEvent: 'vclick', numberInputEnhance: true, internalInputType: 'text', resizeListener: true, titleDialogLabel: false, meridiemLetters: ['AM', 'PM'], timeOutputOverride: false, timeFormats: { '12': '%l:%M %p', '24': '%k:%M' }, durationFormat: 'DD ddd, hh:ii:ss', timeOutput: false, rolloverMode: { 'm': true, 'd': true, 'h': true, 'i': true, 's': true }, mode: 'datebox', calShowDays: true, calShowOnlyMonth: false, useDialogForceTrue: false, useDialogForceFalse: true, fullScreen: false, fullScreenAlways: false, useDialog: false, useModal: false, useInline: false, useInlineBlind: false, useClearButton: false, collapseButtons: false, noButtonFocusMode: false, focusMode: false, noButton: false, noSetButton: false, openCallback: false, openCallbackArgs: [], closeCallback: false, closeCallbackArgs: [], open: false, nestedBox: false, lastDuration: false, fieldsOrder: false, fieldsOrderOverride: false, durationOrder: ['d', 'h', 'i', 's'], defaultDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', dateFormat: false, timeFormatOverride: false, headerFormat: false, dateOutput: false, minuteStep: 1, calTodayButton: false, calWeekMode: false, calWeekModeFirstDay: 1, calWeekModeHighlight: true, calStartDay: false, defaultPickerValue: false, defaultDate : false, //this is deprecated and will be removed in the future versions (ok, may be not) minYear: false, maxYear: false, afterToday: false, beforeToday: false, maxDays: false, minDays: false, highDays: false, highDates: false, highDatesAlt: false, blackDays: false, blackDates: false, enableDates: false, fixDateArrays: false, durationSteppers: {'d': 1, 'h': 1, 'i': 1, 's': 1}, useLang: 'en', lang: { 'en' : { setDateButtonLabel: 'Set Date', setTimeButtonLabel: 'Set Time', setDurationButtonLabel: 'Set Duration', calTodayButtonLabel: 'Jump to Today', titleDateDialogLabel: 'Set Date', titleTimeDialogLabel: 'Set Time', daysOfWeek: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], daysOfWeekShort: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'], monthsOfYear: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthsOfYearShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], durationLabel: ['Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'], durationDays: ['Day', 'Days'], timeFormat: 24, headerFormat: '%A, %B %-d, %Y', tooltip: 'Open Date Picker', nextMonth: 'Next Month', prevMonth: 'Previous Month', dateFieldOrder: ['m', 'd', 'y'], timeFieldOrder: ['h', 'i', 'a'], slideFieldOrder: ['y', 'm', 'd'], dateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', useArabicIndic: false, isRTL: false, calStartDay: 0, clearButton: 'Clear' } } }, destroy: function () { $(this.pickPage).remove(); $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call(this); }, _dateboxHandler: function(event, payload) { var widget = $(this).data('datebox'); // Handle all event triggers that have an internal effect if ( ! event.isPropagationStopped() ) { switch (payload.method) { case 'close': widget.close(payload.fromCloseButton); break; case 'open': widget.open(); break; case 'set': $(this).val(payload.value); $(this).trigger('change'); break; case 'doset': if ( $.inArray(widget.options.mode, ['timebox', 'durationbox', 'timeflipbox']) > -1 ) { $(this).trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':widget._formatTime(widget.theDate), 'date':widget.theDate}); } else { $(this).trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':widget._formatDate(widget.theDate), 'date':widget.theDate}); } break; case 'dooffset': widget._offset(payload.type, payload.amount, true); break; case 'dorefresh': widget._update(); break; case 'doreset': widget.hardreset(); break; case 'doclear': $(this).val(''); break; } } }, _getCoords: function(widget) { var self = widget, inputOffset = widget.focusedEl.offset(), inputHigh = widget.focusedEl.outerHeight(), inputWidth = widget.focusedEl.outerWidth(), docWinWidth = $.mobile.activePage.width(), docWinHighOff = $(window).scrollTop(), docWinHigh = $(window).height(), diaWinWidth = widget.pickerContent.innerWidth(), diaWinHigh = widget.pickerContent.outerHeight(), pageitem = false, minTop = 0, // Minimum TOP measurment (absolute) padTop = 0, // Padding for TOP measurment (fixed header) unPadBottom = 0, // Padding for BOTTOM measurement (fixed header) maxBottom = $(document).height(), // Max BOTTOM measurement (absolute) coords = { 'high' : $(window).height(), 'width' : $.mobile.activePage.width(), 'fullTop' : $(window).scrollTop(), 'fullLeft': $(window).scrollLeft() }; if ( widget.options.centerWindow ) { // If it's centered, no need for lots of checks. coords.winTop = docWinHighOff + (( docWinHigh / 2 ) - ( diaWinHigh / 2 ) ); coords.winLeft = (( docWinWidth / 2 ) - ( diaWinWidth / 2 ) ); } else { pageitem = $('.ui-header', $.mobile.activePage); if ( pageitem.length > 0 ) { if ( pageitem.is('.ui-header-fixed')) { padTop = ( pageitem.outerHeight() + 2 ); } else { minTop += ( pageitem.outerHeight() + 2 ); } } pageitem = $('.ui-footer', $.mobile.activePage); if ( pageitem.length > 0 ) { if ( pageitem.is('.ui-footer-fixed')) { unPadBottom = ( pageitem.outerHeight() + 2 ); } else { maxBottom -= ( pageitem.outerHeight() + 2 ); } } coords.winLeft = (inputOffset.left + ( inputWidth / 2 )) - ( diaWinWidth / 2 ); // Trap for small screens (center horizontally instead) if ( docWinWidth < 450 ) { coords.winLeft = (( docWinWidth / 2 ) - ( diaWinWidth / 2 ) ); } coords.winTop = (inputOffset.top + ( inputHigh / 2)) - ( diaWinHigh / 2 ); // Not beyond bottom of page or on footer (not fixed) if ( (coords.winTop + diaWinHigh) > maxBottom ) { coords.winTop += ( maxBottom - ( coords.winTop + diaWinHigh ) ); } // Not on the footer either (but only if it floats) if ( unPadBottom > 0 && (( coords.winTop + diaWinHigh - docWinHighOff ) > (docWinHigh - unPadBottom)) ) { coords.winTop = (( docWinHigh - unPadBottom + docWinHighOff - diaWinHigh )); } // Not on the header (not fixed) if ( coords.winTop < minTop ) { coords.winTop = minTop; } // Not on the floating header either (fixed) if ( padTop > 0 && ( coords.winTop < ( docWinHighOff + padTop ) ) ) { coords.winTop = docWinHighOff + padTop; } else if ( docWinHighOff > minTop && docWinHighOff > coords.winTop ) { // This one for non fixed scroll? coords.winTop = docWinHighOff + 2; } } return coords; }, _fixArray: function(arr) { var x = 0, self = this, exp = new RegExp('^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$'), matches = null; if ( $.isArray(arr) ) { for ( x=0; x= start && ch <= end ) { newd = newd + String.fromCharCode(ch+adder); } else { newd = newd + String.fromCharCode(ch); } } return newd; }, _makeDisplayIndic: function() { var self = this, o = this.options; self.pickerContent.find('*').each(function() { if ( $(this).children().length < 1 ) { $(this).text(self._digitReplace($(this).text())); } else if ( $(this).hasClass('ui-datebox-slideday') ) { $(this).html(self._digitReplace($(this).html())); } }); self.pickerContent.find('input').each(function() { $(this).val(self._digitReplace($(this).val())); }); }, _zPad: function(number) { // Pad a number with a zero, to make it 2 digits return ( ( number < 10 ) ? "0" : "" ) + String(number); }, _makeOrd: function (num) { // Return an ordinal suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) var ending = num % 10; if ( num > 9 && num < 21 ) { return 'th'; } if ( ending > 3 ) { return 'th'; } return ['th','st','nd','rd'][ending]; }, _isInt: function (s) { // Bool, return is a number is an integer return (s.toString().search(/^[0-9]+$/) === 0); }, _getFirstDay: function(date) { // Get the first DAY of the month (0-6) return date.copymod([0],[0,0,1]).getDay(); }, _getRecDays: function(year, month, day) { // Get the recurring Days of a week for 'year'-'month' // (pass nulls for whatever the internal year and month are) if ( month === null ) { month = this.theDate.getMonth()+1; } if ( year === null ) { year = this.theDate.getFullYear(); } var self = this, tempDate = new Date(year, month-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), dates = [], i; if ( tempDate.getDay() > day ) { tempDate.setDate(8 - (tempDate.getDay() - day)); } else if ( tempDate.getDay() < day ) { tempDate.setDate(1 + (day - tempDate.getDay())); } dates[0] = tempDate.getISO(); for ( i = 1; i<6; i++ ) { tempDate.setDate(tempDate.getDate() + 7); if ( (tempDate.getMonth()+1) === month ) { dates[i] = tempDate.getISO(); } } return dates; }, _getLastDate: function(date) { // Get the last DATE of the month (28,29,30,31) return 32 - date.copymod([0],[0,0,32,13]).getDate(); }, _getLastDateBefore: function(date) { // Get the last DATE of the PREVIOUS month (28,29,30,31) return 32 - date.copymod([0,-1],[0,0,32,13]).getDate(); }, _formatter: function(format, date) { var self = this, o = this.options; // Format the output date or time (not duration) if ( ! format.match(/%/) ) { format = format.replace('HH', this._zPad(date.getHours())); format = format.replace('GG', date.getHours()); format = format.replace('hh', this._zPad(((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():date.getHours()-12)))); format = format.replace('gg', ((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():(date.getHours()-12)))); format = format.replace('ii', this._zPad(date.getMinutes())); format = format.replace('ss', this._zPad(date.getSeconds())); format = format.replace('AA', ((date.getHours() < 12)?this.options.meridiemLetters[0].toUpperCase():this.options.meridiemLetters[1].toUpperCase())); format = format.replace('aa', ((date.getHours() < 12)?this.options.meridiemLetters[0].toLowerCase():this.options.meridiemLetters[1].toLowerCase())); format = format.replace('SS', this._makeOrd(date.getDate())); format = format.replace('YYYY', date.getFullYear()); format = format.replace('mmmm', this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].monthsOfYearShort[date.getMonth()] ); format = format.replace('mmm', this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].monthsOfYear[date.getMonth()] ); format = format.replace('MM', this._zPad(date.getMonth() + 1)); format = format.replace('mm', date.getMonth() + 1); format = format.replace('dddd', this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].daysOfWeekShort[date.getDay()] ); format = format.replace('ddd', this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].daysOfWeek[date.getDay()] ); format = format.replace('DD', this._zPad(date.getDate())); format = format.replace('dd', date.getDate()); format = format.replace('UU', date.getEpoch()); } else { format = format.replace(/%(0|-)*([a-z])/gi, function(match, pad, oper, offset, s) { switch ( oper ) { case '%': // Literal % return '%'; case 'a': // Short Day return o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeekShort[date.getDay()]; case 'A': // Full Day of week return o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeek[date.getDay()]; case 'b': // Short month return o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYearShort[date.getMonth()]; case 'B': // Full month return o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYear[date.getMonth()]; case 'C': // Century return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(0,2); case 'd': // Day of month return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDate() : self._zPad(date.getDate())); case 'H': // Hour (01..23) case 'k': return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getHours() : self._zPad(date.getHours())); case 'I': // Hour (01..12) case 'l': return (( pad === '-' ) ? ((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():(date.getHours()-12))) : self._zPad(((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():date.getHours()-12)))); case 'm': // Month return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getMonth()+1 : self._zPad(date.getMonth()+1)); case 'M': // Minutes return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getMinutes() : self._zPad(date.getMinutes())); case 'p': // AM/PM (ucase) return ((date.getHours() < 12)?o.meridiemLetters[0].toUpperCase():o.meridiemLetters[1].toUpperCase()); case 'P': // AM/PM (lcase) return ((date.getHours() < 12)?o.meridiemLetters[0].toLowerCase():o.meridiemLetters[1].toLowerCase()); case 's': // Unix Seconds return date.getEpoch; case 'S': // Seconds return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getSeconds() : self._zPad(date.getSeconds())); case 'w': // Day of week return date.getDay(); case 'y': // Year (2 digit) return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2); case 'Y': // Year (4 digit) return date.getFullYear(); case 'o': // Ordinals return self._makeOrd(date.getDate()); default: return match; } }); } if ( this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].useArabicIndic === true ) { format = this._digitReplace(format); } return format; }, _formatHeader: function(date) { // Shortcut function to return headerFormat date/time format if ( this.options.headerFormat !== false ) { return this._formatter(this.options.headerFormat, date); } else { return this._formatter(this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].headerFormat, date); } }, _formatDate: function(date) { // Shortcut function to return dateFormat date/time format return this._formatter(this.options.dateOutput, date); }, _formatTime: function(date) { // Shortcut to return formatted time, also handles duration var self = this, dur_collapse = [false,false,false], adv, exp_format, i, j, format = this.options.durationFormat, dur_comps = [0,0,0,0]; if ( this.options.mode === 'durationbox' ) { adv = this.options.durationFormat; adv = adv.replace(/ddd/g, '.+?'); adv = adv.replace(/DD|ss|hh|ii/g, '([0-9Dhis]+)'); adv = new RegExp('^' + adv + '$'); exp_format = adv.exec(this.options.durationFormat); i = self.theDate.getEpoch() - self.initDate.getEpoch(); j = i; dur_comps[0] = parseInt( i / (60*60*24),10); i = i - (dur_comps[0]*60*60*24); // Days dur_comps[1] = parseInt( i / (60*60),10); i = i - (dur_comps[1]*60*60); // Hours dur_comps[2] = parseInt( i / (60),10); i = i - (dur_comps[2]*60); // Minutes dur_comps[3] = i; // Seconds if ( ! exp_format[0].match(/DD/) ) { dur_collapse[0] = true; dur_comps[1] = dur_comps[1] + (dur_comps[0]*24);} if ( ! exp_format[0].match(/hh/) ) { dur_collapse[1] = true; dur_comps[2] = dur_comps[2] + (dur_comps[1]*60);} if ( ! exp_format[0].match(/ii/) ) { dur_collapse[2] = true; dur_comps[3] = dur_comps[3] + (dur_comps[2]*60);} format = format.replace('DD', dur_comps[0]); format = format.replace('ddd', ((dur_comps[0] > 1)?this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].durationDays[1]:this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].durationDays[0])); format = format.replace('hh', self._zPad(dur_comps[1])); format = format.replace('ii', self._zPad(dur_comps[2])); format = format.replace('ss', self._zPad(dur_comps[3])); if ( this.options.lang[this.options.useLang].useArabicIndic === true ) { return this._digitReplace(format); } else { return format; } } else { return this._formatter(self.options.timeOutput, date); } }, _makeDate: function (str) { // Date Parser str = $.trim(str); var o = this.options, self = this, adv = null, exp_input = null, exp_format = null, exp_temp = null, date = new Date(), dur_collapse = [false,false,false], found_date = [date.getFullYear(),date.getMonth(),date.getDate(),date.getHours(),date.getMinutes(),date.getSeconds(),0], i; if ( o.lang[this.options.useLang].useArabicIndic === true ) { str = this._digitReplace(str, -1); } if ( o.mode === 'durationbox' ) { adv = o.durationFormat; adv = adv.replace(/ddd/g, '.+?'); adv = adv.replace(/DD|ss|hh|ii/g, '([0-9Dhis]+)'); adv = new RegExp('^' + adv + '$'); exp_input = adv.exec(str); exp_format = adv.exec(o.durationFormat); if ( exp_input === null || exp_input.length !== exp_format.length ) { if ( typeof o.defaultPickerValue === "number" && o.defaultPickerValue > 0 ) { return new Date((self.initDate.getEpoch() + parseInt(o.defaultPickerValue,10))*1000); } else { return new Date(self.initDate.getTime()); } } else { exp_temp = self.initDate.getEpoch(); for ( i=0; i -1 ) { found_date[1] = exp_temp; } } if ( exp_format[i] === '%b' ) { exp_temp = $.inArray(exp_input[i], o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYearShort); if ( exp_temp > -1 ) { found_date[1] = exp_temp; } } } } if ( exp_format[0].match(/%s/) ) { date = new Date(found_date[6] * 1000); } else if ( exp_format[0].match(/%(.)*(I|l|H|k|s|M)/) ) { date = new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], found_date[3], found_date[4], found_date[5], 0); if ( found_date[0] < 100 ) { date.setFullYear(found_date[0]); } } else { date = new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], 0, 0, 0, 0); // Normalize time for raw dates if ( found_date[0] < 100 ) { date.setFullYear(found_date[0]); } } return date; } else { adv = adv.replace(/dddd|mmmm/g, '(.+?)'); adv = adv.replace(/ddd|SS/g, '.+?'); adv = adv.replace(/mmm/g, '(.+?)'); adv = adv.replace(/ *AA/ig, ' *(.*?)'); adv = adv.replace(/yyyy|dd|mm|gg|hh|ii/ig, '([0-9yYdDmMgGhHi]+)'); adv = adv.replace(/ss|UU/g, '([0-9sU]+)'); adv = new RegExp('^' + adv + '$'); exp_input = adv.exec(str); if ( o.mode === 'timebox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { exp_format = adv.exec(o.timeOutput); // If time, use timeOutput as expected format } else { exp_format = adv.exec(o.dateOutput); // If date, use dateFormat as expected format } if ( exp_input === null || exp_input.length !== exp_format.length ) { if ( o.defaultPickerValue !