/* * TOPPERS Software * Toyohashi Open Platform for Embedded Real-Time Systems * * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by TAKAGI Nobuhisa * * 上記著作権者は,以下の(1)〜(4)の条件を満たす場合に限り,本ソフトウェ * ア(本ソフトウェアを改変したものを含む.以下同じ)を使用・複製・改 * 変・再配布(以下,利用と呼ぶ)することを無償で許諾する. * (1) 本ソフトウェアをソースコードの形で利用する場合には,上記の著作 * 権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定が,そのままの形でソー * スコード中に含まれていること. * (2) 本ソフトウェアを,ライブラリ形式など,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できる形で再配布する場合には,再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用 * 者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著作権表示,この利用条件および下記 * の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (3) 本ソフトウェアを,機器に組み込むなど,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できない形で再配布する場合には,次のいずれかの条件を満たすこ * と. * (a) 再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著 * 作権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (b) 再配布の形態を,別に定める方法によって,TOPPERSプロジェクトに * 報告すること. * (4) 本ソフトウェアの利用により直接的または間接的に生じるいかなる損 * 害からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを免責すること. * また,本ソフトウェアのユーザまたはエンドユーザからのいかなる理 * 由に基づく請求からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを * 免責すること. * * 本ソフトウェアは,無保証で提供されているものである.上記著作権者お * よびTOPPERSプロジェクトは,本ソフトウェアに関して,特定の使用目的 * に対する適合性も含めて,いかなる保証も行わない.また,本ソフトウェ * アの利用により直接的または間接的に生じたいかなる損害に関しても,そ * の責任を負わない. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "toppers/workaround.hpp" #include "toppers/io.hpp" #include "toppers/cpp.hpp" #include "toppers/global.hpp" #include "toppers/macro_processor.hpp" #include "toppers/diagnostics.hpp" #include "toppers/misc.hpp" #include #include #include #include // 非標準マクロの定義を除去 #ifdef max #undef max #endif #ifdef min #undef min #endif #define DEBUG_TRACE 0 namespace toppers { namespace { struct expr_error {}; /*! * \struct parser macro_processor.cpp "toppers/macro_processor.cpp" * \brief マクロ内に記述される式のパーサ */ struct parser : boost::spirit::grammar< parser > { enum rule_id_t { id_other = 0, id_expression, id_assignment_expr, id_logical_or_expr, id_logical_and_expr, id_or_expr, id_xor_expr, id_and_expr, id_equality_expr, id_relational_expr, id_shift_expr, id_additive_expr, id_multiplicative_expr, id_unary_expr, id_postfix_expr, id_primary_expr, id_lvalue_expr, id_identifier, id_constant, id_string_literal, id_ordered_list, id_ordered_sequence, id_ordered_item, id_root, id_top, id_function_, id_if_, id_foreach_, id_joineach_, id_error_, id_warning_, id_file_, id_expr_, id_plain, id_illegal = -1 }; enum expected_t { doller_expected, end_expected, close_paren_expected, close_brace_expected, close_bracket_expected }; /*! * \struct error_handler static_api_parser.hpp "toppers/oil/static_api_parser.hpp" * \brief 静的APIの構文解析におけるエラー処理ファンクタ */ struct error_handler { template < class Scanner, class Error > boost::spirit::error_status<> operator()( Scanner const& scan, Error const& error ) const { typename Error::iterator_t iter( error.where ); while ( iter != scan.last && *iter != '\0' && *iter != '\n' ) { ++iter; } std::string str; if ( error.where == iter ) { str = _( "end of line" ); } else { str = '\"' + std::string( error.where, iter ) + '\"'; } text_line ln; if ( error.where != scan.last ) { ln = get_text_line( error.where ); } else { // テンプレートファイルの最終行を求める typename Error::iterator_t prev( scan.first ); for ( iter = scan.first; iter != scan.last; ++iter ) { prev = iter; } ln = get_text_line( prev ); } switch ( error.descriptor ) { case doller_expected: toppers::fatal( ln, _( "missing `%1%\' before %2%" ), '$', str ); break; case end_expected: toppers::fatal( ln, _( "missing `%1%\' before %2%" ), "$END$", str ); break; case close_paren_expected: toppers::fatal( ln, _( "missing `%1%\' before %2%" ), ")", str ); break; case close_brace_expected: toppers::fatal( ln, _( "missing `%1%\' before %2%" ), "}", str ); break; case close_bracket_expected: toppers::fatal( ln, _( "missing `%1%\' before %2%" ), "]", str ); break; } return boost::spirit::error_status<>( boost::spirit::error_status<>::fail ); } }; template < class Scanner > struct definition { typedef boost::spirit::rule< Scanner, boost::spirit::dynamic_parser_tag > rule_t; typedef boost::spirit::guard< expected_t > guard_t; typedef boost::spirit::assertion< expected_t > assertion_t; rule_t expression, assignment_expr, logical_or_expr, logical_and_expr, or_expr, xor_expr, and_expr, equality_expr, relational_expr, shift_expr, additive_expr, multiplicative_expr, unary_expr, postfix_expr, primary_expr, lvalue_expr, identifier, constant, string_literal, ordered_list, ordered_sequence, ordered_item; rule_t root, top, function_, if_, foreach_, joineach_, error_, warning_, file_, expr_, call, plain; guard_t guard_function_, guard_if_, guard_foreach_, guard_joineach_, guard_expr, guard_postfix_expr, guard_lvalue_expr, guard_ordered_list; assertion_t expect_doller, expect_end, expect_close_paren, expect_close_brace, expect_close_bracket; definition( parser const& self ) : expect_doller( doller_expected ), expect_end( end_expected ), expect_close_paren( close_paren_expected ), expect_close_brace( close_brace_expected ), expect_close_bracket( close_bracket_expected ) { using namespace boost::spirit; set_id(); expression = logical_or_expr; assignment_expr = lvalue_expr >> '=' >> expression; logical_or_expr = logical_and_expr >> *( "||" >> logical_and_expr ); logical_and_expr = or_expr >> *( "&&" >> or_expr ); or_expr = xor_expr >> *( '|' >> xor_expr ); xor_expr = and_expr >> *( '^' >> and_expr ); and_expr = equality_expr >> *( '&' >> equality_expr ); equality_expr = relational_expr >> *( ( str_p( "==" ) | "!