/* * TOPPERS/ASP Kernel * Toyohashi Open Platform for Embedded Real-Time Systems/ * Advanced Standard Profile Kernel * * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory * Toyohashi Univ. of Technology, JAPAN * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 by Embedded and Real-Time Systems Laboratory * Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya Univ., JAPAN * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 by TOPPERS PROJECT Educational Working Group. * * 上記著作権者は,以下の(1)~(4)の条件を満たす場合に限り,本ソフトウェ * ア(本ソフトウェアを改変したものを含む.以下同じ)を使用・複製・改 * 変・再配布(以下,利用と呼ぶ)することを無償で許諾する. * (1) 本ソフトウェアをソースコードの形で利用する場合には,上記の著作 * 権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定が,そのままの形でソー * スコード中に含まれていること. * (2) 本ソフトウェアを,ライブラリ形式など,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できる形で再配布する場合には,再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用 * 者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著作権表示,この利用条件および下記 * の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (3) 本ソフトウェアを,機器に組み込むなど,他のソフトウェア開発に使 * 用できない形で再配布する場合には,次のいずれかの条件を満たすこ * と. * (a) 再配布に伴うドキュメント(利用者マニュアルなど)に,上記の著 * 作権表示,この利用条件および下記の無保証規定を掲載すること. * (b) 再配布の形態を,別に定める方法によって,TOPPERSプロジェクトに * 報告すること. * (4) 本ソフトウェアの利用により直接的または間接的に生じるいかなる損 * 害からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを免責すること. * また,本ソフトウェアのユーザまたはエンドユーザからのいかなる理 * 由に基づく請求からも,上記著作権者およびTOPPERSプロジェクトを * 免責すること. * * 本ソフトウェアは,無保証で提供されているものである.上記著作権者お * よびTOPPERSプロジェクトは,本ソフトウェアに関して,特定の使用目的 * に対する適合性も含めて,いかなる保証も行わない.また,本ソフトウェ * アの利用により直接的または間接的に生じたいかなる損害に関しても,そ * の責任を負わない. * * $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Adam Dunkels * */ /* * LWIPテストプログラムの本体 */ #include #include #include #include #include "syssvc/serial.h" #include "syssvc/syslog.h" #ifdef USE_STORAGEDEVICE #include "storagedevice.h" #endif /* USE_STORAGEDEVICE */ #include "device.h" #include "sdmmc.h" #include "kernel_cfg.h" #include "lwip_test.h" #include "lwip/opt.h" #include "lwip/init.h" #include "lwip/mem.h" #include "lwip/memp.h" #include "lwip/sys.h" #include "lwip/timeouts.h" #include "lwip/ip_addr.h" #include "lwip/dns.h" #include "lwip/dhcp.h" #include "lwip/stats.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #include "lwip/inet_chksum.h" #include "lwip/tcpip.h" #include "lwip/sockets.h" #if 0 #include "netif/pcapif.h" #endif #ifndef LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF #define LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF 0 #endif #if LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF #include "netif/slipif.h" #define SLIP_PTY_TEST 1 #endif #if PPP_SUPPORT #include "netif/ppp/pppos.h" #include "lwip/sio.h" #define PPP_PTY_TEST 1 #include #endif #include "lwip/ip_addr.h" #include "lwip/apps/httpd.h" #include "apps/udpecho/udpecho.h" #include "apps/tcpecho/tcpecho.h" #include "apps/shell/shell.h" #include "apps/chargen/chargen.h" #include "apps/netio/netio.h" #include "apps/ping/ping.h" #include "lwip/apps/netbiosns.h" #include "lwip/apps/mdns.h" #include "lwip/apps/sntp.h" #include "lwip/apps/snmp.h" #include "lwip/apps/snmp_mib2.h" #include "examples/snmp/snmp_private_mib/private_mib.h" #include "lwip/apps/tftp_server.h" #if LWIP_RAW #include "lwip/icmp.h" #include "lwip/raw.h" #endif err_t ethernetif_init(struct netif *netif); /* * サービスコールのエラーのログ出力 */ Inline void svc_perror(const char *file, int_t line, const char *expr, ER ercd) { if (ercd < 0) { t_perror(LOG_ERROR, file, line, expr, ercd); } } #define SVC_PERROR(expr) svc_perror(__FILE__, __LINE__, #expr, (expr)) static uint32_t heap_area[HEAP_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]; uint32_t heap_param[2] = { (uint32_t)heap_area, HEAP_SIZE }; #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ static void storagedev_notice(void *psdev, bool_t sw) { syslog_2(LOG_NOTICE, "SD-CARD[%08x] on/off(%d) !", psdev, sw); } static uint32_t get_fat_time(void) { int reqtime = 0; reqtime = 0x00210000; return reqtime; } #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ #if 1 /* ROI DEBUG */ void sw_int(void) { syslog_0(LOG_NOTICE, "## sw_int() ##"); } #endif /* ROI DEBUG */ uint32_t LWIP_RAND(void) { return rand(); } #if LWIP_SNMP static const struct snmp_mib *mibs[] = { &mib2, &mib_private }; #endif /* LWIP_SNMP */ #if LWIP_IPV4 /* (manual) host IP configuration */ static ip_addr_t ipaddr, netmask, gw; #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ struct netif netif; /* ping out destination cmd option */ static ip_addr_t ping_addr; static bool_t tcpip_init_flag = false; /* nonstatic debug cmd option, exported in lwipopts.h */ unsigned char debug_flags; static void init_netifs(void); #if 0 static void tcp_debug_timeout(void *data) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(data); #if TCP_DEBUG tcp_debug_print_pcbs(); #endif /* TCP_DEBUG */ sys_timeout(5000, tcp_debug_timeout, NULL); } #endif /* * gmtime_r関数 */ struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *pt, struct tm *ptm); void sntp_set_system_time(u32_t sec) { struct tm current_time_val; time_t current_time = (time_t)sec; gmtime_r(¤t_time, ¤t_time_val); printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", current_time_val.tm_year+1970, current_time_val.tm_mon, current_time_val.tm_mday, current_time_val.tm_hour, current_time_val.tm_min, current_time_val.tm_sec); } #if LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER static void srv_txt(struct mdns_service *service, void *txt_userdata) { err_t res; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(txt_userdata); res = mdns_resp_add_service_txtitem(service, "path=/", 6); LWIP_ERROR("mdns add service txt failed\n", (res == ERR_OK), return); } #endif #if LWIP_UDP static void* tftp_open(const char* fname, const char* mode, u8_t is_write) { #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(mode); if(is_write) return (void*)fopen(fname, "wb"); else return (void*)fopen(fname, "rb"); #else /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ return NULL; #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ } static void tftp_close(void* handle) { #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ fclose((FILE*)handle); #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ } static int tftp_read(void* handle, void* buf, int bytes) { #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ int rlen = fread(buf, 1, bytes, (FILE*)handle); if(rlen <= 0) return -1; else return rlen; #else /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ return -1; #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ } static int tftp_write(void* handle, struct pbuf* p) { #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ while(p != NULL){ if(fwrite(p->payload, 1, p->len, (FILE*)handle) != (size_t)p->len) return -1; p = p->next; } return 0; #else /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ return -1; #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ } static const struct tftp_context tftp = { tftp_open, tftp_close, tftp_read, tftp_write }; #endif /* LWIP_UDP */ static void tcpip_init_done(void *arg) { sys_sem_t *sem; sem = (sys_sem_t *)arg; init_netifs(); #if LWIP_IPV4 netbiosns_set_name("toppershost"); netbiosns_init(); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ sntp_setoperatingmode(SNTP_OPMODE_POLL); #if LWIP_DHCP sntp_servermode_dhcp(1); /* get SNTP server via DHCP */ #else /* LWIP_DHCP */ #if LWIP_IPV4 