/* * jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin to provide a date and time picker. * Copyright (c) JTSage * CC 3.0 Attribution. May be relicensed without permission/notification. * https://github.com/jtsage/jquery-mobile-datebox */ /* CORE Functions */ (function($) { $.widget( "mobile.datebox", $.mobile.widget, { options: { // All widget options, including some internal runtime details version: '2-1.4.0-2013070300', // jQMMajor.jQMMinor.DBoxMinor-YrMoDaySerial mobVer: parseInt($.mobile.version.replace(/\./g,'')), theme: false, themeDefault: 'a', themeHeader: 'a', mode: false, centerHoriz: false, centerVert: false, transition: 'pop', useAnimation: true, hideInput: false, hideFixedToolbars: false, lockInput: true, enhanceInput: true, zindex: '500', clickEvent: 'vclick', clickEventAlt: 'click', resizeListener: true, defaultValue: false, showInitialValue: false, dialogEnable: false, dialogForce: false, enablePopup: false, popupPosition: false, popupForceX: false, popupForceY: false, useModal: false, useInline: false, useInlineBlind: false, useHeader: true, useImmediate: false, useNewStyle: false, useAltIcon: false, overrideStyleClass: false, useButton: true, useFocus: false, useClearButton: false, useCollapsedBut: false, usePlaceholder: false, openCallback: false, openCallbackArgs: [], closeCallback: false, closeCallbackArgs: [], startOffsetYears: false, startOffsetMonths: false, startOffsetDays: false, afterToday: false, beforeToday: false, notToday: false, maxDays: false, minDays: false, maxYear: false, minYear: false, blackDates: false, blackDatesRec: false, blackDays: false, minHour: false, maxHour: false, minuteStep: 1, minuteStepRound: 0, rolloverMode: { 'm': true, 'd': true, 'h': true, 'i': true, 's': true }, useLang: 'default', lang: { 'default' : { setDateButtonLabel: 'Set Date', setTimeButtonLabel: 'Set Time', setDurationButtonLabel: 'Set Duration', calTodayButtonLabel: 'Jump to Today', titleDateDialogLabel: 'Set Date', titleTimeDialogLabel: 'Set Time', daysOfWeek: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], daysOfWeekShort: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'], monthsOfYear: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthsOfYearShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], durationLabel: ['Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'], durationDays: ['Day', 'Days'], timeFormat: 24, headerFormat: '%A, %B %-d, %Y', tooltip: 'Open Date Picker', nextMonth: 'Next Month', prevMonth: 'Previous Month', dateFieldOrder: ['m', 'd', 'y'], timeFieldOrder: ['h', 'i', 'a'], slideFieldOrder: ['y', 'm', 'd'], dateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d', useArabicIndic: false, isRTL: false, calStartDay: 0, clearButton: 'Clear', durationOrder: ['d', 'h', 'i', 's'], meridiem: ['AM', 'PM'], timeOutput: '%k:%M', //{ '12': '%l:%M %p', '24': '%k:%M' }, durationFormat: '%Dd %DA, %Dl:%DM:%DS', calDateListLabel: 'Other Dates', calHeaderFormat: '%B %Y' } } }, _enhanceDate: function() { $.extend(this._date.prototype, { copy: function(adjust, override) { /* Get a modified copy of the date. * First array - Offset the new date by # (position determines date part) * Second array - If non-zero, force the new date by # (position determines date part) */ if ( typeof adjust === 'undefined' ) { adjust = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; } if ( typeof override === 'undefined' ) { override = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; } while ( adjust.length < 7 ) { adjust.push(0); } while ( override.length < 7 ) { override.push(0); } return new Date( ((override[0] > 0 ) ? override[0] : this.getFullYear() + adjust[0]), ((override[1] > 0 ) ? override[1] : this.getMonth() + adjust[1]), ((override[2] > 0 ) ? override[2] : this.getDate() + adjust[2]), ((override[3] > 0 ) ? override[3] : this.getHours() + adjust[3]), ((override[4] > 0 ) ? override[4] : this.getMinutes() + adjust[4]), ((override[5] > 0 ) ? override[5] : this.getSeconds() + adjust[5]), ((override[6] > 0 ) ? override[5] : this.getMilliseconds() + adjust[6])); }, adj: function (type, amount) { /* Adjust the date. Yes, this is chainable */ if ( typeof amount !