== false ) { if ( $.isArray(o.defaultPickerValue) && o.defaultPickerValue.length === 3 ) { if ( o.mode === 'timebox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { return new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], o.defaultPickerValue[0], o.defaultPickerValue[1], o.defaultPickerValue[2], 0); } else { return new Date(o.defaultPickerValue[0], o.defaultPickerValue[1], o.defaultPickerValue[2], 0, 0, 0, 0); } } else if ( typeof o.defaultPickerValue === "number" ) { return new Date(o.defaultPickerValue * 1000); } else { if ( o.mode === 'timebox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { exp_temp = o.defaultPickerValue.split(':'); if ( exp_temp.length === 3 ) { date = new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], parseInt(exp_temp[0],10),parseInt(exp_temp[1],10),parseInt(exp_temp[2],10),0); if ( isNaN(date.getDate()) ) { date = new Date(); } } } else { exp_temp = o.defaultPickerValue.split('-'); if ( exp_temp.length === 3 ) { date = new Date(parseInt(exp_temp[0],10),parseInt(exp_temp[1],10)-1,parseInt(exp_temp[2],10),0,0,0,0); if ( isNaN(date.getDate()) ) { date = new Date(); } } } } } } else { for ( i=0; i -1 ) { found_date[1] = exp_temp; } } if ( exp_format[i].match(/^mmmm$/i) ) { exp_temp = $.inArray(exp_input[i], o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYearShort); if ( exp_temp > -1 ) { found_date[1] = exp_temp; } } } } if ( exp_format[0].match(/UU/) ) { return new Date(found_date[6] * 1000); } else if ( exp_format[0].match(/G|g|i|s|H|h|A/) ) { return new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], found_date[3], found_date[4], found_date[5], 0); } else { return new Date(found_date[0], found_date[1], found_date[2], 0, 0, 0, 0); // Normalize time for raw dates } } } }, _hoover: function(item) { // Hover toggle class, for calendar $(item).toggleClass('ui-btn-up-'+$(item).jqmData('theme')+' ui-btn-down-'+$(item).jqmData('theme')); }, _offset: function(mode, amount, update) { // Compute a date/time offset. // update = false to prevent controls refresh var self = this, o = this.options, ok = false; if ( typeof(update) === "undefined" ) { update = true; } self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'offset', 'type':mode, 'amount':amount}); switch(mode) { case 'y': ok = true; break; case 'm': if ( o.rolloverMode.m || ( self.theDate.getMonth() + amount < 12 && self.theDate.getMonth() + amount > -1 ) ) { ok = true; } break; case 'd': if ( o.rolloverMode.d || ( self.theDate.getDate() + amount > 0 && self.theDate.getDate() + amount < (self._getLastDate(self.theDate) + 1) ) ) { ok = true; } break; case 'h': if ( o.rolloverMode.h || ( self.theDate.getHours() + amount > -1 && self.theDate.getHours() + amount < 24 ) ) { ok = true; } break; case 'i': if ( o.rolloverMode.i || ( self.theDate.getMinutes() + amount > -1 && self.theDate.getMinutes() + amount < 60 ) ) { ok = true; } break; case 's': if ( o.rolloverMode.s || ( self.theDate.getSeconds() + amount > -1 && self.theDate.getSeconds() + amount < 60 ) ) { ok = true; } break; case 'a': if ( self.pickerMeri.val() === o.meridiemLetters[0] ) { self._offset('h',12,false); } else { self._offset('h',-12,false); } break; } if ( ok === true ) { self.theDate.adjust(mode,amount); } if ( update === true ) { self._update(); } }, _updateduration: function() { // Update the duration contols when inputs are directly edited. var self = this, secs = self.initDate.getEpoch(); if ( !self._isInt(self.pickerDay.val()) ) { self.pickerDay.val(0); } if ( !self._isInt(self.pickerHour.val()) ) { self.pickerHour.val(0); } if ( !self._isInt(self.pickerMins.val()) ) { self.pickerMins.val(0); } if ( !self._isInt(self.pickerSecs.val()) ) { self.pickerSecs.val(0); } secs = secs + (parseInt(self.pickerDay.val(),10) * 60 * 60 * 24); secs = secs + (parseInt(self.pickerHour.val(),10) * 60 * 60); secs = secs + (parseInt(self.pickerMins.val(),10) * 60); secs = secs + (parseInt(self.pickerSecs.val(),10)); self.theDate.setTime( secs * 1000 ); self._update(); }, _checkConstraints: function() { var self = this, testDate = null, o = this.options; self.dateOK = true; if ( o.afterToday !== false ) { testDate = new Date(); if ( self.theDate < testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.beforeToday !== false ) { testDate = new Date(); if ( self.theDate > testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.maxDays !== false ) { testDate = new Date(); testDate.adjust('d', o.maxDays); if ( self.theDate > testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.minDays !== false ) { testDate = new Date(); testDate.adjust('d', -1*o.minDays); if ( self.theDate < testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.maxYear !== false ) { testDate = new Date(o.maxYear, 0, 1); testDate.adjust('d', -1); if ( self.theDate > testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.minYear !== false ) { testDate = new Date(o.minYear, 0, 1); if ( self.theDate < testDate ) { self.theDate = testDate; } } if ( o.blackDates !== false ) { if ( $.inArray(self.theDate.getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) { self.dateOK = false; } } if ( o.blackDays !== false ) { if ( $.inArray(self.theDate.getDay(), o.blackDays) > -1 ) { self.dateOK = false; } } if ( $.inArray(o.mode, ['timebox','durationbox','timeflipbox']) > -1 ) { self.dateOK = true; } }, _orientChange: function(e) { var self = e.data.widget, o = e.data.widget.options, coords = e.data.widget._getCoords(e.data.widget); // Get the coords now, since we need em. e.stopPropagation(); if ( ! self.pickerContent.is(':visible') || o.useDialog === true ) { return false; // Not open, or in a dialog (let jQM do it) } else { if ( o.fullScreen == true && ( coords.width < 400 || o.fullScreenForce === true ) ) { self.pickerContent.css({'top': coords.fullTop, 'left': coords.fullLeft, 'height': coords.high, 'width': coords.width, 'maxWidth': coords.width }); } else { self.pickerContent.css({'top': coords.winTop, 'left': coords.winLeft}); } } }, _update: function() { // Update the display on date change var self = this, o = self.options, testDate = null, i, gridWeek, gridDay, skipThis, thisRow, y, cTheme, inheritDate, thisPRow, tmpVal, disVal, interval = {'d': 60*60*24, 'h': 60*60, 'i': 60, 's':1}, calmode = {}; self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'refresh'}); /* BEGIN:DURATIONBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'durationbox' ) { i = self.theDate.getEpoch() - self.initDate.getEpoch(); if ( i<0 ) { i = 0; self.theDate.setTime(self.initDate.getTime()); } o.lastDuration = i; // Let the number of seconds be sort of public. /* DAYS */ y = parseInt( i / interval.d,10); i = i - ( y * interval.d ); self.pickerDay.val(y); /* HOURS */ y = parseInt( i / interval.h, 10); i = i - ( y * interval.h ); self.pickerHour.val(y); /* MINS AND SECS */ y = parseInt( i / interval.i, 10); i = i - ( y * interval.i); self.pickerMins.val(y); self.pickerSecs.val(parseInt(i,10)); } /* END:DURATIONBOX */ /* BEGIN:TIMEBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'timebox' ) { if ( o.minuteStep !== 1 ) { i = self.theDate.getMinutes() % o.minuteStep; if ( i !== 0 ) { self.theDate.adjust('m', -1*i); } } self.pickerMins.val(self._zPad(self.theDate.getMinutes())); if ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) { // Handle meridiems if ( self.theDate.getHours() > 11 ) { self.pickerMeri.val(o.meridiemLetters[1]); if ( self.theDate.getHours() === 12 ) { self.pickerHour.val(12); } else { self.pickerHour.val(self.theDate.getHours() - 12); } } else { self.pickerMeri.val(o.meridiemLetters[0]); if ( self.theDate.getHours() === 0 ) { self.pickerHour.val(12); } else { self.pickerHour.val(self.theDate.getHours()); } } } else { self.pickerHour.val(self.theDate.getHours()); } } /* END:TIMEBOX */ /* BEGIN:FLIPBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'flipbox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { self._checkConstraints(); inheritDate = self._makeDate(self.input.val()); self.controlsHeader.empty().html( self._formatHeader(self.theDate) ); for ( y=0; y", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme, 'style':((tmpVal===true)?'margin-top: -453px':'') }) .html(""+(self.theDate.getFullYear() + i)+"") .appendTo(thisRow); tmpVal = false; } break; case 'm': thisRow = self.pickerMon.find('ul'); thisRow.empty(); for ( i=-12; i<13; i++ ) { testDate = new Date(self.theDate.getFullYear(), self.theDate.getMonth(), 1); testDate.adjust('m',i); cTheme = ( inheritDate.getMonth() === testDate.getMonth() && inheritDate.getYear() === testDate.getYear() ) ? o.pickPageHighButtonTheme : o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme; if ( i === 0 ) { cTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme, 'style':((tmpVal===true)?'margin-top: -357px':'') }) .html(""+o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYearShort[testDate.getMonth()]+"") .appendTo(thisRow); tmpVal = false; } break; case 'd': thisRow = self.pickerDay.find('ul'); thisRow.empty(); for ( i=-15; i<16; i++ ) { testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('d',i); disVal = ""; if ( ( o.blackDates !== false && $.inArray(testDate.getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) || ( o.blackDays !== false && $.inArray(testDate.getDay(), o.blackDays) > -1 ) ) { disVal = " ui-datebox-griddate-disable"; } cTheme = ( inheritDate.getDate() === testDate.getDate() && inheritDate.getMonth() === testDate.getMonth() && inheritDate.getYear() === testDate.getYear() ) ? o.pickPageHighButtonTheme : o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme; if ( i === 0 ) { cTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme+disVal, 'style':((tmpVal===true)?'margin-top: -453px':'') }) .html(""+testDate.getDate()+"") .appendTo(thisRow); tmpVal = false; } break; case 'h': thisRow = self.pickerHour.find('ul'); thisRow.empty(); for ( i=-12; i<13; i++ ) { testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('h',i); cTheme = ( i === 0 ) ? o.pickPageButtonTheme : o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme; $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme, 'style':((tmpVal===true)?'margin-top: -357px':'') }) .html(""+( ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) ? ( ( testDate.getHours() === 0 ) ? '12' : ( ( testDate.getHours() < 12 ) ? testDate.getHours() : ( ( testDate.getHours() === 12 ) ? '12' : (testDate.getHours()-12) ) ) ) : testDate.getHours() )+"") .appendTo(thisRow); tmpVal = false; } break; case 'i': thisRow = self.pickerMins.find('ul'); thisRow.empty(); for ( i=-30; i<31; i++ ) { if ( o.minuteStep > 1 ) { self.theDate.setMinutes(self.theDate.getMinutes() - (self.theDate.getMinutes() % o.minuteStep)); } testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('i',(i*o.minuteStep)); cTheme = ( i === 0 ) ? o.pickPageButtonTheme : o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme; $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme, 'style':((tmpVal===true)?'margin-top: -933px':'') }) .html(""+self._zPad(testDate.getMinutes())+"") .appendTo(thisRow); tmpVal = false; } break; case 'a': thisRow = self.pickerMeri.find('ul'); thisRow.empty(); if ( self.theDate.getHours() > 11 ) { tmpVal = '-65'; cTheme = [o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme, o.pickPageButtonTheme]; } else { tmpVal = '-33'; cTheme = [o.pickPageButtonTheme, o.pickPageFlipButtonTheme]; } $("
