/** * makefsdata: Converts a directory structure for use with the lwIP httpd. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Jim Pettinato * Simon Goldschmidt * * @todo: * - take TCP_MSS, LWIP_TCP_TIMESTAMPS and * PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE/PAYLOAD_ALIGNMENT as arguments */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "tinydir.h" /** Makefsdata can generate *all* files deflate-compressed (where file size shrinks). * Since nearly all browsers support this, this is a good way to reduce ROM size. * To compress the files, "miniz.c" must be downloaded seperately. */ #ifndef MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE #define MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE 0 #endif #define COPY_BUFSIZE (1024*1024) /* 1 MByte */ #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE #include "../miniz.c" typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned int uint; #define my_max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define my_min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) /* COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE is the size of the output buffer used during compression. COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE must be >= 1 and <= OUT_BUF_SIZE */ #define COMP_OUT_BUF_SIZE COPY_BUFSIZE /* OUT_BUF_SIZE is the size of the output buffer used during decompression. OUT_BUF_SIZE must be a power of 2 >= TINFL_LZ_DICT_SIZE (because the low-level decompressor not only writes, but reads from the output buffer as it decompresses) */ #define OUT_BUF_SIZE COPY_BUFSIZE static uint8 s_outbuf[OUT_BUF_SIZE]; static uint8 s_checkbuf[OUT_BUF_SIZE]; /* tdefl_compressor contains all the state needed by the low-level compressor so it's a pretty big struct (~300k). This example makes it a global vs. putting it on the stack, of course in real-world usage you'll probably malloc() or new it. */ tdefl_compressor g_deflator; tinfl_decompressor g_inflator; int deflate_level = 10; /* default compression level, can be changed via command line */ #define USAGE_ARG_DEFLATE " [-defl<:compr_level>]" #else /* MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE */ #define USAGE_ARG_DEFLATE "" #endif /* MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE */ #ifdef WIN32 #define GETCWD(path, len) GetCurrentDirectoryA(len, path) #define CHDIR(path) SetCurrentDirectoryA(path) #define CHDIR_SUCCEEDED(ret) (ret == TRUE) #elif __linux__ #define GETCWD(path, len) getcwd(path, len) #define CHDIR(path) chdir(path) #define CHDIR_SUCCEEDED(ret) (ret == 0) #else #error makefsdata not supported on this platform #endif #define NEWLINE "\r\n" #define NEWLINE_LEN 2 /* define this to get the header variables we use to build HTTP headers */ #define LWIP_HTTPD_DYNAMIC_HEADERS 1 #define LWIP_HTTPD_SSI 1 #include "lwip/init.h" #include "../httpd_structs.h" #include "lwip/apps/fs.h" #include "../core/inet_chksum.c" #include "../core/def.c" /** (Your server name here) */ const char *serverID = "Server: "HTTPD_SERVER_AGENT"\r\n"; char serverIDBuffer[1024]; /* change this to suit your MEM_ALIGNMENT */ #define PAYLOAD_ALIGNMENT 4 /* set this to 0 to prevent aligning payload */ #define ALIGN_PAYLOAD 1 /* define this to a type that has the required alignment */ #define PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE "unsigned int" static int payload_alingment_dummy_counter = 0; #define HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE 16 #define MAX_PATH_LEN 256 struct file_entry { struct file_entry *next; const char *filename_c; }; int process_sub(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file); int process_file(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file, const char *filename); int file_write_http_header(FILE *data_file, const char *filename, int file_size, u16_t *http_hdr_len, u16_t *http_hdr_chksum, u8_t provide_content_len, int is_compressed); int file_put_ascii(FILE *file, const char *ascii_string, int len, int *i); int s_put_ascii(char *buf, const char *ascii_string, int len, int *i); void concat_files(const char *file1, const char *file2, const char *targetfile); int check_path(char *path, size_t size); static int checkSsiByFilelist(const char* filename_listfile); static int ext_in_list(const char* filename, const char *ext_list); static int file_to_exclude(const char* filename); static int file_can_be_compressed(const char* filename); /* 5 bytes per char + 3 bytes per line */ static char file_buffer_c[COPY_BUFSIZE * 5 + ((COPY_BUFSIZE / HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE) * 3)]; char curSubdir[MAX_PATH_LEN]; char lastFileVar[MAX_PATH_LEN]; char hdr_buf[4096]; unsigned char processSubs = 1; unsigned char includeHttpHeader = 1; unsigned char useHttp11 = 0; unsigned char supportSsi = 1; unsigned char precalcChksum = 0; unsigned char includeLastModified = 0; #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE unsigned char deflateNonSsiFiles = 0; size_t deflatedBytesReduced = 0; size_t overallDataBytes = 0; #endif const char *exclude_list = NULL; const char *ncompress_list = NULL; struct file_entry *first_file = NULL; struct file_entry *last_file = NULL; static char *ssi_file_buffer; static char **ssi_file_lines; static size_t ssi_file_num_lines; static void print_usage(void) { printf(" Usage: htmlgen [targetdir] [-s] [-e] [-11] [-nossi] [-ssi:] [-c] [-f:] [-m] [-svr:] [-x:] [-xc:" USAGE_ARG_DEFLATE NEWLINE NEWLINE); printf(" targetdir: relative or absolute path to files to convert" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -s: toggle processing of subdirectories (default is on)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -e: exclude HTTP header from file (header is created at runtime, default is off)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -11: include HTTP 1.1 header (1.0 is default)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -nossi: no support for SSI (cannot calculate Content-Length for SSI)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -ssi: ssi filename (ssi support controlled by file list, not by extension)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -c: precalculate checksums for all pages (default is off)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -f: target filename (default is \"fsdata.c\")" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -m: include \"Last-Modified\" header based on file time" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -svr: server identifier sent in HTTP response header ('Server' field)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -x: comma separated list of extensions of files to exclude (e.g., -x:json,txt)" NEWLINE); printf(" switch -xc: comma separated list of extensions of files to not compress (e.g., -xc:mp3,jpg)" NEWLINE); #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE printf(" switch -defl: deflate-compress all non-SSI files (with opt. compr.-level, default=10)" NEWLINE); printf(" ATTENTION: browser has to support \"Content-Encoding: deflate\"!" NEWLINE); #endif printf(" if targetdir not specified, htmlgen will attempt to" NEWLINE); printf(" process files in subdirectory 'fs'" NEWLINE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char path[MAX_PATH_LEN]; char appPath[MAX_PATH_LEN]; FILE *data_file; FILE *struct_file; int filesProcessed; int i; char targetfile[MAX_PATH_LEN]; strcpy(targetfile, "fsdata.c"); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); memset(appPath, 0, sizeof(appPath)); printf(NEWLINE " makefsdata - HTML to C source converter" NEWLINE); printf(" by Jim Pettinato - circa 2003 " NEWLINE); printf(" extended by Simon Goldschmidt - 2009 " NEWLINE NEWLINE); LWIP_ASSERT("sizeof(hdr_buf) must fit into an u16_t", sizeof(hdr_buf) <= 0xffff); strcpy(path, "fs"); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] == NULL) { continue; } if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (strstr(argv[i], "-svr:") == argv[i]) { snprintf(serverIDBuffer, sizeof(serverIDBuffer), "Server: %s\r\n", &argv[i][5]); serverID = serverIDBuffer; printf("Using Server-ID: \"%s\"\n", serverID); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { processSubs = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-e")) { includeHttpHeader = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-11")) { useHttp11 = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nossi")) { supportSsi = 0; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-ssi:") == argv[i]) { const char* ssi_list_filename = &argv[i][5]; if (checkSsiByFilelist(ssi_list_filename)) { printf("Reading list of SSI files from \"%s\"\n", ssi_list_filename); } else { printf("Failed to load list of SSI files from \"%s\"\n", ssi_list_filename); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) { precalcChksum = 1; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-f:") == argv[i]) { strncpy(targetfile, &argv[i][3], sizeof(targetfile) - 1); targetfile[sizeof(targetfile) - 1] = 0; printf("Writing to file \"%s\"\n", targetfile); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")) { includeLastModified = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-defl")) { #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE char *colon = strstr(argv[i], ":"); if (colon) { if (colon[1] != 0) { int defl_level = atoi(&colon[1]); if ((defl_level >= 0) && (defl_level <= 10)) { deflate_level = defl_level; } else { printf("ERROR: deflate level must be [0..10]" NEWLINE); exit(0); } } } deflateNonSsiFiles = 1; printf("Deflating all non-SSI files with level %d (but only if size is reduced)" NEWLINE, deflate_level); #else printf("WARNING: Deflate support is disabled\n"); #endif } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-x:") == argv[i]) { exclude_list = &argv[i][3]; printf("Excluding files with extensions %s" NEWLINE, exclude_list); } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-xc:") == argv[i]) { ncompress_list = &argv[i][4]; printf("Skipping compresion for files with extensions %s" NEWLINE, ncompress_list); } else if ((strstr(argv[i], "-?")) || (strstr(argv[i], "-h"))) { print_usage(); exit(0); } } else if ((argv[i][0] == '/') && (argv[i][1] == '?') && (argv[i][2] == 0)) { print_usage(); exit(0); } else { strncpy(path, argv[i], sizeof(path) - 1); path[sizeof(path) - 1] = 0; } } if (!check_path(path, sizeof(path))) { printf("Invalid path: \"%s\"." NEWLINE, path); exit(-1); } GETCWD(appPath, MAX_PATH_LEN); /* if command line param or subdir named 'fs' not found spout usage verbiage */ if (!CHDIR_SUCCEEDED(CHDIR(path))) { /* if no subdir named 'fs' (or the one which was given) exists, spout usage verbiage */ printf(" Failed to open directory \"%s\"." NEWLINE NEWLINE, path); print_usage(); exit(-1); } CHDIR(appPath); printf("HTTP %sheader will %s statically included." NEWLINE, (includeHttpHeader ? (useHttp11 ? "1.1 " : "1.0 ") : ""), (includeHttpHeader ? "be" : "not be")); curSubdir[0] = '\0'; /* start off in web page's root directory - relative paths */ printf(" Processing all files in directory %s", path); if (processSubs) { printf(" and subdirectories..." NEWLINE NEWLINE); } else { printf("..." NEWLINE NEWLINE); } data_file = fopen("fsdata.tmp", "wb"); if (data_file == NULL) { printf("Failed to create file \"fsdata.tmp\"\n"); exit(-1); } struct_file = fopen("fshdr.tmp", "wb"); if (struct_file == NULL) { printf("Failed to create file \"fshdr.tmp\"\n"); fclose(data_file); exit(-1); } CHDIR(path); fprintf(data_file, "#include \"lwip/apps/fs.h\"" NEWLINE); fprintf(data_file, "#include \"lwip/def.h\"" NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE); fprintf(data_file, "#define file_NULL (struct fsdata_file *) NULL" NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE); /* define FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED to 1 if not defined (compatibility with older httpd/fs) */ fprintf(data_file, "#ifndef FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED" NEWLINE "#define FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED 1" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); /* define FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT to 0 if not defined (compatibility with older httpd/fs: wasn't supported back then) */ fprintf(data_file, "#ifndef FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT" NEWLINE "#define FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT 0" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); /* define alignment defines */ #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD fprintf(data_file, "/* FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT: 0=off, 1=by variable, 2=by include */" NEWLINE "#ifndef FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT" NEWLINE "#define FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT 0" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); #endif fprintf(data_file, "#ifndef FSDATA_ALIGN_PRE" NEWLINE "#define FSDATA_ALIGN_PRE" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); fprintf(data_file, "#ifndef FSDATA_ALIGN_POST" NEWLINE "#define FSDATA_ALIGN_POST" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD fprintf(data_file, "#if FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT==2" NEWLINE "#include \"fsdata_alignment.h\"" NEWLINE "#endif" NEWLINE); #endif sprintf(lastFileVar, "NULL"); filesProcessed = process_sub(data_file, struct_file); /* data_file now contains all of the raw data.. now append linked list of * file header structs to allow embedded app to search for a file name */ fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE NEWLINE); fprintf(struct_file, "#define FS_ROOT file_%s" NEWLINE, lastFileVar); fprintf(struct_file, "#define FS_NUMFILES %d" NEWLINE NEWLINE, filesProcessed); fclose(data_file); fclose(struct_file); CHDIR(appPath); /* append struct_file to data_file */ printf(NEWLINE "Creating target file..." NEWLINE NEWLINE); concat_files("fsdata.tmp", "fshdr.tmp", targetfile); /* if succeeded, delete the temporary files */ if (remove("fsdata.tmp") != 0) { printf("Warning: failed to delete fsdata.tmp\n"); } if (remove("fshdr.tmp") != 0) { printf("Warning: failed to delete fshdr.tmp\n"); } printf(NEWLINE "Processed %d files - done." NEWLINE, filesProcessed); #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE if (deflateNonSsiFiles) { printf("(Deflated total byte reduction: %d bytes -> %d bytes (%.02f%%)" NEWLINE, (int)overallDataBytes, (int)deflatedBytesReduced, (float)((deflatedBytesReduced * 100.0) / overallDataBytes)); } #endif printf(NEWLINE); while (first_file != NULL) { struct file_entry *fe = first_file; first_file = fe->next; free(fe); } if (ssi_file_buffer) { free(ssi_file_buffer); } if (ssi_file_lines) { free(ssi_file_lines); } return 