== 'number' ) { throw new Error("Adjustment value not specified"); } if ( typeof type !== 'number' ) { throw new Error("Adjustment type not specified"); } switch ( type ) { case 0: this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + amount); break; case 1: this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + amount); break; case 2: this.setDate(this.getDate() + amount); break; case 3: this.setHours(this.getHours() + amount); break; case 4: this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + amount); break; case 5: this.setSeconds(this.getSeconds() + amount); break; case 6: this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds() + amount); break; } return this; }, setD: function(type, amount) { /* A chainable version of setWhatever() */ switch ( type ) { case 0: this.setFullYear(amount); break; case 1: this.setMonth(amount); break; case 2: this.setDate(amount); break; case 3: this.setHours(amount); break; case 4: this.setMinutes(amount); break; case 5: this.setSeconds(amount); break; case 6: this.setMilliseconds(amount); break; } return this; }, get: function(type) { switch ( type ) { case 0: return this.getFullYear(); case 1: return this.getMonth(); case 2: return this.getDate(); case 3: return this.getHours(); case 4: return this.getMinutes(); case 5: return this.getSeconds(); } return false; }, iso: function() { return String(this.getFullYear()) + '-' + (( this.getMonth() < 9 ) ? "0" : "") + String(this.getMonth()+1) + '-' + ((this.getDate() < 10 ) ? "0" : "") + String(this.getDate()); }, comp: function () { return parseInt(this.iso().replace(/-/g,''),10); }, getEpoch: function() { return (this.getTime() - this.getMilliseconds()) / 1000; }, getArray: function() { return [this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds()]; }, setFirstDay: function (day) { this.setD(2,1).adj(2, (day - this.getDay())); if ( this.get(2) > 10 ) { this.adj(2,7); } return this; }, setDWeek: function (type,num) { if ( type === 4 ) { return this.setD(1,0).setD(2,1).setFirstDay(4).adj(2,-3).adj(2,(num-1)*7); } return this.setD(1,0).setD(2,1).setFirstDay(type).adj(2,(num-1)*7); }, getDWeek: function (type) { var t1, t2; switch ( type ) { case 0: t1 = this.copy([0,-1*this.getMonth()]).setFirstDay(0); return Math.floor((this.getTime() - ( t1.getTime() + (( this.getTimezoneOffset() - t1.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000))) / 6048e5) + 1; //return Math.floor((this.getTime() - t1.getTime()) / 6048e5) + 1; case 1: t1 = this.copy([0,-1*this.getMonth()]).setFirstDay(1); return Math.floor((this.getTime() - ( t1.getTime() + (( this.getTimezoneOffset() - t1.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000))) / 6048e5) + 1; //return Math.floor((this.getTime() - t1.getTime()) / 6048e5) + 1; case 4: // this line is some bullshit. but it does work. // (trap for dec 29, 30, or 31st being in the new year's week - these are the // only 3 that can possibly fall like this) if ( this.getMonth() === 11 && this.getDate() > 28 ) { return 1; } t1 = this.copy([0,-1*this.getMonth()],true).setFirstDay(4).adj(2,-3); t2 = Math.floor((this.getTime() - ( t1.getTime() + (( this.getTimezoneOffset() - t1.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60000))) / 6048e5) + 1; if ( t2 < 1 ) { t1 = this.copy([-1,-1*this.getMonth()]).setFirstDay(4).adj(2,-3); return Math.floor((this.getTime() - t1.getTime()) / 6048e5) + 1; } return t2; default: return 0; } } }); }, _event: function(e, p) { var w = $(this).data(parseInt($.mobile.version.replace(/\./g,''),10) > 110 ? 