#include #include const char script1[] PROGMEM="Wheel Calibration\n"; const char script2[] PROGMEM="1. Put Robot on a flat surface\n"; const char script3[] PROGMEM="2. Adjust speed with the knob on top\n"; const char script4[] PROGMEM="3. If robot goes straight, it's done\n"; const char script5[] PROGMEM="4. Use screwdriver on the trim on bottom\n"; const char script6[] PROGMEM="Robot turns left, screw it clockwise;\n"; const char script7[] PROGMEM="Turns right, screw it ct-colockwise;\n"; const char script8[] PROGMEM="5. Repeat 4 until going straight\n"; char buffer[42];//must be longer than text const char * const scripts[] PROGMEM = { script1, script2, script3, script4, script5, script6, script7, script8, }; void getPGMtext(int seq){ strcpy_P(buffer,(char*)pgm_read_word(&(scripts[seq]))); } void writePGMtext(int seq){ getPGMtext(seq); Robot.print(buffer); } void writeScript(int seq){ writePGMtext(seq); } void writeAllScripts(){ for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ writeScript(i); } }