0; } int check_path(char *path, size_t size) { size_t slen; if (path[0] == 0) { /* empty */ return 0; } slen = strlen(path); if (slen >= size) { /* not NULL-terminated */ return 0; } while ((slen > 0) && ((path[slen] == '\\') || (path[slen] == '/'))) { /* path should not end with trailing backslash */ path[slen] = 0; slen--; } if (slen == 0) { return 0; } return 1; } static void copy_file(const char *filename_in, FILE *fout) { FILE *fin; size_t len; void *buf; fin = fopen(filename_in, "rb"); if (fin == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", filename_in); exit(-1); } buf = malloc(COPY_BUFSIZE); while ((len = fread(buf, 1, COPY_BUFSIZE, fin)) > 0) { fwrite(buf, 1, len, fout); } free(buf); fclose(fin); } void concat_files(const char *file1, const char *file2, const char *targetfile) { FILE *fout; fout = fopen(targetfile, "wb"); if (fout == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", targetfile); exit(-1); } copy_file(file1, fout); copy_file(file2, fout); fclose(fout); } int process_sub(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file) { tinydir_dir dir; int filesProcessed = 0; if (processSubs) { /* process subs recursively */ size_t sublen = strlen(curSubdir); size_t freelen = sizeof(curSubdir) - sublen - 1; int ret; LWIP_ASSERT("sublen < sizeof(curSubdir)", sublen < sizeof(curSubdir)); ret = tinydir_open_sorted(&dir, TINYDIR_STRING(".")); if (ret == 0) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dir.n_files; i++) { tinydir_file file; ret = tinydir_readfile_n(&dir, &file, i); if (ret == 0) { #if (defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__) && (defined _UNICODE) size_t num_char_converted; char currName[256]; wcstombs_s(&num_char_converted, currName, sizeof(currName), file.name, sizeof(currName)); #else const char *currName = file.name; #endif if (currName[0] == '.') { continue; } if (!file.is_dir) { continue; } if (freelen > 0) { CHDIR(currName); strncat(curSubdir, "/", freelen); strncat(curSubdir, currName, freelen - 1); curSubdir[sizeof(curSubdir) - 1] = 0; printf("processing subdirectory %s/..." NEWLINE, curSubdir); filesProcessed += process_sub(data_file, struct_file); CHDIR(".."); curSubdir[sublen] = 0; } else { printf("WARNING: cannot process sub due to path length restrictions: \"%s/%s\"\n", curSubdir, currName); } } } } ret = tinydir_open_sorted(&dir, TINYDIR_STRING(".")); if (ret == 0) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dir.n_files; i++) { tinydir_file file; ret = tinydir_readfile_n(&dir, &file, i); if (ret == 0) { if (!file.is_dir) { #if (defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__) && (defined _UNICODE) size_t num_char_converted; char curName[256]; wcstombs_s(&num_char_converted, curName, sizeof(curName), file.name, sizeof(curName)); #else const char *curName = file.name; #endif if (strcmp(curName, "fsdata.tmp") == 0) { continue; } if (strcmp(curName, "fshdr.tmp") == 0) { continue; } if (file_to_exclude(curName)) { printf("skipping %s/%s by exclude list (-x option)..." NEWLINE, curSubdir, curName); continue; } printf("processing %s/%s..." NEWLINE, curSubdir, curName); if (process_file(data_file, struct_file, curName) < 0) { printf(NEWLINE "Error... aborting" NEWLINE); return -1; } filesProcessed++; } } } } } return filesProcessed; } static u8_t *get_file_data(const char *filename, int *file_size, int can_be_compressed, int *is_compressed) { FILE *inFile; size_t fsize = 0; u8_t *buf; size_t r; int rs; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(r); /* for LWIP_NOASSERT */ inFile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (inFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file \"%s\"\n", filename); exit(-1); } fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_END); rs = ftell(inFile); if (rs < 0) { printf("ftell failed with %d\n", errno); exit(-1); } fsize = (size_t)rs; fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (u8_t *)malloc(fsize); LWIP_ASSERT("buf != NULL", buf != NULL); r = fread(buf, 1, fsize, inFile); LWIP_ASSERT("r == fsize", r == fsize); *file_size = fsize; *is_compressed = 0; #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE overallDataBytes += fsize; if (deflateNonSsiFiles) { if (can_be_compressed) { if (fsize < OUT_BUF_SIZE) { u8_t *ret_buf; tdefl_status status; size_t in_bytes = fsize; size_t out_bytes = OUT_BUF_SIZE; const void *next_in = buf; void *next_out = s_outbuf; /* create tdefl() compatible flags (we have to compose the low-level flags ourselves, or use tdefl_create_comp_flags_from_zip_params() but that means MINIZ_NO_ZLIB_APIS can't be defined). */ mz_uint comp_flags = s_tdefl_num_probes[MZ_MIN(10, deflate_level)] | ((deflate_level <= 3) ? TDEFL_GREEDY_PARSING_FLAG : 0); if (!deflate_level) { comp_flags |= TDEFL_FORCE_ALL_RAW_BLOCKS; } status = tdefl_init(&g_deflator, NULL, NULL, comp_flags); if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_OKAY) { printf("tdefl_init() failed!