'mobile-datebox' : 'datebox'); if ( ! e.isPropagationStopped() ) { switch (p.method) { case 'close': w.close(); break; case 'open': w.open(); break; case 'set': $(this).val(p.value); $(this).trigger('change'); break; case 'doset': if ( $.isFunction(w['_'+w.options.mode+'DoSet']) ) { w['_'+w.options.mode+'DoSet'].apply(w,[]); } else { $(this).trigger('datebox', {'method':'set', 'value':w._formatter(w.__fmt(), w.theDate), 'date':w.theDate}); } break; case 'dooffset': if (p.type) { w._offset(p.type, p.amount, true); } break; case 'dorefresh': w.refresh(); break; case 'doreset': w.hardreset(); break; case 'doclear': $(this).val('').trigger('change'); break; case 'clear': $(this).trigger('change'); } } }, _hoover: function(item) { // Hover toggle class, for calendar $(item).toggleClass('ui-btn-up-'+$(item).jqmData('theme')+' ui-btn-down-'+$(item).jqmData('theme')); }, _ord: { 'default': function (num) { // Return an ordinal suffix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) var ending = num % 10; if ( num > 9 && num < 21 ) { return 'th'; } if ( ending > 3 ) { return 'th'; } return ['th','st','nd','rd'][ending]; } }, __ : function(val) { var o = this.options, oride = 'override' + val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1); if ( typeof o[oride] !== 'undefined' ) { return o[oride]; } if ( typeof o.lang[o.useLang][val] !== 'undefined' ) { return o.lang[o.useLang][val]; } if ( typeof o[o.mode+'lang'] !== 'undefined' && typeof o[o.mode+'lang'][val] !== 'undefined' ) { return o[o.mode+'lang'][val]; } return o.lang['default'][val]; }, __fmt: function() { var w = this, o = this.options; switch ( o.mode ) { case 'timebox': case 'timeflipbox': return w.__('timeOutput'); case 'durationbox': case 'durationflipbox': return w.__('durationFormat'); default: return w.__('dateFormat'); } }, _zPad: function(number) { return (( number < 10 ) ? '0' + String(number) : String(number)); }, _dRep: function(oper, direction) { var start = 48, end = 57, adder = 1584, i = null, ch = null, newd = ''; if ( direction === -1 ) { start += adder; end += adder; adder = -1584; } for ( i=0; i= start && ch <= end ) { newd = newd + String.fromCharCode(ch+adder); } else { newd = newd + String.fromCharCode(ch); } } return newd; }, _doIndic: function() { var w = this; w.d.intHTML.find('*').each(function() { if ( $(this).children().length < 1 ) { $(this).text(w._dRep($(this).text())); } else if ( $(this).hasClass('ui-datebox-slideday') ) { $(this).html(w._dRep($(this).html())); } }); w.d.intHTML.find('input').each(function() { $(this).val(w._dRep($(this).val())); }); }, _parser: { 'default': function (str) { return false; } }, _n: function (val,def) { return ( val < 0 ) ? def : val; }, _pa: function (arr,date) { if ( typeof date === 'boolean' ) { return new this._date(arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],0,0,0,0); } return new this._date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], 0); }, _makeDate: function (str) { // Date Parser str = $.trim(((this.__('useArabicIndic') === true)?this._dRep(str, -1):str)); var w = this, o = this.options, adv = w.__fmt(), exp_input = null, exp_names = [], exp_format = null, exp_temp = null, date = new w._date(), d = { year: -1, mont: -1, date: -1, hour: -1, mins: -1, secs: -1, week: false, wtyp: 4, wday: false, yday: false, meri: 0 }, i; if ( typeof o.mode === 'undefined' ) { return date; } if ( typeof w._parser[o.mode] !== 'undefined' ) { return w._parser[o.mode].apply(w,[str]); } if ( o.mode === 'durationbox' || o.mode === 'durationflipbox' ) { adv = adv.replace(/%D([a-z])/gi, function(match, oper) { switch (oper) { case 'd': case 'l': case 'M': case 'S': return '(' + match + '|' +'[0-9]+' + ')'; default: return '.