// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "schema.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/vector.h" MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_RESULT_VALUES); typedef struct SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { const char* PropertyName; const char* PropertyType; } SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { const char* reportedPropertyName; const char* reportedPropertyType; } SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty; pfDesiredPropertyInitialize desiredPropertInitialize; pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize desiredPropertDeinitialize; const char* desiredPropertyName; const char* desiredPropertyType; pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE; size_t offset; } SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { const char* Name; const char* Type; } SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { char* Name; char* Type; } SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { const char* ActionName; size_t ArgumentCount; SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE* ArgumentHandles; } SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { char* methodName; VECTOR_HANDLE methodArguments; /*holds SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE*/ } SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct MODEL_IN_MODEL_TAG { pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty; /*is NULL if not specified or if the model in model is not WITH_DESIRED_PROPERTY*/ size_t offset; /*offset of the model in model (offsetof)*/ const char* propertyName; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle; } MODEL_IN_MODEL; typedef struct SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { VECTOR_HANDLE methods; /*holds SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE*/ VECTOR_HANDLE desiredProperties; /*holds SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*/ const char* Name; SCHEMA_HANDLE SchemaHandle; SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE* Properties; size_t PropertyCount; VECTOR_HANDLE reportedProperties; /*holds SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE*/ SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE* Actions; size_t ActionCount; VECTOR_HANDLE models; size_t DeviceCount; } SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { const char* Name; SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE* Properties; size_t PropertyCount; } SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA; typedef struct SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { void* metadata; const char* Namespace; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE* ModelTypes; size_t ModelTypeCount; SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE* StructTypes; size_t StructTypeCount; } SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA; static VECTOR_HANDLE g_schemas = NULL; static void DestroyProperty(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE propertyHandle) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* propertyType = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)propertyHandle; free((void*)propertyType->PropertyName); free((void*)propertyType->PropertyType); free(propertyType); } static void DestroyActionArgument(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE actionArgumentHandle) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* actionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)actionArgumentHandle; if (actionArgument != NULL) { free((void*)actionArgument->Name); free((void*)actionArgument->Type); free(actionArgument); } } static void DestroyMethodArgument(SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE methodArgumentHandle) { free(methodArgumentHandle->Name); free(methodArgumentHandle->Type); free(methodArgumentHandle); } static void DestroyAction(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* action = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; if (action != NULL) { size_t j; for (j = 0; j < action->ArgumentCount; j++) { DestroyActionArgument(action->ArgumentHandles[j]); } free(action->ArgumentHandles); free((void*)action->ActionName); free(action); } } static void DestroyMethod(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle) { size_t nArguments = VECTOR_size(methodHandle->methodArguments); for (size_t j = 0; j < nArguments; j++) { SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE* methodArgumentHandle = VECTOR_element(methodHandle->methodArguments, j); DestroyMethodArgument(*methodArgumentHandle); } free(methodHandle->methodName); VECTOR_destroy(methodHandle->methodArguments); free(methodHandle); } static void DestroyMethods(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle) { size_t nMethods = VECTOR_size(modelHandle->methods); for (size_t j = 0; j < nMethods; j++) { SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE* methodHandle = VECTOR_element(modelHandle->methods, j); DestroyMethod(*methodHandle); } VECTOR_destroy(modelHandle->methods); } static void DestroyStruct(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle) { size_t i; SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle; if (structType != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < structType->PropertyCount; i++) { DestroyProperty(structType->Properties[i]); } free(structType->Properties); free((void*)structType->Name); free(structType); } } static void DestroyModel(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; size_t i, nReportedProperties; free((void*)modelType->Name); modelType->Name = NULL; for (i = 0; i < modelType->PropertyCount; i++) { DestroyProperty(modelType->Properties[i]); } free(modelType->Properties); for (i = 0; i < modelType->ActionCount; i++) { DestroyAction(modelType->Actions[i]); } DestroyMethods(modelType); /*destroy the vector holding the added models. This does not destroy the said models, however, their names shall be*/ for (i = 0; i < VECTOR_size(modelType->models); i++) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* temp = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(modelType->models, i); free((void*)temp->propertyName); } nReportedProperties = VECTOR_size(modelType->reportedProperties); for (i = 0;i < nReportedProperties;i++) { SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* reportedProperty = *(SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA **)VECTOR_element(modelType->reportedProperties, i); free((void*)reportedProperty->reportedPropertyName); free((void*)reportedProperty->reportedPropertyType); free(reportedProperty); } VECTOR_destroy(modelType->reportedProperties); size_t nDesiredProperties = VECTOR_size(modelType->desiredProperties); for (i = 0;i < nDesiredProperties;i++) { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desiredProperty = *(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA **)VECTOR_element(modelType->desiredProperties, i); free((void*)desiredProperty->desiredPropertyName); free((void*)desiredProperty->desiredPropertyType); free(desiredProperty); } VECTOR_destroy(modelType->desiredProperties); VECTOR_clear(modelType->models); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->models); free(modelType->Actions); free(modelType); } static SCHEMA_RESULT AddModelProperty(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType, const char* name, const char* type) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_013:[If any of the arguments is NULL, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.] */ if ((modelType == NULL) || (name == NULL) || (type == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { size_t i; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_015:[The property name shall be unique per model, if the same property name is added twice to a model, SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT shall be returned.] */ for (i = 0; i < modelType->PropertyCount; i++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* property = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)modelType->Properties[i]; if (strcmp(property->PropertyName, name) == 0) { break; } } if (i < modelType->PropertyCount) { result = SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE* newProperties = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE*)realloc(modelType->Properties, sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE) * (modelType->PropertyCount + 1)); if (newProperties == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_014:[On any other error, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* newProperty; modelType->Properties = newProperties; if ((newProperty = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_014:[On any other error, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newProperty->PropertyName, name) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_014:[On any other error, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ free(newProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newProperty->PropertyType, type) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_014:[On any other error, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ free((void*)newProperty->PropertyName); free(newProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { modelType->Properties[modelType->PropertyCount] = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE)newProperty; modelType->PropertyCount++; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_012:[On success, Schema_AddModelProperty shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if (result != SCHEMA_OK) { if (modelType->PropertyCount > 0) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE *oldProperties = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE *)realloc(modelType->Properties, sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE) * modelType->PropertyCount); if (oldProperties == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { modelType->Properties = oldProperties; } } else { modelType->Properties = NULL; } } } } } return result; } static bool SchemaHandlesMatch(const SCHEMA_HANDLE* handle, const SCHEMA_HANDLE* otherHandle) { return (*handle == *otherHandle); } static bool SchemaNamespacesMatch(const SCHEMA_HANDLE* handle, const char* schemaNamespace) { const SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)*handle; return (strcmp(schema->Namespace, schemaNamespace) == 0); } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_001:[Schema_Create shall initialize a schema with a given namespace.] */ SCHEMA_HANDLE Schema_Create(const char* schemaNamespace, void* metadata) { SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_090: [ If metadata is NULL then Schema_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_004:[If schemaNamespace is NULL, Schema_Create shall fail.] */ if ( (schemaNamespace == NULL)|| (metadata == NULL) ) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_003:[On failure, NULL shall be returned.] */ LogError("invalid arg const char* schemaNamespace=%p, void* metadata=%p",schemaNamespace, metadata); result = NULL; } else { if (g_schemas == NULL && (g_schemas = VECTOR_create(sizeof(SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*) ) ) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_003:[On failure, NULL shall be returned.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else if ((result = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_003:[On failure, NULL shall be returned.] */ LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&result->Namespace, schemaNamespace) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_003:[On failure, NULL shall be returned.] */ free(result); result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else if (VECTOR_push_back(g_schemas, &result, 1) != 0) { free((void*)result->Namespace); free(result); result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_002:[On success a non-NULL handle to the newly created schema shall be returned.] */ result->ModelTypes = NULL; result->ModelTypeCount = 0; result->StructTypes = NULL; result->StructTypeCount = 0; result->metadata = metadata; } } return (SCHEMA_HANDLE)result; } size_t Schema_GetSchemaCount(void) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_153: [Schema_GetSchemaCount shall return the number of "active" schemas (all schemas created with Schema_Create in the current process, for which Schema_Destroy has not been called).] */ return VECTOR_size(g_schemas); } SCHEMA_HANDLE Schema_GetSchemaByNamespace(const char* schemaNamespace) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_151: [If no active schema matches the schemaNamespace argument, Schema_GetSchemaByNamespace shall return NULL.] */ SCHEMA_HANDLE result = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_150: [If the schemaNamespace argument is NULL, Schema_GetSchemaByNamespace shall return NULL.] */ if (schemaNamespace != NULL) { SCHEMA_HANDLE* handle = (g_schemas==NULL)?NULL:(SCHEMA_HANDLE*)VECTOR_find_if(g_schemas, (PREDICATE_FUNCTION)SchemaNamespacesMatch, schemaNamespace); if (handle != