/* Arduino.h - Main include file for the Arduino SDK Copyright (c) 2014 Arduino Team. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "sam.h" #include "variant.h" /* Initialize segments */ extern uint32_t __etext ; extern uint32_t __data_start__ ; extern uint32_t __data_end__ ; extern uint32_t __bss_start__ ; extern uint32_t __bss_end__ ; extern uint32_t __StackTop; extern int main( void ) ; extern void __libc_init_array(void); /* Default empty handler */ void Dummy_Handler(void); /* Cortex-M0+ core handlers */ #if defined DEBUG void NMI_Handler( void ) { while ( 1 ) { } } void HardFault_Handler( void ) { while ( 1 ) { } } void SVC_Handler( void ) { while ( 1 ) { } } void PendSV_Handler( void ) { while ( 1 ) { } } void SysTick_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); #else void NMI_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void HardFault_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SVC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void PendSV_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SysTick_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); #endif //DEBUG /* Peripherals handlers */ void PM_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SYSCTRL_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void WDT_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void RTC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void EIC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void NVMCTRL_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void DMAC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void USB_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void EVSYS_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM0_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM1_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM2_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM3_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM4_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void SERCOM5_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TCC0_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TCC1_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TCC2_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TC3_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TC4_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TC5_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TC6_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void TC7_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void ADC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void AC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void DAC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void PTC_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); void I2S_Handler ( void ) __attribute__ ((weak, alias("Dummy_Handler"))); /* Exception Table */ __attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector"))) const DeviceVectors exception_table= { /* Configure Initial Stack Pointer, using linker-generated symbols */ (void*) (&__StackTop), (void*) Reset_Handler, (void*) NMI_Handler, (void*) HardFault_Handler, (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) SVC_Handler, (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) (0UL), /* Reserved */ (void*) PendSV_Handler, (void*) SysTick_Handler, /* Configurable interrupts */ (void*) PM_Handler, /* 0 Power Manager */ (void*) SYSCTRL_Handler, /* 1 System Control */ (void*) WDT_Handler, /* 2 Watchdog Timer */ (void*) RTC_Handler, /* 3 Real-Time Counter */ (void*) EIC_Handler, /* 4 External Interrupt Controller */ (void*) NVMCTRL_Handler, /* 5 Non-Volatile Memory Controller */ (void*) DMAC_Handler, /* 6 Direct Memory Access Controller */ (void*) USB_Handler, /* 7 Universal Serial Bus */ (void*) EVSYS_Handler, /* 8 Event System Interface */ (void*) SERCOM0_Handler, /* 9 Serial Communication Interface 0 */ (void*) SERCOM1_Handler, /* 10 Serial Communication Interface 1 */ (void*) SERCOM2_Handler, /* 11 Serial Communication Interface 2 */ (void*) SERCOM3_Handler, /* 12 Serial Communication Interface 3 */ (void*) SERCOM4_Handler, /* 13 Serial Communication Interface 4 */ (void*) SERCOM5_Handler, /* 14 Serial Communication Interface 5 */ (void*) TCC0_Handler, /* 15 Timer Counter Control 0 */ (void*) TCC1_Handler, /* 16 Timer Counter Control 1 */ (void*) TCC2_Handler, /* 17 Timer Counter Control 2 */ (void*) TC3_Handler, /* 