  • ").appendTo(thisRow).clone().appendTo(thisRow); $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme[0], 'style':'margin-top: '+tmpVal+'px' }) .html(""+o.meridiemLetters[0]+"") .appendTo(thisRow); $("
  • ", { 'class' : 'ui-body-'+cTheme[1] }) .html(""+o.meridiemLetters[1]+"") .appendTo(thisRow); $("
  • ").appendTo(thisRow).clone().appendTo(thisRow); break; } } } /* END:FLIPBOX */ /* BEGIN:SLIDEBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'slidebox' ) { self._checkConstraints(); inheritDate = self._makeDate(self.input.val()); self.controlsHeader.empty().html( self._formatHeader(self.theDate) ); self.controlsInput.empty(); self.controlsInput.delegate('.ui-datebox-sliderow-int>div', o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self._offset($(this).parent().jqmData('rowtype'), parseInt($(this).jqmData('offset'),10)); }); self.controlsInput.delegate('.ui-datebox-sliderow-int>div', 'vmouseover vmouseout', function() { self._hoover(this); }); if ( o.wheelExists ) { self.controlsInput.delegate('.ui-datebox-sliderow-int', 'mousewheel', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); self._offset($(this).jqmData('rowtype'), ((d>0)?1:-1)); }); } if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { self.controlsInput.delegate('.ui-datebox-sliderow-int', self.START_DRAG, function(e) { if ( !self.dragMove ) { self.dragMove = true; self.dragTarget = $(this); self.dragPos = parseInt(self.dragTarget.css('marginLeft').replace(/px/i, ''),10); self.dragStart = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX; self.dragEnd = false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); } for ( y=0; y").jqmData('rowtype', o.fieldsOrder[y]); thisRow = $("
    ", {'class': 'ui-datebox-sliderow-int'}).jqmData('rowtype',o.fieldsOrder[y]).appendTo(thisPRow); if ( o.lang[o.useLang].isRTL === true ) { thisRow.css('direction', 'rtl'); } switch (o.fieldsOrder[y]) { case 'y': thisPRow.addClass('ui-datebox-sliderow-ym'); thisRow.css('marginLeft', '-333px'); for ( i=-5; i<6; i++ ) { cTheme = ((inheritDate.getFullYear()===(self.theDate.getFullYear() + i))?o.pickPageHighButtonTheme:o.pickPageSlideButtonTheme); if ( i === 0 ) { cTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
    ", { 'class' : 'ui-datebox-slideyear ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-'+cTheme }) .html(self.theDate.getFullYear() + i) .jqmData('offset', i) .jqmData('theme', cTheme) .appendTo(thisRow); } break; case 'm': thisPRow.addClass('ui-datebox-sliderow-ym'); thisRow.css('marginLeft', '-204px'); for ( i=-6; i<7; i++ ) { testDate = new Date(self.theDate.getFullYear(), self.theDate.getMonth(), 1); testDate.adjust('m',i); cTheme = ( inheritDate.getMonth() === testDate.getMonth() && inheritDate.getYear() === testDate.getYear() ) ? o.pickPageHighButtonTheme : o.pickPageSlideButtonTheme; if ( i === 0 ) { cTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
    ", { 'class' : 'ui-datebox-slidemonth ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-'+cTheme }) .jqmData('offset', i) .jqmData('theme', cTheme) .html(o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYearShort[testDate.getMonth()]) .appendTo(thisRow); } break; case 'd': thisPRow.addClass('ui-datebox-sliderow-d'); thisRow.css('marginLeft', '-386px'); for ( i=-15; i<16; i++ ) { testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('d',i); disVal = ""; if ( ( o.blackDates !== false && $.inArray(testDate.getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) || ( o.blackDays !== false && $.inArray(testDate.getDay(), o.blackDays) > -1 ) ) { disVal = " ui-datebox-griddate-disable"; } cTheme = ( inheritDate.getDate() === testDate.getDate() && inheritDate.getMonth() === testDate.getMonth() && inheritDate.getYear() === testDate.getYear() ) ? o.pickPageHighButtonTheme : o.pickPageSlideButtonTheme; if ( i === 0 ) { cTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
    ", { 'class' : 'ui-datebox-slideday ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-'+cTheme+disVal }) .jqmData('offset', i) .jqmData('theme', cTheme) .html(testDate.getDate() + '
    ' + o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeekShort[testDate.getDay()] + '') .appendTo(thisRow); } break; case 'h': thisPRow.addClass('ui-datebox-sliderow-hi'); thisRow.css('marginLeft', '-284px'); for ( i=-12; i<13; i++ ) { testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('h',i); cTheme = ( i === 0 ) ? o.pickPageButtonTheme : o.pickPageSlideButtonTheme; $("
    ", { 'class' : 'ui-datebox-slidehour ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-'+cTheme }) .jqmData('offset', i) .jqmData('theme', cTheme) .html(( ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) ? ( ( testDate.getHours() === 0 ) ? '12AM' : ( ( testDate.getHours() < 12 ) ? testDate.getHours() + 'AM' : ( ( testDate.getHours() === 12 ) ? '12PM' : (testDate.getHours()-12) + 'PM') ) ) : testDate.getHours() )) .appendTo(thisRow); } break; case 'i': thisPRow.addClass('ui-datebox-sliderow-hi'); thisRow.css('marginLeft', '-896px'); for ( i=-30; i<31; i++ ) { testDate = self.theDate.copy(); testDate.adjust('i',i); cTheme = ( i === 0 ) ? o.pickPageButtonTheme : o.pickPageSlideButtonTheme; $("
    ", { 'class' : 'ui-datebox-slidemins ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-'+cTheme }) .jqmData('offset', i) .jqmData('theme', cTheme) .html(self._zPad(testDate.getMinutes())) .appendTo(thisRow); } break; } thisPRow.appendTo(self.controlsInput); } } /* END:SLIDEBOX */ /* BEGIN:DATEBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'datebox' ) { self._checkConstraints(); self.controlsHeader.empty().html( self._formatHeader(self.theDate) ); self.pickerMon.val(self.theDate.getMonth() + 1); self.pickerDay.val(self.theDate.getDate()); self.pickerYar.val(self.theDate.getFullYear()); if ( self.dateOK !== true ) { self.controlsInput.find('input').addClass('ui-datebox-griddate-disable'); } else { self.controlsInput.find('.ui-datebox-griddate-disable').removeClass('ui-datebox-griddate-disable'); } } /* END:DATEBOX */ /* BEGIN:CALBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'calbox' ) { // Meat and potatos - make the calendar grid. self.controlsInput.empty().html( o.lang[o.useLang].monthsOfYear[self.theDate.getMonth()] + " " + self.theDate.getFullYear() ); self.controlsPlus.empty(); calmode = {'today': -1, 'highlightDay': -1, 'presetDay': -1, 'nexttoday': 1, 'thisDate': new Date(), 'maxDate': new Date(), 'minDate': new Date(), 'startDay': false, 'currentMonth': false, 'weekMode': 0, 'weekDays': null, 'thisTheme': o.pickPageButtonTheme }; calmode.start = self._getFirstDay(self.theDate); calmode.end = self._getLastDate(self.theDate); calmode.lastend = self._getLastDateBefore(self.theDate); calmode.presetDate = self._makeDate(self.input.val()); if ( o.calStartDay !== false || typeof o.lang[o.useLang].calStartDay === "number" ) { if ( o.calStartDay !== false ) { calmode.start = calmode.start - o.calStartDay; calmode.startDay = o.calStartDay; } else { calmode.start = calmode.start - o.lang[o.useLang].calStartDay; calmode.startDay = o.lang[o.useLang].calStartDay; } if ( calmode.start < 0 ) { calmode.start = calmode.start + 7; } } calmode.prevtoday = calmode.lastend - (calmode.start - 1); calmode.checkDates = ( o.enableDates === false && ( o.afterToday !== false || o.beforeToday !== false || o.notToday !== false || o.maxDays !== false || o.minDays !== false || o.blackDates !== false || o.blackDays !== false ) ); if ( calmode.thisDate.getMonth() === self.theDate.getMonth() && calmode.thisDate.getFullYear() === self.theDate.getFullYear() ) { calmode.currentMonth = true; calmode.highlightDay = calmode.thisDate.getDate(); } if ( calmode.presetDate.getComp() === self.theDate.getComp() ) { calmode.presetDay = calmode.presetDate.getDate(); } self.calNoPrev = false; self.calNoNext = false; if ( o.afterToday === true && ( calmode.currentMonth === true || ( calmode.thisDate.getMonth() >= self.theDate.getMonth() && self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.thisDate.getFullYear() ) ) ) { self.calNoPrev = true; } if ( o.beforeToday === true && ( calmode.currentMonth === true || ( calmode.thisDate.getMonth() <= self.theDate.getMonth() && self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.thisDate.getFullYear() ) ) ) { self.calNoNext = true; } if ( o.minDays !== false ) { calmode.minDate.adjust('d', -1*o.minDays); if ( self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.minDate.getFullYear() && self.theDate.getMonth() <= calmode.minDate.getMonth() ) { self.calNoPrev = true;} } if ( o.maxDays !== false ) { calmode.maxDate.adjust('d', o.maxDays); if ( self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.maxDate.getFullYear() && self.theDate.getMonth() >= calmode.maxDate.getMonth() ) { self.calNoNext = true;} } if ( o.calShowDays ) { if ( o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeekShort.length < 8 ) { o.daysOfWeekShort = o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeekShort.concat(o.lang[o.useLang].daysOfWeekShort); } calmode.weekDays = $("
