/* **************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2015 Arduino srl. All right reserved. * * File : Ciao.cpp * Date : 2016/02/16 * Revision : 0.0.2 $ * Author: andrea[at]arduino[dot]org * **************************************************************************** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD) #include "Ciao.h" CiaoClass::CiaoClass(Stream &_stream) : stream(_stream), started(false) { // Empty } void CiaoClass::begin() { String start; String stop; // Wait for U-boot to finish startup do { dropAll(); delay(1000); }while (stream.available() > 0); stream.println("ciao;r;status"); //check the bridge python status String status = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); if(status == "1;running"){ do{ //kill a istance of the bridge.py stream.println("ciao;w;quit"); stop = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); delay(3000); }while(stop != "1;done"); } do{ stream.print(F("run-ciao\n")); //start bridge python stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); delay(3000); stream.println("ciao;r;status"); //check if bridge python is running start = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); }while (start != "1;running"); } CiaoData CiaoClass::read( String connector, String param1, String param2 , String param3 ) { CiaoData data; stream.print(connector + ";r"); // send read request if (param1 != ""){ stream.print(";"+param1); } if (param2 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param2); } if (param3 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param3); } stream.println(); String message = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); data = parse(message, ";"); return data; } CiaoData CiaoClass::write( String connector, String param1, String param2 , String param3 ) { CiaoData data; if (param1 != ""){ stream.print(connector+";w;"); stream.print(param1); } if (param2 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param2); } if (param3 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param3); } stream.println(); String mess_receive = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); data = parse(mess_receive, ";"); return data; } CiaoData CiaoClass::writeResponse( String connector, String id, String param1, String param2 , String param3) { CiaoData data; if(id.length()> ID_SIZE_TX){ if (param1 != ""){ stream.print(connector+";wr;"); stream.print(id+";"); stream.print(param1); } if (param2 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param2); } if (param3 != ""){ stream.print(DATA_SPLIT_CHAR); stream.print(param3); } stream.println(); String mess_receive = stream.readStringUntil(END_TX_CHAR); data = parse(mess_receive, ";"); } return data; } CiaoData CiaoClass::parse(String message, String split){ String status; CiaoData data; int statusIndex = message.indexOf(split); int messIndex = message.indexOf(split, statusIndex+1); status = message.substring(0, statusIndex); //message status (0: no message; 1:data ready; -1:error) if(status == ID_READY && message.substring(statusIndex+1, messIndex) != "done"){ data.msg_split[0]=message.substring(statusIndex+1, messIndex); data.parseMessage(message.substring(messIndex+1)); //parsing data received } else{ data.msg_split[0] = status; data.msg_split[2] = message.substring(statusIndex+1, messIndex); } return data; } void CiaoClass::dropAll() { while (stream.available() > 0) { stream.read(); } } //fuction to split command (ex: digital/13/1) void splitString(String command, String split, String msg[], int size){ for(int a=0;a< size ;a++) //initialize array element to -1 msg[a]= ID_ERROR; char buf[command.length()+1]; command.toCharArray(buf, command.length()+1); char* array; const char splt[1]= {split.charAt(0)}; int i=0; array = strtok (buf,splt); while (array != NULL){ msg[i]=String(array); array = strtok (NULL, splt); i++; } } // Ciao instance #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__ // Yun variants (where HardwareSerial is Serial1) SerialCiaoClass Ciao(Serial1); #elif defined ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD // Tian variants (where Serial_ is SerialUSB) SerialCiaoClass Ciao(SerialUSB); #endif #endif