+?'; } }); adv = new RegExp('^' + adv + '$'); exp_input = adv.exec(str); exp_format = adv.exec(w.__fmt()); if ( exp_input === null || exp_input.length !== exp_format.length ) { if ( typeof o.defaultValue === "number" && o.defaultValue > 0 ) { return new w._date((w.initDate.getEpoch() + parseInt(o.defaultValue,10))*1000); } return new w._date(w.initDate.getTime()); } exp_temp = w.initDate.getEpoch(); for ( i=0; i -1 ) { d.mont = exp_temp; } break; case 'B': exp_temp = $.inArray(exp_input[i], w.__('monthsOfYear')); if ( exp_temp > -1 ) { d.mont = exp_temp; } break; } } if ( d.meri !== 0 ) { if ( d.meri === -1 && d.hour === 12 ) { d.hour = 0; } if ( d.meri === 1 && d.hour !== 12 ) { d.hour = d.hour + 12; } } date = new w._date(w._n(d.year,0),w._n(d.mont,0),w._n(d.date,1),w._n(d.hour,0),w._n(d.mins,0),w._n(d.secs,0),0); if ( d.year < 100 && d.year !== -1 ) { date.setFullYear(d.year); } if ( ( d.mont > -1 && d.date > -1 ) || ( d.hour > -1 && d.mins > -1 && d.secs > -1 ) ) { return date; } if ( d.week !== false ) { date.setDWeek(d.wtyp, d.week); if ( d.date > -1 ) { date.setDate(d.date); } } if ( d.yday !== false ) { date.setD(1,0).setD(2,1).adj(2,(d.yday-1)); } if ( d.wday !== false ) { date.adj(2,(d.wday - date.getDay())); } } return date; }, _customformat: { 'default': function(oper, date) { return false; } }, _formatter: function(format, date) { var w = this, o = this.options, tmp, dur = { part: [0,0,0,0], tp: 0 }; if ( o.mode === 'durationbox' || o.mode === 'durationflipbox' ) { dur.tp = this.theDate.getEpoch() - this.initDate.getEpoch(); dur.part[0] = parseInt( dur.tp / (60*60*24),10); dur.tp -=(dur.part[0]*60*60*24); // Days dur.part[1] = parseInt( dur.tp / (60*60),10); dur.tp -= (dur.part[1]*60*60); // Hours dur.part[2] = parseInt( dur.tp / (60),10); dur.tp -= (dur.part[2]*60); // Minutes dur.part[3] = dur.tp; // Seconds if ( ! format.match(/%Dd/) ) { dur.part[1] += (dur.part[0]*24);} if ( ! format.match(/%Dl/) ) { dur.part[2] += (dur.part[1]*60);} if ( ! format.match(/%DM/) ) { dur.part[3] += (dur.part[2]*60);} } format = format.replace(/%(D|X|0|-)*([1-9a-zA-Z])/g, function(match, pad, oper) { if ( pad === 'X' ) { if ( typeof w._customformat[o.mode] !== 'undefined' ) { return w._customformat[o.mode](oper, date, o); } return match; } if ( pad === 'D' ) { switch ( oper ) { case 'd': return dur.part[0]; case 'l': return w._zPad(dur.part[1]); case 'M': return w._zPad(dur.part[2]); case 'S': return w._zPad(dur.part[3]); case 'A': return ((dur.part[0] > 1)?w.__('durationDays')[1]:w.__('durationDays')[0]); default: return match; } } switch ( oper ) { case '%': // Literal % return '%'; case 'a': // Short Day return w.__('daysOfWeekShort')[date.getDay()]; case 'A': // Full Day of week return w.__('daysOfWeek')[date.getDay()]; case 'b': // Short month return w.__('monthsOfYearShort')[date.getMonth()]; case 'B': // Full month return w.__('monthsOfYear')[date.getMonth()]; case 'C': // Century return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(0,2); case 'd': // Day of month return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDate() : w._zPad(date.getDate())); case 'H': // Hour (01..23) case 'k': return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getHours() : w._zPad(date.getHours())); case 'I': // Hour (01..12) case 'l': return (( pad === '-' ) ? ((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():(date.getHours()-12))) : w._zPad(((date.getHours() === 0 || date.getHours() === 12)?12:((date.getHours()<12)?date.getHours():date.getHours()-12)))); case 'm': // Month return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getMonth()+1 : w._zPad(date.getMonth()+1)); case 'M': // Minutes return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getMinutes() : w._zPad(date.getMinutes())); case 'p': // AM/PM (ucase) return ((date.getHours() < 12)?w.