    ", {'class':'ui-datebox-gridrow'}).appendTo(self.controlsPlus); if ( o.lang[o.useLang].isRTL === true ) { calmode.weekDays.css('direction', 'rtl'); } for ( i=0; i<=6;i++ ) { $("
    ").addClass('ui-datebox-griddate ui-datebox-griddate-empty ui-datebox-griddate-label').appendTo(calmode.weekDays); } } if ( o.fixDateArrays === true ) { o.blackDates = self._fixArray(o.blackDates); o.highDates = self._fixArray(o.highDates); o.highDatesAlt = self._fixArray(o.highDatesAlt); o.enableDates = self._fixArray(o.enableDates); } for ( gridWeek=0; gridWeek<=5; gridWeek++ ) { if ( gridWeek === 0 || ( gridWeek > 0 && (calmode.today > 0 && calmode.today <= calmode.end) ) ) { thisRow = $("
    ", {'class': 'ui-datebox-gridrow'}); if ( o.lang[o.useLang].isRTL === true ) { thisRow.css('direction', 'rtl'); } for ( gridDay=0; gridDay<=6; gridDay++) { if ( gridDay === 0 ) { calmode.weekMode = ( calmode.today < 1 ) ? (calmode.prevtoday - calmode.lastend + o.calWeekModeFirstDay) : (calmode.today + o.calWeekModeFirstDay); } if ( gridDay === calmode.start && gridWeek === 0 ) { calmode.today = 1; } if ( calmode.today > calmode.end ) { calmode.today = -1; } if ( calmode.today < 1 ) { if ( o.calShowOnlyMonth ) { $("
    ", {'class': 'ui-datebox-griddate ui-datebox-griddate-empty'}).appendTo(thisRow); } else { if ( o.enableDates !== false ) { if ( ( $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0,-1],[0,0,calmode.prevtoday]).getISO(), o.enableDates) > -1 ) || ( $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0,1],[0,0,calmode.nexttoday]).getISO(), o.enableDates) > -1 ) ) { skipThis = false; } else { skipThis = true; } } else { if ( ( o.afterToday !== false && gridWeek === 0 && calmode.thisDate.getMonth() >= self.theDate.getMonth()-1 && self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.thisDate.getFullYear() && calmode.thisDate.getDate() > calmode.prevtoday ) || ( o.beforeToday !== false && gridWeek !== 0 && calmode.thisDate.getMonth() <= self.theDate.getMonth()+1 && self.theDate.getFullYear() === calmode.thisDate.getFullYear() && calmode.thisDate.getDate() < calmode.nexttoday ) || ( o.blackDays !== false && $.inArray(gridDay, o.blackDays) > -1 ) || ( o.blackDates !== false && $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0,-1],[0,0,calmode.prevtoday]).getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) || ( o.blackDates !== false && $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0,1],[0,0,calmode.nexttoday]).getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) ) { skipThis = true; } else { skipThis = false; } } if ( gridWeek === 0 ) { $("
    ") .addClass('ui-datebox-griddate ui-datebox-griddate-empty').appendTo(thisRow) .jqmData('date', ((o.calWeekMode)?(calmode.weekMode+calmode.lastend):calmode.prevtoday)) .jqmData('enabled', (!skipThis && !self.calNoPrev)) .jqmData('month', -1); calmode.prevtoday++; } else { $("
    ") .addClass('ui-datebox-griddate ui-datebox-griddate-empty').appendTo(thisRow) .jqmData('date', ((o.calWeekMode)?calmode.weekMode:calmode.nexttoday)) .jqmData('enabled', (!skipThis && !self.calNoNext)) .jqmData('month', 1); calmode.nexttoday++; } } } else { skipThis = false; if ( o.enableDates ) { if ( $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0],[0,0,calmode.today]).getISO(), o.enableDates) < 0 ) { skipThis = true; } } if ( calmode.checkDates ) { if ( o.afterToday && calmode.thisDate.getComp() > (self.theDate.getComp()+calmode.today-self.theDate.getDate()) ) { skipThis = true; } if ( !skipThis && o.beforeToday && calmode.thisDate.getComp() < (self.theDate.getComp()+calmode.today-self.theDate.getDate()) ) { skipThis = true; } if ( !skipThis && o.notToday && calmode.today === calmode.highlightDay ) { skipThis = true; } if ( !skipThis && o.maxDays !== false && calmode.maxDate.getComp() < (self.theDate.getComp()+calmode.today-self.theDate.getDate()) ) { skipThis = true; } if ( !skipThis && o.minDays !== false && calmode.minDate.getComp() > (self.theDate.getComp()+calmode.today-self.theDate.getDate()) ) { skipThis = true; } if ( !skipThis && ( o.blackDays !== false || o.blackDates !== false ) ) { // Blacklists if ( ( $.inArray(gridDay, o.blackDays) > -1 ) || ( $.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0],[0,0,calmode.today]).getISO(), o.blackDates) > -1 ) ) { skipThis = true; } } } if ( o.calHighPicked && calmode.today === calmode.presetDay ) { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageHighButtonTheme; } else if ( o.calHighToday && calmode.today === calmode.highlightDay ) { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageTodayButtonTheme; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDatesAlt) && ($.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0],[0,0,calmode.today]).getISO(), o.highDatesAlt) > -1 ) ) { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageOAHighButtonTheme; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDates) && ($.inArray(self.theDate.copymod([0],[0,0,calmode.today]).getISO(), o.highDates) > -1 ) ) { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageOHighButtonTheme; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDays) && $.inArray(gridDay, o.highDays) > -1 ) { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageODHighButtonTheme; } else { calmode.thisTheme = o.pickPageButtonTheme; } $("
    ") .addClass('ui-datebox-griddate ui-corner-all ui-btn-up-' + calmode.thisTheme + ((skipThis)?' ui-datebox-griddate-disable':'')) .jqmData('date', ((o.calWeekMode)?calmode.weekMode:calmode.today)) .jqmData('theme', calmode.thisTheme) .jqmData('enabled', !skipThis) .jqmData('month', 0) .appendTo(thisRow); calmode.today++; } } } thisRow.appendTo(self.controlsPlus); } self.controlsPlus.delegate('div.ui-datebox-griddate', o.clickEvent + ' vmouseover vmouseout', function(e) { if ( e.type === o.clickEvent ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $(this).jqmData('enabled') ) { if ( $(this).jqmData('month') < 0 ) { self.theDate.adjust('m', -1); self.theDate.setDate($(this).jqmData('date')); } else if ( $(this).jqmData('month') > 0 ) { self.theDate.setDate($(this).jqmData('date')); if ( !o.calWeekMode ) { self.theDate.adjust('m',1); } } else { self.theDate.setDate($(this).jqmData('date')); } self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatDate(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); } } else { if ( $(this).jqmData('enabled') && typeof $(this).jqmData('theme') !== 'undefined' ) { if ( o.calWeekMode !== false && o.calWeekModeHighlight === true ) { $(this).parent().find('div').each(function() { self._hoover(this); }); } else { self._hoover(this); } } } }); } /* END:CALBOX */ if ( o.lang[this.options.useLang].useArabicIndic === true ) { self._makeDisplayIndic(); } }, _getLongOptions: function(element) { var key, retty = {}, prefix, temp; if ( $.mobile.ns == "" ) { prefix = "datebox"; } else { prefix = $.mobile.ns.substr(0, $.mobile.ns.length - 1) + 'Datebox'; } for ( key in element.data() ) { if ( key.substr(0, prefix.length) === prefix && key.length > prefix.length ) { temp = key.substr(prefix.length); temp = temp.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + temp.slice(1); retty[temp] = element.data(key); } } return retty; }, _create: function() { // Create the widget, called automatically by widget system // Trigger dateboxcreate $( document ).trigger( "dateboxcreate" ); var self = this, o = $.extend(this.options, this.element.jqmData('options')), o = ((typeof this.element.jqmData('options') === 'undefined') ? $.extend(o, this._getLongOptions(this.element)) : o); input = this.element, thisTheme = ( o.theme === false && typeof($(self).jqmData('theme')) === 'undefined' ) ? ( ( typeof(input.parentsUntil(':jqmData(theme)').parent().jqmData('theme')) === 'undefined' ) ? o.defaultTheme : input.parentsUntil(':jqmData(theme)').parent().jqmData('theme') ) : o.theme, focusedEl = input.wrap('
    ').parent(), theDate = new Date(), // Internal date object, used for all operations initDate = new Date(theDate.getTime()), // Initilization time - used for duration // This is the button that is added to the original input openbutton = $(''+((typeof o.lang[o.useLang].tooltip !== 'undefined')?o.lang[o.useLang].tooltip:o.lang.en.tooltip)+'') .bind(o.clickEvent, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !o.disabled ) { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method': 'open'}); self.focusedEl.addClass('ui-focus'); } setTimeout( function() { $(e.target).closest("a").removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass); }, 300); }) .appendTo(focusedEl).buttonMarkup({icon: 'grid', iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .css({'vertical-align': 'middle', 'display': 'inline-block'}), thisPage = input.closest('.ui-page'), ns = (typeof $.mobile.ns !== 'undefined')?$.mobile.ns:'', pickPage = $("
    " + "
    " + "
    "+ "
    "+ "
    "+ "
