// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include /*for free*/ #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include #include "datamarshaller.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #include "schema.h" #include "jsonencoder.h" #include "agenttypesystem.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "parson.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/vector.h" MU_DEFINE_ENUM_STRINGS_WITHOUT_INVALID(DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT, DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT_VALUES); #define LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR \ LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT, result)); typedef struct DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA_TAG { SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE ModelHandle; bool IncludePropertyPath; } DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA; static int NoCloneFunction(void** destination, const void* source) { *destination = (void*)source; return 0; } static void NoFreeFunction(void* value) { (void)value; } DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE DataMarshaller_Create(SCHEMA_MODEL_TYPE_HANDLE modelHandle, bool includePropertyPath) { DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA* result; /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_019:[ DataMarshaller_Create shall return NULL if any argument is NULL.]*/ if (modelHandle == NULL) { result = NULL; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT, DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG)); } else if ((result = (DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA*)calloc(1, sizeof(DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA))) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_048:[On any other errors not explicitly specified, DataMarshaller_Create shall return NULL.] */ result = NULL; LogError("(result = %s)", MU_ENUM_TO_STRING(DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT, DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR)); } else { /*everything ok*/ /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_018:[ DataMarshaller_Create shall create a new DataMarshaller instance and on success it shall return a non NULL handle.]*/ result->ModelHandle = modelHandle; result->IncludePropertyPath = includePropertyPath; } return result; } void DataMarshaller_Destroy(DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE dataMarshallerHandle) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_024:[ When called with a NULL handle, DataMarshaller_Destroy shall do nothing.] */ if (dataMarshallerHandle != NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_022:[ DataMarshaller_Destroy shall free all resources associated with the dataMarshallerHandle argument.] */ DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA* dataMarshallerInstance = (DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA*)dataMarshallerHandle; free(dataMarshallerInstance); } } DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT DataMarshaller_SendData(DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE dataMarshallerHandle, size_t valueCount, const DATA_MARSHALLER_VALUE* values, unsigned char** destination, size_t* destinationSize) { DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA* dataMarshallerInstance = (DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE_DATA*)dataMarshallerHandle; DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT result; MULTITREE_HANDLE treeHandle; /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_034:[All argument checks shall be performed before calling any other modules.] */ /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_004:[ DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG shall be returned when the function has detected an invalid parameter (NULL) being passed to the function.] */ if ((values == NULL) || (dataMarshallerHandle == NULL) || (destination == NULL) || (destinationSize == NULL) || /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_033:[ DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG shall be returned if the valueCount is zero.] */ (valueCount == 0)) { result = DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR } else { size_t i; bool includePropertyPath = dataMarshallerInstance->IncludePropertyPath; /* VS complains wrongly that result is not initialized */ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; for (i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { if ((values[i].PropertyPath == NULL) || (values[i].Value == NULL)) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_007:[ DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_MODEL_PROPERTY shall be returned when any of the items in values contain invalid data]*/ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_MODEL_PROPERTY; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR break; } if ((!dataMarshallerInstance->IncludePropertyPath) && (values[i].Value->type == EDM_COMPLEX_TYPE_TYPE) && (valueCount > 1)) { /* Codes_SRS_DATAMARSHALLER_01_002: [If the includePropertyPath argument passed to DataMarshaller_Create was false and the number of values passed to SendData is greater than 1 and at least one of them is a struct, DataMarshaller_SendData shall fallback to including the complete property path in the output JSON.] */ includePropertyPath = true; } } if (i == valueCount) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_037:[DataMarshaller shall store as MultiTree the data to be encoded by the JSONEncoder module.] */ if ((treeHandle = MultiTree_Create(NoCloneFunction, NoFreeFunction)) == NULL) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_035:[DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR shall be returned in case any MultiTree API call fails.] */ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR } else { size_t j; result = DATA_MARSHALLER_OK; /* addressing warning in VS compiler */ /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_038:[For each pair in the values argument, a string : value pair shall exist in the JSON object in the form of propertyName : value.] */ for (j = 0; j < valueCount; j++) { if ((includePropertyPath == false) && (values[j].Value->type == EDM_COMPLEX_TYPE_TYPE)) { size_t k; /* Codes_SRS_DATAMARSHALLER_01_001: [If the includePropertyPath argument passed to DataMarshaller_Create was false and only one struct is being sent, the relative path of the value passed to DataMarshaller_SendData - including property name - shall be ignored and the value shall be placed at JSON root.] */ for (k = 0; k < values[j].Value->value.edmComplexType.nMembers; k++) { /* Codes_SRS_DATAMARSHALLER_01_004: [In this case the members of the struct shall be added as leafs into the MultiTree, each leaf having the name of the struct member.] */ if (MultiTree_AddLeaf(treeHandle, values[j].Value->value.edmComplexType.fields[k].fieldName, (void*)values[j].Value->value.edmComplexType.fields[k].value) != MULTITREE_OK) { break; } } if (k < values[j].Value->value.edmComplexType.nMembers) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_035:[DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR shall be returned in case any MultiTree API call fails.] */ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR break; } } else { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_039:[ If the includePropertyPath argument passed to DataMarshaller_Create was true each property shall be placed in