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_148: [Schema_GetSchemaByNamespace shall search all active schemas and return the schema with the namespace given by the schemaNamespace argument.] */ result = *handle; } } return result; } const char* Schema_GetSchemaNamespace(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_130: [If the schemaHandle argument is NULL, Schema_GetSchemaNamespace shall return NULL.] */ if (schemaHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_129: [Schema_GetSchemaNamespace shall return the namespace for the schema identified by schemaHandle.] */ result = ((SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle)->Namespace; } return result; } void Schema_Destroy(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_006:[If the schemaHandle is NULL, Schema_Destroy shall do nothing.] */ if (schemaHandle != NULL) { SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; size_t i; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_005:[Schema_Destroy shall free all resources associated with a schema.] */ for (i = 0; i < schema->ModelTypeCount; i++) { DestroyModel(schema->ModelTypes[i]); } free(schema->ModelTypes); /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_005:[Schema_Destroy shall free all resources associated with a schema.] */ for (i = 0; i < schema->StructTypeCount; i++) { DestroyStruct(schema->StructTypes[i]); } free(schema->StructTypes); free((void*)schema->Namespace); free(schema); schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)VECTOR_find_if(g_schemas, (PREDICATE_FUNCTION)SchemaHandlesMatch, &schemaHandle); if (schema != NULL) { VECTOR_erase(g_schemas, schema, 1); } // If the g_schema is empty then destroy it if (VECTOR_size(g_schemas) == 0) { VECTOR_destroy(g_schemas); g_schemas = NULL; } } } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_DestroyIfUnused(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_189: [If modelHandle variable is NULL Schema_DestroyIfUnused shall do nothing.] */ if (modelTypeHandle != NULL) { SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle = Schema_GetSchemaForModelType(modelTypeHandle); if (schemaHandle == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; size_t nIndex; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_190: [Schema_DestroyIfUnused shall iterate through the ModuleTypes objects and if all the DeviceCount variables 0 then it will delete the schemaHandle.] */ for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < schema->ModelTypeCount; nIndex++) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)schema->ModelTypes[nIndex]; if (modelType->DeviceCount > 0) break; } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_191: [If 1 or more DeviceCount variables are > 0 then Schema_DestroyIfUnused shall do nothing.] */ if (nIndex == schema->ModelTypeCount) { Schema_Destroy(schemaHandle); result = SCHEMA_OK; } else { result = SCHEMA_MODEL_IN_USE; } } } else { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddDeviceRef(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_187: [Schema_AddDeviceRef shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG if modelTypeHandle is NULL.] */ result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_188: [If the modelTypeHandle is nonNULL, Schema_AddDeviceRef shall increment the SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA DeviceCount variable.] */ model->DeviceCount++; result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_ReleaseDeviceRef(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_184: [Schema_DeviceRelease shall do nothing if the supplied modelHandle is NULL.] */ if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; if (model->DeviceCount > 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_07_186: [On a nonNULL SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE if the DeviceCount variable is > 0 then the variable will be decremented.] */ model->DeviceCount--; result = SCHEMA_OK; } else { result = SCHEMA_DEVICE_COUNT_ZERO; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } } return result; } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_007:[Schema_CreateModelType shall create a new model type and return a handle to it.] */ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_CreateModelType(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* modelName) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_010:[If any of the arguments is NULL, Schema_CreateModelType shall fail.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (modelName == NULL)) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_100: [Schema_CreateModelType shall return SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT if modelName already exists.] */ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < schema->ModelTypeCount; i++) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)(schema->ModelTypes[i]); if (strcmp(model->Name, modelName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < schema->ModelTypeCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("%s Model Name already exists", modelName); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE* newModelTypes = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE*)realloc(schema->ModelTypes, sizeof(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE) * (schema->ModelTypeCount + 1)); if (newModelTypes == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType; schema->ModelTypes = newModelTypes; if ((modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&modelType->Name, modelName) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; free(modelType); LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { modelType->models = VECTOR_create(sizeof(MODEL_IN_MODEL)); if (modelType->models == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ LogError("unable to VECTOR_create"); free((void*)modelType->Name); free((void*)modelType); result = NULL; } else { if ((modelType->reportedProperties = VECTOR_create(sizeof(SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ LogError("failed to VECTOR_create (reported properties)"); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->models); free((void*)modelType->Name); free((void*)modelType); result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_009:[On failure, Schema_CreateModelType shall return NULL.] */ if ((modelType->desiredProperties = VECTOR_create(sizeof(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE))) == NULL) { LogError("failure in VECTOR_create (desired properties)"); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->reportedProperties); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->models); free((void*)modelType->Name); free((void*)modelType); result = NULL; } else { if ((modelType->methods = VECTOR_create(sizeof(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE))) == NULL) { LogError("failure in VECTOR_create (desired properties)"); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->desiredProperties); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->reportedProperties); VECTOR_destroy(modelType->models); free((void*)modelType->Name); free((void*)modelType); result = NULL; } else { modelType->PropertyCount = 0; modelType->Properties = NULL; modelType->ActionCount = 0; modelType->Actions = NULL; modelType->SchemaHandle = schemaHandle; modelType->DeviceCount = 0; schema->ModelTypes[schema->ModelTypeCount] = modelType; schema->ModelTypeCount++; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_008:[On success, a non-NULL handle shall be returned.] */ result = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE)modelType; } } } } } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if ((result == NULL) &&(schema->ModelTypeCount>0)) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE* oldModelTypes = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE*)realloc(schema->ModelTypes, sizeof(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE) * schema->ModelTypeCount); if (oldModelTypes == NULL) { LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { schema->ModelTypes = oldModelTypes; } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_HANDLE Schema_GetSchemaForModelType(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { SCHEMA_HANDLE result; if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_132: [If the modelTypeHandle argument is NULL, Schema_GetSchemaForModelType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_131: [Schema_GetSchemaForModelType returns the schema handle for a given model type.] */ result = ((SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle)->SchemaHandle; } return result; } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_011:[Schema_AddModelProperty shall add one property to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle.] */ SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelProperty(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName, const char* propertyType) { return AddModelProperty((SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle, propertyName, propertyType); } static bool reportedPropertyExists(const void* element, const void* value) { SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* reportedProperty = *(SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA**)element; return (strcmp(reportedProperty->reportedPropertyName, value) == 0); } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelReportedProperty(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* reportedPropertyName, const char* reportedPropertyType) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_001: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_002: [ If reportedPropertyName is NULL then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_003: [ If reportedPropertyType is NULL then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (reportedPropertyName == NULL) || (reportedPropertyType == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* reportedPropertyName=%p, const char* reportedPropertyType=%p", modelTypeHandle, reportedPropertyName, reportedPropertyType); result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_004: [ If reportedPropertyName has already been added then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_PROPERTY_ELEMENT_EXISTS. ]*/ if (VECTOR_find_if(modelType->reportedProperties, reportedPropertyExists, reportedPropertyName) != NULL) { LogError("unable to add reportedProperty %s because it already exists", reportedPropertyName); result = SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_005: [ Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall record reportedPropertyName and reportedPropertyType. ]*/ SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* reportedProperty = (SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA)); if (reportedProperty == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_006: [ If any error occurs then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to malloc"); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&reportedProperty->reportedPropertyName, reportedPropertyName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_006: [ If any error occurs then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free(reportedProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&reportedProperty->reportedPropertyType, reportedPropertyType) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_006: [ If any error occurs then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free((void*)reportedProperty->reportedPropertyName); free(reportedProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (VECTOR_push_back(modelType->reportedProperties, &reportedProperty, 1) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_006: [ If any error occurs then Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to VECTOR_push_back"); free((void*)reportedProperty->reportedPropertyType); free((void*)reportedProperty->reportedPropertyName); free(reportedProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_007: [ Otherwise Schema_AddModelReportedProperty shall succeed and return SCHEMA_OK. ]*/ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE Schema_CreateModelAction(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* actionName) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_104: [If any of the modelTypeHandle or actionName arguments is NULL, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return NULL.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (actionName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; size_t i; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_105: [The action name shall be unique per model, if the same action name is added twice to a model, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return NULL.] */ for (i = 0; i < modelType->ActionCount; i++) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* action = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)modelType->Actions[i]; if (strcmp(action->ActionName, actionName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < modelType->ActionCount) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_102: [Schema_CreateModelAction shall add one action to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE* newActions = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE*)realloc(modelType->Actions, sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE) * (modelType->ActionCount + 1)); if (newActions == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_106: [On any other error, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* newAction; modelType->Actions = newActions; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_103: [On success, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return a none-NULL SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE to the newly created action.] */ if ((newAction = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_106: [On any other error, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newAction->ActionName, actionName) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_106: [On any other error, Schema_CreateModelAction shall return NULL.]