/* crl.c * * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 wolfSSL Inc. * * This file is part of wolfSSL. * * wolfSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * wolfSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA */ /* Name change compatibility layer no longer needs included here */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #ifndef WOLFCRYPT_ONLY #ifdef HAVE_CRL #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR #if (defined(__MACH__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__linux__)) static int StopMonitor(int mfd); #else #error "CRL monitor only currently supported on linux or mach" #endif #endif /* HAVE_CRL_MONITOR */ /* Initialize CRL members */ int InitCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, WOLFSSL_CERT_MANAGER* cm) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitCRL"); if(cm != NULL) crl->heap = cm->heap; else crl->heap = NULL; crl->cm = cm; crl->crlList = NULL; crl->monitors[0].path = NULL; crl->monitors[1].path = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR crl->tid = 0; crl->mfd = -1; /* mfd for bsd is kqueue fd, eventfd for linux */ crl->setup = 0; /* thread setup done predicate */ if (pthread_cond_init(&crl->cond, 0) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Pthread condition init failed"); return BAD_COND_E; } #endif if (wc_InitMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Init Mutex failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } return 0; } /* Initialize CRL Entry */ static int InitCRL_Entry(CRL_Entry* crle, DecodedCRL* dcrl, const byte* buff, int verified, void* heap) { WOLFSSL_ENTER("InitCRL_Entry"); XMEMCPY(crle->issuerHash, dcrl->issuerHash, CRL_DIGEST_SIZE); /* XMEMCPY(crle->crlHash, dcrl->crlHash, CRL_DIGEST_SIZE); * copy the hash here if needed for optimized comparisons */ XMEMCPY(crle->lastDate, dcrl->lastDate, MAX_DATE_SIZE); XMEMCPY(crle->nextDate, dcrl->nextDate, MAX_DATE_SIZE); crle->lastDateFormat = dcrl->lastDateFormat; crle->nextDateFormat = dcrl->nextDateFormat; crle->certs = dcrl->certs; /* take ownsership */ dcrl->certs = NULL; crle->totalCerts = dcrl->totalCerts; crle->verified = verified; if (!verified) { crle->tbsSz = dcrl->sigIndex - dcrl->certBegin; crle->signatureSz = dcrl->sigLength; crle->signatureOID = dcrl->signatureOID; crle->toBeSigned = (byte*)XMALLOC(crle->tbsSz, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (crle->toBeSigned == NULL) return -1; crle->signature = (byte*)XMALLOC(crle->signatureSz, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (crle->signature == NULL) { XFREE(crle->toBeSigned, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); return -1; } XMEMCPY(crle->toBeSigned, buff + dcrl->certBegin, crle->tbsSz); XMEMCPY(crle->signature, dcrl->signature, crle->signatureSz); #if !defined(NO_SKID) && defined(CRL_SKID_READY) crle->extAuthKeyIdSet = dcrl->extAuthKeyIdSet; if (crle->extAuthKeyIdSet) XMEMCPY(crle->extAuthKeyId, dcrl->extAuthKeyId, KEYID_SIZE); #endif } else { crle->toBeSigned = NULL; crle->signature = NULL; } (void)verified; return 0; } /* Free all CRL Entry resources */ static void FreeCRL_Entry(CRL_Entry* crle, void* heap) { RevokedCert* tmp = crle->certs; RevokedCert* next; WOLFSSL_ENTER("FreeCRL_Entry"); while (tmp) { next = tmp->next; XFREE(tmp, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_REVOKED); tmp = next; } if (crle->signature != NULL) XFREE(crle->signature, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_REVOKED); if (crle->toBeSigned != NULL) XFREE(crle->toBeSigned, heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_REVOKED); (void)heap; } /* Free all CRL resources */ void FreeCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, int dynamic) { CRL_Entry* tmp = crl->crlList; WOLFSSL_ENTER("FreeCRL"); if (crl->monitors[0].path) XFREE(crl->monitors[0].path, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); if (crl->monitors[1].path) XFREE(crl->monitors[1].path, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); while(tmp) { CRL_Entry* next = tmp->next; FreeCRL_Entry(tmp, crl->heap); XFREE(tmp, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); tmp = next; } #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR if (crl->tid != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("stopping monitor thread"); if (StopMonitor(crl->mfd) == 0) pthread_join(crl->tid, NULL); else { WOLFSSL_MSG("stop monitor failed"); } } pthread_cond_destroy(&crl->cond); #endif wc_FreeMutex(&crl->crlLock); if (dynamic) /* free self */ XFREE(crl, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL); } static int CheckCertCRLList(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, DecodedCert* cert, int *pFoundEntry) { CRL_Entry* crle; int foundEntry = 0; int ret = 0; if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle = crl->crlList; while (crle) { if (XMEMCMP(crle->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, CRL_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) { int