/* * jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin to provide a date and time picker. * Copyright (c) JTSage * CC 3.0 Attribution. May be relicensed without permission/notification. * https://github.com/jtsage/jquery-mobile-datebox */ /* FLIPBOX Mode */ (function($) { $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype.options, { themeTireHigh: 'e', themeTirePick: 'a', themeTire: 'd', useSetButton: true, tireField: { 'Tr': [ 15, 16, 17, 18 ], 'Tw': [ 7, 8, 9, 10 ], 'TW': [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, tireFieldOrder: ['Tr', 'Tw', 'TW'], tireOutput: '%Xrr x %Xww, %XWyrs', tireDefault: [17,8,5], tireboxlang: { // This structure interfaces with __() -> if it exists, strings are looked up here after i8n fails, // and before going to 'default' - the name syntax is lang 'tireTitleString': 'Tire Radius, Width, and Warrenty', 'tireYears':'years', 'tireSet':'Looks Good' } }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype, { '_tireboxDoSet': function () { // If this function exists, it overrides the 'doset' method of the 'datebox' event. // The name syntax is _DoSet var w = this, o = this.options; if ( typeof w.tireChoice === 'undefined' ) { w.tireChoice = this._makeDate(this.d.input.val()); } w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':w._formatter(o.tireOutput,w.tireChoice), 'date':w.tireChoice}); }, '_tbox_offset': function (fld, amount) { // This is *not* an automatic override, used below specificly. var w = this, x, o = this.options, witch = $.inArray(fld, ['Tr', 'Tw', 'TW']), base = o.tireField[fld].slice(); if ( amount > 0 ) { for ( x = 0; x < 5; x++ ) { $.merge(base, o.tireField[fld]); } } else { base.reverse(); amount = amount * -1; for ( x = 0; x < 5; x++ ) { $.merge(base, o.tireField[fld].slice().reverse()); } } w.tireChoice[witch] = base[$.inArray(w.tireChoice[witch], base) + amount]; if ( o.useImmediate ) { w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':w._formatter(o.tireOutput,w.tireChoice), 'date':w.tireChoice}); } w.refresh(); }, '_tbox_arr': function (type, choice) { var base = this.options.tireField[type], x, before = [], after = [], found = false; for ( x in base ) { if ( found === false && base[x] !== choice ) { before.push(base[x]); } else if ( base[x] === choice ) { found = true; } else { after.push(base[x]); } } while ( before.length < 10 ) { for ( x = base.length; x > 0; x-- ) { before.unshift(base[x-1]); } } while ( before.length > 10 ) { before.shift(); } while ( after.length < 10 ) { for ( x = 0; x < base.length; x++ ) { after.push(base[x]); } } after.length = 10; before.push(choice); return $.merge($.merge([], before), after); }, '_tbox_pos': function () { var w = this, ech = null, top = null, par = this.d.intHTML.find('.ui-datebox-flipcontent').innerHeight(), tot = null; w.d.intHTML.find('.ui-datebox-flipcenter').each(function() { ech = $(this); top = ech.innerHeight(); ech.css('top', ((par/2)-(top/2)+4)*-1); }); w.d.intHTML.find('ul').each(function () { ech = $(this); par = ech.parent().innerHeight(); top = ech.find('li').first(); tot = ech.find('li').size() * top.outerHeight(); top.css('marginTop', ((tot/2)-(par/2)+(top.outerHeight()/2))*-1); }); } }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype._parser, { // If this stucture exists, it is called instead of the usual date input parser. // The name of the structure is the same as the mode name - it recieves a string // as the input, which is the current value of the input element, pre-sanitized 'tirebox' : function ( str ) { var o = this.options, i, adv = o.tireOutput, found = o.tireDefault, exp_input = null, exp_format = null; adv = adv.replace(/%(X|0|-)*([a-z])/gi, function(match, pad, oper) { switch (oper) { case 'r': case 'w': case 'W': return '(' + match + '|' +'[0-9]+' + ')'; default: return '.+?'; } }); adv = new RegExp('^' + adv + '$'); exp_input = adv.exec(str); exp_format = adv.exec(o.tireOutput); if ( exp_input === null || exp_input.length !== exp_format.length ) { return o.tireDefault; } for ( i=0; i - it recieves the single letter operater, and the current "date" value 'tirebox' : function ( oper, val ) { switch ( oper ) { case 'r': return val[0]; case 'w': return val[1]; case 'W': return val[2]; } } }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype._build, { // This builds the actual interface, and is called on *every* refresh. (after each "movement") 'tirebox': function () { var w = this, o = this.options, i, y, hRow, tmp, lineArr, uid = 'ui-datebox-', currentChoice = this._makeDate(this.d.input.val()), flipBase = $("