*/ free(newAction); result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { newAction->ArgumentCount = 0; newAction->ArgumentHandles = NULL; modelType->Actions[modelType->ActionCount] = newAction; modelType->ActionCount++; result = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE)(newAction); } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if (result == NULL) { if (modelType->ActionCount > 0) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE *oldActions = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE *)realloc(modelType->Actions, sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE) * modelType->ActionCount); if (oldActions == NULL) { LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { modelType->Actions = oldActions; } } else { modelType->Actions = NULL; } } } } } } return result; } static bool methodExists(const void* element, const void* value) { const SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE* method = (const SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE*)element; return (strcmp((*method)->methodName, value) == 0); } SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE Schema_CreateModelMethod(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* methodName) { SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_096: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_097: [ If methodName is NULL then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (methodName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("invalid argument: SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* methodName=%p", modelTypeHandle, methodName); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_103: [ If methodName already exists, then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (VECTOR_find_if(modelTypeHandle->methods, methodExists, methodName) != NULL) { LogError("method %s already exists", methodName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_098: [ Schema_CreateModelMethod shall allocate the space for the method. ]*/ result = malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE_DATA)); if (result == NULL) { LogError("failed to malloc"); /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_102: [ If any of the above fails, then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*return as is*/ } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_099: [ Schema_CreateModelMethod shall create a VECTOR that will hold the method's arguments. ]*/ result->methodArguments = VECTOR_create(sizeof(SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE)); if (result->methodArguments == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_102: [ If any of the above fails, then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("failure in VECTOR_create"); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_100: [ Schema_CreateModelMethod shall clone methodName ]*/ if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result->methodName, methodName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_102: [ If any of the above fails, then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); VECTOR_destroy(result->methodArguments); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_101: [ Schema_CreateModelMethod shall add the new created method to the model's list of methods. ]*/ if (VECTOR_push_back(modelTypeHandle->methods, &result, 1) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_102: [ If any of the above fails, then Schema_CreateModelMethod shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("failure in VECTOR_push_back"); free(result->methodName); VECTOR_destroy(result->methodArguments); free(result); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_104: [ Otherwise, Schema_CreateModelMethod shall succeed and return a non-NULL SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE. ]*/ /*return as is*/ } } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelActionArgument(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle, const char* argumentName, const char* argumentType) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_109: [If any of the arguments is NULL, Schema_AddModelActionArgument shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.] */ if ((actionHandle == NULL) || (argumentName == NULL) || (argumentType == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* action = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_110: [The argument name shall be unique per action, if the same name is added twice to an action, SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT shall be returned.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_111: [Schema_AddModelActionArgument shall accept arguments with different names of the same type.] */ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < action->ArgumentCount; i++) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* actionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)action->ArgumentHandles[i]; if (strcmp((actionArgument->Name), argumentName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < action->ArgumentCount) { result = SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_107: [Schema_AddModelActionArgument shall add one argument name & type to an action identified by actionHandle.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE* newArguments = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE*)realloc(action->ArgumentHandles, sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE) * (action->ArgumentCount + 1)); if (newArguments == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_112: [On any other error, Schema_ AddModelActionArgumet shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { action->ArgumentHandles = newArguments; SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* newActionArgument; action->ArgumentHandles = newArguments; if ((newActionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_112: [On any other error, Schema_ AddModelActionArgumet shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newActionArgument->Name, argumentName) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_112: [On any other error, Schema_ AddModelActionArgumet shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ free(newActionArgument); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newActionArgument->Type, argumentType) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_112: [On any other error, Schema_ AddModelActionArgumet shall return SCHEMA_ERROR.] */ free((void*)newActionArgument->Name); free(newActionArgument); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_119: [Schema_AddModelActionArgument shall preserve the order of the action arguments according to the order in which they were added, starting with index 0 for the first added argument.] */ action->ArgumentHandles[action->ArgumentCount] = newActionArgument; action->ArgumentCount++; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_108: [On success, Schema_AddModelActionArgunent shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if (result == SCHEMA_ERROR) { if (action->ArgumentCount > 0) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE *oldArguments = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE *)realloc(action->ArgumentHandles, sizeof(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE) * action->ArgumentCount); if (oldArguments == NULL) { LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { action->ArgumentHandles = oldArguments; } } else { action->ArgumentHandles = NULL; } } } } } return result; } static bool methodFindArgumentByBame(const void* element, const void* value) { /*element is a pointer to SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE*/ const SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE* decodedElement = (const SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE*)element; const char* name = (const char*)value; return (strcmp((*decodedElement)->Name, name) == 0); } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelMethodArgument(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, const char* argumentName, const char* argumentType) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_105: [ If methodHandle is NULL then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_106: [ If argumentName is NULL then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_107: [ If argumentType is NULL then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ((methodHandle == NULL) || (argumentName == NULL) || (argumentType == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_108: [ If argumentName already exists in the list of arguments then then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if (VECTOR_find_if(methodHandle->methodArguments, methodFindArgumentByBame, argumentName) != NULL) { LogError("an argument with name %s already exists", argumentName); result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_109: [ Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall allocate memory for the new argument. ]*/ SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* argument = malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA)); if (argument == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_113: [ If any of the above operations fails, then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure to malloc"); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_110: [ Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall clone methodHandle. ]*/ if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&argument->Name, argumentName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_113: [ If any of the above operations fails, then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free(argument); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_111: [ Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall clone argumentType. ]*/ if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&argument->Type, argumentType) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_113: [ If any of the above operations fails, then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free(argument->Name); free(argument); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_112: [ Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall add the created argument to the method's list of arguments. ]*/ if (VECTOR_push_back(methodHandle->methodArguments, &argument, 1) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_113: [ If any of the above operations fails, then Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in VECTOR_push_back"); free(argument->Name); free(argument->Type); free(argument); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_114: [ Otherwise, Schema_AddModelMethodArgument shall succeed and return SCHEMA_OK. ]*/ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelPropertyByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_038:[Schema_GetModelPropertyByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching property or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { size_t i; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_036:[Schema_GetModelPropertyByName shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE corresponding to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle and matching the propertyName argument value.] */ for (i = 0; i < modelType->PropertyCount; i++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* modelProperty = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)modelType->Properties[i]; if (strcmp(modelProperty->PropertyName, propertyName) == 0) { break; } } if (i == modelType->PropertyCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_038:[Schema_GetModelPropertyByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching property or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND)); } else { result = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE)(modelType->Properties[i]); } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelPropertyCount(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t* propertyCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_092: [Schema_GetModelPropertyCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG if any of the arguments is NULL.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_089: [Schema_GetModelPropertyCount shall provide the number of properties defined in the model type identified by modelTypeHandle.] */ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_090: [The count shall be provided via the out argument propertyCount.]