the appropriate position in the JSON according to its path in the model.] */ if (MultiTree_AddLeaf(treeHandle, values[j].PropertyPath, (void*)values[j].Value) != MULTITREE_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_035:[DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR shall be returned in case any MultiTree API call fails.] */ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_MULTITREE_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR break; } } } if (j == valueCount) { STRING_HANDLE payload = STRING_new(); if (payload == NULL) { result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR } else { if (JSONEncoder_EncodeTree(treeHandle, payload, (JSON_ENCODER_TOSTRING_FUNC)AgentDataTypes_ToString) != JSON_ENCODER_OK) { /* Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_027:[ DATA_MARSHALLER_JSON_ENCODER_ERROR shall be returned when JSONEncoder returns an error code.] */ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_JSON_ENCODER_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATAMARSHALLER_02_007: [DataMarshaller_SendData shall copy in the output parameters *destination, *destinationSize the content and the content length of the encoded JSON tree.] */ size_t resultSize = STRING_length(payload); unsigned char* temp = malloc(resultSize); if (temp == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_99_015:[ DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR shall be returned in all the other error cases not explicitly defined here.]*/ result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; LOG_DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; } else { (void)memcpy(temp, STRING_c_str(payload), resultSize); *destination = temp; *destinationSize = resultSize; result = DATA_MARSHALLER_OK; } } STRING_delete(payload); } } /* if (j==valueCount)*/ MultiTree_Destroy(treeHandle); } /* MultiTree_Create */ } } return result; } DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties(DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE dataMarshallerHandle, VECTOR_HANDLE values, unsigned char** destination, size_t* destinationSize) { DATA_MARSHALLER_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_021: [ If argument dataMarshallerHandle is NULL then DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_008: [ If argument values is NULL then DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_009: [ If argument destination NULL then DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_010: [ If argument destinationSize NULL then DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if ( (dataMarshallerHandle == NULL) || (values == NULL) || (destination == NULL) || (destinationSize == NULL) ) { LogError("invalid argument DATA_MARSHALLER_HANDLE dataMarshallerHandle=%p, VECTOR_HANDLE values=%p, unsigned char** destination=%p, size_t* destinationSize=%p", dataMarshallerHandle, values, destination, destinationSize); result = DATA_MARSHALLER_INVALID_ARG; } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_012: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall create an empty JSON_Value. ]*/ JSON_Value* json = json_value_init_object(); if (json == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling json_value_init_object"); result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_013: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall get the object behind the JSON_Value by calling json_object. ]*/ JSON_Object* jsonObject = json_object(json); if (jsonObject == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling json_object"); result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; } else { size_t nReportedProperties = VECTOR_size(values), nProcessedProperties = 0; for (size_t i = 0;i < nReportedProperties; i++) { DATA_MARSHALLER_VALUE* v = *(DATA_MARSHALLER_VALUE**)VECTOR_element(values, i); STRING_HANDLE s = STRING_new(); if (s == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling STRING_new"); i = nReportedProperties;/*forces loop to break, result is set in the "if" following this for*/ } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_014: [ For every reported property, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall get the reported property's JSON value (as string) by calling AgentDataTypes_ToString. ]*/ if (AgentDataTypes_ToString(s, v->Value) != AGENT_DATA_TYPES_OK) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling AgentDataTypes_ToString"); i = nReportedProperties;/*forces loop to break, result is set in the "if" following this for*/ } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_015: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall import the JSON value (as string) by calling json_parse_string. ]*/ JSON_Value * rightSide = json_parse_string(STRING_c_str(s)); if (rightSide == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling json_parse_string"); i = nReportedProperties;/*forces loop to break, result is set in the "if" following this for*/ } else { char* leftSide; if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&leftSide, v->PropertyPath) != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling mallocAndStrcpy_s"); json_value_free(rightSide); i = nReportedProperties;/*forces loop to break, result is set in the "if" following this for*/ } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_016: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall replace all the occurences of / with . in the reported property paths. ]*/ char *whereIsSlash; while ((whereIsSlash = strchr(leftSide, '/')) != NULL) { *whereIsSlash = '.'; } /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_017: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall use json_object_dotset_value passing the reported property path and the imported json value. ]*/ /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_011: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall ignore the value of includePropertyPath and shall consider it to be true. ]*/ if (json_object_dotset_value(jsonObject, leftSide, rightSide) != JSONSuccess) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling json_object_dotset_value"); json_value_free(rightSide); i = nReportedProperties;/*forces loop to break, result is set in the "if" following this for*/ } else { /*all is fine with this property... */ nProcessedProperties++; } free(leftSide); } } } STRING_delete(s); } } if (nProcessedProperties != nReportedProperties) { result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; /*all properties have NOT been processed*/ /*return result as is*/ } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_018: [ DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall use json_serialize_to_string_pretty to produce the output JSON string that fills out parameters destination and destionationSize. ]*/ char* temp = json_serialize_to_string_pretty(json); if (temp == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_019: [ If any failure occurs, DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall fail and return DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("failure calling json_serialize_to_string_pretty "); result = DATA_MARSHALLER_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_DATA_MARSHALLER_02_020: [ Otherwise DataMarshaller_SendData_ReportedProperties shall succeed and return DATA_MARSHALLER_OK. ]*/ *destination = (unsigned char*)temp; *destinationSize = strlen(temp); result = DATA_MARSHALLER_OK; /*all is fine... */ } } } json_value_free(json); } } return result; }