__('meridiem')[0].toUpperCase():w.__('meridiem')[1].toUpperCase()); case 'P': // AM/PM (lcase) return ((date.getHours() < 12)?w.__('meridiem')[0].toLowerCase():w.__('meridiem')[1].toLowerCase()); case 's': // Unix Seconds return date.getEpoch(); case 'S': // Seconds return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getSeconds() : w._zPad(date.getSeconds())); case 'u': // Day of week (1-7) return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDay() + 1 : w._zPad(date.getDay() + 1)); case 'w': // Day of week return date.getDay(); case 'y': // Year (2 digit) return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2); case 'Y': // Year (4 digit) return date.getFullYear(); case 'E': // BE (Buddist Era, 4 Digit) return date.getFullYear() + 543; case 'V': return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDWeek(4) : w._zPad(date.getDWeek(4))); case 'U': return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDWeek(0) : w._zPad(date.getDWeek(0))); case 'W': return (( pad === '-' ) ? date.getDWeek(1) : w._zPad(date.getDWeek(1))); case 'o': // Ordinals if ( typeof w._ord[o.useLang] !== 'undefined' ) { return w._ord[o.useLang](date.getDate()); } return w._ord['default'](date.getDate()); case 'j': tmp = new Date(date.getFullYear(),0,1); tmp = Math.ceil((date - tmp) / 86400000)+1; return (( tmp < 100 ) ? (( tmp < 10 )? '00' : '0') : '' ) + String(tmp); case 'G': if ( date.getDWeek(4) === 1 && date.getMonth() > 0 ) { return date.getFullYear() + 1; } if ( date.getDWeek(4) > 51 && date.getMonth() < 11 ) { return date.getFullYear() - 1; } return date.getFullYear(); case 'g': if ( date.getDWeek(4) === 1 && date.getMonth() > 0 ) { return parseInt(date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),10) + 1; } if ( date.getDWeek(4) > 51 && date.getMonth() < 11 ) { return parseInt(date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),10) - 1; } return date.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2); default: return match; } }); if ( w.__('useArabicIndic') === true ) { format = w._dRep(format); } return format; }, _btwn: function(value, low, high) { return ( value > low && value < high ); }, _minStepFix: function() { var tempMin = this.theDate.get(4), tmp, w = this, o = this.options; if ( o.minuteStep > 1 && tempMin % o.minuteStep > 0 ) { if ( o.minuteStepRound < 0 ) { tempMin = tempMin - (tempMin % o.minuteStep); } else if ( o.minStepRound > 0 ) { tempMin = tempMin + ( o.minuteStep - ( tempMin % o.minuteStep ) ); } else { if ( tempMin % o.minuteStep < o.minuteStep / 2 ) { tempMin = tempMin - (tempMin % o.minuteStep); } else { tempMin = tempMin + ( o.minuteStep - ( tempMin % o.minuteStep ) ); } } w.theDate.setMinutes(tempMin); } }, _offset: function(mode, amount, update) { // Compute a date/time offset. // update = false to prevent controls refresh var w = this, o = this.options, ok = false; mode = (mode || "").toLowerCase(); if ( typeof(update) === "undefined" ) { update = true; } w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'offset', 'type':mode, 'amount':amount}); if ( mode !== 'a' && ( typeof o.rolloverMode[mode] === 'undefined' || o.rolloverMode[mode] === true )) { ok = $.inArray(mode, ['y','m','d','h','i','s']); } else { switch(mode) { case 'y': ok = 0; break; case 'm': if ( w._btwn(w.theDate.getMonth()+amount,-1,12) ) { ok = 1; } break; case 'd': if ( w._btwn(w.theDate.getDate() + amount,0,(32 - w.theDate.copy([0],[0,0,32,13]).getDate() + 1) )) { ok = 2; } break; case 'h': if ( w._btwn(w.theDate.getHours() + amount,-1,24) ) { ok = 3; } break; case 'i': if ( w._btwn(w.theDate.getMinutes() + amount,-1,60) ) { ok = 4; } break; case 's': if ( w._btwn(w.theDate.getSeconds() + amount,-1,60) ) { ok = 5; } break; case 'a': w._offset('h',((amount>0)?1:-1)*12,false); break; } } if ( ok !