*/ *propertyCount = modelType->PropertyCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_091: [On success, Schema_GetModelPropertyCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyCount(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t* reportedPropertyCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_008: [ If parameter modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_009: [ If parameter reportedPropertyCount is NULL then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL)|| (reportedPropertyCount==NULL) ) { LogError("SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, size_t* reportedPropertyCount=%p", modelTypeHandle, reportedPropertyCount); result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_010: [ Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyCount shall provide in reportedPropertyCount the number of reported properties and return SCHEMA_OK. ]*/ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; *reportedPropertyCount = VECTOR_size(modelType->reportedProperties); result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* reportedPropertyName) { SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_011: [ If argument modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_012: [ If argument reportedPropertyName is NULL then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (reportedPropertyName == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* reportedPropertyName=%p", modelTypeHandle, reportedPropertyName); result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_013: [ If reported property by the name reportedPropertyName exists then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByName shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_014: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if((result = VECTOR_find_if(modelType->reportedProperties, reportedPropertyExists, reportedPropertyName))==NULL) { LogError("a reported property with name \"%s\" does not exist", reportedPropertyName); } else { /*return as is*/ } } return result; } SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_015: [ If argument modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, size_t index=%lu", modelTypeHandle, (unsigned long)index); result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_016: [ If a reported property with index equal to index exists then Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByIndex shall succeed and return the non-NULL handle of that REPORTED_PROPERTY. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_017: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelReportedPropertyByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ((result = VECTOR_element(modelType->reportedProperties, index)) == NULL) { LogError("index %lu is invalid", (unsigned long)index); } else { /*return as is*/ } } return result; } SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelPropertyByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_094: [Schema_GetModelProperty shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range or if modelTypeHandle argument is NULL.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (index >= modelType->PropertyCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Tests_SRS_SCHEMA_99_093: [Schema_GetModelProperty shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE corresponding to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle and matching the index number provided by the index argument.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_097: [index is zero based, and the order in which actions were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ result = modelType->Properties[index]; } return result; } SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE Schema_GetModelActionByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* actionName) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_041:[Schema_GetModelActionByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching action, if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (actionName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { size_t i; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_040:[Schema_GetModelActionByName shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE corresponding to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle and matching the actionName argument value.] */ for (i = 0; i < modelType->ActionCount; i++) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* modelAction = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)modelType->Actions[i]; if (strcmp(modelAction->ActionName, actionName) == 0) { break; } } if (i == modelType->ActionCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_041:[Schema_GetModelActionByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching action, if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND)); } else { result = modelType->Actions[i]; } } return result; } static bool matchModelMethod(const void* element, const void* value) { /*element is a pointer to SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE_DATA*/ const SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE* decodedElement = (const SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE* )element; const char* name = (const char*)value; return (strcmp((*decodedElement)->methodName, name) == 0); } SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE Schema_GetModelMethodByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* methodName) { SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_115: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelMethodByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_116: [ If methodName is NULL then Schema_GetModelMethodByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (methodName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("invalid arguments SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* methodName=%p", modelTypeHandle, methodName); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_117: [ If a method with the name methodName exists then Schema_GetModelMethodByName shall succeed and returns its handle. ]*/ SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE* found = VECTOR_find_if(modelTypeHandle->methods, matchModelMethod, methodName); if (found == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_118: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelMethodByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("no such method by name = %s", methodName); result = NULL; } else { result = *found; } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelActionCount(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t* actionCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_045:[If any of the modelTypeHandle or actionCount arguments is NULL, Schema_GetModelActionCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (actionCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result=%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_042:[Schema_GetModelActionCount shall provide the total number of actions defined in a model type identified by the modelTypeHandle.] */ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_043:[The count shall be provided via the out argument actionCount.] */ *actionCount = modelType->ActionCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_044:[On success, Schema_GetModelActionCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE Schema_GetModelActionByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_048:[Schema_GetModelAction shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range or if modelTypeHandle argument is NULL.] */ if ((modelType == NULL) || (index >= modelType->ActionCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_047:[Schema_GetModelAction shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE corresponding to the model type identified by modelTypeHandle and matching the index number provided by the index argument.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_096: [index is zero based and the order in which actions were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ result = modelType->Actions[index]; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetModelActionName(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_050:[If the actionHandle is NULL, Schema_GetModelActionName shall return NULL.] */ if (actionHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* action = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_049:[Schema_GetModelActionName shall return the action name for a given action handle.] */ result = action->ActionName; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelActionArgumentCount(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle, size_t* argumentCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_054:[If any argument is NULL, Schema_GetModelActionArgumentCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.] */ if ((actionHandle == NULL) || (argumentCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result=%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* modelAction = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_051:[Schema_GetModelActionArgumentCount shall provide the number of arguments for a specific schema action identified by actionHandle.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_052:[The argument count shall be provided via the out argument argumentCount.] */ *argumentCount = modelAction->ArgumentCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_053:[On success, Schema_GetModelActionArgumentCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentCount(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, size_t* argumentCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_119: [ If methodHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_120: [ If argumentCount is NULL then Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ((methodHandle == NULL) || (argumentCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result=%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_121: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentCount shall succeed, return in argumentCount the number of arguments for the method and return SCHEMA_OK. ]*/ *argumentCount = VECTOR_size(methodHandle->methodArguments); result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByName(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle, const char* actionArgumentName) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_118: [Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching argument or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((actionHandle == NULL) || (actionArgumentName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_118: [Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching argument or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* modelAction = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < modelAction->ArgumentCount; i++) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* actionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)modelAction->ArgumentHandles[i]; if (strcmp(actionArgument->Name, actionArgumentName) == 0) { break; } } if (i == modelAction->ArgumentCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_118: [Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching argument or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_117: [Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByName shall return a non-NULL handle corresponding to an action argument identified by the actionHandle and actionArgumentName.] */ result = modelAction->ArgumentHandles[i]; } } return result; } SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE Schema_GetModelActionArgumentByIndex(SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE actionHandle, size_t argumentIndex) { SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* modelAction = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)actionHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_056:[Schema_GetModelActionArgument shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range or if the actionHandle argument is NULL.] */ if ((actionHandle == NULL) || (argumentIndex >= modelAction->ArgumentCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_055:[Schema_GetModelActionArgument shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE corresponding to the action type identified by actionHandle and matching the index number provided by the argumentIndex argument.] */ result = modelAction->ArgumentHandles[argumentIndex]; } return result; } SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentByIndex(SCHEMA_METHOD_HANDLE methodHandle, size_t argumentIndex) { SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_122: [ If methodHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (methodHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_123: [ If argumentIndex does not exist then Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE *temp = VECTOR_element(methodHandle->methodArguments, argumentIndex); if (temp == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_124: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelMethodArgumentByIndex shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ result = *temp; } } return result; } const char* Schema_GetActionArgumentName(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE actionArgumentHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_114: [Schema_GetActionArgumentName shall return NULL if actionArgumentHandle is NULL.] */ if (actionArgumentHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_113: [Schema_GetActionArgumentName shall return the argument name identified by the actionArgumentHandle.