sntp_setserver(0, netif_ip_gw4(&netif)); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ #endif /* LWIP_DHCP */ sntp_init(); #if LWIP_SNMP lwip_privmib_init(); #if SNMP_LWIP_MIB2 #if SNMP_USE_NETCONN snmp_threadsync_init(&snmp_mib2_lwip_locks, snmp_mib2_lwip_synchronizer); #endif /* SNMP_USE_NETCONN */ snmp_mib2_set_syscontact_readonly((const u8_t*)"root", NULL); snmp_mib2_set_syslocation_readonly((const u8_t*)"lwIP development PC", NULL); snmp_mib2_set_sysdescr((const u8_t*)"toppershost", NULL); #endif /* SNMP_LWIP_MIB2 */ snmp_set_mibs(mibs, LWIP_ARRAYSIZE(mibs)); snmp_init(); #endif /* LWIP_SNMP */ #if LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER mdns_resp_init(); mdns_resp_add_netif(&netif, "toppershost", 3600); mdns_resp_add_service(&netif, "myweb", "_http", DNSSD_PROTO_TCP, 80, 3600, srv_txt, NULL); #endif #if LWIP_UDP tftp_init(&tftp); #endif /* LWIP_UDP */ sys_sem_signal(sem); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF /* (manual) host IP configuration */ #if LWIP_IPV4 static ip_addr_t ipaddr_slip, netmask_slip, gw_slip; #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ struct netif slipif; #endif /* LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF */ #if PPP_SUPPORT sio_fd_t ppp_sio; ppp_pcb *ppp; struct netif pppos_netif; static void pppos_rx_thread(void *arg) { u32_t len; u8_t buffer[128]; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg); /* Please read the "PPPoS input path" chapter in the PPP documentation. */ while(1){ len = sio_read(ppp_sio, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (len > 0) { /* Pass received raw characters from PPPoS to be decoded through lwIP * TCPIP thread using the TCPIP API. This is thread safe in all cases * but you should avoid passing data byte after byte. */ pppos_input_tcpip(ppp, buffer, len); } } } static void ppp_link_status_cb(ppp_pcb *pcb, int err_code, void *ctx) { struct netif *pppif = ppp_netif(pcb); LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(ctx); switch(err_code) { case PPPERR_NONE: /* No error. */ { #if LWIP_DNS const ip_addr_t *ns; #endif /* LWIP_DNS */ fprintf(stderr, "ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_NONE\n\r"); #if LWIP_IPV4 fprintf(stderr, " our_ip4addr = %s\n\r", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_addr(pppif))); fprintf(stderr, " his_ipaddr = %s\n\r", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_gw(pppif))); fprintf(stderr, " netmask = %s\n\r", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_netmask(pppif))); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ #if LWIP_IPV6 fprintf(stderr, " our_ip6addr = %s\n\r", ip6addr_ntoa(netif_ip6_addr(pppif, 0))); #endif /* LWIP_IPV6 */ #if LWIP_DNS ns = dns_getserver(0); fprintf(stderr, " dns1 = %s\n\r", ipaddr_ntoa(ns)); ns = dns_getserver(1); fprintf(stderr, " dns2 = %s\n\r", ipaddr_ntoa(ns)); #endif /* LWIP_DNS */ #if PPP_IPV6_SUPPORT fprintf(stderr, " our6_ipaddr = %s\n\r", ip6addr_ntoa(netif_ip6_addr(pppif, 0))); #endif /* PPP_IPV6_SUPPORT */ } break; case PPPERR_PARAM: /* Invalid parameter. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_PARAM\n"); break; case PPPERR_OPEN: /* Unable to open PPP session. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_OPEN\n"); break; case PPPERR_DEVICE: /* Invalid I/O device for PPP. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_DEVICE\n"); break; case PPPERR_ALLOC: /* Unable to allocate resources. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_ALLOC\n"); break; case PPPERR_USER: /* User interrupt. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_USER\n"); break; case PPPERR_CONNECT: /* Connection lost. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_CONNECT\n"); break; case PPPERR_AUTHFAIL: /* Failed authentication challenge. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_AUTHFAIL\n"); break; case PPPERR_PROTOCOL: /* Failed to meet protocol. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_PROTOCOL\n"); break; case PPPERR_PEERDEAD: /* Connection timeout. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_PEERDEAD\n"); break; case PPPERR_IDLETIMEOUT: /* Idle Timeout. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_IDLETIMEOUT\n"); break; case PPPERR_CONNECTTIME: /* PPPERR_CONNECTTIME. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_CONNECTTIME\n"); break; case PPPERR_LOOPBACK: /* Connection timeout. */ printf("ppp_link_status_cb: PPPERR_LOOPBACK\n"); break; default: printf("ppp_link_status_cb: unknown errCode %d\n", err_code); break; } } static u32_t ppp_output_cb(ppp_pcb *pcb, u8_t *data, u32_t len, void *ctx) { LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(pcb); LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(ctx); return sio_write(ppp_sio, data, len); } #endif #if LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK static void netif_status_callback(struct netif *nif) { printf("NETIF: %c%c%d is %s\n", nif->name[0], nif->name[1], nif->num, netif_is_up(nif) ? "UP" : "DOWN"); #if LWIP_IPV4 printf("IPV4: Host at %s ", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_addr(nif))); printf("mask %s ", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_netmask(nif))); printf("gateway %s\n", ip4addr_ntoa(netif_ip4_gw(nif))); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ #if LWIP_IPV6 printf("IPV6: Host at %s\n", ip6addr_ntoa(netif_ip6_addr(nif, 0))); #endif /* LWIP_IPV6 */ #if LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME printf("FQDN: %s\n", netif_get_hostname(nif)); #endif /* LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME */ #if LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER if(tcpip_init_flag) mdns_resp_netif_settings_changed(nif); #endif } #endif /* LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK */ static void init_netifs(void) { #if LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF #if SLIP_PTY_TEST u8_t siodev_slip = 3; #else u8_t siodev_slip = 0; #endif #if LWIP_IPV4 netif_add(&slipif, ip_2_ip4(&ipaddr_slip), ip_2_ip4(&netmask_slip), ip_2_ip4(&gw_slip), (void*)&siodev_slip, slipif_init, tcpip_input); #else /* LWIP_IPV4 */ netif_add(&slipif, (void*)&siodev_slip, slipif_init, tcpip_input); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ #if LWIP_IPV6 netif_create_ip6_linklocal_address(&slipif, 1); #endif #if LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK netif_set_status_callback(&slipif, netif_status_callback); #endif /* LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK */ netif_set_link_up(&slipif); netif_set_up(&slipif); #endif /* LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF */ #if PPP_SUPPORT #if PPP_PTY_TEST ppp_sio = sio_open(2); #else ppp_sio = sio_open(0); #endif if(!ppp_sio){ syslog_0(LOG_ERROR, "Error opening device: "); slp_tsk(); } ppp = pppos_create(&pppos_netif, ppp_output_cb, ppp_link_status_cb, NULL); if(!ppp){ syslog_0(LOG_ERROR, "Could not create PPP control interface"); slp_tsk(); } #ifdef LWIP_PPP_CHAP_TEST ppp_set_auth(ppp, PPPAUTHTYPE_CHAP, "lwip", "mysecret"); #endif ppp_connect(ppp, 0); #if LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK netif_set_status_callback(&pppos_netif, netif_status_callback); #endif /* LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK */ #endif /* PPP_SUPPORT */ #if LWIP_IPV4 #if LWIP_DHCP IP_ADDR4(&gw, 0,0,0,0); IP_ADDR4(&ipaddr, 