=" ) >> relational_expr ); relational_expr = shift_expr >> *( ( str_p( "<=" ) | ">=" | "<" | ">" ) >> shift_expr ); shift_expr = additive_expr >> *( ( str_p( "<<" ) | ">>" ) >> additive_expr ); additive_expr = multiplicative_expr >> *( chset<>( "+-" ) >> multiplicative_expr ); multiplicative_expr = unary_expr >> *( chset<>( "*/%" ) >> unary_expr ); unary_expr = *chset<>( "-+~!@" ) >> postfix_expr; postfix_expr = guard_postfix_expr ( ( identifier >> '(' >> *( expression % ',' ) >> expect_close_paren( ch_p( ')' ) ) ) | primary_expr ) [ error_handler() ]; primary_expr = lvalue_expr | ordered_list | constant | string_literal | ( '(' >> expression >> ')' ); lvalue_expr = guard_lvalue_expr ( ( identifier >> '[' >> expression >> expect_close_bracket( ch_p( ']' ) ) ) | identifier ) [ error_handler() ]; identifier = leaf_node_d[ lexeme_d[ ( alpha_p | '_' ) >> *( alnum_p | '_' | '.' ) ] ]; constant = leaf_node_d [ lexeme_d [ if_p( '0' ) // 16進または8進 [ !( ( ( ch_p( 'x' ) | 'X' ) >> ( hex_p | +xdigit_p ) ) | ( oct_p | +chset<>( "0-7" ) ) ) ] .else_p // 10進 [ ( int_p | +digit_p ) ] ] ]; string_literal = leaf_node_d[ lexeme_d[ '\"' >> *( c_escape_ch_p - '\"' ) >> '\"' ] ]; ordered_list = guard_ordered_list ( '{' >> !( ( ordered_sequence | ordered_item ) >> *( ';' >> ( ordered_sequence | ordered_item ) ) ) >> expect_close_brace( ch_p( '}' ) ) ) [ error_handler() ]; ordered_sequence = ( constant >> ',' >> constant >> ',' >> "..." >> ',' >> constant ); ordered_item = expression >> *( ',' >> expression ); root = top >> lexeme_d[ !space_p ]; top = *( function_ | if_ | foreach_ | joineach_ | warning_ | error_ | file_ | expr_ | plain ); function_ = guard_function_ ( "$FUNCTION" >> identifier >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) >> top >> expect_end( str_p( "$END$" ) ) ) [ error_handler() ]; if_ = guard_if_ ( ( "$IF" >> expression >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) >> top >> "$ELSE$" >> top >> expect_end( str_p( "$END$" ) ) ) | ( "$IF" >> expression >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) >> top >> expect_end( str_p( "$END$" ) ) ) ) [ error_handler() ]; foreach_ = guard_foreach_ ( "$FOREACH" >> identifier >> expression >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) >> top >> expect_end( str_p( "$END$" ) ) ) [ error_handler() ]; joineach_ = guard_joineach_ ( "$JOINEACH" >> identifier >> expression >> expression >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) >> top >> expect_end( str_p( "$END$" ) ) ) [ error_handler() ]; warning_ = "$WARNING$" >> top >> "$END$" >> !eol_p | "$WARNING" >> expression >> '$' >> top >> "$END$"; error_ = "$ERROR$" >> top >> "$END$" >> !eol_p | "$ERROR" >> expression >> '$' >> top >> "$END$"; file_ = "$FILE" >> string_literal >> '$'; expr_ = guard_expr ( ( ( '$' >> ( assignment_expr | expression ) >> expect_doller( ch_p( '$' ) ) ) - "$END$" - "$ELSE$" ) ) [ error_handler() ]; plain = leaf_node_d[ lexeme_d[ +( anychar_p - '$' ) | "$$" ] ]; } rule_t const& start() const { return root; } void set_id() { expression.set_id( id_expression ); assignment_expr.set_id( id_assignment_expr ); logical_or_expr.set_id( id_logical_or_expr ); logical_and_expr.set_id( id_logical_and_expr ); or_expr.set_id( id_or_expr ); xor_expr.set_id( id_xor_expr ); and_expr.set_id( id_and_expr ); equality_expr.set_id( id_equality_expr ); relational_expr.set_id( id_relational_expr ); shift_expr.set_id( id_shift_expr ); additive_expr.set_id( id_additive_expr ); multiplicative_expr.set_id( id_multiplicative_expr ); unary_expr.set_id( id_unary_expr ); postfix_expr.set_id( id_postfix_expr ); primary_expr.set_id( id_primary_expr ); lvalue_expr.set_id( id_lvalue_expr ); identifier.set_id( id_identifier ); constant.set_id( id_constant ); string_literal.set_id( id_string_literal ); ordered_list.set_id( id_ordered_list ); ordered_sequence.set_id( id_ordered_sequence ); ordered_item.set_id( id_ordered_item ); root.set_id( id_root ); top.set_id( id_top ); function_.set_id( id_function_ ); if_.set_id( id_if_ ); foreach_.set_id( id_foreach_ ); joineach_.set_id( id_joineach_ ); error_.set_id( id_error_ ); warning_.set_id( id_warning_ ); file_.set_id( id_file_ ); expr_.set_id( id_expr_ ); plain.set_id( id_plain ); } }; parser() { } }; typedef macro_processor::element element; typedef macro_processor::var_t var_t; typedef macro_processor::context context; //! 変数が保持する数値の参照 std::tr1::int64_t get_i( var_t const& var, context const* p_ctx ) { if ( var.empty() ) { fatal( p_ctx->line, _( "non-value is referred" ) ); return 0; } element e = var.front(); if ( !e.i ) { fatal( p_ctx->line, _( "non-value is referred" ) ); return 0; } return e.i.get(); } //! 変数が保持する文字列の参照 std::string get_s( var_t const& var, context const* p_ctx ) { if ( var.empty() ) { return ""; } std::string result; for ( var_t::const_iterator iter( var.begin() ), last( var.end() ); iter != last; ++iter ) { if ( !iter->s.empty() ) { result += iter->s; } else if ( !iter->v.empty() ) { result += iter->v; } else if ( iter->i ) { result += boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( iter->i.get() ); } if ( boost::next( iter ) != last ) { result += ","; } } return result; } typedef boost::spirit::tree_node< boost::spirit::node_iter_data< text::const_iterator > > tree_node_t; bool eval_node( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ); //! 