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* actionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)actionArgumentHandle; result = actionArgument->Name; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetMethodArgumentName(SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE methodArgumentHandle) { const char* result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_125: [ If methodArgumentHandle is NULL then Schema_GetMethodArgumentName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (methodArgumentHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_126: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetMethodArgumentName shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ result = methodArgumentHandle->Name; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetActionArgumentType(SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE actionArgumentHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_116: [Schema_GetActionArgumentType shall return NULL if actionArgumentHandle is NULL.] */ if (actionArgumentHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_115: [Schema_GetActionArgumentType shall return the argument type identified by the actionArgumentHandle.] */ SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA* actionArgument = (SCHEMA_ACTION_ARGUMENT_HANDLE_DATA*)actionArgumentHandle; result = actionArgument->Type; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetMethodArgumentType(SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE methodArgumentHandle) { const char* result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_127: [ If methodArgumentHandle is NULL then Schema_GetMethodArgumentType shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (methodArgumentHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_METHOD_ARGUMENT_HANDLE methodArgumentHandle=%p", methodArgumentHandle); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_128: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetMethodArgumentType shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ result = methodArgumentHandle->Type; } return result; } SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_CreateStructType(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* typeName) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_060:[If any of the arguments is NULL, Schema_CreateStructType shall return NULL.] */ if ((schema == NULL) || (typeName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType; size_t i; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_061:[If a struct type with the same name already exists, Schema_CreateStructType shall return NULL.] */ for (i = 0; i < schema->StructTypeCount; i++) { structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)schema->StructTypes[i]; if (strcmp(structType->Name, typeName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < schema->StructTypeCount) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT)); } else { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE* newStructTypes = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE*)realloc(schema->StructTypes, sizeof(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE) * (schema->StructTypeCount + 1)); if (newStructTypes == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_066:[On any other error, Schema_CreateStructType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { schema->StructTypes = newStructTypes; if ((structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_066:[On any other error, Schema_CreateStructType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&structType->Name, typeName) != 0) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_066:[On any other error, Schema_CreateStructType shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; free(structType); LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_057:[Schema_CreateStructType shall create a new struct type and return a handle to it.] */ schema->StructTypes[schema->StructTypeCount] = structType; schema->StructTypeCount++; structType->PropertyCount = 0; structType->Properties = NULL; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_058:[On success, a non-NULL handle shall be returned.] */ result = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE)structType; } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if (result == NULL) { if (schema->StructTypeCount > 0) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE *oldStructTypes = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE *)realloc(schema->StructTypes, sizeof(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE) * schema->StructTypeCount); if (oldStructTypes == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ERROR)); } else { schema->StructTypes = oldStructTypes; } } else { schema->StructTypes = NULL; } } } } } return result; } const char* Schema_GetStructTypeName(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_136: [If structTypeHandle is NULL, Schema_GetStructTypeName shall return NULL.] */ if (structTypeHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_135: [Schema_GetStructTypeName shall return the name of a struct type identified by the structTypeHandle argument.] */ result = ((SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle)->Name; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetStructTypeCount(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, size_t* structTypeCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_140: [Schema_GetStructTypeCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG if any of the arguments is NULL.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (structTypeCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_137: [Schema_GetStructTypeCount shall provide the number of structs defined in the schema identified by schemaHandle.] */ SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_138: [The count shall be provided via the out argument structTypeCount.] */ *structTypeCount = schema->StructTypeCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_139: [On success, Schema_GetStructTypeCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetStructTypeByName(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* name) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_069:[Schema_GetStructTypeByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching struct or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (name == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { size_t i; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_068:[Schema_GetStructTypeByName shall return a non-NULL handle corresponding to the struct type identified by the structTypeName in the schemaHandle schema.] */ for (i = 0; i < schema->StructTypeCount; i++) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)schema->StructTypes[i]; if (strcmp(structType->Name, name) == 0) { break; } } if (i == schema->StructTypeCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_069:[Schema_GetStructTypeByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching struct or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(Error code:%s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND)); } else { result = schema->StructTypes[i]; } } return result; } SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetStructTypeByIndex(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_143: [Schema_GetStructTypeByIndex shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range or if schemaHandle argument is NULL.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_142: [The index argument is zero based, and the order in which models were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (index >= schema->StructTypeCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_141: [Schema_GetStructTypeByIndex shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE corresponding to the struct type identified by schemaHandle and matching the index number provided by the index argument.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_142: [The index argument is zero based, and the order in which models were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ result = schema->StructTypes[index]; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddStructTypeProperty(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle, const char* propertyName, const char* propertyType) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_072:[If any of the arguments is NULL, Schema_AddStructTypeProperty shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.] */ if ((structTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL) || (propertyType == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { size_t i; SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_074:[The property name shall be unique per struct type, if the same property name is added twice to a struct type, SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT shall be returned.] */ for (i = 0; i < structType->PropertyCount; i++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* property = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)structType->Properties[i]; if (strcmp(property->PropertyName, propertyName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < structType->PropertyCount) { result = SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE* newProperties = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE*)realloc(structType->Properties, sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE) * (structType->PropertyCount + 1)); if (newProperties == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* newProperty; structType->Properties = newProperties; if ((newProperty = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)malloc(sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newProperty->PropertyName, propertyName) != 0) { free(newProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&newProperty->PropertyType, propertyType) != 0) { free((void*)newProperty->PropertyName); free(newProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_070:[Schema_AddStructTypeProperty shall add one property to the struct type identified by structTypeHandle.] */ structType->Properties[structType->PropertyCount] = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE)newProperty; structType->PropertyCount++; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_071:[On success, Schema_AddStructTypeProperty shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } /* If possible, reduce the memory of over allocation */ if (result != SCHEMA_OK) { if (structType->PropertyCount > 0) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE *oldProperties = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE *)realloc(structType->Properties, sizeof(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE) * structType->PropertyCount); if (oldProperties == NULL) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { structType->Properties = oldProperties; } } else { structType->Properties = NULL; } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByName(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle, const char* propertyName) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_076:[Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching property or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((structTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { size_t i; SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle; for (i = 0; i < structType->PropertyCount; i++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* modelProperty = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)structType->Properties[i]; if (strcmp(modelProperty->PropertyName, propertyName) == 0) { break; } } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_076:[Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching property or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if (i == structType->PropertyCount) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND)); } /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_075:[Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByName shall return a non-NULL handle corresponding to a property identified by the structTypeHandle and propertyName.] */ else { result = structType->Properties[i]; } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetStructTypePropertyCount(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle, size_t* propertyCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_079: [Schema_GetStructTypePropertyCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG if any of the structlTypeHandle or propertyCount arguments is NULL.] */ if ((structTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyCount == NULL)) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_077: [Schema_GetStructTypePropertyCount shall provide the total number of properties defined in a struct type identified by structTypeHandle. The value is provided via the out argument propertyCount.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_081: [The count shall be provided via the out argument propertyCount.] */ *propertyCount = structType->PropertyCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_078: [On success, Schema_ GetStructTypePropertyCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetStructTypePropertyByIndex(SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE structTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* structType = (SCHEMA_STRUCT_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)structTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_083: [Schema_ GetStructTypeProperty shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range, if structTypeHandle argument is NULL] */ if ((structTypeHandle == NULL) || (index >= structType->PropertyCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_082: [Schema_GetStructTypeProperty shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE corresponding to the struct type identified by strutTypeHandle and matching the index number provided by the index argument.