    ") .appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer ) .page().css('minHeight', '0px').css('zIndex', o.zindex).addClass(o.transition), pickPageTitle = pickPage.find('.ui-title'), pickPageContent = pickPage.find( ".ui-content" ), touch = ( typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined' ), START_EVENT = touch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', MOVE_EVENT = touch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', END_EVENT = touch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup', dragMove = false, dragStart = false, dragEnd = false, dragPos = false, dragTarget = false, dragThisDelta = 0; o.theme = thisTheme; $.extend(self, { input: input, focusedEl: focusedEl }); if ( o.forceInheritTheme ) { o.pickPageTheme = thisTheme; o.pickPageInputTheme = thisTheme; o.pickPageButtonTheme = thisTheme; } if ( o.defaultPickerValue===false && o.defaultDate!==false ) { o.defaultPickerValue = o.defaultDate; } if ( o.numberInputEnhance === true ) { if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ){ o.internalInputType = 'number'; } } $('label[for=\''+input.attr('id')+'\']').addClass('ui-input-text').css('verticalAlign', 'middle'); /* BUILD:MODE */ if ( o.mode === "timeflipbox" ) { // No header in time flipbox. o.lang[o.useLang].headerFormat = ' '; } // For focus mode, disable button, and bind click of input element and it's parent if ( o.noButtonFocusMode || o.useInline || o.noButton ) { openbutton.hide(); } self.focusedEl.bind(o.clickEvent, function() { if ( !o.disabled && ( o.noButtonFocusMode || o.focusMode ) ) { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method': 'open'}); self.focusedEl.addClass('ui-focus'); self.input.removeClass('ui-focus'); } }); self.input .removeClass('ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset') .focus(function(){ if ( ! o.disabled ) { self.focusedEl.addClass('ui-focus'); } self.input.removeClass('ui-focus'); }) .blur(function(){ self.focusedEl.removeClass('ui-focus'); self.input.removeClass('ui-focus'); }) .change(function() { self.theDate = self._makeDate(self.input.val()); self._update(); }); // Bind the master handler. self.input.bind('datebox', self._dateboxHandler); // Bind the close button on the DIALOG mode. (after unbinding the default) pickPage.find( ".ui-header a").unbind('click vclick').bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close', 'fromCloseButton':false}); }); $.extend(self, { pickPage: pickPage, thisPage: thisPage, pickPageContent: pickPageContent, pickPageTitle: pickPageTitle, theDate: theDate, initDate: initDate, touch: touch, START_DRAG: START_EVENT, MOVE_DRAG: MOVE_EVENT, END_DRAG: END_EVENT, dragMove: dragMove, dragStart: dragStart, dragEnd: dragEnd, dragPos: dragPos }); // Check if mousewheel plugin is loaded if ( typeof $.event.special.mousewheel !== 'undefined' ) { o.wheelExists = true; } self._buildPage(); // drag and drop support, all ending and moving events are defined here, start events are handled in _buildPage or update if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { $(document).bind(self.MOVE_DRAG, function(e) { if ( self.dragMove ) { if ( o.mode === 'slidebox' ) { self.dragEnd = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX; self.dragTarget.css('marginLeft', (self.dragPos + self.dragEnd - self.dragStart) + 'px'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if ( o.mode === 'flipbox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { self.dragEnd = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; self.dragTarget.css('marginTop', (self.dragPos + self.dragEnd - self.dragStart) + 'px'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if ( o.mode === 'durationbox' || o.mode === 'timebox' || o.mode === 'datebox' ) { self.dragEnd = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; if ( (self.dragEnd - self.dragStart) % 2 === 0 ) { dragThisDelta = (self.dragEnd - self.dragStart) / -2; if ( dragThisDelta < self.dragPos ) { self._offset(self.dragTarget, -1*(self.dragTarget==='i'?o.minuteStep:1)); } else if ( dragThisDelta > self.dragPos ) { self._offset(self.dragTarget, (self.dragTarget==='i'?o.minuteStep:1)); } self.dragPos = dragThisDelta; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } }); $(document).bind(self.END_DRAG, function(e) { if ( self.dragMove ) { self.dragMove = false; if ( o.mode === 'slidebox' ) { if ( self.dragEnd !== false && Math.abs(self.dragStart - self.dragEnd) > 25 ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); switch(self.dragTarget.parent().jqmData('rowtype')) { case 'y': self._offset('y', parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 84, 10)); break; case 'm': self._offset('m', parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 51, 10)); break; case 'd': self._offset('d', parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 32, 10)); break; case 'h': self._offset('h', parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 32, 10)); break; case 'i': self._offset('i', parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 32, 10)); break; } } } else if ( o.mode === 'flipbox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { if ( self.dragEnd !== false ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var fld = self.dragTarget.parent().parent().jqmData('field'), amount = parseInt(( self.dragStart - self.dragEnd ) / 30,10); self._offset(fld, amount * ( (fld === "i") ? o.minuteStep : 1 )); } } self.dragStart = false; self.dragEnd = false; } }); } // Disable when done if element attribute disabled is true. if ( self.input.is(':disabled') ) { self.disable(); } // Turn input readonly if requested (on by default) if ( o.disableManualInput === true ) { self.input.attr("readonly", true); } //Throw dateboxinit event $( document ).trigger( "dateboxaftercreate" ); }, _makeElement: function(source, parts) { var self = this, part = false, retty = false; retty = source.clone(); if ( typeof parts.attr !== 'undefined' ) { for ( part in parts.attr ) { if ( parts.attr.hasOwnProperty(part) ) { retty.jqmData(part, parts.attr[part]); } } } return retty; }, _eventEnterValue: function (item) { var self = this, o = self.options, newHour = false; if ( item.val() !== '' && self._isInt(item.val()) ) { switch(item.jqmData('field')) { case 'm': self.theDate.setMonth(parseInt(item.val(),10)-1); break; case 'd': self.theDate.setDate(parseInt(item.val(),10)); break; case 'y': self.theDate.setFullYear(parseInt(item.val(),10)); break; case 'i': self.theDate.setMinutes(parseInt(item.val(),10)); break; case 'h': newHour = parseInt(item.val(),10); if ( newHour === 12 ) { if ( ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) && self.pickerMeri.val() === o.meridiemLetters[0] ) { newHour = 0; } } self.theDate.setHours(newHour); break; } self._update(); } }, _buildInternals: function () { // Build the POSSIBLY VARIABLE controls (these might change) var self = this, o = self.options, x, y, newHour, fld, linkdiv =$("
    "), pickerContent = $("
    ", { "class": 'ui-datebox-container ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-datebox-hidden pop ui-body-'+o.pickPageTheme} ).css('zIndex', o.zindex), templInput = $("").addClass('ui-input-text ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset ui-datebox-input ui-body-'+o.pickPageInputTheme), templInputT = $("").addClass('ui-input-text ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset ui-datebox-input ui-body-'+o.pickPageInputTheme), templControls = $("
    ", { "class":'ui-datebox-controls' }), templFlip = $("
      "), controlsPlus, controlsInput, controlsMinus, controlsSet, controlsHeader, pickerHour, pickerMins, pickerMeri, pickerMon, pickerDay, pickerYar, pickerSecs; self.calNoNext = false; self.calNoPrev = false; self.setButton = false; self.clearButton = false; self.dateOK = true; if ( o.fieldsOrderOverride === false ) { switch (o.mode) { case 'timebox': case 'timeflipbox': o.fieldsOrder = o.lang[o.useLang].timeFieldOrder; break; case 'slidebox': o.fieldsOrder = o.lang[o.useLang].slideFieldOrder; break; default: o.fieldsOrder = o.lang[o.useLang].dateFieldOrder; } } else { o.fieldsOrder = o.fieldsOrderOverride; } /* Do the Date / Time Format */ if ( o.timeOutputOverride !== false ) { o.timeOutput = o.timeOutputOverride; } else if ( o.timeFormatOverride === false ) { o.timeOutput = o.timeFormats[o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat]; } else { o.timeOutput = o.timeFormats[o.timeFormatOverride]; } if ( o.dateFormat !== false ) { o.dateOutput = o.dateFormat; } else { if ( typeof o.lang[o.useLang].dateFormat !== 'undefined' ) { o.dateOutput = o.lang[o.useLang].dateFormat; } else { o.dateOutput = o.defaultDateFormat; } } self.pickerContent.empty(); /* BEGIN:DATETIME */ if ( o.mode === 'datebox' || o.mode === 'timebox' ) { controlsHeader = $("