代入式 bool assignment_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs = rhs if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string name( get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) ); if ( eval_node( node.children[2], p_ctx ) ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); var_t old_var( p_ctx->var_map[ name ] ); p_ctx->var_map[ name ] = rhs; if ( p_ctx->hook_on_assign != 0 ) { ( *p_ctx->hook_on_assign )( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), name, old_var, rhs, p_ctx ); } } } return true; } //! 論理和式 bool logical_or_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs || rhs ... bool result = true; if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 2; i < n; i += 2 ) { std::tr1::int64_t value = 0; try { value = get_i( lhs, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) ); throw; } if ( value ) { break; } result = eval_node( node.children[i], p_ctx ); var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; std::tr1::int64_t value2 = 0; try { value2 = get_i( rhs, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[i].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) ); throw; } e.i = ( value || value2 ); lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return result; } //! 論理積式 bool logical_and_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs && rhs ... bool result = true; if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 2; i < n; i += 2 ) { std::tr1::int64_t value = 0; try { value = get_i( lhs, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) ); throw; } if ( !value ) { break; } result = eval_node( node.children[i], p_ctx ); var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; std::tr1::int64_t value2 = 0; try { value2 = get_i( rhs, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[i].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) ); throw; } e.i = ( value && value2 ); lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return result; } //! ビット和式 bool or_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs | rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; e.i = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) | get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 排他的論理和式 bool xor_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs ^ rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; e.i = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) ^ get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! ビット積式 bool and_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs & rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; e.i = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) & get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 等価式(==、!=) bool equality_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs op rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); std::tr1::int64_t value; if ( op == "==" ) { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) == get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } else { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) != get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } element e; e.i = value; lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 関係式(不等号) bool relational_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs op rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); std::tr1::int64_t value; if ( op == "<" ) { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) < get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } else if ( op == "<=" ) { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) <= get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } else if ( op == ">" ) { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) > get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } else { value = ( get_i( lhs, p_ctx ) >= get_i( rhs, p_ctx ) ); } element e; e.i = value; lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! シフト式 bool shift_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs op rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); std::tr1::int64_t value = get_i( lhs, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t shift = get_i( rhs, p_ctx ); if ( shift < 0 ) // 負の値でシフトしようとした { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "shift with nagative value `%1%\'" ), shift ); } if ( shift > 64 ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "shift with too large value `%1%\'" ), shift ); } if ( op == "<<" ) { if ( value < 0 ) { // 負の値のシフトはできない error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "negative value `%1%\' is shift" ), value ); } else if ( shift != 0 && static_cast< std::tr1::int64_t >( static_cast< std::tr1::uint64_t >( 1 ) << ( 63 - shift ) ) <= value ) { // シフトの結果が負になる error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "shift with too large value `%1%\'" ), shift ); } value = value << shift; } else { if ( value < 0 ) // 強制的に算術シフトさせる { value = static_cast< std::tr1::int64_t >( ( static_cast< std::tr1::uint64_t >( value ) >> shift ) | ( ~static_cast< std::tr1::uint64_t >( 0 ) << shift ) ); } else { value = value >> shift; } } element e; e.i = value; lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 加減式 bool additive_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs op rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); std::tr1::int64_t x = get_i( lhs, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t y = get_i( rhs, p_ctx ); element e; if ( op == "+" ) { if ( ( y > 0 && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::max() - y ) < x ) || ( y < 0 && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::min() - y ) > x ) ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "overflow at `%1%\'" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) + "+" + get_s( rhs, p_ctx ) ); // e.i に値はセットされない } else { e.i = x + y; } } else // "-" { if ( ( y < 0 && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::max() + y ) < x ) || ( y > 0 && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::min() + y ) > x ) ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "overflow at `%1%\'" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) + "-" + get_s( rhs, p_ctx ) ); // e.i に値はセットされない } else { e.i = x - y; } } lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 乗除式 bool multiplicative_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // lhs op rhs ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 左辺のみ { return true; } var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1; ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); std::tr1::int64_t x = get_i( lhs, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t y = get_i( rhs, p_ctx ); element e; if ( op == "*" ) { if ( ( x == 0 ) || ( y == 0 ) ) { e.i = 0; } else if ( ( ( x < 0 ) == ( y < 0 ) ) && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::max() / y < x ) || ( ( x < 0 ) != ( y < 0 ) ) && ( std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::min() / y > x ) ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "overflow at `%1%\'" ), get_s( lhs, p_ctx ) + "*" + get_s( rhs, p_ctx ) ); // e.i に値はセットされない } else { e.i = x * y; } } else { if ( y == 0 ) { error( node.value.begin().line(), _( "devide by zero" ) ); // e.i には値がセットされない } else { std::tr1::int64_t value; // 本当はここで一方のオペランドが負の場合の処理を行う必要がある。 // そんな変な処理系は実質的にないので放置 if ( op == "/" ) { value = ( x / y ); } else // "%" { value = ( x % y ); } e.i = value; } } lhs[0] = e; } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 単項式(後置式、単項演算子 一次式) bool unary_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1..n-2 n-1 // op ...... primary_expr if ( eval_node( node.children[ node.children.size() - 1 ], p_ctx ) ) { std::size_t const n = node.children.size(); if ( n == 1 ) // 一次式のみ { return true; } var_t expr( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( long i = static_cast< long >( n ) - 2, t = 0; i >= 0 && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i-- ) { std::string op( node.children[i].value.begin(), node.children[i].value.end() ); element e; std::tr1::int64_t value = 0; if ( op != "@" ) { try { value = get_i( expr, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' is undefined" ), get_s( expr, p_ctx ) ); throw; } if ( op == "+" ) { e.i = +value; } else if ( op == "-" ) { if ( value == std::numeric_limits< std::tr1::int64_t >::min() ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "overflow at `%1%\'" ), "-" + get_s( expr, p_ctx ) ); // e.i に値はセットされない } else { e.i = -value; } } else if ( op == "~" ) { e.i = ~value; } else if ( op == "!" ) { e.i = !value; } value = *e.i; } else // op == "@" (値属性 → 文字列属性) { if ( expr.front().i ) { e.s = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( *expr.front().i ); } else { e.s = expr.front().v; } } expr[ 0 ] = e; // 演算結果を累積する if ( i == t ) { break; } } p_ctx->stack.push( expr ); } return true; } //! 後置式(関数呼び出し、一次式) bool postfix_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 3 4..2+2*n-1 2+2*n 2+2*n+1 // identifier ( arg0 , .......... argn ) // primary_expr if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { if ( node.children.size() > 1 ) // 関数の呼び出し { var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string func_name( get_s( ident, p_ctx ) ); std::map< std::string, macro_processor::func_t >::const_iterator iter( p_ctx->func_map.find( func_name ) ); if ( iter == p_ctx->func_map.end() ) // そんな関数はない { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "function `%1%\' is undefined" ), func_name ); p_ctx->stack.push( var_t() ); } else // 関数を呼び出す { std::vector< var_t > arg_list; for ( std::size_t i = 0, n = node.children.size() - 1; 2 + 2*i < n; i++ ) { if ( eval_node( node.children[2 + 2*i], p_ctx ) ) { var_t arg( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); arg_list.push_back( arg ); } } var_t result; if ( iter->second.f != 0 ) // 組み込み関数 { result = ( *iter->second.f )( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), arg_list, p_ctx ); } else if ( iter->second.node != 0 ) // ユーザー定義関数 { // ARGC { element e; e.i = static_cast< std::tr1::int64_t >( arg_list.size() + 1 ); p_ctx->var_map[ "ARGC" ] = var_t( 1, e ); } // ARGV { element e; e.s = func_name; p_ctx->var_map[ "ARGV[0]" ] = var_t( 1, e ); std::size_t n = arg_list.size() + 1; for ( std::size_t i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { std::string argv_i = boost::str( boost::format( "ARGV[%d]" ) % i ); p_ctx->var_map[ argv_i ] = arg_list[ i - 1 ]; } std::string argv_n = boost::str( boost::format( "ARGV[%d]" ) % n ); p_ctx->var_map[ argv_n ] = var_t(); } tree_node_t const* func_body_node = reinterpret_cast< tree_node_t const* >( iter->second.node ); if ( !eval_node( *func_body_node, p_ctx ) ) { // 呼び出し失敗 p_ctx->stack.push( result ); return false; } result = p_ctx->var_map[ "RESULT" ]; } p_ctx->stack.push( result ); } } } return true; } //! 