/* Copyright 2018 Canaan Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _BSP_ATOMIC_H #define _BSP_ATOMIC_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define SPINLOCK_INIT \ { \ 0 \ } #define CORELOCK_INIT \ { \ .lock = SPINLOCK_INIT, \ .count = 0, \ .core = -1 \ } /* Defination of memory barrier macro */ #define mb() \ { \ asm volatile("fence" :: \ : "memory"); \ } #define atomic_set(ptr, val) (*(volatile typeof(*(ptr)) *)(ptr) = val) #define atomic_read(ptr) (*(volatile typeof(*(ptr)) *)(ptr)) #ifndef __riscv_atomic #error "atomic extension is required." #endif #define atomic_add(ptr, inc) __sync_fetch_and_add(ptr, inc) #define atomic_or(ptr, inc) __sync_fetch_and_or(ptr, inc) #define atomic_swap(ptr, swp) __sync_lock_test_and_set(ptr, swp) #define atomic_cas(ptr, cmp, swp) __sync_val_compare_and_swap(ptr, cmp, swp) typedef struct _spinlock { int lock; } spinlock_t; typedef struct _semaphore { spinlock_t lock; int count; int waiting; } semaphore_t; typedef struct _corelock { spinlock_t lock; int count; int core; } corelock_t; static inline int spinlock_trylock(spinlock_t *lock) { int res = atomic_swap(&lock->lock, -1); /* Use memory barrier to keep coherency */ mb(); return res; } static inline void spinlock_lock(spinlock_t *lock) { while(spinlock_trylock(lock)) ; } static inline void spinlock_unlock(spinlock_t *lock) { /* Use memory barrier to keep coherency */ mb(); atomic_set(&lock->lock, 0); asm volatile("nop"); } static inline void semaphore_signal(semaphore_t *semaphore, int i) { spinlock_lock(&(semaphore->lock)); semaphore->count += i; spinlock_unlock(&(semaphore->lock)); } static inline void semaphore_wait(semaphore_t *semaphore, int i) { atomic_add(&(semaphore->waiting), 1); while(1) { spinlock_lock(&(semaphore->lock)); if(semaphore->count >= i) { semaphore->count -= i; atomic_add(&(semaphore->waiting), -1); spinlock_unlock(&(semaphore->lock)); break; } spinlock_unlock(&(semaphore->lock)); } } static inline int semaphore_count(semaphore_t *semaphore) { int res = 0; spinlock_lock(&(semaphore->lock)); res = semaphore->count; spinlock_unlock(&(semaphore->lock)); return res; } static inline int semaphore_waiting(semaphore_t *semaphore) { return atomic_read(&(semaphore->waiting)); } static inline int corelock_trylock(corelock_t *lock) { int res = 0; unsigned long core; asm volatile("csrr %0, mhartid;" : "=r"(core)); if(spinlock_trylock(&lock->lock)) { return -1; } if(lock->count == 0) { /* First time get lock */ lock->count++; lock->core = core; res = 0; } else if(lock->core == core) { /* Same core get lock */ lock->count++; res = 0; } else { /* Different core get lock */ res = -1; } spinlock_unlock(&lock->lock); return res; } static inline void corelock_lock(corelock_t *lock) { unsigned long core; asm volatile("csrr %0, mhartid;" : "=r"(core)); spinlock_lock(&lock->lock); if(lock->count == 0) { /* First time get lock */ lock->count++; lock->core = core; } else if(lock->core == core) { /* Same core get lock */ lock->count++; } else { /* Different core get lock */ spinlock_unlock(&lock->lock); do { while(atomic_read(&lock->count)) ; } while(corelock_trylock(lock)); return; } spinlock_unlock(&lock->lock); } static inline void corelock_unlock(corelock_t *lock) { unsigned long core; asm volatile("csrr %0, mhartid;" : "=r"(core)); spinlock_lock(&lock->lock); if(lock->core == core) { /* Same core release lock */ lock->count--; if(lock->count <= 0) { lock->core = -1; lock->count = 0; } } else { /* Different core release lock */ spinlock_unlock(&lock->lock); register unsigned long a7 asm("a7") = 93; register unsigned long a0 asm("a0") = 0; register unsigned long a1 asm("a1") = 0; register unsigned long a2 asm("a2") = 0; asm volatile("scall" : "+r"(a0) : "r"(a1), "r"(a2), "r"(a7)); } spinlock_unlock(&lock->lock); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _BSP_ATOMIC_H */