/* * jQuery Mobile Framework : plugin to provide a date and time picker. * Copyright (c) JTSage * CC 3.0 Attribution. May be relicensed without permission/notifcation. * https://github.com/jtsage/jquery-mobile-datebox * * Translation by: Michael de Lara * */ jQuery.extend(jQuery.mobile.datebox.prototype.options.lang, { 'ar': { setDateButtonLabel: "تعيين تاريخ", setTimeButtonLabel: "ضبط الوقت", setDurationButtonLabel: "تعيين المدة", calTodayButtonLabel: "القفز إلى اليوم", titleDateDialogLabel: "اختر التاريخ", titleTimeDialogLabel: "اختر الوقت", daysOfWeek: ["الأحد", "الاثنين", "الثلاثاء", "الاربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السبت"], daysOfWeekShort: ["الأحد", "الاثنين", "الثلاثاء", "الاربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السبت"], monthsOfYear: ["يناير", "فبراير", "مارس", "إبريل", "مايو", "يونية", "يولية", "أغسطس", "سبتمبر", "أكتوبر", "نوفمبر", "ديسمبر"], monthsOfYearShort: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"], durationLabel: ["أيام", "ساعة", "دقيقة", "ثانية"], durationDays: ["يوم", "أيام"], tooltip: "فتح منتقي التاريخ", nextMonth: "التالي", prevMonth: "السابق", timeFormat: 24, headerFormat: '%A, %B %-d, %Y', dateFieldOrder: ['d','m','y'], timeFieldOrder: ['h', 'i', 'a'], slideFieldOrder: ['y', 'm', 'd'], dateFormat: "%d/%m/%Y", useArabicIndic: true, isRTL: true, calStartDay: 0, clearButton: "واضحة", durationOrder: ['d', 'h', 'i', 's'], meridiem: ["AM", "PM"], timeOutput: "%k:%M", durationFormat: "%Dd %DA, %Dl:%DM:%DS", calDateListLabel: "تواريخ أخرى", calHeaderFormat: "%B %Y" } }); jQuery.extend(jQuery.mobile.datebox.prototype.options, { useLang: 'ar' });