/* * jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin to provide a date and time picker. * Copyright (c) JTSage * CC 3.0 Attribution. May be relicensed without permission/notification. * https://github.com/jtsage/jquery-mobile-datebox */ /* CALBOX Mode */ // Version Notes: <140 :: New button theme method, still use _hoover (function($) { $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype.options, { themeDateToday: 'b', themeDayHigh: 'b', themeDatePick: 'b', themeDateHigh: 'b', themeDateHighAlt: 'b', themeDateHighRec: 'b', themeDate: 'a', calHighToday: true, calHighPick: true, calShowDays: true, calOnlyMonth: false, calWeekMode: false, calWeekModeDay: 1, calWeekHigh: false, calControlGroup: false, calShowWeek: false, calUsePickers: false, calNoHeader: false, useTodayButton: false, useCollapsedBut: false, highDays: false, highDates: false, highDatesRec: false, highDatesAlt: false, enableDates: false, calDateList: false, calShowDateList: false, }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype, { _cal_gen: function (start,prev,last,other,month) { var rc = 0, cc = 0, day = 1, next = 1, cal = [], row = [], stop = false; for ( rc = 0; rc <= 5; rc++ ) { if ( stop === false ) { row = []; for ( cc = 0; cc <= 6; cc++ ) { if ( rc === 0 && cc < start ) { if ( other === true ) { row.push([prev + (cc - start) + 1,month-1]); } else { row.push(false); } } else if ( rc > 3 && day > last ) { if ( other === true ) { row.push([next,month+1]); next++; } else { row.push(false); } stop = true; } else { row.push([day,month]); day++; if ( day > last ) { stop = true; } } } cal.push(row); } } return cal; }, _cal_check : function (cal, year, month, date) { var w = this, i, o = this.options, ret = {}, day = new this._date(year,month,date,0,0,0,0).getDay(); ret.ok = true; ret.iso = year + '-' + w._zPad(month+1) + '-' + w._zPad(date); ret.comp = parseInt(ret.iso.replace(/-/g, ''),10); ret.theme = o.themeDate; ret.recok = true; ret.rectheme = false; if ( o.blackDatesRec !== false ) { for ( i=0; i ret.comp ) || ( o.beforeToday === true && cal.thisDate.comp() < ret.comp ) || ( o.notToday === true && cal.thisDate.comp() === ret.comp ) || ( o.maxDays !== false && cal.maxDate.comp() < ret.comp ) || ( o.minDays !== false && cal.minDate.comp() > ret.comp ) || ( $.isArray(o.blackDays) && $.inArray(day, o.blackDays) > -1 ) || ( $.isArray(o.blackDates) && $.inArray(ret.iso, o.blackDates) > -1 ) ) { ret.ok = false; } } if ( ret.ok ) { if ( o.highDatesRec !== false ) { for ( i=0; i -1) ) { ret.theme = o.themeDateHighAlt; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDates) && ($.inArray(ret.iso, o.highDates) > -1) ) { ret.theme = o.themeDateHigh; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDays) && ($.inArray(day, o.highDays) > -1) ) { ret.theme = o.themeDayHigh; } else if ( $.isArray(o.highDatesRec) && ret.rectheme === true ) { ret.theme = o.themeDateHighRec; } } return ret; } }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype._build, { 'calbox': function () { var w = this, o = this.options, i, cal = false, uid = 'ui-datebox-', temp = false, row = false, col = false, hRow = false, checked = false; if ( typeof w.d.intHTML !== 'boolean' ) { w.d.intHTML.remove(); } w.d.headerText = ((w._grabLabel() !== false)?w._grabLabel():w.__('titleDateDialogLabel')); w.d.intHTML = $(''); $('

' + w._formatter(w.__('calHeaderFormat'), w.theDate) + '