一次式(左辺値式、(式)) bool primary_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( node.children.size() == 1 ) { result = eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ); if ( node.children[0].value.id() == parser::id_lvalue_expr ) { var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::string name( get_s( ident, p_ctx ) ); var_t value( p_ctx->var_map[ name ] ); p_ctx->stack.push( value ); } } else { // 0 1 2 // ( expression ) result = eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ); } return result; } //! 左辺値式(変数、配列変数) bool lvalue_expr( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 3 // identifier // identifier [ expression ] if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { if ( ( node.children.size() > 1 ) && eval_node( node.children[2], p_ctx ) ) { var_t expr( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); element e; std::string subscript; try { std::tr1::int64_t i = get_i( expr, p_ctx ); subscript = boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( i ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { subscript = get_s( expr, p_ctx ); error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), subscript ); throw; } e.s = ( boost::format( "%s[%s]" ) % get_s( ident, p_ctx ) % subscript ).str(); p_ctx->stack.push( var_t( 1, e ) ); } } return true; } //! 識別子 bool identifier( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { element e; std::string ident( node.children[0].value.begin(), node.children[0].value.end() ); std::string::size_type n = ident.find_first_not_of( " \t\r\n" ); e.s = ident.c_str() + n; p_ctx->stack.push( var_t( 1, e ) ); return true; } //! 整数定数 bool constant( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { element e; e.s.assign( node.children[0].value.begin(), node.children[0].value.end() ); std::istringstream iss( e.s ); iss.unsetf( std::ios_base::basefield ); std::tr1::int64_t value; iss >> value; if ( iss.bad() ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "overflow at `%1%\'" ), e.s ); } e.i = value; p_ctx->stack.push( var_t( 1, e ) ); return true; } //! 文字列 bool string_literal( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1..n-2 n-1 // " ...... " element e; // ここで構文エラー例外になることはあり得ない。(構文解析後なので) e.s = expand_quote( std::string( node.children[0].value.begin(), node.children[0].value.end() ) ); p_ctx->stack.push( var_t( 1, e ) ); return true; } //! 順序付きリスト bool ordered_list( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 n-1 // { ordered_sequence ; ... } // { ordered_item ; ... } if ( node.children.size() < 3 ) { p_ctx->stack.push( var_t() ); } else if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) { var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1, n = node.children.size(); ( i+2 < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+2], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::copy( rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), std::back_inserter( lhs ) ); } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! 順序付きリスト(等差数列) bool ordered_sequence( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // int , int , ... , int if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { var_t first( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( eval_node( node.children[2], p_ctx ) ) { var_t second( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( eval_node( node.children[6], p_ctx ) ) { var_t last( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); std::tr1::int64_t a0 = get_i( first, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t a1 = get_i( second, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t an = get_i( last, p_ctx ); std::tr1::int64_t d = a1 - a0; if ( ( an - a0 ) % d != 0 ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "illegal arithmetic sequence" ) ); } else { for ( std::tr1::int64_t i = a1, t = an + d; i != t; i += d ) { element e; e.i = i; first.push_back( e ); } first[1].s = second[0].s; first.back().s = last[0].s; } p_ctx->stack.push( first ); } } } return true; } //! 順序付きリスト(列記) bool ordered_item( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // int , int ... if ( eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ) ) { var_t lhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( std::size_t i = 1, n = node.children.size(); ( i < n ) && eval_node( node.children[i+1], p_ctx ); i += 2 ) { var_t rhs( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); lhs.push_back( rhs[0] ); } p_ctx->stack.push( lhs ); } return true; } //! トップレベル bool top( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; for ( std::size_t i = 0, n = node.children.size(); i < n; i++ ) { for ( text::const_iterator iter( node.children[i].value.begin() ), last( node.children[i].value.end() ); iter != last; ++iter ) { char c = *iter; if ( !std::isspace( static_cast< unsigned char >( c ) ) ) { break; } if ( c != '\n' ) { p_ctx->target_file << c; } } result &= eval_node( node.children[i], p_ctx ); } return result; } //! $FUNCTION命令 bool function_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( node.children.empty() ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "no body of %1%", "'FUNCTION'" ); } if ( p_ctx->in_function ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "function cannot be nested" ); } p_ctx->in_function = true; // 0 1 2 3 4 // $FUNCTION identifier $ top $END$ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // identifier { var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); macro_processor::func_t func; func.name = get_s( ident, p_ctx ); func.node = &node.children[3]; func.f = 0; // 組み込み関数ではないので p_ctx->func_map[ func.name ] = func; } else { result = false; } p_ctx->in_function = false; return result; } //! $IF命令 bool if_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( node.children.empty() ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "no body of %1%", "'IF' or 'ELSE'" ); } // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // $IF expression $ top $END$ // $IF expression $ top $ELSE$ top $END$ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // expression { var_t expr( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); bool cond = false; try { cond = !!get_i( expr, p_ctx ); } catch ( expr_error& ) { error( node.children[0].value.begin().line(), _( "`%1%\' does not have a value" ), get_s( expr, p_ctx ) ); throw; } if ( cond ) // $IF expr$ { result &= eval_node( node.children[3], p_ctx ); // top } else if ( node.children.size() == 7 ) // $ELSE$ { result &= eval_node( node.children[5], p_ctx ); // top } } return result; } //! FOREACH命令 bool foreach_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( node.children.empty() ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "no body of %1%", "'FOREACH'" ); } // 0 1 2 3 4 5 // $FOREACH identifier order_list $ top $END$ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // identifier { var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( eval_node( node.children[2], p_ctx ) ) // order_list { var_t order_list( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( !order_list.empty() && order_list[0].i ) { for ( var_t::const_iterator iter( order_list.begin() ), last( order_list.end() ); iter != last; ++iter ) { p_ctx->var_map[ get_s( ident, p_ctx ) ] = var_t( 1, *iter ); result &= eval_node( node.children[4], p_ctx ); // top } } } } return result; } //! $JOINEACH命令 bool joineach_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( node.children.empty() ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "no body of %1%", "'JOINEACH'" ); } // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // $JOINEACH identifier order_list delimitor $ top $END$ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // identifier { var_t ident( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( eval_node( node.children[2], p_ctx ) ) // order_list { var_t order_list( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( !order_list.empty() && order_list[0].i ) { if ( eval_node( node.children[3], p_ctx ) ) // delimitor { var_t delimitor( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); for ( var_t::const_iterator iter( order_list.begin() ), last( order_list.end() ); iter != last; ++iter ) { p_ctx->var_map[ get_s( ident, p_ctx ) ] = var_t( 1, *iter ); result &= eval_node( node.children[5], p_ctx ); // top if ( boost::next( iter ) != last ) { p_ctx->target_file << get_s( delimitor, p_ctx ); } } } } } } return result; } //! $ERROR命令 bool error_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 3 4 // $ERROR$ top $END$ // $WARNING$ top $END$ // $ERROR expr $ top $END$ // $WARNING expr $ top $END$ if ( node.children.empty() ) { fatal( node.value.begin().line(), "no body of %1%", "'ERROR' or 'WARNING'" ); } output_file of = p_ctx->target_file; p_ctx->target_file = output_file( "stderr", std::ios_base::out ); // 出力先を一時的に標準エラー出力に切り替える。 bool is_error = ( static_cast< parser::rule_id_t >( node.value.id().to_long() ) == parser::id_error_ ); p_ctx->target_file << get_program_name() << ':'; bool has_expr = ( node.children.size() > 3 ); if ( has_expr && eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // expr { var_t expr( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); if ( !expr.empty() ) { if ( !expr.front().s.empty() ) { p_ctx->target_file << expr.front().s << ':'; } if ( expr.front().i ) { p_ctx->target_file << expr.front().i.get() << ':'; } } } p_ctx->target_file << ( is_error ? " error: " : " warning: " ); bool result = eval_node( node.children[has_expr ? 3 : 1], p_ctx ); // top p_ctx->target_file << '\n'; p_ctx->target_file = of; if ( is_error ) { increment_error_count(); // error関数を使わないので、明示的にエラーカウントを操作する。 } return result; } //! $WARNING命令 bool warning_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { return error_( node, p_ctx ); } //! $FILE命令 bool file_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // $FILE string-literal $ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // string-literal { var_t filename( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); p_ctx->target_file << '\n'; p_ctx->target_file = output_file( get_s( filename, p_ctx ), std::ios_base::out ); } return true; } //! 