18 Basic Timer Counter 0 */ (void*) TC4_Handler, /* 19 Basic Timer Counter 1 */ (void*) TC5_Handler, /* 20 Basic Timer Counter 2 */ (void*) TC6_Handler, /* 21 Basic Timer Counter 3 */ (void*) TC7_Handler, /* 22 Basic Timer Counter 4 */ (void*) ADC_Handler, /* 23 Analog Digital Converter */ (void*) AC_Handler, /* 24 Analog Comparators */ (void*) DAC_Handler, /* 25 Digital Analog Converter */ (void*) PTC_Handler, /* 26 Peripheral Touch Controller */ (void*) I2S_Handler /* 27 Inter-IC Sound Interface */ } ; /** * \brief This is the code that gets called on processor reset. * It configures the needed clocks and according Flash Read Wait States. * At reset: * - OSC8M clock source is enabled with a divider by 8 (1MHz). * - Generic Clock Generator 0 (GCLKMAIN) is using OSC8M as source. * We need to: * 1) Enable XOSC32K clock (External on-board 32.768Hz oscillator), will be used as DFLL48M reference. * 2) Put XOSC32K as source of Generic Clock Generator 1 * 3) Put Generic Clock Generator 1 as source for Generic Clock Multiplexer 0 (DFLL48M reference) * 4) Enable DFLL48M clock * 5) Switch Generic Clock Generator 0 to DFLL48M. CPU will run at 48MHz. * 6) Modify PRESCaler value of OSCM to have 8MHz * 7) Put OSC8M as source for Generic Clock Generator 3 */ // Constants for Clock generators #define GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_MAIN (0u) #define GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_XOSC32K (1u) #define GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_OSCULP32K (2u) /* Initialized at reset for WDT */ #define GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_OSC8M (3u) // Constants for Clock multiplexers #define GENERIC_CLOCK_MULTIPLEXER_DFLL48M (0u) void SystemInit( void ) { //----- Tx & Rx led blinking during transmission (pin declaration) ----- begin ---- PORT->Group[1].DIRSET.reg=0x00000008; //PB03 as output (RX_LED) PORT->Group[1].OUTSET.reg=0x00000008; //PB03 as output (RX_LED) PORT->Group[0].DIRSET.reg=0x08000000; //PB03 as output (TX_LED) PORT->Group[0].OUTSET.reg=0x08000000; //PB03 as output (TX_LED) //----- Tx & Rx led blinking during transmission (pin declaration) ----- end ---- /* Set 1 Flash Wait State for 48MHz, cf tables 20.9 and 35.27 in SAMD21 Datasheet */ NVMCTRL->CTRLB.bit.RWS = NVMCTRL_CTRLB_RWS_HALF_Val ; /* Turn on the digital interface clock */ PM->APBAMASK.reg |= PM_APBAMASK_GCLK ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1) Enable XOSC32K clock (External on-board 32.768Hz oscillator) */ SYSCTRL->XOSC32K.reg = SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_STARTUP( 0x6u ) | /* cf table 15.10 of product datasheet in chapter 15.8.6 */ SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_XTALEN | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_EN32K ; SYSCTRL->XOSC32K.bit.ENABLE = 1 ; /* separate call, as described in chapter 15.6.3 */ while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_XOSC32KRDY) == 0 ) { /* Wait for oscillator stabilization */ } /* Software reset the module to ensure it is re-initialized correctly */ /* Note: Due to synchronization, there is a delay from writing CTRL.SWRST until the reset is complete. * CTRL.SWRST and STATUS.SYNCBUSY will both be cleared when the reset is complete, as described in chapter 13.8.1 */ GCLK->CTRL.reg = GCLK_CTRL_SWRST ; while ( (GCLK->CTRL.reg & GCLK_CTRL_SWRST) && (GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY) ) { /* Wait for reset to complete */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2) Put XOSC32K as source of Generic Clock Generator 1 */ GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_XOSC32K ) ; // Generic Clock Generator 1 while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* Write Generic Clock Generator 1 configuration */ GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_XOSC32K ) | // Generic Clock Generator 1 GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_XOSC32K | // Selected source is External 32KHz Oscillator // GCLK_GENCTRL_OE | // Output clock to a pin for tests GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN ; while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 3) Put Generic Clock Generator 1 as source for Generic Clock Multiplexer 0 (DFLL48M reference) */ GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_MULTIPLEXER_DFLL48M ) | // Generic Clock Multiplexer 0 GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK1 | // Generic Clock Generator 1 is source GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN ; while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 4) Enable DFLL48M clock */ /* DFLL Configuration in Closed Loop mode, cf product datasheet chapter - Closed-Loop Operation */ /* Remove the OnDemand mode, Bug http://avr32.icgroup.norway.atmel.