').appendTo(w.d.intHTML); // Previous and next month buttons, define booleans to decide if they should do anything $("") .prependTo(w.d.intHTML.find('.'+uid+'gridheader')) .buttonMarkup({theme: o.themeDate, icon: 'arrow-r', inline: true, iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .on(o.clickEventAlt, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( w.calNext ) { if ( w.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { w.theDate.setDate(1); } w._offset('m',1); } }); $("") .prependTo(w.d.intHTML.find('.'+uid+'gridheader')) .buttonMarkup({theme: o.themeDate, icon: 'arrow-l', inline: true, iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .on(o.clickEventAlt, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( w.calPrev ) { if ( w.theDate.getDate() > 28 ) { w.theDate.setDate(1); } w._offset('m',-1); } }); if ( o.calNoHeader === true ) { w.d.intHTML.find('.'+uid+'gridheader').remove(); } cal = {'today': -1, 'highlightDay': -1, 'presetDay': -1, 'startDay': w.__('calStartDay'), 'thisDate': new w._date(), 'maxDate': w.initDate.copy(), 'minDate': w.initDate.copy(), 'currentMonth': false, 'weekMode': 0, 'weekDays': null }; cal.start = (w.theDate.copy([0],[0,0,1]).getDay() - w.__('calStartDay') + 7) % 7; cal.thisMonth = w.theDate.getMonth(); cal.thisYear = w.theDate.getFullYear(); cal.wk = w.theDate.copy([0],[0,0,1]).adj(2,(-1*cal.start)+(w.__('calStartDay')===0?1:0)).getDWeek(4); cal.end = 32 - w.theDate.copy([0],[0,0,32,13]).getDate(); cal.lastend = 32 - w.theDate.copy([0,-1],[0,0,32,13]).getDate(); cal.presetDate = (w.d.input.val() === "") ? w._startOffset(w._makeDate(w.d.input.val())) : w._makeDate(w.d.input.val()); cal.thisDateArr = cal.thisDate.getArray(); cal.theDateArr = w.theDate.getArray(); cal.checkDates = ( $.inArray(false, [o.afterToday, o.beforeToday, o.notToday, o.maxDays, o.minDays, o.blackDates, o.blackDays]) > -1 ); w.calNext = true; w.calPrev = true; if ( cal.thisDateArr[0] === cal.theDateArr[0] && cal.thisDateArr[1] === cal.theDateArr[1] ) { cal.currentMonth = true; } if ( cal.presetDate.comp() === w.theDate.comp() ) { cal.presetDay = cal.presetDate.getDate(); } if ( o.afterToday === true && ( cal.currentMonth === true || ( cal.thisDateArr[1] >= cal.theDateArr[1] && cal.theDateArr[0] === cal.thisDateArr[0] ) ) ) { w.calPrev = false; } if ( o.beforeToday === true && ( cal.currentMonth === true || ( cal.thisDateArr[1] <= cal.theDateArr[1] && cal.theDateArr[0] === cal.thisDateArr[0] ) ) ) { w.calNext = false; } if ( o.minDays !== false ) { cal.minDate.adj(2, -1*o.minDays); if ( cal.theDateArr[0] === cal.minDate.getFullYear() && cal.theDateArr[1] <= cal.minDate.getMonth() ) { w.calPrev = false;} } if ( o.maxDays !== false ) { cal.maxDate.adj(2, o.maxDays); if ( cal.theDateArr[0] === cal.maxDate.getFullYear() && cal.theDateArr[1] >= cal.maxDate.getMonth() ) { w.calNext = false;} } if ( o.calUsePickers === true ) { cal.picker = $('
', {'class': 'ui-grid-a ui-datebox-grid','style':'padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;'}); cal.picker1 = $('
').appendTo(cal.picker).find('select'); cal.picker2 = $('
').appendTo(cal.picker).find('select'); for ( i=0; i<=11; i++ ) { cal.picker1.append($('')); } for ( i=(cal.thisYear-6); i<=cal.thisYear+6; i++ ) { cal.picker2.append($('')); } cal.picker1.on('change', function () { w.theDate.setMonth($(this).val()); w.refresh(); }); cal.picker2.on('change', function () { w.theDate.setFullYear($(this).val()); w.refresh(); }); cal.picker.find('select').selectmenu({mini:true, nativeMenu: true}); cal.picker.appendTo(w.d.intHTML); } temp = $('
').appendTo(w.d.intHTML); if ( o.calShowDays ) { w._cal_days = w.__('daysOfWeekShort').concat(w.__('daysOfWeekShort')); cal.weekDays = $("
", {'class':uid+'gridrow'}).appendTo(temp); if ( w.__('isRTL') === true ) { cal.weekDays.css('direction', 'rtl'); } if ( o.calShowWeek ) { $("
").addClass(uid+'griddate '+uid+'griddate-empty '+uid+'griddate-label').appendTo(cal.weekDays); } for ( i=0; i<=6;i++ ) { $("
").addClass(uid+'griddate '+uid+'griddate-empty '+uid+'griddate-label').appendTo(cal.weekDays); } } cal.gen = w._cal_gen(cal.start, cal.lastend, cal.end, !o.calOnlyMonth, w.theDate.getMonth()); for ( var row=0, rows=cal.gen.length; row < rows; row++ ) { hRow = $('
', {'class': uid+'gridrow'}); if ( w.__('isRTL') ) { hRow.css('direction', 'rtl'); } if ( o.calShowWeek ) { $('