    "), ctrl = $("
    ", {"class":uid+'flipcontent'}); if ( typeof w.tireChoice === 'undefined' ) { w.tireChoice = currentChoice.slice(); } if ( typeof w.d.intHTML !== 'boolean' ) { w.d.intHTML.empty().remove(); } w.d.input.on('datebox', function (e,p) { if ( p.method === 'postrefresh' ) { w._tbox_pos(); } }); w.d.headerText = ((w._grabLabel() !== false)?w._grabLabel():w.__('tireTitleString')); w.d.intHTML = $(''); w.fldOrder = o.tireFieldOrder; $('
    ').appendTo(w.d.intHTML).find('td').css('width', '33%'); w.d.intHTML.append(ctrl); for ( y=0; y', {'class':'ui-body-'+tmp}) .html(''+lineArr[i]+'').appendTo(hRow.find('ul')); } hRow.appendTo(ctrl); break; case 'Tw': lineArr = w._tbox_arr('Tw', w.tireChoice[1]); hRow = w._makeEl(flipBase, {'attr': {'field':'Tw','amount':1} }); for ( i in lineArr ) { tmp = (i!=10)?((lineArr[i]===currentChoice[1])?o.themeTireHigh:o.themeTire):o.themeTirePick; $('
  • ', {'class':'ui-body-'+tmp}) .html(''+lineArr[i]+'').appendTo(hRow.find('ul')); } hRow.appendTo(ctrl); break; case 'TW': lineArr = w._tbox_arr('TW', w.tireChoice[2]); hRow = w._makeEl(flipBase, {'attr': {'field':'TW','amount':1} }); for ( i in lineArr ) { tmp = (i!=10)?((lineArr[i]===currentChoice[2])?o.themeTireHigh:o.themeTire):o.themeTirePick; $('
  • ', {'class':'ui-body-'+tmp}) .html(''+lineArr[i]+' '+w.__('tireYears')+'').appendTo(hRow.find('ul')); } hRow.appendTo(ctrl); break; } } $("
    ", {"class":uid+'flipcenter ui-overlay-shadow'}).css('pointerEvents', 'none').appendTo(w.d.intHTML); if ( o.useSetButton ) { y = $('
    ', {'class':uid+'controls'}); if ( o.useSetButton ) { $(''+w.__('tireSet')+'') .appendTo(y).buttonMarkup({theme: o.theme, icon: 'check', iconpos: 'left', corners:true, shadow:true}) .on(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':w._formatter(o.tireOutput,w.tireChoice), 'date':w.tireChoice}); w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'close'}); }); } y.appendTo(w.d.intHTML); } if ( w.wheelExists ) { // Mousewheel operation, if plugin is loaded w.d.intHTML.on('mousewheel', '.ui-overlay-shadow', function(e,d) { e.preventDefault(); w._tbox_offset($(this).jqmData('field'), ((d<0)?1:-1)*$(this).jqmData('amount')); }); } w.d.intHTML.on(w.drag.eStart, 'ul', function(e,f) { if ( !w.drag.move ) { if ( typeof f !== "undefined" ) { e = f; } w.drag.move = true; w.drag.target = $(this).find('li').first(); w.drag.pos = parseInt(w.drag.target.css('marginTop').replace(/px/i, ''),10); w.drag.start = w.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; w.drag.end = false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }); w.d.intHTML.on(w.drag.eStart, '.'+uid+'flipcenter', function(e) { // Used only on old browsers and IE. if ( !w.drag.move ) { w.drag.target = w.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX - $(e.currentTarget).offset().left : e.pageX - $(e.currentTarget).offset().left; w.drag.tmp = w.d.intHTML.find('.'+uid+'flipcenter').innerWidth() / (( $.inArray('a', w.fldOrder) > -1 && w.__('timeFormat') !== 12 )?w.fldOrder.length-1:w.fldOrder.length); $(w.d.intHTML.find('ul').get(parseInt(w.drag.target / w.drag.tmp,10))).trigger(w.drag.eStart,e); } }); } }); $.extend( $.mobile.datebox.prototype._drag, { // This contains the code that the drag and drop (or touch move) code uses 'tirebox': function() { var w = this, o = this.options, g = this.drag; $(document).on(g.eMove, function(e) { if ( g.move && o.mode === 'tirebox' ) { g.end = w.touch ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY; g.target.css('marginTop', (g.pos + g.end - g.start) + 'px'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); $(document).on(g.eEnd, function(e) { if ( g.move && o.mode === 'tirebox' ) { g.move = false; if ( g.end !== false ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); g.tmp = g.target.parent().parent(); w._tbox_offset(g.tmp.jqmData('field'), (parseInt((g.start - g.end) / g.target.innerHeight(),10) * g.tmp.jqmData('amount'))); } g.start = false; g.end = false; } }); } }); })( jQuery );