      ").appendTo(self.pickerContent).find("h4"); controlsPlus = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsInput = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsMinus = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsSet = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); if ( o.mode === 'timebox' ) { controlsHeader.parent().empty(); } // Time mode has no header pickerMon = self._makeElement(templInput, {'attr': {'field':'m', 'amount':1} }); pickerDay = self._makeElement(templInput, {'attr': {'field':'d', 'amount':1} }); pickerYar = self._makeElement(templInput, {'attr': {'field':'y', 'amount':1} }); pickerHour = self._makeElement(templInput, {'attr': {'field':'h', 'amount':1} }); pickerMins = self._makeElement(templInput, {'attr': {'field':'i', 'amount':1} }); pickerMeri = self._makeElement(templInputT, {'attr': {'field':'a', 'amount':o.minuteStep} }); controlsInput.delegate('input', 'keyup', function() { self._eventEnterValue($(this)); }); if ( o.wheelExists ) { // Mousewheel operation, if plugin is loaded controlsInput.delegate('input', 'mousewheel', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); self._offset($(this).jqmData('field'), ((d<0)?-1:1)*$(this).jqmData('amount')); }); } for(x=0; x<=o.fieldsOrder.length; x++) { // Use fieldsOrder to decide what goes where if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'y') { pickerYar.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'm') { pickerMon.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'd') { pickerDay.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'h') { pickerHour.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'i') { pickerMins.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'a' && ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) ) { pickerMeri.appendTo(controlsInput); } } if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { // Drag and drop support controlsInput.delegate('input', self.START_DRAG, function(e) { if ( !self.dragMove ) { self.dragMove = true; self.dragTarget = $(this).jqmData('field'); self.dragPos = 0; self.dragStart = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; self.dragEnd = false; e.stopPropagation(); } }); } if ( o.noSetButton === false ) { // Set button at bottom self.setButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( self.dateOK === true ) { if ( o.mode === 'timebox' ) { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatTime(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); } else { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatDate(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); } self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); } }); } for( x=0; x', {'class': 'ui-datebox-sinput'}).jqmData('field', 'd').append(pickerDay).appendTo(controlsInput).prepend(''); break; case 'h': $('
      ', {'class': 'ui-datebox-sinput'}).jqmData('field', 'h').append(pickerHour).appendTo(controlsInput).prepend(''); break; case 'i': $('
      ', {'class': 'ui-datebox-sinput'}).jqmData('field', 'i').append(pickerMins).appendTo(controlsInput).prepend(''); break; case 's': $('
      ', {'class': 'ui-datebox-sinput'}).jqmData('field', 's').append(pickerSecs).appendTo(controlsInput).prepend(''); break; } } if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { // Drag and drop operation controlsInput.delegate('input', self.START_DRAG, function(e) { if ( !self.dragMove ) { self.dragMove = true; self.dragTarget = $(this).parent().jqmData('field'); self.dragPos = 0; self.dragStart = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; self.dragEnd = false; e.stopPropagation(); } }); } if ( o.noSetButton === false ) { // Bottom set button self.setButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatTime(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); }); } for ( x=0; x


      ").appendTo(self.pickerContent).find("h4"); controlsInput = $('
      ').addClass('ui-datebox-slide').appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsSet = $("
      ", { "class":'ui-datebox-controls'}).appendTo(self.pickerContent); if ( o.noSetButton === false ) { // Show set button at bottom self.setButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( self.dateOK === true ) { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatDate(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); } }); } $.extend(self, { controlsHeader: controlsHeader, controlsInput: controlsInput }); self.pickerContent.appendTo(self.thisPage); } /* END:SLIDEBOX */ /* BEGIN:FLIPBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'flipbox' || o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { controlsHeader = $("


      ").appendTo(self.pickerContent).find("h4"); controlsInput = $("
      ", {"class":'ui-datebox-flipcontent'}).appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsPlus = $("
      ", {"class":'ui-datebox-flipcenter ui-overlay-shadow'}).css('pointerEvents', 'none').appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsSet = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); pickerDay = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'d','amount':1} }); pickerMon = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'m','amount':1} }); pickerYar = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'y','amount':1} }); pickerHour = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'h','amount':1} }); pickerMins = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'i','amount':o.minuteStep} }); pickerMeri = self._makeElement(templFlip, {'attr': {'field':'a','amount':1} }); if ( o.wheelExists ) { // Mousewheel operation, if the plugin is loaded. controlsInput.delegate('div', 'mousewheel', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); self._offset($(this).jqmData('field'), ((d<0)?-1:1)*$(this).jqmData('amount')); }); } for(x=0; x<=o.fieldsOrder.length; x++) { // Use fieldsOrder to decide which to show. if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'y') { pickerYar.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'm') { pickerMon.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'd') { pickerDay.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'h') { pickerHour.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'i') { pickerMins.appendTo(controlsInput); } if (o.fieldsOrder[x] === 'a' && ( o.lang[o.useLang].timeFormat === 12 || o.timeFormatOverride === 12 ) ) { pickerMeri.appendTo(controlsInput); } } if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { // Drag and drop support controlsInput.delegate('ul', self.START_DRAG, function(e,f) { if ( !self.dragMove ) { if ( typeof f !== "undefined" ) { e = f; } self.dragMove = true; self.dragTarget = $(this).find('li').first(); self.dragPos = parseInt(self.dragTarget.css('marginTop').replace(/px/i, ''),10); self.dragStart = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; self.dragEnd = false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); controlsPlus.bind(self.START_DRAG, function(e) { // ONLY USED ON OLD BROWSERS & IE if ( !self.dragMove ) { self.dragTarget = self.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX - $(e.currentTarget).offset().left : e.pageX - $(e.currentTarget).offset().left; if ( o.fieldsOrder.length === 3 ) { $(self.controlsInput.find('ul').get(parseInt(self.dragTarget / 87, 10))).trigger(self.START_DRAG, e); } else if ( o.fieldsOrder.length === 2 ) { $(self.controlsInput.find('ul').get(parseInt(self.dragTarget / 130, 10))).trigger(self.START_DRAG, e); } } }); } if ( o.noSetButton === false ) { // Set button at bottom self.setButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( self.dateOK === true ) { if ( o.mode === 'timeflipbox' ) { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatTime(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); } else { self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':self._formatDate(self.theDate), 'date':self.theDate}); } self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); } }); } $.extend(self, { controlsHeader: controlsHeader, controlsInput: controlsInput, pickerDay: pickerDay, pickerMon: pickerMon, pickerYar: pickerYar, pickerHour: pickerHour, pickerMins: pickerMins, pickerMeri: pickerMeri }); self.pickerContent.appendTo(self.thisPage); } /* END:FLIPBOX */ /* BEGIN:CALBOX */ if ( o.mode === 'calbox' ) { controlsHeader = $("
      ", {"class": 'ui-datebox-gridheader'}).appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsPlus = $("
      ", {"class": 'ui-datebox-grid'}).appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsSet = templControls.clone().appendTo(self.pickerContent); controlsInput = $("


      ").appendTo(controlsHeader).find('h4'); if ( o.swipeEnabled ) { // Calendar swipe left and right self.pickerContent .bind('swipeleft', function() { if ( !self.calNoNext ) { self._offset('m', 1); } }) .bind('swiperight', function() { if ( !self.calNoPrev ) { self._offset('m', -1); } }); } if ( o.wheelExists) { // Mousewheel operations, if plugin is loaded self.pickerContent.bind('mousewheel', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); if ( d > 0 && !self.calNoNext ) { if ( self.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { self.theDate.setDate(1); } self._offset('m', 1); } if ( d < 0 && !self.calNoPrev ) { if ( self.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { self.theDate.setDate(1); } self._offset('m', -1); } }); } // Previous and next month buttons, define booleans to decide if they should do anything $("") .prependTo(controlsHeader).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageButtonTheme, icon: 'plus', inline: true, iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ! self.calNoNext ) { if ( self.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { self.theDate.setDate(1); } self._offset('m',1); } }); $("") .prependTo(controlsHeader).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageButtonTheme, icon: 'minus', inline: true, iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ! self.calNoPrev ) { if ( self.