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_098: [index is zero based and the order in which actions were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ result = structType->Properties[index]; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetPropertyName(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE propertyHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_086: [If propertyHandle is NULL, Schema_GetPropertyName shall return NULL.] */ if (propertyHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* propertyType = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)propertyHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_085: [Schema_GetPropertyName shall return the property name identified by the propertyHandle.] */ result = propertyType->PropertyName; } return result; } const char* Schema_GetPropertyType(SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE propertyHandle) { const char* result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_088: [If propertyHandle is NULL, Schema_GetPropertyType shall return NULL.] */ if (propertyHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* modelProperty = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)propertyHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_087: [Schema_GetPropertyType shall return the property type identified by the propertyHandle.] */ result = modelProperty->PropertyType; } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelCount(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, size_t* modelCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_123: [Schema_GetModelCount shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG if any of the arguments is NULL.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (modelCount == NULL) ) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_120: [Schema_GetModelCount shall provide the number of models defined in the schema identified by schemaHandle.] */ SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_121: [The count shall be provided via the out argument modelCount.] */ *modelCount = schema->ModelTypeCount; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_122: [On success, Schema_GetModelCount shall return SCHEMA_OK.] */ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetModelByName(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, const char* modelName) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_125: [Schema_GetModelByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching model, or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (modelName == NULL)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_124: [Schema_GetModelByName shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE corresponding to the model identified by schemaHandle and matching the modelName argument value.] */ SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < schema->ModelTypeCount; i++) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)schema->ModelTypes[i]; if (strcmp(modelName, modelType->Name)==0) { break; } } if (i == schema->ModelTypeCount) { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_125: [Schema_GetModelByName shall return NULL if unable to find a matching model, or if any of the arguments are NULL.] */ result = NULL; } else { result = schema->ModelTypes[i]; } } return result; } SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetModelByIndex(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE result; SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA* schema = (SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_128: [Schema_GetModelByIndex shall return NULL if the index specified is outside the valid range or if schemaHandle argument is NULL.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_127: [The index argument is zero based, and the order in which models were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ if ((schemaHandle == NULL) || (index >= schema->ModelTypeCount)) { result = NULL; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_126: [Schema_GetModelByIndex shall return a non-NULL SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE corresponding to the model identified by schemaHandle and matching the index number provided by the index argument.] */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_127: [The index argument is zero based, and the order in which models were added shall be the index in which they will be retrieved.] */ result = schema->ModelTypes[index]; } return result; } /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_160: [Schema_GetModelName shall return the name of the model identified by modelTypeHandle. If the name cannot be retrieved, then NULL shall be returned.]*/ const char* Schema_GetModelName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle) { const char* result; if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; result = modelType->Name; } return result; } /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_163: [Schema_AddModelModel shall insert an existing model, identified by the handle modelType, into the existing model identified by modelTypeHandle under a property having the name propertyName.]*/ SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelModel(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName, SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelType, size_t offset, pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_165: [If any of the parameters is NULL then Schema_AddModelModel shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL) || (modelType == NULL) ) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* parentModel = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; MODEL_IN_MODEL temp; temp.modelHandle = modelType; temp.offset = offset; temp.onDesiredProperty = onDesiredProperty; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&(temp.propertyName), propertyName) != 0) { result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else if (VECTOR_push_back(parentModel->models, &temp, 1) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_174: [The function shall return SCHEMA_ERROR if any other error occurs.]*/ free((void*)temp.propertyName); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_164: [If the function succeeds, then the return value shall be SCHEMA_OK.]*/ result = SCHEMA_OK; } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelModelCount(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t* modelCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_169: [If any of the parameters is NULL, then the function shall return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG.]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (modelCount == NULL) ) { result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(Error code: %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(SCHEMA_RESULT, result)); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_167: [Schema_GetModelModelCount shall return in parameter modelCount the number of models inserted in the model identified by parameter modelTypeHandle.]*/ *modelCount = VECTOR_size(model->models); /*SRS_SCHEMA_99_168: [If the function succeeds, it shall return SCHEMA_OK.]*/ result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } static bool matchModelName(const void* element, const void* value) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* decodedElement = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)element; const char* name = (const char*)value; return (strcmp(decodedElement->propertyName, name) == 0); } SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetModelModelByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE result; if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL) ) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_171: [If Schema_GetModelModelByName is unable to provide the handle it shall return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("error SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG"); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_170: [Schema_GetModelModelByName shall return a handle to the model identified by the property with the name propertyName in the model identified by the handle modelTypeHandle.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_171: [If Schema_GetModelModelByName is unable to provide the handle it shall return NULL.]*/ void* temp = VECTOR_find_if(model->models, matchModelName, propertyName); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("specified propertyName not found (%s)", propertyName); result = NULL; } else { result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)temp)->modelHandle; } } return result; } size_t Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName) { size_t result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_053: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_054: [ If propertyName is NULL then Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL) ) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_171: [If Schema_GetModelModelByName is unable to provide the handle it shall return NULL.]*/ result = 0; LogError("error SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG"); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_056: [ If propertyName is not a model then Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ void* temp = VECTOR_find_if(model->models, matchModelName, propertyName); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("specified propertyName not found (%s)", propertyName); result = 0; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_055: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelModelByName_Offset shall succeed and return the offset. ]*/ result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)temp)->offset; } } return result; } pfOnDesiredProperty Schema_GetModelModelByName_OnDesiredProperty(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyName) { pfOnDesiredProperty result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_086: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelModelByName_OnDesiredProperty shall return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_087: [ If propertyName is NULL then Schema_GetModelModelByName_OnDesiredProperty shall return NULL. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyName == NULL) ) { result = NULL; LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* propertyName=%p",modelTypeHandle, propertyName); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; void* temp = VECTOR_find_if(model->models, matchModelName, propertyName); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("specified propertyName not found (%s)", propertyName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_089: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelModelByName_OnDesiredProperty shall return the desired property callback. ]*/ result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)temp)->onDesiredProperty; } } return result; } size_t Schema_GetModelModelByIndex_Offset(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { size_t result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_057: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelModelByIndex_Offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { result = 0; LogError("error SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG"); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_058: [ If index is not valid then Schema_GetModelModelByIndex_Offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ void* temp = VECTOR_element(model->models, index); if (temp == 0) { LogError("specified index [out of bounds] (%lu)", (unsigned long)index); result = 0; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_059: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelModelByIndex_Offset shall succeed and return the offset. ]*/ result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)temp)->offset; } } return result; } SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE Schema_GetModelModelyByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE result; if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_173: [Schema_GetModelModelyByIndex shall return NULL in the cases when it cannot provide the handle.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("error SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG"); } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; size_t nModelsInModel; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_172: [ Schema_GetModelModelyByIndex shall return a handle to the "index"th model inserted in the model identified by the parameter modelTypeHandle.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_173: [Schema_GetModelModelyByIndex shall return NULL in the cases when it cannot provide the handle.]*/ nModelsInModel = VECTOR_size(model->models); if (index < nModelsInModel) { result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(model->models, index))->modelHandle; } else { LogError("attempted out of bounds access in array."); result = NULL; /*out of bounds array access*/ } } return result; } const char* Schema_GetModelModelPropertyNameByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { const char* result; if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_176: [If Schema_GetModelModelPropertyNameByIndex cannot produce the property name, it shall return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* model = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; size_t nModelsInModel; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_175: [Schema_GetModelModelPropertyNameByIndex shall return the name of the property for the "index"th model in the model identified by modelTypeHandle parameter.]