// Copyright Benoit Blanchon 2014-2016 // MIT License // // Arduino JSON library // https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson // If you like this project, please add a star! #pragma once #include "Arduino/String.hpp" #include "Internals/JsonBufferAllocated.hpp" #include "Internals/JsonPrintable.hpp" #include "Internals/List.hpp" #include "Internals/ReferenceType.hpp" #include "JsonPair.hpp" #include "TypeTraits/EnableIf.hpp" #include "TypeTraits/IsFloatingPoint.hpp" #include "TypeTraits/IsReference.hpp" #include "TypeTraits/IsSame.hpp" // Returns the size (in bytes) of an object with n elements. // Can be very handy to determine the size of a StaticJsonBuffer. #define JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS) \ (sizeof(JsonObject) + (NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS) * sizeof(JsonObject::node_type)) namespace ArduinoJson { // Forward declarations class JsonArray; class JsonBuffer; // A dictionary of JsonVariant indexed by string (char*) // // The constructor is private, instances must be created via // JsonBuffer::createObject() or JsonBuffer::parseObject(). // A JsonObject can be serialized to a JSON string via JsonObject::printTo(). // It can also be deserialized from a JSON string via JsonBuffer::parseObject(). class JsonObject : public Internals::JsonPrintable, public Internals::ReferenceType, public Internals::List, public Internals::JsonBufferAllocated { public: // A meta-function that returns true if type T can be used in // JsonObject::set() template struct CanSet { static const bool value = JsonVariant::IsConstructibleFrom::value || TypeTraits::IsSame::value || TypeTraits::IsSame::value; }; // Create an empty JsonArray attached to the specified JsonBuffer. // You should not use this constructor directly. // Instead, use JsonBuffer::createObject() or JsonBuffer.parseObject(). FORCE_INLINE explicit JsonObject(JsonBuffer* buffer) : Internals::List(buffer) {} // Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key. FORCE_INLINE JsonObjectSubscript operator[](const char* key); FORCE_INLINE JsonObjectSubscript operator[](const String& key); // Gets the value associated with the specified key. FORCE_INLINE JsonVariant operator[](JsonObjectKey key) const; // Sets the specified key with the specified value. // bool set(TKey key, bool value); // bool set(TKey key, char value); // bool set(TKey key, long value); // bool set(TKey key, int value); // bool set(TKey key, short value); // bool set(TKey key, float value); // bool set(TKey key, double value); // bool set(TKey key, const char* value); template FORCE_INLINE bool set( JsonObjectKey key, T value, typename TypeTraits::EnableIf< CanSet::value && !TypeTraits::IsReference::value>::type* = 0) { return setNodeAt(key, value); } // bool set(Key, String&); // bool set(Key, JsonArray&); // bool set(Key, JsonObject&); // bool set(Key, JsonVariant&); template FORCE_INLINE bool set( JsonObjectKey key, const T& value, typename TypeTraits::EnableIf::value>::type* = 0) { return setNodeAt(key, const_cast(value)); } // bool set(Key, float value, uint8_t decimals); // bool set(Key, double value, uint8_t decimals); template FORCE_INLINE bool set( JsonObjectKey key, TValue value, uint8_t decimals, typename TypeTraits::EnableIf< TypeTraits::IsFloatingPoint::value>::type* = 0) { return setNodeAt(key, JsonVariant(value, decimals)); } // Gets the value associated with the specified key. FORCE_INLINE JsonVariant get(JsonObjectKey) const; // Gets the value associated with the specified key. template FORCE_INLINE T get(JsonObjectKey) const; // Checks the type of the value associated with the specified key. template FORCE_INLINE bool is(JsonObjectKey) const; // Creates and adds a JsonArray. // This is a shortcut for JsonBuffer::createArray() and JsonObject::add(). FORCE_INLINE JsonArray& createNestedArray(JsonObjectKey key); // Creates and adds a JsonObject. // This is a shortcut for JsonBuffer::createObject() and JsonObject::add(). FORCE_INLINE JsonObject& createNestedObject(JsonObjectKey key); // Tells weither the specified key is present and associated with a value. FORCE_INLINE bool containsKey(JsonObjectKey key) const; // Removes the specified key and the associated value. void remove(JsonObjectKey key); // Returns a reference an invalid JsonObject. // This object is meant to replace a NULL pointer. // This is used when memory allocation or JSON parsing fail. static JsonObject& invalid() { return _invalid; } // Serialize the object to the specified JsonWriter void writeTo(Internals::JsonWriter& writer) const; private: // Returns the list node that matches the specified key. node_type* getNodeAt(const char* key) const; node_type* getOrCreateNodeAt(const char* key); template FORCE_INLINE bool setNodeAt(JsonObjectKey key, T value); FORCE_INLINE bool setNodeKey(node_type*, JsonObjectKey key); template FORCE_INLINE bool setNodeValue(node_type*, T value); // The instance returned by JsonObject::invalid() static JsonObject _invalid; }; } #include "JsonObject.ipp"