doNextDate = 1; WOLFSSL_MSG("Found CRL Entry on list"); if (crle->verified == 0) { Signer* ca; #if !defined(NO_SKID) && defined(CRL_SKID_READY) byte extAuthKeyId[KEYID_SIZE] #endif byte issuerHash[CRL_DIGEST_SIZE]; byte* tbs = NULL; word32 tbsSz = crle->tbsSz; byte* sig = NULL; word32 sigSz = crle->signatureSz; word32 sigOID = crle->signatureOID; SignatureCtx sigCtx; tbs = (byte*)XMALLOC(tbsSz, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (tbs == NULL) { wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); return MEMORY_E; } sig = (byte*)XMALLOC(sigSz, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (sig == NULL) { XFREE(tbs, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(tbs, crle->toBeSigned, tbsSz); XMEMCPY(sig, crle->signature, sigSz); #if !defined(NO_SKID) && defined(CRL_SKID_READY) XMEMCMPY(extAuthKeyId, crle->extAuthKeyId, sizeof(extAuthKeyId)); #endif XMEMCPY(issuerHash, crle->issuerHash, sizeof(issuerHash)); wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); #if !defined(NO_SKID) && defined(CRL_SKID_READY) if (crle->extAuthKeyIdSet) ca = GetCA(crl->cm, extAuthKeyId); if (ca == NULL) ca = GetCAByName(crl->cm, issuerHash); #else /* NO_SKID */ ca = GetCA(crl->cm, issuerHash); #endif /* NO_SKID */ if (ca == NULL) { XFREE(sig, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); XFREE(tbs, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); WOLFSSL_MSG("Did NOT find CRL issuer CA"); return ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E; } ret = VerifyCRL_Signature(&sigCtx, tbs, tbsSz, sig, sigSz, sigOID, ca, crl->heap); XFREE(sig, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); XFREE(tbs, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle = crl->crlList; while (crle) { if (XMEMCMP(crle->issuerHash, cert->issuerHash, CRL_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) { if (ret == 0) crle->verified = 1; else crle->verified = ret; XFREE(crle->toBeSigned, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); crle->toBeSigned = NULL; XFREE(crle->signature, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); crle->signature = NULL; break; } crle = crle->next; } if (crle == NULL || crle->verified < 0) break; } else if (crle->verified < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Cannot use CRL as it didn't verify"); ret = crle->verified; break; } WOLFSSL_MSG("Checking next date validity"); #ifdef WOLFSSL_NO_CRL_NEXT_DATE if (crle->nextDateFormat == ASN_OTHER_TYPE) doNextDate = 0; /* skip */ #endif if (doNextDate) { #ifndef NO_ASN_TIME if (!XVALIDATE_DATE(crle->nextDate,crle->nextDateFormat, AFTER)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("CRL next date is no longer valid"); ret = ASN_AFTER_DATE_E; } #endif } if (ret == 0) { foundEntry = 1; } break; } crle = crle->next; } if (foundEntry) { RevokedCert* rc = crle->certs; while (rc) { if (rc->serialSz == cert->serialSz && XMEMCMP(rc->serialNumber, cert->serial, rc->serialSz) == 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Cert revoked"); ret = CRL_CERT_REVOKED; break; } rc = rc->next; } } wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); *pFoundEntry = foundEntry; return ret; } /* Is the cert ok with CRL, return 0 on success */ int CheckCertCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, DecodedCert* cert) { int foundEntry = 0; int ret = 0; WOLFSSL_ENTER("CheckCertCRL"); ret = CheckCertCRLList(crl, cert, &foundEntry); #ifdef HAVE_CRL_IO if (foundEntry == 0) { /* perform embedded lookup */ if (crl->crlIOCb) { ret = crl->crlIOCb(crl, (const char*)cert->extCrlInfo, cert->extCrlInfoSz); if (ret == WOLFSSL_CBIO_ERR_WANT_READ) { ret = WANT_READ; } else if (ret >= 0) { /* try again */ ret = CheckCertCRLList(crl, cert, &foundEntry); } } } #endif if (foundEntry == 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Couldn't find CRL for status check"); ret = CRL_MISSING; if (crl->cm->cbMissingCRL) { char url[256]; WOLFSSL_MSG("Issuing missing CRL callback"); url[0] = '\0'; if (cert->extCrlInfo) { if (cert->extCrlInfoSz < (int)sizeof(url) -1 ) { XMEMCPY(url, cert->extCrlInfo, cert->extCrlInfoSz); url[cert->extCrlInfoSz] = '\0'; } else { WOLFSSL_MSG("CRL url too long"); } } crl->cm->cbMissingCRL(url); } } return ret; } /* Add Decoded CRL, 0 on success */ static int AddCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, DecodedCRL* dcrl, const byte* buff, int verified) { CRL_Entry* crle; WOLFSSL_ENTER("AddCRL"); crle = (CRL_Entry*)XMALLOC(sizeof(CRL_Entry), crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); if (crle == NULL) { WOLFSSL_MSG("alloc CRL Entry failed"); return -1; } if (InitCRL_Entry(crle, dcrl, buff, verified, crl->heap) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Init CRL Entry failed"); XFREE(crle, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); return -1; } if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex failed"); FreeCRL_Entry(crle, crl->heap); XFREE(crle, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_ENTRY); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle->next = crl->crlList; crl->crlList = crle; wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); return 0; } /* Load CRL File of type, WOLFSSL_SUCCESS on ok */ int BufferLoadCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, const byte* buff, long sz, int type, int noVerify) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; const byte* myBuffer = buff; /* if DER ok, otherwise switch */ DerBuffer* der = NULL; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK DecodedCRL* dcrl; #else DecodedCRL dcrl[1]; #endif WOLFSSL_ENTER("BufferLoadCRL"); if (crl == NULL || buff == NULL || sz == 0) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; if (type == WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_PEM_TO_DER ret = PemToDer(buff, sz, CRL_TYPE, &der, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret == 0) { myBuffer = der->buffer; sz = der->length; } else { WOLFSSL_MSG("Pem to Der failed"); FreeDer(&der); return -1; } #else ret = NOT_COMPILED_IN; #endif } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK dcrl = (DecodedCRL*)XMALLOC(sizeof(DecodedCRL), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (dcrl == NULL) { FreeDer(&der); return MEMORY_E; } #endif InitDecodedCRL(dcrl, crl->heap); ret = ParseCRL(dcrl, myBuffer, (word32)sz, crl->cm); if (ret != 0 && !(ret == ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E && noVerify)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("ParseCRL error"); } else { ret = AddCRL(crl, dcrl, myBuffer, ret != ASN_CRL_NO_SIGNER_E); if (ret != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("AddCRL error"); } } FreeDecodedCRL(dcrl); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(dcrl, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif FreeDer(&der); return ret ? ret : WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; /* convert 0 to WOLFSSL_SUCCESS */ } #if defined(OPENSSL_EXTRA) && defined(HAVE_CRL) int wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_crl(WOLFSSL_X509_STORE *store, WOLFSSL_X509_CRL *newcrl) { CRL_Entry *crle; WOLFSSL_CRL *crl; WOLFSSL_ENTER("wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_crl"); if (store == NULL || newcrl == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; crl = store->crl; crle = newcrl->crlList; if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crle->next = crl->crlList; crl->crlList = crle; newcrl->crlList = NULL; wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); WOLFSSL_LEAVE("wolfSSL_X509_STORE_add_crl", WOLFSSL_SUCCESS); return WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_CRL_MONITOR /* Signal Monitor thread is setup, save status to setup flag, 0 on success */ static int SignalSetup(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, int status) { int ret; /* signal to calling thread we're setup */ if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex crlLock failed"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } crl->setup = status; ret = pthread_cond_signal(&crl->cond); wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); if (ret != 0) return BAD_COND_E; return 0; } /* read in new CRL entries and save new list */ static int SwapLists(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl) { int ret; CRL_Entry* newList; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK WOLFSSL_CRL* tmp; #else WOLFSSL_CRL tmp[1]; #endif #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK tmp = (WOLFSSL_CRL*)XMALLOC(sizeof(WOLFSSL_CRL), NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (tmp == NULL) return MEMORY_E; #endif if (InitCRL(tmp, crl->cm) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Init tmp CRL failed"); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return -1; } if (crl->monitors[0].path) { ret = LoadCRL(tmp, crl->monitors[0].path, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_PEM, 0); if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { WOLFSSL_MSG("PEM LoadCRL on dir change failed"); FreeCRL(tmp, 0); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return -1; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { ret = LoadCRL(tmp, crl->monitors[1].path, WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1, 0); if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { WOLFSSL_MSG("DER LoadCRL on dir change failed"); FreeCRL(tmp, 0); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return -1; } } if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex failed"); FreeCRL(tmp, 0); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return -1; } newList = tmp->crlList; /* swap lists */ tmp->crlList = crl->crlList; crl->crlList = newList; wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); FreeCRL(tmp, 0); #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(tmp, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif return 0; } #if (defined(__MACH__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)) #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __MACH__ #define XEVENT_MODE O_EVTONLY #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) #define XEVENT_MODE EVFILT_VNODE #endif /* we need a unique kqueue user filter fd for crl in case user is doing custom * events too */ #ifndef CRL_CUSTOM_FD #define CRL_CUSTOM_FD 123456 #endif /* shutdown monitor thread, 0 on success */ static int StopMonitor(int mfd) { struct kevent change; /* trigger custom shutdown */ EV_SET(&change, CRL_CUSTOM_FD, EVFILT_USER, 0, NOTE_TRIGGER, 0, NULL); if (kevent(mfd, &change, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("kevent trigger customer event failed"); return -1; } return 0; } /* OS X monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int fPEM, fDER; struct kevent change; WOLFSSL_CRL* crl = (WOLFSSL_CRL*)arg; WOLFSSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); crl->mfd = kqueue(); if (crl->mfd == -1) { WOLFSSL_MSG("kqueue failed"); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } /* listen for custom shutdown event */ EV_SET(&change, CRL_CUSTOM_FD, EVFILT_USER, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL); if (kevent(crl->mfd, &change, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("kevent monitor customer event failed"); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } fPEM = -1; fDER = -1; if (crl->monitors[0].path) { fPEM = open(crl->monitors[0].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fPEM == -1) { WOLFSSL_MSG("PEM event dir open failed"); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { fDER = open(crl->monitors[1].path, XEVENT_MODE); if (fDER == -1) { WOLFSSL_MSG("DER event dir open failed"); if (fPEM != -1) close(fPEM); close(crl->mfd); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } } if (fPEM != -1) EV_SET(&change, fPEM, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); if (fDER != -1) EV_SET(&change, fDER, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT, NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, 0); /* signal to calling thread we're setup */ if (SignalSetup(crl, 1) != 0) { if (fPEM != -1) close(fPEM); if (fDER != -1) close(fDER); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } for (;;) { struct kevent event; int numEvents = kevent(crl->mfd, &change, 1, &event, 1, NULL); WOLFSSL_MSG("Got kevent"); if (numEvents == -1) { WOLFSSL_MSG("kevent problem, continue"); continue; } if (event.filter == EVFILT_USER) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Got user shutdown event, breaking out"); break; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } if (fPEM != -1) close(fPEM); if (fDER != -1) close(fDER); close(crl->mfd); return NULL; } #elif defined(__linux__) #include #include #include #include #ifndef max static WC_INLINE int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; } #endif /* max */ /* shutdown monitor thread, 0 on success */ static int StopMonitor(int mfd) { word64 w64 = 1; /* write to our custom event */ if (write(mfd, &w64, sizeof(w64)) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("StopMonitor write failed"); return -1; } return 0; } /* linux monitoring */ static void* DoMonitor(void* arg) { int notifyFd; int wd = -1; WOLFSSL_CRL* crl = (WOLFSSL_CRL*)arg; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK char* buff; #else char buff[8192]; #endif WOLFSSL_ENTER("DoMonitor"); crl->mfd = eventfd(0, 0); /* our custom shutdown event */ if (crl->mfd < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("eventfd failed"); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } notifyFd = inotify_init(); if (notifyFd < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("inotify failed"); close(crl->mfd); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } if (crl->monitors[0].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[0].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("PEM notify add watch failed"); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } } if (crl->monitors[1].path) { wd = inotify_add_watch(notifyFd, crl->monitors[1].path, IN_CLOSE_WRITE | IN_DELETE); if (wd < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("DER notify add watch failed"); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); SignalSetup(crl, MONITOR_SETUP_E); return NULL; } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK buff = (char*)XMALLOC(8192, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (buff == NULL) return NULL; #endif /* signal to calling thread we're setup */ if (SignalSetup(crl, 1) != 0) { #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(buff, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif if (wd > 0) inotify_rm_watch(notifyFd, wd); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); return NULL; } for (;;) { fd_set readfds; int result; int length; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(notifyFd, &readfds); FD_SET(crl->mfd, &readfds); result = select(max(notifyFd, crl->mfd) + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL,NULL); WOLFSSL_MSG("Got