\n"); exit(-1); } memset(s_outbuf, 0, sizeof(s_outbuf)); status = tdefl_compress(&g_deflator, next_in, &in_bytes, next_out, &out_bytes, TDEFL_FINISH); if (status != TDEFL_STATUS_DONE) { printf("deflate failed: %d\n", status); exit(-1); } LWIP_ASSERT("out_bytes <= COPY_BUFSIZE", out_bytes <= OUT_BUF_SIZE); if (out_bytes < fsize) { ret_buf = (u8_t *)malloc(out_bytes); LWIP_ASSERT("ret_buf != NULL", ret_buf != NULL); memcpy(ret_buf, s_outbuf, out_bytes); { /* sanity-check compression be inflating and comparing to the original */ tinfl_status dec_status; tinfl_decompressor inflator; size_t dec_in_bytes = out_bytes; size_t dec_out_bytes = OUT_BUF_SIZE; next_out = s_checkbuf; tinfl_init(&inflator); memset(s_checkbuf, 0, sizeof(s_checkbuf)); dec_status = tinfl_decompress(&inflator, (const mz_uint8 *)ret_buf, &dec_in_bytes, s_checkbuf, (mz_uint8 *)next_out, &dec_out_bytes, 0); LWIP_ASSERT("tinfl_decompress failed", dec_status == TINFL_STATUS_DONE); LWIP_ASSERT("tinfl_decompress size mismatch", fsize == dec_out_bytes); LWIP_ASSERT("decompressed memcmp failed", !memcmp(s_checkbuf, buf, fsize)); } /* free original buffer, use compressed data + size */ free(buf); buf = ret_buf; *file_size = out_bytes; printf(" - deflate: %d bytes -> %d bytes (%.02f%%)" NEWLINE, (int)fsize, (int)out_bytes, (float)((out_bytes * 100.0) / fsize)); deflatedBytesReduced += (size_t)(fsize - out_bytes); *is_compressed = 1; } else { printf(" - uncompressed: (would be %d bytes larger using deflate)" NEWLINE, (int)(out_bytes - fsize)); } } else { printf(" - uncompressed: (file is larger than deflate bufer)" NEWLINE); } } else { printf(" - cannot be compressed" NEWLINE); } } #else LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(can_be_compressed); #endif fclose(inFile); return buf; } static void process_file_data(FILE *data_file, u8_t *file_data, size_t file_size) { size_t written, i, src_off = 0; size_t off = 0; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(written); /* for LWIP_NOASSERT */ for (i = 0; i < file_size; i++) { LWIP_ASSERT("file_buffer_c overflow", off < sizeof(file_buffer_c) - 5); sprintf(&file_buffer_c[off], "0x%02x,", file_data[i]); off += 5; if ((++src_off % HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0) { LWIP_ASSERT("file_buffer_c overflow", off < sizeof(file_buffer_c) - NEWLINE_LEN); memcpy(&file_buffer_c[off], NEWLINE, NEWLINE_LEN); off += NEWLINE_LEN; } if (off + 20 >= sizeof(file_buffer_c)) { written = fwrite(file_buffer_c, 1, off, data_file); LWIP_ASSERT("written == off", written == off); off = 0; } } written = fwrite(file_buffer_c, 1, off, data_file); LWIP_ASSERT("written == off", written == off); } static int write_checksums(FILE *struct_file, const char *varname, u16_t hdr_len, u16_t hdr_chksum, const u8_t *file_data, size_t file_size) { int chunk_size = TCP_MSS; int offset, src_offset; size_t len; int i = 0; #if LWIP_TCP_TIMESTAMPS /* when timestamps are used, usable space is 12 bytes less per segment */ chunk_size -= 12; #endif fprintf(struct_file, "#if HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM" NEWLINE); fprintf(struct_file, "const struct fsdata_chksum chksums_%s[] = {" NEWLINE, varname); if (hdr_len > 0) { /* add checksum for HTTP header */ fprintf(struct_file, "{%d, 0x%04x, %d}," NEWLINE, 0, hdr_chksum, hdr_len); i++; } src_offset = 0; for (offset = hdr_len; ; offset += len) { unsigned short chksum; const void *data = (const void *)&file_data[src_offset]; len = LWIP_MIN(chunk_size, (int)file_size - src_offset); if (len == 0) { break; } chksum = ~inet_chksum(data, (u16_t)len); /* add checksum for data */ fprintf(struct_file, "{%d, 0x%04x, %"SZT_F"}," NEWLINE, offset, chksum, len); i++; } fprintf(struct_file, "};" NEWLINE); fprintf(struct_file, "#endif /* HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM */" NEWLINE); return i; } static int is_valid_char_for_c_var(char x) { if (((x >= 'A') && (x <= 'Z')) || ((x >= 'a') && (x <= 'z')) || ((x >= '0') && (x <= '9')) || (x == '_')) { return 1; } return 0; } static void fix_filename_for_c(char *qualifiedName, size_t max_len) { struct file_entry *f; size_t len = strlen(qualifiedName); char *new_name = (char *)malloc(len + 2); int filename_ok; int cnt = 0; size_t i; if (len + 3 == max_len) { printf("File name too long: \"%s\"\n", qualifiedName); exit(-1); } strcpy(new_name, qualifiedName); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!is_valid_char_for_c_var(new_name[i])) { new_name[i] = '_'; } } do { filename_ok = 1; for (f = first_file; f != NULL; f = f->next) { if (!strcmp(f->filename_c, new_name)) { filename_ok = 0; cnt++; /* try next unique file name */ sprintf(&new_name[len], "%d", cnt); break; } } } while (!filename_ok && (cnt < 999)); if (!filename_ok) { printf("Failed to get unique file name: \"%s\"\n", qualifiedName); exit(-1); } strcpy(qualifiedName, new_name); free(new_name); } static void register_filename(const