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { self.theDate.setDate(1); } self._offset('m',-1); } }); if ( o.calTodayButton === true ) { // Show today button at bottom self.setButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.theDate = new Date(); self.theDate = new Date(self.theDate.getFullYear(), self.theDate.getMonth(), self.theDate.getDate(), 0,0,0,0); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'doset'}); }); } $.extend(self, { controlsInput: controlsInput, controlsPlus: controlsPlus }); self.pickerContent.appendTo(self.thisPage); } /* END:CALBOX */ if ( o.useClearButton === true ) { // Clear button at very bottom self.clearButton = $("PlaceHolder") .appendTo(controlsSet).buttonMarkup({theme: o.pickPageTheme, icon: 'delete', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); self.input.val(''); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'clear'}); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); }); } if ( o.collapseButtons && ( self.clearButton !== false && self.setButton !== false ) ) { controlsSet.addClass('ui-datebox-collapse'); } }, _buttonsTitle: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // FIX THE DIALOG TITLE LABEL if ( o.titleDialogLabel === false ) { if ( typeof this.element.attr('title') !== 'undefined' ) { self.pickPageTitle.html(this.element.attr('title')); } else if ( this.focusedEl.parent().find('label').text() !== '' ) { self.pickPageTitle.html(this.focusedEl.parent().find('label').text()); } else { switch (o.mode) { case "timebox": case "timeflipbox": self.pickPageTitle.html(o.lang[o.useLang].titleTimeDialogLabel); break; default: self.pickPageTitle.html(o.lang[o.useLang].titleDateDialogLabel); break; } } } else { self.pickPageTitle.html(o.titleDialogLabel); } // FIX THE CLEAR BUTTON if ( self.clearButton !== false ) { self.clearButton.find('.ui-btn-text').html(o.lang[o.useLang].clearButton); } // FIX THE SET BUTTON if ( self.setButton !== false ) { switch (o.mode) { case "timebox": case "timeflipbox": self.setButton.find('.ui-btn-text').html(o.lang[o.useLang].setTimeButtonLabel); break; case "durationbox": self.setButton.find('.ui-btn-text').html(o.lang[o.useLang].setDurationButtonLabel); break; case "calbox": self.setButton.find('.ui-btn-text').html(o.lang[o.useLang].calTodayButtonLabel); break; default: self.setButton.find('.ui-btn-text').html(o.lang[o.useLang].setDateButtonLabel); break; } } }, _buildPage: function () { // Build the CONSTANT controls (these never change) var self = this, o = self.options, pickerContent = $("
      ", { "class": 'ui-datebox-container ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-datebox-hidden '+o.transition+' ui-body-'+o.pickPageTheme} ).css('zIndex', o.zindex), screen = $("
      ", {'class':'ui-datebox-screen ui-datebox-hidden'+((o.useModal)?' ui-datebox-screen-modal':'')}) .css({'z-index': o.zindex-1}) .appendTo(self.thisPage) .bind(o.clickEvent, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); }); if ( o.noAnimation ) { pickerContent.removeClass(o.transition); } $.extend(self, { pickerContent: pickerContent, screen: screen }); self._buildInternals(); // If useInline mode, drop it into the document, and stop a few events from working (or just hide the trigger) if ( o.useInline || o.useInlineBlind ) { self.input.parent().parent().append(self.pickerContent); if ( o.useInlineHideInput ) { self.input.parent().hide(); } self.input.trigger('change'); self.pickerContent.removeClass('ui-datebox-hidden'); } else if ( o.centerWindow && o.useInlineHideInput ) { self.input.parent().hide(); } if ( o.useInline ) { self.pickerContent.addClass('ui-datebox-inline'); self.open(); } if ( o.useInlineBlind ) { self.pickerContent.addClass('ui-datebox-inlineblind'); self.pickerContent.hide(); } }, hardreset: function() { // Public shortcut to rebuild all internals this._buildInternals(); this.refresh(); this._buttonsTitle(); }, refresh: function() { // Pulic shortcut to _update, with an extra hook for inline mode. if ( this.options.useInline === true ) { this.input.trigger('change'); } this._update(); }, open: function() { var self = this, o = this.options, coords = false, // Later, if need be transition = o.noAnimation ? 'none' : o.transition, callback, activePage; // Call the open callback if provided. Additionally, if this // returns falsy then the open of the dialog will be canceled if ( o.openCallback !== false ) { if ( ! $.isFunction(this.options.openCallback) ) { if ( typeof window[o.openCallback] !== 'undefined' ) { o.openCallback = window[o.openCallback]; } else { o.openCallback = new Function(o.openCallback); } } callback = o.openCallback.apply(self, $.merge([self.theDate],o.openCallbackArgs)); if ( callback == false ) { return false; } } self._buttonsTitle(); // Open the controls if ( this.options.useInlineBlind ) { this.pickerContent.slideDown(); return false; } // Just slide if blinds mode if ( this.options.useInline ) { return true; } // Ignore if inline if ( this.pickPage.is(':visible') ) { return false; } // Ignore if already open this.theDate = this._makeDate(this.input.val()); this._update(); this.input.blur(); // Grab latest value of input, in case it changed // If the window is less than 400px wide, use the jQM dialog method unless otherwise forced if ( ( $(document).width() > 400 && !o.useDialogForceTrue ) || o.useDialogForceFalse || o.fullScreen ) { coords = this._getCoords(this); // Get the coords now, since we need em. o.useDialog = false; if ( o.nestedBox === true && o.fullScreen === false ) { activePage = $('.ui-page-active').first(); $(activePage).append(self.pickerContent); $(activePage).append(self.screen); } if ( o.fullScreenAlways === false || coords.width > 399 ) { if ( o.useModal === true ) { // If model, fade the background screen self.screen.fadeIn('slow'); } else { // Else just unhide it since it's transparent (with a delay to prevent insta-close) setTimeout(function() {self.screen.removeClass('ui-datebox-hidden');}, 500); } } if ( o.fullScreenAlways === true || ( o.fullScreen === true && coords.width < 400 ) ) { self.pickerContent.addClass('in').css({'position': 'absolute', 'text-align': 'center', 'top': coords.fullTop-5, 'left': coords.fullLeft-5, 'height': coords.high, 'width': coords.width}).removeClass('ui-datebox-hidden'); } else { self.pickerContent.addClass('ui-overlay-shadow in').css({'position': 'absolute', 'top': coords.winTop, 'left': coords.winLeft}).removeClass('ui-datebox-hidden'); $(document).bind('orientationchange.datebox', {widget:self}, function(e) { self._orientChange(e); }); if ( o.resizeListener === true ) { $(window).bind('resize.datebox', {widget:self}, function (e) { self._orientChange(e); }); } } } else { // prevent the parent page from being removed from the DOM, self.thisPage.unbind( "pagehide.remove" ); o.useDialog = true; self.pickPageContent.append(self.pickerContent); self.pickerContent.css({'top': 'auto', 'left': 'auto', 'marginLeft': 'auto', 'marginRight': 'auto'}).removeClass('ui-overlay-shadow ui-datebox-hidden'); $.mobile.changePage(self.pickPage, {'transition': transition}); } }, close: function(fromCloseButton) { // Close the controls var self = this, o = this.options, callback; if ( o.useInlineBlind ) { self.pickerContent.slideUp(); return false; // No More! } if ( o.useInline ) { return true; } // Check options to see if we are closing a dialog, or removing a popup if ( o.useDialog ) { if (!fromCloseButton) { $(self.pickPage).dialog('close'); } if( !self.thisPage.jqmData("page").options.domCache ){ self.thisPage.bind( "pagehide.remove", function() { $(self).remove(); }); } self.pickerContent.addClass('ui-datebox-hidden').removeAttr('style').css('zIndex', self.options.zindex); self.thisPage.append(self.pickerContent); } else { if ( o.useModal ) { self.screen.fadeOut('slow'); } else { self.screen.addClass('ui-datebox-hidden'); } self.pickerContent.addClass('ui-datebox-hidden').removeAttr('style').css('zIndex', self.options.zindex).removeClass('in'); } self.focusedEl.removeClass('ui-focus'); $(document).unbind('orientationchange.datebox'); if ( o.resizeListener === true ) { $(window).unbind('resize.datebox'); } if ( o.closeCallback !== false ) { if ( ! $.isFunction(o.closeCallback) ) { if ( typeof window[o.closeCallback] !== 'undefined' ) { o.closeCallback = window[o.closeCallback]; } else { o.closeCallback = new Function(o.closeCallback); } } o.closeCallback.apply(self, $.merge([self.theDate], o.closeCallbackArgs)); } }, disable: function(){ // Disable the element this.element.attr("disabled",true); this.element.parent().addClass("ui-disabled"); this.options.disabled = true; this.element.blur(); this.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'disable'}); }, enable: function(){ // Enable the element this.element.attr("disabled", false); this.element.parent().removeClass("ui-disabled"); this.options.disabled = false; this.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'enable'}); }, _setOption: function( key, value ) { var noReset = ['minYear','maxYear','afterToday','beforeToday','maxDays','minDays','highDays','highDates','blackDays','blackDates','enableDates']; $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments ); if ( $.inArray(key, noReset) > -1 ) { this.refresh(); } else { this.hardreset(); } } }); // Degrade date inputs to text inputs, suppress standard UI functions. $( document ).bind( "pagebeforecreate", function( e ) { $( ":jqmData(role='datebox')", e.target ).each(function() { $(this).prop('type', 'text'); }); }); // Automatically bind to data-role='datebox' items. $( document ).bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ){ $( document ).trigger( "dateboxbeforecreate" ); $( ":jqmData(role='datebox')", e.target ).each(function() { if ( typeof($(this).data('datebox')) === "undefined" ) { $(this).datebox(); } }); }); })( jQuery );