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_176: [If Schema_GetModelModelPropertyNameByIndex cannot produce the property name, it shall return NULL.]*/ nModelsInModel = VECTOR_size(model->models); if (index < nModelsInModel) { result = ((MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(model->models, index))->propertyName; } else { LogError("attempted out of bounds access in array."); result = NULL; /*out of bounds array access*/ } } return result; } bool Schema_ModelPropertyByPathExists(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* propertyPath) { bool result; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_180: [If any of the arguments are NULL, Schema_ModelPropertyByPathExists shall return false.] */ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (propertyPath == NULL)) { LogError("error SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG"); result = false; } else { const char* slashPos; result = false; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_182: [A single slash ('/') at the beginning of the path shall be ignored and the path shall still be valid.] */ if (*propertyPath == '/') { propertyPath++; } do { const char* endPos; size_t i; size_t modelCount; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_179: [The propertyPath shall be assumed to be in the format model1/model2/.../propertyName.] */ slashPos = strchr(propertyPath, '/'); endPos = slashPos; if (endPos == NULL) { endPos = &propertyPath[strlen(propertyPath)]; } /* get the child-model */ modelCount = VECTOR_size(modelType->models); for (i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* childModel = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(modelType->models, i); if ((strncmp(childModel->propertyName, propertyPath, endPos - propertyPath) == 0) && (strlen(childModel->propertyName) == (size_t)(endPos - propertyPath))) { /* found */ modelTypeHandle = childModel->modelHandle; break; } } if (i < modelCount) { /* model found, check if there is more in the path */ if (slashPos == NULL) { /* this is the last one, so this is the thing we were looking for */ result = true; break; } else { /* continue looking, there's more */ propertyPath = slashPos + 1; } } else { /* no model found, let's see if this is a property */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_178: [The argument propertyPath shall be used to find the leaf property.] */ for (i = 0; i < modelType->PropertyCount; i++) { SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* property = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)modelType->Properties[i]; if ((strncmp(property->PropertyName, propertyPath, endPos - propertyPath) == 0) && (strlen(property->PropertyName) == (size_t)(endPos - propertyPath))) { /* found property */ /* Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_99_177: [Schema_ModelPropertyByPathExists shall return true if a leaf property exists in the model modelTypeHandle.] */ result = true; break; } } break; } } while (slashPos != NULL); } return result; } bool Schema_ModelReportedPropertyByPathExists(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* reportedPropertyPath) { bool result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_018: [ If argument modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_ModelReportedPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_019: [ If argument reportedPropertyPath is NULL then Schema_ModelReportedPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ if ((modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (reportedPropertyPath == NULL)) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* reportedPropertyPath=%s", modelTypeHandle, reportedPropertyPath); result = false; } else { const char* slashPos; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_021: [ If the reported property cannot be found Schema_ModelReportedPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ result = false; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_020: [ reportedPropertyPath shall be assumed to be in the format model1/model2/.../reportedPropertyName. ]*/ if (*reportedPropertyPath == '/') { reportedPropertyPath++; } do { const char* endPos; size_t i; size_t modelCount; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; slashPos = strchr(reportedPropertyPath, '/'); endPos = slashPos; if (endPos == NULL) { endPos = &reportedPropertyPath[strlen(reportedPropertyPath)]; } modelCount = VECTOR_size(modelType->models); for (i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* childModel = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(modelType->models, i); if ((strncmp(childModel->propertyName, reportedPropertyPath, endPos - reportedPropertyPath) == 0) && (strlen(childModel->propertyName) == (size_t)(endPos - reportedPropertyPath))) { /* found */ modelTypeHandle = childModel->modelHandle; break; } } if (i < modelCount) { /* model found, check if there is more in the path */ if (slashPos == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_022: [ If the path reportedPropertyPath points to a sub-model, Schema_ModelReportedPropertyByPathExists shall succeed and true. ]*/ /* this is the last one, so this is the thing we were looking for */ result = true; break; } else { /* continue looking, there's more */ reportedPropertyPath = slashPos + 1; } } else { /* no model found, let's see if this is a property */ result = (VECTOR_find_if(modelType->reportedProperties, reportedPropertyExists, reportedPropertyPath) != NULL); if (!result) { LogError("no such reported property \"%s\"", reportedPropertyPath); } break; } } while (slashPos != NULL); } return result; } static bool desiredPropertyExists(const void* element, const void* value) { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desiredProperty = *(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA**)element; return (strcmp(desiredProperty->desiredPropertyName, value) == 0); } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* desiredPropertyName, const char* desiredPropertyType, pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE, pfDesiredPropertyInitialize desiredPropertyInitialize, pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize desiredPropertyDeinitialize, size_t offset, pfOnDesiredProperty onDesiredProperty) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_024: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_025: [ If desiredPropertyName is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_026: [ If desiredPropertyType is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_048: [ If desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_049: [ If desiredPropertyInitialize is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_050: [ If desiredPropertyDeinitialize is NULL then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (desiredPropertyName == NULL) || (desiredPropertyType == NULL) || (desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE == NULL) || (desiredPropertyInitialize == NULL) || (desiredPropertyDeinitialize== NULL) ) { LogError("invalid arg SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* desiredPropertyName=%p, const char* desiredPropertyType=%p, pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE=%p, pfDesiredPropertyInitialize desiredPropertyInitialize=%p, pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize desiredPropertyDeinitialize=%p, size_t offset=%lu", modelTypeHandle, desiredPropertyName, desiredPropertyType, desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE, desiredPropertyInitialize, desiredPropertyDeinitialize, (unsigned long)offset); result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_027: [ Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall add the desired property given by the name desiredPropertyName and the type desiredPropertyType to the collection of existing desired properties. ]*/ if (VECTOR_find_if(handleData->desiredProperties, desiredPropertyExists, desiredPropertyName) != NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_047: [ If the desired property already exists, then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT. ]*/ LogError("unable to Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty because a desired property with the same name (%s) already exists", desiredPropertyName); result = SCHEMA_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT; } else { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desiredProperty = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA)); if (desiredProperty == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_028: [ If any failure occurs then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in malloc"); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&desiredProperty->desiredPropertyName, desiredPropertyName) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_028: [ If any failure occurs then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free(desiredProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (mallocAndStrcpy_s((char**)&desiredProperty->desiredPropertyType, desiredPropertyType) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_028: [ If any failure occurs then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in mallocAndStrcpy_s"); free((void*)desiredProperty->desiredPropertyName); free(desiredProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { if (VECTOR_push_back(handleData->desiredProperties, &desiredProperty, 1) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_028: [ If any failure occurs then Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall fail and return SCHEMA_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure in VECTOR_push_back"); free((void*)desiredProperty->desiredPropertyType); free((void*)desiredProperty->desiredPropertyName); free(desiredProperty); result = SCHEMA_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_029: [ Otherwise, Schema_AddModelDesiredProperty shall succeed and return SCHEMA_OK. ]*/ desiredProperty->desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE = desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE; desiredProperty->desiredPropertInitialize = desiredPropertyInitialize; desiredProperty->desiredPropertDeinitialize = desiredPropertyDeinitialize; desiredProperty->onDesiredProperty = onDesiredProperty; /*NULL is a perfectly fine value*/ desiredProperty->offset = offset; result = SCHEMA_OK; } } } } } } return result; } SCHEMA_RESULT Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyCount(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t* desiredPropertyCount) { SCHEMA_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_030: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_031: [ If desiredPropertyCount is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyCount shall fail and return SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (desiredPropertyCount == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid arg: SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, size_t* desiredPropertyCount=%p", modelTypeHandle, desiredPropertyCount); result = SCHEMA_INVALID_ARG; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_032: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyCount shall succeed and write in desiredPropertyCount the existing number of desired properties. ]*/ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; *desiredPropertyCount = VECTOR_size(handleData->desiredProperties); result = SCHEMA_OK; } return result; } SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* desiredPropertyName) { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_034: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_035: [ If desiredPropertyName is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (desiredPropertyName == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid arg SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* desiredPropertyName=%p", modelTypeHandle, desiredPropertyName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_036: [ If a desired property having the name desiredPropertyName exists then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByName shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_037: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByName shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE* temp = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->desiredProperties, desiredPropertyExists, desiredPropertyName); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("no such desired property by name %s", desiredPropertyName); result = NULL; } else { result = *temp; } } return result; } SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByIndex(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, size_t index) { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_038: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (modelTypeHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, size_t index=%lu", modelTypeHandle, (unsigned long)index); result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_039: [ If index is outside the range for existing indexes of desire properties, then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByIndex shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_040: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyByIndex shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE* temp = VECTOR_element(handleData->desiredProperties, index); if (temp == NULL) { LogError("VECTOR_element produced NULL (likely out of bounds index)"); result = NULL; } else { result = *temp; } } return result; } bool Schema_ModelDesiredPropertyByPathExists(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* desiredPropertyPath) { bool