式 bool expr_( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { // 0 1 2 // $ expression $ if ( eval_node( node.children[1], p_ctx ) ) // expression { if ( node.children[1].value.id().to_long() == parser::id_expression ) { var_t expr( p_ctx->stack.top() ); p_ctx->stack.pop(); p_ctx->target_file << get_s( expr, p_ctx ); } } return true; } // マクロ命令以外 bool plain( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { std::string buf; buf.reserve( node.children[0].value.end() - node.children[0].value.begin() ); for ( text::const_iterator iter( node.children[0].value.begin() ), last( node.children[0].value.end() ); iter != last; ++iter ) { if ( *iter == '$' ) { ++iter; } switch ( char c = *iter ) { case '\r': case '\n': break; default: buf.push_back( c ); break; } } p_ctx->target_file << buf; return true; } // 構文木の各ノードの評価 bool eval_node( tree_node_t const& node, context* p_ctx ) { bool result = true; if ( p_ctx != 0 ) { p_ctx->line = node.value.begin().line(); } #if defined( _MSC_VER ) && DEBUG_TRACE ::OutputDebugString( ( boost::format( "%s:%d:%s\n" ) % node.children[0].value.begin().line().file % node.children[0].value.begin().line().line % std::string( node.children[0].value.begin(), node.children[0].value.end() ) ).str().c_str() ); #endif switch ( parser::rule_id_t id = static_cast< parser::rule_id_t >( node.value.id().to_long() ) ) { case parser::id_expression: result = eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_assignment_expr: result = assignment_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_logical_or_expr: result = logical_or_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_logical_and_expr: result = logical_and_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_or_expr: result = or_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_xor_expr: result = xor_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_and_expr: result = and_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_equality_expr: result = equality_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_relational_expr: result = relational_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_shift_expr: result = shift_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_additive_expr: result = additive_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_multiplicative_expr: result = multiplicative_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_unary_expr: result = unary_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_postfix_expr: result = postfix_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_primary_expr: result = primary_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_lvalue_expr: result = lvalue_expr( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_identifier: result = identifier( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_constant: result = constant( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_string_literal: result = string_literal( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_ordered_list: result = ordered_list( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_ordered_sequence: result = ordered_sequence( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_ordered_item: result = ordered_item( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_root: result = eval_node( node.children[0], p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_top: result = top( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_function_: result = function_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_if_: result = if_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_foreach_: result = foreach_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_joineach_: result = joineach_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_error_: result = error_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_warning_: result = warning_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_file_: result = file_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_expr_: result = expr_( node, p_ctx ); break; case parser::id_plain: result = plain( node, p_ctx ); break; default: result = false; break; } return result; } bool eval_text( text::const_iterator first, text::const_iterator last, context* p_ctx ) { using namespace boost::spirit; typedef text::const_iterator iterator_t; tree_parse_info< iterator_t, node_iter_data_factory<> > info; info = pt_parse( first, last, parser(), space_p, node_iter_data_factory<>() ); if ( info.full && !info.trees.empty() ) { bool result; if ( info.length <= 0 ) { result = true; } else { result = eval_node( info.trees[0], p_ctx ); } return result; } else { fatal( info.stop.line(), _( "syntax error" ) ); } return false; } } std::tr1::int64_t macro_processor::to_integer( var_t const& var, context const* p_ctx ) { return get_i( var, p_ctx ); } std::string macro_processor::to_string( var_t const& var, context const* p_ctx ) { return get_s( var, p_ctx ); } macro_processor::macro_processor( hook_t hook_on_assign ) : p_ctx_( new context( hook_on_assign ) ) { } macro_processor::macro_processor( macro_processor const& other ) : p_ctx_( new context( *other.p_ctx_ ) ) { } macro_processor::macro_processor( text const& in, hook_t hook_on_assign ) : p_ctx_( new context( hook_on_assign ) ) { evaluate( in ); } macro_processor::~macro_processor() { delete p_ctx_; p_ctx_ = 0; } macro_processor& macro_processor::operator=( macro_processor const& other ) { macro_processor t( *this ); swap( t ); return *this; } void macro_processor::swap( macro_processor& other ) { std::swap( p_ctx_, other.p_ctx_ ); } void macro_processor::evaluate( text const& in ) { try { for ( func_t const* p_bf = builtin_function_table; !p_bf->name.empty(); p_bf++ ) { p_ctx_->func_map[ p_bf->name ] = *p_bf; } if ( !eval_text( in.begin(), in.end(), p_ctx_ ) ) { fatal( _( "macro processing error" ) ); } } catch ( expr_error& ) { fatal( _( "macro processing error" ) ); } } void macro_processor::set_var( std::string const& name, var_t const& value ) { #if defined( _MSC_VER ) && /* DEBUG_TRACE */ 1 std::string s( "$" + name + " = " + get_s( value, p_ctx_ ) + "$" ); if ( !value.empty() && value[0].i ) { s += "(" + boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( get_i( value, p_ctx_ ) ) + ")"; } s += "\n"; ::OutputDebugString( s.c_str() ); #endif p_ctx_->var_map[ name ] = value; } void macro_processor::set_var( std::string const& name, long name2, var_t const& value ) { set_var( ( boost::format( "%s[%d]" ) % name % name2 ).str(), value ); } macro_processor::var_t const& macro_processor::get_var( std::string const& name ) const { return p_ctx_->var_map[ name ]; } macro_processor::var_t const& macro_processor::get_var( std::string const& name, long name2 ) const { return get_var( ( boost::format( "%s[%d]" ) % name % name2 ).str() ); } /*! * \brief コメントの除去 * \param[in] first 処理対象シーケンスの先頭位置 * \param[in] last 処理対象シーケンスの終端位置の次 * \param[out] result 処理結果の格納先 * \return 処理完了後の result の値 * * 「$ + 空白類文字」で始まり、改行で終わるコメントを除去します。 */ void macro_processor::remove_comment( text const& in, text& out ) { text::const_iterator first( in.begin() ), last( in.end() ); std::back_insert_iterator< text > result( std::back_inserter( out ) ); out.set_line( first.line().file, first.line().line ); for ( text::const_iterator iter; ( iter = std::find( first, last, '\n' ) ) != last ; first = iter + 1 ) { std::string buf( first, iter ); if ( ( ( buf[0] == '$' ) && ( buf.size() >= 2 ) && std::isspace( static_cast< unsigned char >( buf[1] ) ) ) ) { *result = '\n'; } else { // コメント行以外は行頭の空白類を除去する。 first = std::find_if( first, iter, std::not1( std::ptr_fun< char, bool >( &toppers::isspace ) ) ); result = std::copy( first, iter + 1, result ); } } } void macro_processor::expand_include( text const& in, text& out ) { typedef text::container::const_iterator const_row_iterator; typedef std::string::size_type size_type; size_type const npos = std::string::npos; std::string debug_str; if ( in.empty() ) // 空のファイルが入力された場合の対策 { return; } const_row_iterator first( in.begin().get_row() ), last( in.end().get_row() ); out.set_line( first->line.file, first->line.line ); for ( const_row_iterator iter( first ); iter != last; ++iter ) { std::string const& buf = iter->buf; for ( size_type i = 0, n = buf.size(); i != n; ++i ) { using namespace boost::spirit; char c = buf[i]; std::string headername; text::const_iterator iter2( iter, i ); if ( iter2 == in.end() ) { break; } parse_info< text::const_iterator > info = parse( iter2, in.end(), ( ch_p( '$' ) >> str_p( "INCLUDE" ) >> *space_p >> '\"' >> ( +( anychar_p - '\"' ) )[ assign( headername ) ] >> '\"' >> '$' ) ); if ( info.hit ) { std::vector< std::string > include_paths = get_global< std::vector< std::string > >( "include-path" ); std::string hname = search_include_file( include_paths.begin(), include_paths.end(), headername ); if ( hname.empty() ) { fatal( iter->line, _( "cannot open file `%1%\'" ), headername ); } else { text t; t.set_line( hname, 1 ); std::ifstream ifs( hname.c_str() ); t.append( ifs ); preprocess( t, out ); iter = info.stop.get_row(); i = info.stop.get_col() - 1; out.set_line( iter->line.file, iter->line.line ); } } else { out.push_back( c ); debug_str.push_back( c ); if ( c == '\n' ) { // ::OutputDebugString( ( out.get_line().file + ":" + boost::lexical_cast< std::string >( out.get_line().line ) + ":" ).c_str() ); // ::OutputDebugString( debug_str.c_str() ); debug_str.clear(); } } } } } void macro_processor::preprocess( text const& in, text& out ) { if ( in.empty() ) { return; } text temp; macro_processor::remove_comment( in, temp ); expand_include( temp, out ); } void macro_processor::add_builtin_function( func_t const& f ) { p_ctx_->func_map[ f.name ] = f; } macro_processor::var_t macro_processor::call_user_function( text_line const& line, std::vector< var_t > const& arg_list, context* p_ctx ) { if ( arg_list.empty() ) { return var_t(); } func_t func = p_ctx->func_map[ get_s( arg_list.front(), p_ctx ) ]; if ( func.name.empty() ) { fatal( line, "function is not defined" ); return var_t(); } // ARGC { element e; e.i = static_cast< std::tr1::int64_t >( arg_list.size() ); p_ctx->var_map[ "ARGC" ] =var_t( 1, e ); } // ARGV { std::size_t n = arg_list.size(); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { std::string argv_i = boost::str( boost::format( "ARGV[%d]" ) % i ); p_ctx->var_map[ argv_i ] = arg_list[ i ]; } std::string argv_n = boost::str( boost::format( "ARGV[%d]" ) % n ); p_ctx->var_map[ argv_n ] = var_t(); } tree_node_t const* func_body_node = reinterpret_cast< tree_node_t const* >( func.node ); if ( !eval_node( *func_body_node, p_ctx ) ) { return var_t(); } return p_ctx->var_map[ "RESULT" ]; } }