// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include "internal/iothub_client_retry_control.h" #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/agenttime.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/optimize_size.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #define RESULT_OK 0 #define INDEFINITE_TIME ((time_t)-1) #define DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY_IN_SECS 30 typedef struct RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE_TAG { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY policy; unsigned int max_retry_time_in_secs; unsigned int initial_wait_time_in_secs; unsigned int max_jitter_percent; unsigned int max_delay_in_secs; unsigned int retry_count; time_t first_retry_time; time_t last_retry_time; unsigned int current_wait_time_in_secs; } RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE; typedef int (*RETRY_ACTION_EVALUATION_FUNCTION)(RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_state, RETRY_ACTION* retry_action); // ========== Helper Functions ========== // // ---------- Set/Retrieve Options Helpers ----------// static void* retry_control_clone_option(const char* name, const void* value) { void* result; if ((name == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { LogError("Failed to clone option (either name (%p) or value (%p) are NULL)", name, value); result = NULL; } else if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS, name) == 0 || strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_MAX_JITTER_PERCENT, name) == 0) { unsigned int* cloned_value; if ((cloned_value = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int))) == NULL) { LogError("Failed to clone option '%p' (malloc failed)", name); result = NULL; } else { *cloned_value = *(unsigned int*)value; result = (void*)cloned_value; } } else { LogError("Failed to clone option (option with name '%s' is not suppported)", name); result = NULL; } return result; } static void retry_control_destroy_option(const char* name, const void* value) { if ((name == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { LogError("Failed to destroy option (either name (%p) or value (%p) are NULL)", name, value); } else if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS, name) == 0 || strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_MAX_JITTER_PERCENT, name) == 0) { free((void*)value); } else { LogError("Failed to destroy option (option with name '%s' is not suppported)", name); } } // ========== _should_retry() Auxiliary Functions ========== // static int evaluate_retry_action(RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control, RETRY_ACTION* retry_action) { int result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_019: [If `retry_control->retry_count` is 0, `retry_action` shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW] if (retry_control->retry_count == 0) { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW; result = RESULT_OK; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_020: [If `retry_control->last_retry_time` is INDEFINITE_TIME and policy is not IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE, the evaluation function shall return non-zero] else if (retry_control->last_retry_time == INDEFINITE_TIME && retry_control->policy != IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE) { LogError("Failed to evaluate retry action (last_retry_time is INDEFINITE_TIME)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { time_t current_time; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_021: [`current_time` shall be set using get_time()] if ((current_time = get_time(NULL)) == INDEFINITE_TIME) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_022: [If get_time() fails, the evaluation function shall return non-zero] LogError("Failed to evaluate retry action (get_time() failed)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_023: [If `retry_control->max_retry_time_in_secs` is not 0 and (`current_time` - `retry_control->first_retry_time`) is greater than or equal to `retry_control->max_retry_time_in_secs`, `retry_action` shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_STOP_RETRYING] else if (retry_control->max_retry_time_in_secs > 0 && get_difftime(current_time, retry_control->first_retry_time) >= retry_control->max_retry_time_in_secs) { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_STOP_RETRYING; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_026: [If no errors occur, the evaluation function shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_028: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE, retry_action shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW] else if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE) { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_026: [If no errors occur, the evaluation function shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_024: [Otherwise, if (`current_time` - `retry_control->last_retry_time`) is less than `retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs`, `retry_action` shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_LATER] else if (get_difftime(current_time, retry_control->last_retry_time) < retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs) { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_LATER; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_026: [If no errors occur, the evaluation function shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_025: [Otherwise, if (`current_time` - `retry_control->last_retry_time`) is greater or equal to `retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs`, `retry_action` shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW] else { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_026: [If no errors occur, the evaluation function shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } return result; } static unsigned int calculate_next_wait_time(RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control) { unsigned int