== false ) { w.theDate.adj(ok,amount); } if ( update === true ) { w.refresh(); } if ( o.useImmediate ) { w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method':'doset'}); } }, _startOffset: function(date) { var o = this.options; if ( o.startOffsetYears !== false ) { date.adj(0, o.startOffsetYears); } if ( o.startOffsetMonths !== false ) { date.adj(1, o.startOffsetMonths); } if ( o.startOffsetDays !== false ) { date.adj(2, o.startOffsetDays); } return date; }, _create: function() { // Create the widget, called automatically by widget system $( document ).trigger( "dateboxcreate" ); var w = this, o = $.extend(this.options, (typeof this.element.jqmData('options') !== 'undefined') ? this.element.jqmData('options') : this._getLongOptions(this.element) ), thisTheme = ( o.theme === false && typeof($(this).jqmData('theme')) === 'undefined' ) ? ( ( typeof(this.element.parentsUntil(':jqmData(theme)').parent().jqmData('theme')) === 'undefined' ) ? o.themeDefault : this.element.parentsUntil(':jqmData(theme)').parent().jqmData('theme') ) : o.theme, trans = o.useAnimation ? o.transition : 'none', d = o.useNewStyle === false ? { input: this.element, wrap: this.element.wrap('
').parent(), mainWrap: $("
", { "class": 'ui-datebox-container ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-datebox-hidden '+trans+' ui-body-'+thisTheme} ).css('zIndex', o.zindex), intHTML: false } : { input: this.element, wrap: this.element, mainWrap: $("
", { "class": 'ui-datebox-container ui-overlay-shadow ui-corner-all ui-datebox-hidden '+trans+' ui-body-'+thisTheme} ).css('zIndex', o.zindex), intHTML: false }, touch = ( typeof window.ontouchstart !== 'undefined' ), drag = { eStart : (touch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown')+'.datebox', eMove : (touch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove')+'.datebox', eEnd : (touch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup')+'.datebox', eEndA : (touch ? 'mouseup.datebox touchend.datebox touchcancel.datebox touchmove.datebox' : 'mouseup.datebox'), move : false, start : false, end : false, pos : false, target : false, delta : false, tmp : false }, calc = { }, ns = (typeof $.mobile.ns !== 'undefined')?$.mobile.ns:''; $.extend(w, {d: d, ns: ns, drag: drag, touch:touch}); if ( o.usePlaceholder !== false ) { if ( o.usePlaceholder === true && w._grabLabel() !== false ) { w.d.input.attr('placeholder', w._grabLabel()); } if ( typeof o.usePlaceholder === 'string' ) { w.d.input.attr('placeholder', o.usePlaceholder); } } o.theme = thisTheme; w.clearFunc = false; w.disabled = false; w.runButton = false; w._date = window.Date; w._enhanceDate(); w.baseID = w.d.input.attr('id'); w.initDate = new w._date(); w.theDate = (o.defaultValue) ? w._makeDate(o.defaultValue) : ( (w.d.input.val() !== "") ? w._makeDate(w.d.input.val()) : new w._date() ); w.initDone = false; if ( o.showInitialValue === true ) { w.d.input.val(w._formatter(w.__fmt(), w.theDate)); } if ( o.useButton === true && o.useInline === false && o.useNewStyle === false ) { w.d.open = $(''+this.__('tooltip')+'') .on(o.clickEvent, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !w.disabled ) { w.d.input.trigger('datebox', {'method': 'open'}); w.d.wrap.parent().addClass('ui-focus'); w.d.input.parent().removeClass('ui-focus'); } setTimeout( function() { $(e.target).closest('a').removeClass($.mobile.activeBtnClass); }, 300); }).appendTo(w.d.wrap).buttonMarkup({icon: 'grid', iconpos: 'notext', corners:true, shadow:true}) .css({'vertical-align': 'middle', 'display': 'inline-block'}); } w.d.screen = $("
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There is no mode by that name loaded / mode not given

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