0,0,0,0); IP_ADDR4(&netmask, 0,0,0,0); #endif /* LWIP_DHCP */ netif_add(&netif, ip_2_ip4(&ipaddr), ip_2_ip4(&netmask), ip_2_ip4(&gw), NULL, ethernetif_init, tcpip_input); #else /* LWIP_IPV4 */ netif_add(&netif, NULL, ethernetif_init, tcpip_input); #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ #if LWIP_IPV6 netif_create_ip6_linklocal_address(&netif, 1); netif.ip6_autoconfig_enabled = 1; #endif #if LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK netif_set_status_callback(&netif, netif_status_callback); #endif /* LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK */ netif_set_default(&netif); netif_set_up(&netif); #if LWIP_DHCP dhcp_start(&netif); #endif /* LWIP_DHCP */ #if 0 /* Only used for testing purposes: */ netif_add(&ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, pcapif_init, tcpip_input); #endif #if LWIP_TCP netio_init(); #endif #if LWIP_TCP && LWIP_NETCONN tcpecho_init(); shell_init(); httpd_init(); #endif #if LWIP_UDP && LWIP_NETCONN udpecho_init(); #endif #if LWIP_SOCKET chargen_init(); #endif /* sys_timeout(5000, tcp_debug_timeout, NULL);*/ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void main_thread(void *arg) { sys_sem_t sem; LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg); if(sys_sem_new(&sem, 0) != ERR_OK) { LWIP_ASSERT("Failed to create semaphore", 0); } tcpip_init(tcpip_init_done, &sem); sys_sem_wait(&sem); syslog_0(LOG_NOTICE, "TCP/IP initialized."); #if LWIP_SOCKET && defined(USE_PINGSEND) ping_init(&ping_addr); #endif syslog_0(LOG_NOTICE, "Applications started."); #ifdef MEM_PERF mem_perf_init("/tmp/memstats.client"); #endif /* MEM_PERF */ #if 0 stats_display(); #endif #if PPP_SUPPORT /* Block forever. */ sys_thread_new("pppos_rx_thread", pppos_rx_thread, NULL, DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE, DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO); sys_sem_wait(&sem); #endif tcpip_init_flag = true; } /* * メインタスク */ void main_task(intptr_t exinf) { #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ StorageDevice_t *psdev; #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ ER_UINT ercd; SVC_PERROR(syslog_msk_log(LOG_UPTO(LOG_NOTICE), LOG_UPTO(LOG_EMERG))); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Sample program starts (exinf = %d).", (int_t) exinf); /* * シリアルポートの初期化 * * システムログタスクと同じシリアルポートを使う場合など,シリアル * ポートがオープン済みの場合にはここでE_OBJエラーになるが,支障は * ない. */ ercd = serial_opn_por(TASK_PORTID); if (ercd < 0 && MERCD(ercd) != E_OBJ) { syslog(LOG_ERROR, "%s (%d) reported by `serial_opn_por'.", itron_strerror(ercd), SERCD(ercd)); } SVC_PERROR(serial_ctl_por(TASK_PORTID, (IOCTL_CRLF | IOCTL_FCSND | IOCTL_FCRCV))); #ifdef _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ /* * SD-CARDの設定 */ psdev = SDMGetStorageDevice(0); psdev->_sdev_notice = storagedev_notice; SDeviceHead._get_datetime = get_fat_time; #endif /* _STORAGEDEVICE_H_ */ /* startup defaults (may be overridden by one or more opts) */ #if LWIP_IPV4 IP_ADDR4(&gw, 192,168, 0,1); IP_ADDR4(&netmask, 255,255,255,0); IP_ADDR4(&ipaddr, 192,168, 0,2); #if LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF IP_ADDR4(&gw_slip, 192,168, 2, 1); IP_ADDR4(&netmask_slip, 255,255,255,255); IP_ADDR4(&ipaddr_slip, 192,168, 2, 2); #endif #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(ping_addr, IPADDR_TYPE_V4); /* use debug flags defined by debug.h */ debug_flags = LWIP_DBG_OFF; sys_init(); sys_thread_new("main_thread", main_thread, NULL, DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE, DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIO); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Sample program ends."); slp_tsk(); SVC_PERROR(ext_ker()); assert(0); }