result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_029: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_INTERVAL, `calculate_next_wait_time` shall return `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs`] if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_INTERVAL) { result = retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_030: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_LINEAR_BACKOFF, `calculate_next_wait_time` shall return (`retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs` * (`retry_control->retry_count`))] else if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_LINEAR_BACKOFF) { unsigned int base_delay = retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs * (retry_control->retry_count); if (base_delay > retry_control->max_delay_in_secs) { base_delay = retry_control->max_delay_in_secs; } result = base_delay; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_031: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF, `calculate_next_wait_time` shall return (pow(2, `retry_control->retry_count` - 1) * `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs`)] else if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF) { double base_delay = pow(2, retry_control->retry_count - 1) * retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs; if (base_delay > retry_control->max_delay_in_secs) { base_delay = retry_control->max_delay_in_secs; } result = (unsigned int)base_delay; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_032: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_WITH_JITTER, `calculate_next_wait_time` shall return ((pow(2, `retry_control->retry_count` - 1) * `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs`) * (1 + (`retry_control->max_jitter_percent` / 100) * (rand() / RAND_MAX)))] else if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_WITH_JITTER) { double jitter_percent = (retry_control->max_jitter_percent / 100.0) * (rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX)); double base_delay = pow(2, retry_control->retry_count - 1) * retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs; if (base_delay > retry_control->max_delay_in_secs) { base_delay = retry_control->max_delay_in_secs; } result = (unsigned int)(base_delay * (1 + jitter_percent)); } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_033: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_RANDOM, `calculate_next_wait_time` shall return (`retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs` * (rand() / RAND_MAX))] else if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_RANDOM) { double random_percent = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX); result = (unsigned int)(retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs * random_percent); } else { LogError("Failed to calculate the next wait time (policy %d is not expected)", retry_control->policy); result = 0; } return result; } // ========== Public API ========== // int is_timeout_reached(time_t start_time, unsigned int timeout_in_secs, bool* is_timed_out) { int result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_057: [If `start_time` is INDEFINITE_TIME, `is_timeout_reached` shall fail and return non-zero] if (start_time == INDEFINITE_TIME) { LogError("Failed to verify timeout (start_time is INDEFINITE)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_058: [If `is_timed_out` is NULL, `is_timeout_reached` shall fail and return non-zero] else if (is_timed_out == NULL) { LogError("Failed to verify timeout (is_timed_out is NULL)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { time_t current_time; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_059: [`is_timeout_reached` shall obtain the `current_time` using get_time()] if ((current_time = get_time(NULL)) == INDEFINITE_TIME) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_060: [If get_time() fails, `is_timeout_reached` shall fail and return non-zero] LogError("Failed to verify timeout (get_time failed)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_061: [If (`current_time` - `start_time`) is greater or equal to `timeout_in_secs`, `is_timed_out` shall be set to true] if (get_difftime(current_time, start_time) >= timeout_in_secs) { *is_timed_out = true; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_062: [If (`current_time` - `start_time`) is less than `timeout_in_secs`, `is_timed_out` shall be set to false] else { *is_timed_out = false; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_063: [If no errors occur, `is_timeout_reached` shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } return result; } void retry_control_reset(RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_handle) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_034: [If `retry_control_handle` is NULL, `retry_control_reset` shall return] if (retry_control_handle == NULL) { LogError("Failed to reset the retry control (retry_state_handle is NULL)"); } else { RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control = (RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE*)retry_control_handle; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_035: [`retry_control` shall have fields `retry_count` and `current_wait_time_in_secs` set to 0 (zero), `first_retry_time` and `last_retry_time` set to INDEFINITE_TIME] retry_control->retry_count = 0; retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs = 0; retry_control->first_retry_time = INDEFINITE_TIME; retry_control->last_retry_time = INDEFINITE_TIME; } } RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_create(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY policy, unsigned int max_retry_time_in_secs) { RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_002: [`retry_control_create` shall allocate memory for the retry control instance structure (a.k.a. `retry_control`)] if ((retry_control = (RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE*)malloc(sizeof(RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE))) == NULL) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_003: [If malloc