char *qualifiedName) { struct file_entry *fe = (struct file_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct file_entry)); fe->filename_c = strdup(qualifiedName); fe->next = NULL; if (first_file == NULL) { first_file = last_file = fe; } else { last_file->next = fe; last_file = fe; } } static int checkSsiByFilelist(const char* filename_listfile) { FILE *f = fopen(filename_listfile, "r"); if (f != NULL) { char *buf; long rs; size_t fsize, readcount; size_t i, l, num_lines; char **lines; int state; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); rs = ftell(f); if (rs < 0) { printf("ftell failed with %d\n", errno); fclose(f); return 0; } fsize = (size_t)rs; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buf = (char*)malloc(fsize); if (!buf) { printf("failed to allocate ssi file buffer\n"); fclose(f); return 0; } memset(buf, 0, fsize); readcount = fread(buf, 1, fsize, f); fclose(f); if ((readcount > fsize) || !readcount) { printf("failed to read data from ssi file\n"); free(buf); return 0; } /* first pass: get the number of lines (and convert newlines to '0') */ num_lines = 1; for (i = 0; i < readcount; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\n') { num_lines++; buf[i] = 0; } else if (buf[i] == '\r') { buf[i] = 0; } } /* allocate the line pointer array */ lines = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * num_lines); if (!lines) { printf("failed to allocate ssi line buffer\n"); free(buf); return 0; } memset(lines, 0, sizeof(char*) * num_lines); l = 0; state = 0; for (i = 0; i < readcount; i++) { if (state) { /* waiting for null */ if (buf[i] == 0) { state = 0; } } else { /* waiting for beginning of new string */ if (buf[i] != 0) { LWIP_ASSERT("lines array overflow", l < num_lines); lines[l] = &buf[i]; state = 1; l++; } } } LWIP_ASSERT("lines array overflow", l < num_lines); ssi_file_buffer = buf; ssi_file_lines = lines; ssi_file_num_lines = l; } return 0; } static int is_ssi_file(const char *filename) { if (supportSsi) { if (ssi_file_buffer) { /* compare by list */ size_t i; int ret = 0; /* build up the relative path to this file */ size_t sublen = strlen(curSubdir); size_t freelen = sizeof(curSubdir) - sublen - 1; strncat(curSubdir, "/", freelen); strncat(curSubdir, filename, freelen - 1); curSubdir[sizeof(curSubdir) - 1] = 0; for (i = 0; i < ssi_file_num_lines; i++) { const char *listed_file = ssi_file_lines[i]; /* compare without the leading '/' */ if (!strcmp(&curSubdir[1], listed_file)) { ret = 1; } } curSubdir[sublen] = 0; return ret; } else { /* check file extension */ size_t loop; for (loop = 0; loop < NUM_SHTML_EXTENSIONS; loop++) { if (strstr(filename, g_pcSSIExtensions[loop])) { return 1; } } } } return 0; } static int ext_in_list(const char* filename, const char *ext_list) { int found = 0; const char *ext = ext_list; if (ext_list == NULL) { return 0; } while(*ext != '\0') { const char *comma = strchr(ext, ','); size_t ext_size; size_t filename_size = strlen(filename); if (comma == NULL) { comma = strchr(ext, '\0'); } ext_size = comma - ext; if ((filename[filename_size - ext_size - 1] == '.') && !strncmp(&filename[filename_size - ext_size], ext, ext_size)) { found = 1; break; } ext = comma + 1; } return found; } static int file_to_exclude(const char *filename) { return (exclude_list != NULL) && ext_in_list(filename, exclude_list); } static int file_can_be_compressed(const char *filename) { return (ncompress_list == NULL) || !ext_in_list(filename, ncompress_list); } int process_file(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file, const char *filename) { char varname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int i = 0; char qualifiedName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int file_size; u16_t http_hdr_chksum = 0; u16_t http_hdr_len = 0; int chksum_count = 0; u8_t flags = 0; u8_t has_content_len; u8_t *file_data; int is_ssi; int can_be_compressed; int is_compressed = 0; int flags_printed; /* create qualified name (@todo: prepend slash or not?) */ sprintf(qualifiedName, "%s/%s", curSubdir, filename); /* create C variable name */ strcpy(varname, qualifiedName); /* convert slashes & dots to underscores */ fix_filename_for_c(varname, MAX_PATH_LEN); register_filename(varname); #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD /* to force even alignment of array, type 1 */ fprintf(data_file, "#if FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT==1" NEWLINE); fprintf(data_file, "static const " PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE " dummy_align_%s = %d;" NEWLINE, varname, payload_alingment_dummy_counter++); fprintf(data_file, "#endif" NEWLINE); #endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */ fprintf(data_file, "static const unsigned char FSDATA_ALIGN_PRE data_%s[] FSDATA_ALIGN_POST = {" NEWLINE, varname); /* encode source file name (used by file system, not returned to browser) */ fprintf(data_file, "/* %s (%"SZT_F" chars) */" NEWLINE, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName) + 1); file_put_ascii(data_file, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName) + 1, &i); #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD /* pad to even number of bytes to assure payload is on aligned boundary */ while (i % PAYLOAD_ALIGNMENT != 0) { fprintf(data_file, "0x%02x,", 0); i++; } #endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */ fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE); is_ssi = is_ssi_file(filename); if (is_ssi) { flags |= FS_FILE_FLAGS_SSI; } has_content_len = !is_ssi; can_be_compressed = includeHttpHeader && !is_ssi && file_can_be_compressed(filename); file_data = get_file_data(filename, &file_size, can_be_compressed, &is_compressed); if (includeHttpHeader) { file_write_http_header(data_file, filename, file_size, &http_hdr_len, &http_hdr_chksum, has_content_len, is_compressed); flags |= FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED; if (has_content_len) { flags |= FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT; if (useHttp11) { flags |= FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_HTTPVER_1_1; } } } if (precalcChksum) { chksum_count = write_checksums(struct_file, varname, http_hdr_len, http_hdr_chksum, file_data, file_size); } /* build declaration of struct fsdata_file in temp file */ fprintf(struct_file, "const struct fsdata_file file_%s[] = { {" NEWLINE, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "file_%s," NEWLINE, lastFileVar); fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s," NEWLINE, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s + %d," NEWLINE, varname, i); fprintf(struct_file, "sizeof(data_%s) - %d," NEWLINE, varname, i); flags_printed = 0; if (flags & FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED) { fputs("FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED", struct_file); flags_printed = 1; } if (flags & FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT) { if (flags_printed) { fputs(" | ", struct_file); } fputs("FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT", struct_file); flags_printed = 1; } if (flags & FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_HTTPVER_1_1) { if (flags_printed) { fputs(" | ", struct_file); } fputs("FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_HTTPVER_1_1", struct_file); flags_printed = 1; } if (flags & FS_FILE_FLAGS_SSI) { if (flags_printed) { fputs(" | ", struct_file); } fputs("FS_FILE_FLAGS_SSI", struct_file); flags_printed = 1; } if (!flags_printed) { fputs("0", struct_file); } fputs("," NEWLINE, struct_file); if (precalcChksum) { fprintf(struct_file, "#if HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM" NEWLINE); fprintf(struct_file, "%d, chksums_%s," NEWLINE, chksum_count, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "#endif /* HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM */" NEWLINE); } fprintf(struct_file, "}};" NEWLINE NEWLINE); strcpy(lastFileVar, varname); /* write actual file contents */ i = 0; fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* raw file data (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, file_size); process_file_data(data_file, file_data, file_size); fprintf(data_file, "};" NEWLINE NEWLINE); free(file_data); return 0; } int file_write_http_header(FILE *data_file, const char *filename, int file_size, u16_t *http_hdr_len, u16_t *http_hdr_chksum, u8_t provide_content_len, int is_compressed) { int i = 0; int response_type = HTTP_HDR_OK; const char *file_type; const char *cur_string; size_t cur_len; int written = 0; size_t hdr_len = 0; u16_t acc; const char *file_ext; size_t j; u8_t provide_last_modified = includeLastModified; memset(hdr_buf, 0, sizeof(hdr_buf)); if (useHttp11) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_OK_11; } fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* HTTP header */"); if (strstr(filename, "404") == filename) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_NOT_FOUND; if (useHttp11) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_NOT_FOUND_11; } } else if (strstr(filename, "400") == filename) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_BAD_REQUEST; if (useHttp11) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_BAD_REQUEST_11; } } else if (strstr(filename, "501") == filename) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_NOT_IMPL; if (useHttp11) { response_type = HTTP_HDR_NOT_IMPL_11; } } cur_string = g_psHTTPHeaderStrings[response_type]; cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%"SZT_F" bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); i = 0; if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } cur_string = serverID; cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%"SZT_F" bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); i = 0; if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } file_ext = filename; if (file_ext != NULL) { while (strstr(file_ext, ".") != NULL) { file_ext = strstr(file_ext, "."); file_ext++; } } if ((file_ext == NULL) || (*file_ext == 0)) { printf("failed to get extension for file \"%s\", using default.