/* ############################################################################### # # Temboo Arduino library # # Copyright 2014, Temboo Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # ############################################################################### */ #include #include #include #include "TembooSession.h" #include "tmbhmac.h" #include "DataFormatter.h" static const char EOL[] PROGMEM = "\r\n"; static const char POST[] PROGMEM = "POST "; static const char POSTAMBLE[] PROGMEM = " HTTP/1.0"; // Prevent host from using chunked encoding in response. static const char HEADER_HOST[] PROGMEM = "Host: "; static const char HEADER_ACCEPT[] PROGMEM = "Accept: application/xml"; static const char HEADER_ORG[] PROGMEM = "x-temboo-domain: /"; static const char HEADER_DOM[] PROGMEM = "/master"; static const char HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH[] PROGMEM = "Content-Length: "; static const char HEADER_TIME[] PROGMEM = "x-temboo-time: "; static const char BASE_CHOREO_URI[] PROGMEM = "/arcturus-web/api-1.0/ar"; static const char HEADER_AUTH[] PROGMEM = "x-temboo-authentication: "; static const char HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE[] PROGMEM = "Content-Type: text/plain"; static const char TEMBOO_DOMAIN[] PROGMEM = ".temboolive.com"; static const char SDK_ID[] PROGMEM = "?source_id=arduinoSDK1"; unsigned long TembooSession::s_timeOffset = 0; TembooSession::TembooSession(Client& client, IPAddress serverAddr, uint16_t port) : m_client(client) { m_addr = serverAddr; m_port = port; m_sendQueueDepth = 0; } void TembooSession::setTime(unsigned long currentTime) { s_timeOffset = currentTime - (millis()/1000); } unsigned long TembooSession::getTime() { return s_timeOffset + (millis()/1000); } int TembooSession::executeChoreo( const char* accountName, const char* appKeyName, const char* appKeyValue, const char* path, const ChoreoInputSet& inputSet, const ChoreoOutputSet& outputSet, const ChoreoPreset& preset) { DataFormatter fmt(&inputSet, &outputSet, &preset); char auth[HMAC_HEX_SIZE_BYTES + 1]; char buffer[11]; // We use the current time-of-day as salt on the app key. // We keep track of time-of-day by getting the current time // from the server and applying an offset (the length of time // we've been running.) uint32toa((uint32_t)TembooSession::getTime(), buffer); uint16_t contentLength = getAuth(fmt, appKeyValue, buffer, auth); m_client.stop(); m_client.flush(); int connected = 0; TEMBOO_TRACE("Connecting: "); // reserve space for the "host" string sufficient to hold either the // (dotted-quad) IP address + port, or the default .temboolive.com // host string. int hostLen = (m_addr == INADDR_NONE ? (strlen_P(TEMBOO_DOMAIN) + strlen(accountName) + 1):21); char host[hostLen]; // If no explicit IP address was specified (the normal case), construct // the "host" string from the account name and the temboo domain name. if (m_addr == INADDR_NONE) { strcpy(host, accountName); strcat_P(host, TEMBOO_DOMAIN); TEMBOO_TRACELN(host); connected = m_client.connect(host, m_port); } else { // If an IP address was explicitly specified (presumably for testing purposes), // convert it to a dotted-quad text string. host[0] = '\0'; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { uint16toa(m_addr[i], &host[strlen(host)]); strcat(host, "."); } // replace the last '.' with ':' host[strlen(host)-1] = ':'; // append the port number uint16toa(m_port, &host[strlen(host)]); TEMBOO_TRACELN(host); connected = m_client.connect(m_addr, m_port); } if (connected) { TEMBOO_TRACELN("OK. req:"); qsendProgmem(POST); qsendProgmem(BASE_CHOREO_URI); qsend(path); qsendProgmem(SDK_ID); qsendlnProgmem(POSTAMBLE); // Send our custom authentication header // (app-key-name:hmac) qsendProgmem(HEADER_AUTH); qsend(appKeyName); qsend(":"); qsendln(auth); // send the standard host header qsendProgmem(HEADER_HOST); qsendln(host); // send the standard accept header qsendlnProgmem(HEADER_ACCEPT); // send our custom account name neader qsendProgmem(HEADER_ORG); qsend(accountName); qsendlnProgmem(HEADER_DOM); // send the standard content type header qsendlnProgmem(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); // send our custom client time header qsendProgmem(HEADER_TIME); qsendln(buffer); // send the standard content length header qsendProgmem(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH); qsendln(uint16toa(contentLength, buffer)); qsendProgmem(EOL); // Format and send the body of the request fmt.reset(); while(fmt.hasNext()) { qsend(fmt.next()); } qsendProgmem(EOL); qflush(); return 0; } else { TEMBOO_TRACELN("FAIL"); return 1; } } uint16_t TembooSession::getAuth(DataFormatter& fmt, const char* appKeyValue, const char* salt, char* result) const { // We need the length of the data for other things, and // this method is a convenient place to calculate it. uint16_t len = 0; HMAC hmac; //combine the salt and the key and give it to the HMAC calculator size_t keyLength = strlen(appKeyValue) + strlen(salt); char key[keyLength + 1]; strcpy(key, salt); strcat(key, appKeyValue); hmac.init((uint8_t*)key, keyLength); // process the data a block at a time. uint8_t buffer[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES]; int blockCount = 0; fmt.reset(); while(fmt.hasNext()) { uint8_t c = fmt.next(); len++; buffer[blockCount++] = c; if (blockCount == HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES) { hmac.process(buffer, blockCount); blockCount = 0; } } hmac.process(buffer, blockCount); // Finalize the HMAC calculation and store the (ASCII HEX) value in *result. hmac.finishHex(result); // Return the number of characters processed. return len; } void TembooSession::qsend(const char* s) { char c = *s++; while(c != '\0') { qsend(c); c = *s++; } } void TembooSession::qsendProgmem(const char* s) { char c = pgm_read_byte(s++); while(c != '\0') { qsend(c); c = pgm_read_byte(s++); } } void TembooSession::qsend(char c) { m_sendQueue[m_sendQueueDepth++] = c; if (m_sendQueueDepth >= TEMBOO_SEND_QUEUE_SIZE) { qflush(); } } void TembooSession::qflush() { m_client.write((const uint8_t*)m_sendQueue, m_sendQueueDepth); TEMBOO_TRACE_BYTES(m_sendQueue, m_sendQueueDepth); m_sendQueueDepth = 0; } void TembooSession::qsendln(const char* s) { qsend(s); qsendProgmem(EOL); } void TembooSession::qsendlnProgmem(const char* s) { qsendProgmem(s); qsendProgmem(EOL); }