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9905 */ SYSCTRL->DFLLCTRL.bit.ONDEMAND = 0 ; while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLRDY) == 0 ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } SYSCTRL->DFLLMUL.reg = SYSCTRL_DFLLMUL_CSTEP( 31 ) | // Coarse step is 31, half of the max value SYSCTRL_DFLLMUL_FSTEP( 511 ) | // Fine step is 511, half of the max value SYSCTRL_DFLLMUL_MUL( (VARIANT_MCK/VARIANT_MAINOSC) ) ; // External 32KHz is the reference while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLRDY) == 0 ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* Write full configuration to DFLL control register */ SYSCTRL->DFLLCTRL.reg |= SYSCTRL_DFLLCTRL_MODE | /* Enable the closed loop mode */ SYSCTRL_DFLLCTRL_WAITLOCK | SYSCTRL_DFLLCTRL_QLDIS ; /* Disable Quick lock */ while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLRDY) == 0 ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* Enable the DFLL */ SYSCTRL->DFLLCTRL.reg |= SYSCTRL_DFLLCTRL_ENABLE ; while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLLCKC) == 0 || (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLLCKF) == 0 ) { /* Wait for locks flags */ } while ( (SYSCTRL->PCLKSR.reg & SYSCTRL_PCLKSR_DFLLRDY) == 0 ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 5) Switch Generic Clock Generator 0 to DFLL48M. CPU will run at 48MHz. */ GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_MAIN ) ; // Generic Clock Generator 0 while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* Write Generic Clock Generator 0 configuration */ GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_MAIN ) | // Generic Clock Generator 0 GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M | // Selected source is DFLL 48MHz // GCLK_GENCTRL_OE | // Output clock to a pin for tests GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC | // Set 50/50 duty cycle GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN ; while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 6) Modify PRESCaler value of OSC8M to have 8MHz */ SYSCTRL->OSC8M.bit.PRESC = SYSCTRL_OSC8M_PRESC_0_Val ; SYSCTRL->OSC8M.bit.ONDEMAND = 0 ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 7) Put OSC8M as source for Generic Clock Generator 3 */ GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_OSC8M ) ; // Generic Clock Generator 3 /* Write Generic Clock Generator 3 configuration */ GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_ID( GENERIC_CLOCK_GENERATOR_OSC8M ) | // Generic Clock Generator 3 GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_OSC8M | // Selected source is RC OSC 8MHz (already enabled at reset) // GCLK_GENCTRL_OE | // Output clock to a pin for tests GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN ; while ( GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY ) { /* Wait for synchronization */ } /* * Now that all system clocks are configured, we can set CPU and APBx BUS clocks. * There values are normally the one present after Reset. */ PM->CPUSEL.reg = PM_CPUSEL_CPUDIV_DIV1 ; PM->APBASEL.reg = PM_APBASEL_APBADIV_DIV1_Val ; PM->APBBSEL.reg = PM_APBBSEL_APBBDIV_DIV1_Val ; PM->APBCSEL.reg = PM_APBCSEL_APBCDIV_DIV1_Val ; SystemCoreClock=VARIANT_MCK ; } /** * \brief This is the code that gets called on processor reset. * To initialize the device, and call the main() routine. */ void Reset_Handler( void ) { uint32_t *pSrc, *pDest; /* Initialize the initialized data section */ pSrc = &__etext; pDest = &__data_start__; if ( (&__data_start__ != &__data_end__) && (pSrc != pDest) ) { for (; pDest < &__data_end__ ; pDest++, pSrc++ ) { *pDest = *pSrc ; } } /* Clear the zero section */ if ( (&__data_start__ != &__data_end__) && (pSrc != pDest) ) { for ( pDest = &__bss_start__ ; pDest < &__bss_end__ ; pDest++ ) { *pDest = 0 ; } } /* Initialize the C library */ __libc_init_array(); SystemInit() ; /* Branch to main function */ main() ; /* Infinite loop */ while ( 1 ) { } } /** * \brief Default interrupt handler for unused IRQs. */ void Dummy_Handler( void ) { while ( 1 ) { } }