\n", filename); file_type = HTTP_HDR_DEFAULT_TYPE; } else { file_type = NULL; for (j = 0; j < NUM_HTTP_HEADERS; j++) { if (!strcmp(file_ext, g_psHTTPHeaders[j].extension)) { file_type = g_psHTTPHeaders[j].content_type; break; } } if (file_type == NULL) { printf("failed to get file type for extension \"%s\", using default.\n", file_ext); file_type = HTTP_HDR_DEFAULT_TYPE; } } /* Content-Length is used for persistent connections in HTTP/1.1 but also for download progress in older versions @todo: just use a big-enough buffer and let the HTTPD send spaces? */ if (provide_content_len) { char intbuf[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int content_len = file_size; memset(intbuf, 0, sizeof(intbuf)); cur_string = g_psHTTPHeaderStrings[HTTP_HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH]; cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s%d\r\n\" (%"SZT_F"+ bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, content_len, cur_len + 2); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } lwip_itoa(intbuf, sizeof(intbuf), content_len); strcat(intbuf, "\r\n"); cur_len = strlen(intbuf); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, intbuf, cur_len, &i); i = 0; if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], intbuf, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } } if (provide_last_modified) { char modbuf[256]; struct stat stat_data; struct tm *t; memset(modbuf, 0, sizeof(modbuf)); memset(&stat_data, 0, sizeof(stat_data)); cur_string = modbuf; strcpy(modbuf, "Last-Modified: "); if (stat(filename, &stat_data) != 0) { printf("stat(%s) failed with error %d\n", filename, errno); exit(-1); } t = gmtime(&stat_data.st_mtime); if (t == NULL) { printf("gmtime() failed with error %d\n", errno); exit(-1); } strftime(&modbuf[15], sizeof(modbuf) - 15, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", t); cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\"\r\n\" (%"SZT_F"+ bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len + 2); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } modbuf[0] = 0; strcat(modbuf, "\r\n"); cur_len = strlen(modbuf); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, modbuf, cur_len, &i); i = 0; if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], modbuf, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } } /* HTTP/1.1 implements persistent connections */ if (useHttp11) { if (provide_content_len) { cur_string = g_psHTTPHeaderStrings[HTTP_HDR_CONN_KEEPALIVE]; } else { /* no Content-Length available, so a persistent connection is no possible because the client does not know the data length */ cur_string = g_psHTTPHeaderStrings[HTTP_HDR_CONN_CLOSE]; } cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%"SZT_F" bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); i = 0; if (precalcChksum) { memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; } } #if MAKEFS_SUPPORT_DEFLATE if (is_compressed) { /* tell the client about the deflate encoding */ LWIP_ASSERT("error", deflateNonSsiFiles); cur_string = "Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"; cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); i = 0; } #else LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(is_compressed); #endif /* write content-type, ATTENTION: this includes the double-CRLF! */ cur_string = file_type; cur_len = strlen(cur_string); fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%"SZT_F" bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len); written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i); i = 0; /* ATTENTION: headers are done now (double-CRLF has been written!) */ if (precalcChksum) { LWIP_ASSERT("hdr_len + cur_len <= sizeof(hdr_buf)", hdr_len + cur_len <= sizeof(hdr_buf)); memcpy(&hdr_buf[hdr_len], cur_string, cur_len); hdr_len += cur_len; LWIP_ASSERT("strlen(hdr_buf) == hdr_len", strlen(hdr_buf) == hdr_len); acc = ~inet_chksum(hdr_buf, (u16_t)hdr_len); *http_hdr_len = (u16_t)hdr_len; *http_hdr_chksum = acc; } return written; } int file_put_ascii(FILE *file, const char *ascii_string, int len, int *i) { int x; for (x = 0; x < len; x++) { unsigned char cur = ascii_string[x]; fprintf(file, "0x%02x,", cur); if ((++(*i) % HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0) { fprintf(file, NEWLINE); } } return len; } int s_put_ascii(char *buf, const char *ascii_string, int len, int *i) { int x; int idx = 0; for (x = 0; x < len; x++) { unsigned char cur = ascii_string[x]; sprintf(&buf[idx], "0x%02x,", cur); idx += 5; if ((++(*i) % HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0) { sprintf(&buf[idx], NEWLINE); idx += NEWLINE_LEN; } } return len; }