', {'class':uid+'griddate '+uid+'griddate-empty'}).text('W'+cal.wk).appendTo(hRow); cal.wk++; if ( cal.wk > 52 && typeof cal.gen[parseInt(row,10)+1] !== 'undefined' ) { cal.wk = new Date(cal.theDateArr[0],cal.theDateArr[1],((w.__('calStartDay')===0)?cal.gen[parseInt(row,10)+1][1][0]:cal.gen[parseInt(row,10)+1][0][0])).getDWeek(4); } } for ( var col=0, cols=cal.gen[row].length; col', {'class':uid+'griddate '+uid+'griddate-empty'}).appendTo(hRow); } else { checked = w._cal_check(cal, cal.theDateArr[0], cal.gen[row][col][1], cal.gen[row][col][0]); if (cal.gen[row][col][0]) { $("
") .addClass( cal.thisMonth === cal.gen[row][col][1] ? (uid+'griddate ui-corner-all ui-btn ui-btn-'+(o.mobVer<140?'up-':'')+checked.theme + (checked.ok?'':' '+uid+'griddate-disable')): (uid+'griddate '+uid+'griddate-empty') ) .jqmData('date', ((o.calWeekMode)?cal.weekMode:cal.gen[row][col][0])) .jqmData('theme', cal.thisMonth === cal.gen[row][col][1] ? checked.theme : '-') .jqmData('enabled', checked.ok) .jqmData('month', cal.gen[row][((o.calWeekMode)?o.calWeekModeDay:col)][1]) .appendTo(hRow); } } } if ( o.calControlGroup === true ) { hRow.find('.ui-corner-all').removeClass('ui-corner-all').eq(0).addClass('ui-corner-left').end().last().addClass('ui-corner-right').addClass('ui-controlgroup-last'); } hRow.appendTo(temp); } if ( o.calShowWeek ) { temp.find('.'+uid+'griddate').addClass(uid+'griddate-week'); } if ( o.calShowDateList === true && o.calDateList !== false ) { cal.datelist = $('
'); cal.datelistpick = $('').appendTo(cal.datelist); cal.datelistpick.append(''); for ( i=0; i'+o.calDateList[i][1]+'')); } cal.datelistpick.on('change', function() { cal.datelistdate = $(this).val().split('-'); w.theDate = new w._date(cal.datelistdate[0], cal.datelistdate[1]-1, cal.datelistdate[2], 0,0,0,0); w.d.input.trigger('datebox',{'method':'doset'}); }); cal.datelist.find('select').selectmenu({mini:true, nativeMenu:true}); cal.datelist.appendTo(w.d.intHTML); } if ( o.useTodayButton || o.useClearButton ) { hRow = $('
', {'class':uid+'controls'}); if ( o.useTodayButton ) { $(''+w.__('calTodayButtonLabel')+'') .appendTo(hRow).buttonMarkup({theme: o.theme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .on(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); w.theDate = new w._date(); w.theDate = new w._date(w.theDate.getFullYear(), w.theDate.getMonth(), w.theDate.getDate(),0,0,0,0); w.d.input.trigger('datebox',{'method':'doset'}); }); } if ( o.useClearButton ) { $(''+w.__('clearButton')+'') .appendTo(hRow).buttonMarkup({theme: o.theme, icon: 'delete', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .on(o.clickEventAlt, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); w.d.input.val(''); w.d.input.trigger('datebox',{'method':'clear'}); w.d.input.trigger('datebox',{'method':'close'}); }); } if ( o.useCollapsedBut ) { hRow.addClass('ui-datebox-collapse'); } hRow.appendTo(temp); } w.d.intHTML.on(o.clickEventAlt+' vmouseover vmouseout', 'div.'+uid+'griddate', function(e) { if ( e.type === o.clickEventAlt ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $(this).jqmData('enabled') ) { w.theDate.setD(2,1).setD(1,$(this).jqmData('month')).setD(2,$(this).jqmData('date')); w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':w._formatter(w.__fmt(),w.theDate), 'date':w.theDate}); w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); } } else { if ( $(this).jqmData('enabled') && typeof $(this).jqmData('theme') !== 'undefined' && o.mobVer < 140 ) { if ( o.calWeekMode !== false && o.calWeekHigh === true ) { $(this).parent().find('div').each(function() { w._hoover(this); }); } else { w._hoover(this); } } } }); w.d.intHTML .on('swipeleft', function() { if ( w.calNext ) { w._offset('m', 1); } }) .on('swiperight', function() { if ( w.calPrev ) { w._offset('m', -1); } }); if ( w.wheelExists) { // Mousewheel operations, if plugin is loaded w.d.intHTML.on('mousewheel', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); if ( d > 0 && w.calNext ) { w.theDate.setD(2,1); w._offset('m', 1); } if ( d < 0 && w.calPrev ) { w.theDate.setD(2,1); w._offset('m', -1); } }); } } }); })( jQuery );