// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/urlencode.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/strings.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/crt_abstractions.h" #define NIBBLE_TO_STRING(c) (char)((c) < 10 ? (c) + '0' : (c) - 10 + 'a') #define NIBBLE_FROM_STRING(c) (char)(ISDIGIT(c) ? (c) - '0' : TOUPPER(c) + 10 - 'A') #define IS_HEXDIGIT(c) ( \ ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || \ ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) || \ ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) \ ) #define IS_PRINTABLE(c) ( \ (c == 0) || \ (c == '!') || \ (c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '*') || \ (c == '-') || (c == '.') || \ ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || \ ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) || \ (c == '_') || \ ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) \ ) /*The below macros are to be called on the big nibble of a hex value*/ #define IS_IN_ASCII_RANGE(c) ( \ (c >= '0') && (c <= '7') \ ) #define IS_IN_EXTENDED_ASCII_RANGE(c) ( \ ((c >= '8') && (c <= '9')) || \ ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) || \ ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) \ ) #define IS_IN_CONTINUATION_BYTE_RANGE(c) ( \ (c == '8') || (c == '9') || \ (c == 'A') || (c == 'B') || \ (c == 'a') || (c == 'b') \ ) #define IS_IN_LEADING_BYTE_RANGE(c) ( \ ((c >= 'C') && (c <= 'F')) || \ ((c >= 'c') && (c <= 'f')) \ ) #define IS_IN_UNSUPPORTED_LEADING_BYTE_RANGE(c) ( \ ((c >= 'D') && (c <= 'F')) || \ ((c >= 'd') && (c <= 'f')) \ ) static size_t URL_PrintableChar(unsigned char charVal, char* buffer) { size_t size; if (IS_PRINTABLE(charVal)) { buffer[0] = (char)charVal; size = 1; } else { char bigNibbleStr; char littleNibbleStr; unsigned char bigNibbleVal = charVal >> 4; unsigned char littleNibbleVal = charVal & 0x0F; if (bigNibbleVal >= 0x0C) { bigNibbleVal -= 0x04; } bigNibbleStr = NIBBLE_TO_STRING(bigNibbleVal); littleNibbleStr = NIBBLE_TO_STRING(littleNibbleVal); buffer[0] = '%'; if (charVal < 0x80) { buffer[1] = bigNibbleStr; buffer[2] = littleNibbleStr; size = 3; } else { buffer[1] = 'c'; buffer[3] = '%'; buffer[4] = bigNibbleStr; buffer[5] = littleNibbleStr; if (charVal < 0xC0) { buffer[2] = '2'; } else { buffer[2] = '3'; } size = 6; } } return size; } static size_t calculateDecodedStringSize(const char* encodedString, size_t len) { size_t decodedSize = 0; if (encodedString == NULL) { LogError("Null encoded string"); } else if (len == 0) { decodedSize = 1; //for null terminator } else { size_t remaining_len = len; size_t next_step = 0; size_t i = 0; while (i < len) { //percent encoded character if (encodedString[i] == '%') { if (remaining_len < 3 || !IS_HEXDIGIT(encodedString[i+1]) || !IS_HEXDIGIT(encodedString[i+2])) { LogError("Incomplete or invalid percent encoding"); break; } else if (!IS_IN_ASCII_RANGE(encodedString[i+1])) { LogError("Out of range of characters accepted by this decoder"); break; } else { decodedSize++; next_step = 3; } } else if (!IS_PRINTABLE(encodedString[i])) { LogError("Unprintable value in encoded string"); break; } //safe character else { decodedSize++; next_step = 1; } i += next_step; remaining_len -= next_step; } if (encodedString[i] != '\0') //i.e. broke out of above loop due to error { decodedSize = 0; } else { decodedSize++; //add space for the null terminator } } return decodedSize; } static unsigned char charFromNibbles(char bigNibbleStr, char littleNibbleStr) { unsigned char bigNibbleVal = NIBBLE_FROM_STRING(bigNibbleStr); unsigned char littleNibbleVal = NIBBLE_FROM_STRING(littleNibbleStr); return bigNibbleVal << 4 | littleNibbleVal; } static void createDecodedString(const char* input, size_t input_size, char* output) { /* Note that there is no danger of reckless indexing here, as calculateDecodedStringSize() has already checked lengths of strings to ensure the formatting is always correct*/ size_t i = 0; while (i <= input_size) //the <= instead of < ensures the '\0' will be copied { if (input[i] != '%') { *output++ = input[i]; i++; } else { *output++ = charFromNibbles(input[i+1], input[i+2]); i += 3; } } } static size_t URL_PrintableCharSize(unsigned char charVal) { size_t size; if (IS_PRINTABLE(charVal)) { size = 1; } else { if (charVal < 0x80) { size = 3; } else { size = 6; } } return size; } static STRING_HANDLE encode_url_data(const char* text) { STRING_HANDLE result; size_t lengthOfResult = 0; char* encodedURL; unsigned char currentUnsignedChar; const char* iterator = text; /*Codes_SRS_URL_ENCODE_06_003: [If input is a zero length string then URL_Encode will return a zero length string.]*/ do { currentUnsignedChar = (unsigned char)(*iterator++); lengthOfResult += URL_PrintableCharSize(currentUnsignedChar); } while (currentUnsignedChar != 0); if ((encodedURL = (char*)malloc(lengthOfResult)) == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_URL_ENCODE_06_002: [If an error occurs during the encoding of input then URL_Encode will return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("URL_Encode:: MALLOC failure on encode."); } else { size_t currentEncodePosition = 0; iterator = text;; do { currentUnsignedChar = (unsigned char)(*iterator++); currentEncodePosition += URL_PrintableChar(currentUnsignedChar, &encodedURL[currentEncodePosition]); } while (currentUnsignedChar != 0); result = STRING_new_with_memory(encodedURL); if (result == NULL) { LogError("URL_Encode:: MALLOC failure on encode."); free(encodedURL); } } return result; } STRING_HANDLE URL_EncodeString(const char* textEncode) { STRING_HANDLE result; if (textEncode == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { result = encode_url_data(textEncode); } return result; } STRING_HANDLE URL_Encode(STRING_HANDLE input) { STRING_HANDLE result; if (input == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_URL_ENCODE_06_001: [If input is NULL then URL_Encode will return NULL.]*/ result = NULL; LogError("URL_Encode:: NULL input"); } else { result = encode_url_data(STRING_c_str(input)); } return result; } STRING_HANDLE URL_DecodeString(const char* textDecode) { STRING_HANDLE result; if (textDecode == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { STRING_HANDLE tempString = STRING_construct(textDecode); if (tempString == NULL) { result = NULL; } else { result = URL_Decode(tempString); STRING_delete(tempString); } } return result; } STRING_HANDLE URL_Decode(STRING_HANDLE input) { STRING_HANDLE result; if (input == NULL) { LogError("URL_Decode:: NULL input"); result = NULL; } else { size_t decodedStringSize; char* decodedString; const char* inputString = STRING_c_str(input); size_t inputLen = strlen(inputString); if ((decodedStringSize = calculateDecodedStringSize(inputString, inputLen)) == 0) { LogError("URL_Decode:: Invalid input string"); result = NULL; } else if ((decodedString = (char*)malloc(decodedStringSize)) == NULL) { LogError("URL_Decode:: MALLOC failure on decode."); result = NULL; } else { createDecodedString(inputString, inputLen, decodedString); result = STRING_new_with_memory(decodedString); if (result == NULL) { LogError("URL_Decode:: MALLOC failure on decode"); free(decodedString); } } } return result; }