notify event"); if (result < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("select problem, continue"); continue; } if (FD_ISSET(crl->mfd, &readfds)) { WOLFSSL_MSG("got custom shutdown event, breaking out"); break; } length = (int) read(notifyFd, buff, 8192); if (length < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("notify read problem, continue"); continue; } if (SwapLists(crl) < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("SwapLists problem, continue"); } } #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(buff, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif if (wd > 0) inotify_rm_watch(notifyFd, wd); close(crl->mfd); close(notifyFd); return NULL; } #endif /* MACH or linux */ /* Start Monitoring the CRL path(s) in a thread */ static int StartMonitorCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; WOLFSSL_ENTER("StartMonitorCRL"); if (crl == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; if (crl->tid != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Monitor thread already running"); return ret; /* that's ok, someone already started */ } if (pthread_create(&crl->tid, NULL, DoMonitor, crl) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("Thread creation error"); return THREAD_CREATE_E; } /* wait for setup to complete */ if (wc_LockMutex(&crl->crlLock) != 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("wc_LockMutex crlLock error"); return BAD_MUTEX_E; } while (crl->setup == 0) { if (pthread_cond_wait(&crl->cond, &crl->crlLock) != 0) { ret = BAD_COND_E; break; } } if (crl->setup < 0) ret = crl->setup; /* store setup error */ wc_UnLockMutex(&crl->crlLock); if (ret < 0) { WOLFSSL_MSG("DoMonitor setup failure"); crl->tid = 0; /* thread already done */ } return ret; } #else /* HAVE_CRL_MONITOR */ #ifndef NO_FILESYSTEM static int StartMonitorCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl) { (void)crl; WOLFSSL_ENTER("StartMonitorCRL"); WOLFSSL_MSG("Not compiled in"); return NOT_COMPILED_IN; } #endif /* NO_FILESYSTEM */ #endif /* HAVE_CRL_MONITOR */ #if !defined(NO_FILESYSTEM) && !defined(NO_WOLFSSL_DIR) /* Load CRL path files of type, WOLFSSL_SUCCESS on ok */ int LoadCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, const char* path, int type, int monitor) { int ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; char* name = NULL; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK ReadDirCtx* readCtx = NULL; #else ReadDirCtx readCtx[1]; #endif WOLFSSL_ENTER("LoadCRL"); if (crl == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK readCtx = (ReadDirCtx*)XMALLOC(sizeof(ReadDirCtx), crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (readCtx == NULL) return MEMORY_E; #endif /* try to load each regular file in path */ ret = wc_ReadDirFirst(readCtx, path, &name); while (ret == 0 && name) { int skip = 0; if (type == WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { if (XSTRSTR(name, ".pem") == NULL) { WOLFSSL_MSG("not .pem file, skipping"); skip = 1; } } else { if (XSTRSTR(name, ".der") == NULL && XSTRSTR(name, ".crl") == NULL) { WOLFSSL_MSG("not .der or .crl file, skipping"); skip = 1; } } if (!skip && ProcessFile(NULL, name, type, CRL_TYPE, NULL, 0, crl) != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) { WOLFSSL_MSG("CRL file load failed, continuing"); } ret = wc_ReadDirNext(readCtx, path, &name); } wc_ReadDirClose(readCtx); ret = WOLFSSL_SUCCESS; /* load failures not reported, for backwards compat */ #ifdef WOLFSSL_SMALL_STACK XFREE(readCtx, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); #endif if (monitor & WOLFSSL_CRL_MONITOR) { word32 pathLen; char* pathBuf; WOLFSSL_MSG("monitor path requested"); pathLen = (word32)XSTRLEN(path); pathBuf = (char*)XMALLOC(pathLen+1, crl->heap,DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); if (pathBuf) { XSTRNCPY(pathBuf, path, pathLen+1); if (type == WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_PEM) { /* free old path before setting a new one */ if (crl->monitors[0].path) { XFREE(crl->monitors[0].path, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); } crl->monitors[0].path = pathBuf; crl->monitors[0].type = WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_PEM; } else { /* free old path before setting a new one */ if (crl->monitors[1].path) { XFREE(crl->monitors[1].path, crl->heap, DYNAMIC_TYPE_CRL_MONITOR); } crl->monitors[1].path = pathBuf; crl->monitors[1].type = WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1; } if (monitor & WOLFSSL_CRL_START_MON) { WOLFSSL_MSG("start monitoring requested"); ret = StartMonitorCRL(crl); } } else { ret = MEMORY_E; } } return ret; } #else int LoadCRL(WOLFSSL_CRL* crl, const char* path, int type, int monitor) { (void)crl; (void)path; (void)type; (void)monitor; /* stub for scenario where file system is not supported */ return NOT_COMPILED_IN; } #endif /* !NO_FILESYSTEM && !NO_WOLFSSL_DIR */ #endif /* HAVE_CRL */ #endif /* !WOLFCRYPT_ONLY */