fails, `retry_control_create` shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed creating the retry control (malloc failed)"); } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_004: [The parameters passed to `retry_control_create` shall be saved into `retry_control`] memset(retry_control, 0, sizeof(RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE)); retry_control->policy = policy; retry_control->max_retry_time_in_secs = max_retry_time_in_secs; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_005: [If `policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF or IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_WITH_JITTER, `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs` shall be set to 1] if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF || retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_WITH_JITTER) { retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs = 1; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_006: [Otherwise `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs` shall be set to 5] else { retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs = 5; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_007: [`retry_control->max_jitter_percent` shall be set to 5] retry_control->max_jitter_percent = 5; retry_control->max_delay_in_secs = DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY_IN_SECS; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_008: [The remaining fields in `retry_control` shall be initialized according to retry_control_reset()] retry_control_reset(retry_control); } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_009: [If no errors occur, `retry_control_create` shall return a handle to `retry_control`] return (RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE)retry_control; } void retry_control_destroy(RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_handle) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_055: [If `retry_control_handle` is NULL, `retry_control_destroy` shall return] if (retry_control_handle == NULL) { LogError("Failed to destroy the retry control (retry_control_handle is NULL)"); } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_056: [`retry_control_destroy` shall destroy `retry_control_handle` using free()] free(retry_control_handle); } } int retry_control_should_retry(RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_handle, RETRY_ACTION* retry_action) { int result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_010: [If `retry_control_handle` or `retry_action` are NULL, `retry_control_should_retry` shall fail and return non-zero] if ((retry_control_handle == NULL) || (retry_action == NULL)) { LogError("Failed to evaluate if retry should be attempted (either retry_control_handle (%p) or retry_action (%p) are NULL)", retry_control_handle, retry_action); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control = (RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE*)retry_control_handle; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_027: [If `retry_control->policy` is IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_NONE, retry_action shall be set to RETRY_ACTION_STOP_RETRYING and return immediatelly with result 0] if (retry_control->policy == IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_NONE) { *retry_action = RETRY_ACTION_STOP_RETRYING; result = RESULT_OK; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_011: [If `retry_control->first_retry_time` is INDEFINITE_TIME, it shall be set using get_time()] else if (retry_control->first_retry_time == INDEFINITE_TIME && (retry_control->first_retry_time = get_time(NULL)) == INDEFINITE_TIME) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_012: [If get_time() fails, `retry_control_should_retry` shall fail and return non-zero] LogError("Failed to evaluate if retry should be attempted (get_time() failed)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_013: [evaluate_retry_action() shall be invoked] else if (evaluate_retry_action(retry_control, retry_action) != RESULT_OK) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_014: [If evaluate_retry_action() fails, `retry_control_should_retry` shall fail and return non-zero] LogError("Failed to evaluate if retry should be attempted (evaluate_retry_action() failed)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { if (*retry_action == RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_015: [If `retry_action` is set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW, `retry_control->retry_count` shall be incremented by 1] retry_control->retry_count++; if (retry_control->policy != IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_016: [If `retry_action` is set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW and policy is not IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE, `retry_control->last_retry_time` shall be set using get_time()] retry_control->last_retry_time = get_time(NULL); // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_017: [If `retry_action` is set to RETRY_ACTION_RETRY_NOW and policy is not IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_IMMEDIATE, `retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs` shall be set using calculate_next_wait_time()] retry_control->current_wait_time_in_secs = calculate_next_wait_time(retry_control); } } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_018: [If no errors occur, `retry_control_should_retry` shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } return result; } int retry_control_set_option(RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_handle, const char* name, const void* value) { int result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_036: [If `retry_control_handle`, `name` or `value` are NULL, `retry_control_set_option` shall fail and return non-zero] if (retry_control_handle == NULL || name == NULL || value == NULL) { LogError("Failed to set option (either retry_state_handle (%p), name (%p) or value (%p) are NULL)", retry_control_handle, name, value); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control = (RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE*)retry_control_handle; if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS, name) == 0) { unsigned int cast_value = *((unsigned int*)value); // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_037: [If `name` is "initial_wait_time_in_secs" and `value` is less than 1, `retry_control_set_option` shall fail and return non-zero] if (cast_value < 1) { LogError("Failed to set option '%s' (value must be equal or greater to 1)", name); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_038: [If `name` is "initial_wait_time_in_secs", `value` shall be saved on `retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs`] retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs = cast_value; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_044: [If no errors occur, retry_control_set_option shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } else if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_MAX_JITTER_PERCENT, name) == 0) { unsigned int cast_value = *((unsigned int*)value); // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_039: [If `name` is "max_jitter_percent" and `value` is less than 0 or greater than 100, `retry_control_set_option` shall fail and return non-zero] if (cast_value > 100) // it's unsigned int, it doesn't need to be checked for less than zero. { LogError("Failed to set option '%s' (value must be in the range 0 to 100)", name); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_040: [If `name` is "max_jitter_percent", value shall be saved on `retry_control->max_jitter_percent`] retry_control->max_jitter_percent = cast_value; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_044: [If no errors occur, retry_control_set_option shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } else if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_MAX_DELAY_IN_SECS, name) == 0) { retry_control->max_delay_in_secs = *((unsigned int*)value); result = RESULT_OK; } else if (strcmp(RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_SAVED_OPTIONS, name) == 0) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_041: [If `name` is "retry_control_options", value shall be fed to `retry_control` using OptionHandler_FeedOptions] if (OptionHandler_FeedOptions((OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE)value, retry_control_handle) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_042: [If OptionHandler_FeedOptions fails, `retry_control_set_option` shall fail and return non-zero] LogError("messenger_set_option failed (OptionHandler_FeedOptions failed)"); result = MU_FAILURE; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_044: [If no errors occur, `retry_control_set_option` shall return 0] result = RESULT_OK; } } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_043: [If `name` is not a supported option, `retry_control_set_option` shall fail and return non-zero] else { LogError("messenger_set_option failed (option with name '%s' is not suppported)", name); result = MU_FAILURE; } } return result; } OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE retry_control_retrieve_options(RETRY_CONTROL_HANDLE retry_control_handle) { OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE result; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_045: [If `retry_control_handle`, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall fail and return NULL] if (retry_control_handle == NULL) { LogError("Failed to retrieve options (retry_state_handle is NULL)"); result = NULL; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_046: [An instance of OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE (a.k.a. `options`) shall be created using OptionHandler_Create] OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE options = OptionHandler_Create(retry_control_clone_option, retry_control_destroy_option, (pfSetOption)retry_control_set_option); if (options == NULL) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_047: [If OptionHandler_Create fails, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed to retrieve options (OptionHandler_Create failed)"); result = NULL; } else { RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE* retry_control = (RETRY_CONTROL_INSTANCE*)retry_control_handle; // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_050: [`retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs` shall be added to `options` using OptionHandler_Add] if (OptionHandler_AddOption(options, RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS, (void*)&retry_control->initial_wait_time_in_secs) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_052: [If any call to OptionHandler_Add fails, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed to retrieve options (OptionHandler_Create failed for option '%s')", RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS); result = NULL; } // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_051: [`retry_control->max_jitter_percent` shall be added to `options` using OptionHandler_Add] else if (OptionHandler_AddOption(options, RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_MAX_JITTER_PERCENT, (void*)&retry_control->max_jitter_percent) != OPTIONHANDLER_OK) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_052: [If any call to OptionHandler_Add fails, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall fail and return NULL] LogError("Failed to retrieve options (OptionHandler_Create failed for option '%s')", RETRY_CONTROL_OPTION_INITIAL_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS); result = NULL; } else { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_054: [If no errors occur, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall return the OPTIONHANDLER_HANDLE instance] result = options; } if (result == NULL) { // Codes_SRS_IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_CONTROL_09_053: [If any failures occur, `retry_control_retrieve_options` shall release any memory it has allocated] OptionHandler_Destroy(options); } } } return result; }