result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_041: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_ModelDesiredPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_042: [ If desiredPropertyPath is NULL then Schema_ModelDesiredPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (desiredPropertyPath == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid arg SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* desiredPropertyPath=%p", modelTypeHandle, desiredPropertyPath); result = false; } else { const char* slashPos; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_044: [ If the desired property cannot be found Schema_ModelDesiredPropertyByPathExists shall fail and return false. ]*/ result = false; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_043: [ desiredPropertyPath shall be assumed to be in the format model1/model2/.../desiredPropertyName. ]*/ if (*desiredPropertyPath == '/') { desiredPropertyPath++; } do { const char* endPos; size_t i; size_t modelCount; SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* modelType = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; slashPos = strchr(desiredPropertyPath, '/'); endPos = slashPos; if (endPos == NULL) { endPos = &desiredPropertyPath[strlen(desiredPropertyPath)]; } modelCount = VECTOR_size(modelType->models); for (i = 0; i < modelCount; i++) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* childModel = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)VECTOR_element(modelType->models, i); if ((strncmp(childModel->propertyName, desiredPropertyPath, endPos - desiredPropertyPath) == 0) && (strlen(childModel->propertyName) == (size_t)(endPos - desiredPropertyPath))) { /* found */ modelTypeHandle = childModel->modelHandle; break; } } if (i < modelCount) { /* model found, check if there is more in the path */ if (slashPos == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_045: [ If the path desiredPropertyPath points to a sub-model, Schema_ModelDesiredPropertyByPathExists shall succeed and true. ]*/ /* this is the last one, so this is the thing we were looking for */ result = true; break; } else { /* continue looking, there's more */ desiredPropertyPath = slashPos + 1; } } else { /* no model found, let's see if this is a property */ result = (VECTOR_find_if(modelType->desiredProperties, desiredPropertyExists, desiredPropertyPath) != NULL); if (!result) { LogError("no such desired property \"%s\"", desiredPropertyPath); } break; } } while (slashPos != NULL); } return result; } const char* Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyType(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { const char* result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_062: [ If desiredPropertyHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyType shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_063: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetModelDesiredPropertyType shall return the type of the desired property. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desirePropertyHandleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = desirePropertyHandleData->desiredPropertyType; } return result; } pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { pfDesiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE result; if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = NULL; } else { SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desirePropertyHandleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = desirePropertyHandleData->desiredPropertyFromAGENT_DATA_TYPE; } return result; } pfOnDesiredProperty Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfOnDesiredProperty(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { pfOnDesiredProperty result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_084: [ If desiredPropertyHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfOnDesiredProperty shall return NULL. ]*/ if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_085: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfOnDesiredProperty shall return the saved desired property callback. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desirePropertyHandleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = desirePropertyHandleData->onDesiredProperty; } return result; } size_t Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_offset(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { size_t result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_060: [ If desiredPropertyHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_offset shall fail and return 0. ]*/ if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = 0; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_061: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_offset shall succeed and return the offset. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* desirePropertyHandleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = desirePropertyHandleData->offset; } return result; } static bool modelInModelExists(const void* element, const void* value) { MODEL_IN_MODEL* modelInModel = (MODEL_IN_MODEL*)element; return (strcmp(modelInModel->propertyName, value) == 0); } SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT Schema_GetModelElementByName(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle, const char* elementName) { SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_076: [ If modelTypeHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall fail and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_SEARCH_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_077: [ If elementName is NULL then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall fail and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_SEARCH_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (modelTypeHandle == NULL) || (elementName == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelTypeHandle=%p, const char* elementName=%p", modelTypeHandle, elementName); result.elementType = SCHEMA_SEARCH_INVALID_ARG; } else { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE_DATA*)modelTypeHandle; SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE* desiredPropertyHandle = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->desiredProperties, desiredPropertyExists, elementName); if (desiredPropertyHandle != NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_080: [ If elementName is a desired property then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall succeed and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY and SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementHandle.desiredPropertyHandle to the handle of the desired property. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY; result.elementHandle.desiredPropertyHandle = *desiredPropertyHandle; } else { size_t nProcessedProperties = 0; SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* property = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < handleData->PropertyCount;i++) { property = (SCHEMA_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)(handleData->Properties[i]); if (strcmp(property->PropertyName, elementName) == 0) { i = handleData->PropertyCount; /*found it*/ } else { nProcessedProperties++; } } if (nProcessedProperties < handleData->PropertyCount) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_078: [ If elementName is a property then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall succeed and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_PROPERTY and SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementHandle.propertyHandle to the handle of the property. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_PROPERTY; result.elementHandle.propertyHandle = property; } else { SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY_HANDLE* reportedPropertyHandle = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->reportedProperties, reportedPropertyExists, elementName); if (reportedPropertyHandle != NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_079: [ If elementName is a reported property then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall succeed and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY and SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementHandle.reportedPropertyHandle to the handle of the reported property. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_REPORTED_PROPERTY; result.elementHandle.reportedPropertyHandle = *reportedPropertyHandle; } else { size_t nProcessedActions = 0; SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA* actionHandleData = NULL; for (size_t i = 0;i < handleData->ActionCount; i++) { actionHandleData = (SCHEMA_ACTION_HANDLE_DATA*)(handleData->Actions[i]); if (strcmp(actionHandleData->ActionName, elementName) == 0) { i = handleData->ActionCount; /*get out quickly*/ } else { nProcessedActions++; } } if (nProcessedActions < handleData->ActionCount) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_081: [ If elementName is a model action then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall succeed and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_MODEL_ACTION and SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementHandle.actionHandle to the handle of the action. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_MODEL_ACTION; result.elementHandle.actionHandle = actionHandleData; } else { MODEL_IN_MODEL* modelInModel = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->models, modelInModelExists, elementName); if (modelInModel != NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_082: [ If elementName is a model in model then Schema_GetModelElementByName shall succeed and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_MODEL_IN_MODEL and SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementHandle.modelHandle to the handle of the model. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_MODEL_IN_MODEL; result.elementHandle.modelHandle = modelInModel->modelHandle; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_083: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelElementByName shall fail and set SCHEMA_MODEL_ELEMENT.elementType to SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND. ]*/ result.elementType = SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND; } } } } } } return result; } pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize result; /*Ccodes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_064: [ If desiredPropertyHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_065: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyDeinitialize shall return a non-NULL function pointer. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = handleData->desiredPropertDeinitialize; } return result; } pfDesiredPropertyInitialize Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyInitialize(SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle) { pfDesiredPropertyInitialize result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_066: [ If desiredPropertyHandle is NULL then Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyInitialize shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (desiredPropertyHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE desiredPropertyHandle=%p", desiredPropertyHandle); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_067: [ Otherwise Schema_GetModelDesiredProperty_pfDesiredPropertyInitialize shall return a non-NULL function pointer. ]*/ SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (SCHEMA_DESIRED_PROPERTY_HANDLE_DATA*)desiredPropertyHandle; result = handleData->desiredPropertInitialize; } return result; } static bool SchemaHasModel(const SCHEMA_HANDLE* schemaHandle, const char* modelName) { return (Schema_GetModelByName(*schemaHandle, modelName) != NULL); } SCHEMA_HANDLE Schema_GetSchemaForModel(const char* modelName) { SCHEMA_HANDLE result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_093: [ If modelName is NULL then Schema_GetSchemaForModel shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (modelName == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg const char* modelName=%p", modelName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_094: [ Schema_GetSchemaForModel shall find the SCHEMA_HANDLE that contains a model by name modelName and if found, succeed and return that. ]*/ SCHEMA_HANDLE* temp = VECTOR_find_if(g_schemas, (PREDICATE_FUNCTION)SchemaHasModel, modelName); if (temp == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_095: [ If the model is not found in any schema, then Schema_GetSchemaForModel shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ LogError("unable to find a schema that has a model named %s", modelName); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_094: [ Schema_GetSchemaForModel shall find the SCHEMA_HANDLE that contains a model by name modelName and if found, succeed and return that. ]*/ result = *temp; } } return result; } void* Schema_GetMetadata(SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle) { void* result; /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_091: [ If schemaHandle is NULL then Schema_GetMetadata shall fail and return NULL. ]*/ if (schemaHandle == NULL) { LogError("invalid arg SCHEMA_HANDLE schemaHandle=%p", schemaHandle); result = NULL; } else { /*Codes_SRS_SCHEMA_02_092: [ Otherwise, Schema_GetMetadata shall succeed and return the saved metadata pointer. ]*/ result = ((SCHEMA_HANDLE_DATA*)schemaHandle)->metadata; } return result; }