// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include #include #include "azure_c_shared_utility/gballoc.h" #include "internal/blob.h" #include "internal/iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiex.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/azure_base64.h" #include "azure_c_shared_utility/shared_util_options.h" BLOB_RESULT Blob_UploadBlock( HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE httpApiExHandle, const char* relativePath, BUFFER_HANDLE requestContent, unsigned int blockID, STRING_HANDLE blockIDList, unsigned int* httpStatus, BUFFER_HANDLE httpResponse) { BLOB_RESULT result; if (requestContent == NULL || blockIDList == NULL || relativePath == NULL || httpApiExHandle == NULL || httpStatus == NULL || httpResponse == NULL) { LogError("invalid argument detected requestContent=%p blockIDList=%p relativePath=%p httpApiExHandle=%p httpStatus=%p httpResponse=%p", requestContent, blockIDList, relativePath, httpApiExHandle, httpStatus, httpResponse); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { char temp[7]; /*this will contain 000000... 049999*/ if (sprintf(temp, "%6u", (unsigned int)blockID) != 6) /*produces 000000... 049999*/ { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to sprintf"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { STRING_HANDLE blockIdString = Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes((const unsigned char*)temp, 6); if (blockIdString == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("unable to Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*add the blockId base64 encoded to the XML*/ if (!( (STRING_concat(blockIDList, "") == 0) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(blockIDList, blockIdString) == 0) && (STRING_concat(blockIDList, "") == 0) )) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("unable to STRING_concat"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_022: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall construct a new relativePath from following string: base relativePath + "&comp=block&blockid=BASE64 encoded string of blockId" ]*/ STRING_HANDLE newRelativePath = STRING_construct(relativePath); if (newRelativePath == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("unable to STRING_construct"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { if (!( (STRING_concat(newRelativePath, "&comp=block&blockid=") == 0) && (STRING_concat_with_STRING(newRelativePath, blockIdString) == 0) )) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("unable to STRING concatenate"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_024: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall call HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest with a PUT operation, passing httpStatus and httpResponse. ]*/ if (HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest( httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PUT, STRING_c_str(newRelativePath), NULL, requestContent, httpStatus, NULL, httpResponse) != HTTPAPIEX_OK ) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_025: [ If HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_HTTP_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest"); result = BLOB_HTTP_ERROR; } else if (*httpStatus >= 300) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_026: [ Otherwise, if HTTP response code is >=300 then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall succeed and return BLOB_OK. ]*/ LogError("HTTP status from storage does not indicate success (%d)", (int)*httpStatus); result = BLOB_OK; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_027: [ Otherwise Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall continue execution. ]*/ result = BLOB_OK; } } STRING_delete(newRelativePath); } } STRING_delete(blockIdString); } } } return result; } BLOB_RESULT Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri(const char* SASURI, IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_GET_DATA_CALLBACK_EX getDataCallbackEx, void* context, unsigned int* httpStatus, BUFFER_HANDLE httpResponse, const char* certificates, HTTP_PROXY_OPTIONS *proxyOptions) { BLOB_RESULT result; /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_001: [ If SASURI is NULL then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if (SASURI == NULL) { LogError("parameter SASURI is NULL"); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_002: [ If getDataCallbackEx is NULL then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ if (getDataCallbackEx == NULL) { LogError("IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_GET_DATA_CALLBACK_EX getDataCallbackEx is NULL"); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; } /*the below define avoid a "condition always false" on some compilers*/ else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_017: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall copy from SASURI the hostname to a new const char* ]*/ /*to find the hostname, the following logic is applied:*/ /*the hostname starts at the first character after "://"*/ /*the hostname ends at the first character before the next "/" after "://"*/ const char* hostnameBegin = strstr(SASURI, "://"); if (hostnameBegin == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_005: [ If the hostname cannot be determined, then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ LogError("hostname cannot be determined"); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; } else { hostnameBegin += 3; /*have to skip 3 characters which are "://"*/ const char* hostnameEnd = strchr(hostnameBegin, '/'); if (hostnameEnd == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_005: [ If the hostname cannot be determined, then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_INVALID_ARG. ]*/ LogError("hostname cannot be determined"); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; } else { size_t hostnameSize = hostnameEnd - hostnameBegin; char* hostname = (char*)malloc(hostnameSize + 1); /*+1 because of '\0' at the end*/ if (hostname == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_016: [ If the hostname copy cannot be made then then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("oom - out of memory"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE httpApiExHandle; (void)memcpy(hostname, hostnameBegin, hostnameSize); hostname[hostnameSize] = '\0'; /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_018: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall create a new HTTPAPI_EX_HANDLE by calling HTTPAPIEX_Create passing the hostname. ]*/ httpApiExHandle = HTTPAPIEX_Create(hostname); if (httpApiExHandle == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_007: [ If HTTPAPIEX_Create fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to create a HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { if ((certificates != NULL)&& (HTTPAPIEX_SetOption(httpApiExHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) == HTTPAPIEX_ERROR)) { LogError("failure in setting trusted certificates"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else if ((proxyOptions != NULL && proxyOptions->host_address != NULL) && HTTPAPIEX_SetOption(httpApiExHandle, OPTION_HTTP_PROXY, proxyOptions) == HTTPAPIEX_ERROR) { LogError("failure in setting proxy options"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_019: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall compute the base relative path of the request from the SASURI parameter. ]*/ const char* relativePath = hostnameEnd; /*this is where the relative path begins in the SasUri*/ /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_028: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall construct an XML string with the following content: ]*/ STRING_HANDLE blockIDList = STRING_construct("\r\n"); /*the XML "build as we go"*/ if (blockIDList == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to STRING_construct"); result = BLOB_HTTP_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_021: [ For every block returned by `getDataCallbackEx` the following operations shall happen: ]*/ unsigned int blockID = 0; /* incremented for each new block */ unsigned int isError = 0; /* set to 1 if a block upload fails or if getDataCallbackEx returns incorrect blocks to upload */ unsigned int uploadOneMoreBlock = 1; /* set to 1 while getDataCallbackEx returns correct blocks to upload */ unsigned char const * source; /* data set by getDataCallbackEx */ size_t size; /* source size set by getDataCallbackEx */ IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_GET_DATA_RESULT getDataReturnValue; do { getDataReturnValue = getDataCallbackEx(FILE_UPLOAD_OK, &source, &size, context); if (getDataReturnValue == IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_GET_DATA_ABORT) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_99_004: [ If `getDataCallbackEx` returns `IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_GET_DATA_RESULT_ABORT`, then `Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri` shall exit the loop and return `BLOB_ABORTED`. ]*/ LogInfo("Upload to blob has been aborted by the user"); uploadOneMoreBlock = 0; result = BLOB_ABORTED; } else if (source == NULL || size == 0) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_99_002: [ If the size of the block returned by `getDataCallbackEx` is 0 or if the data is NULL, then `Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri` shall exit the loop. ]*/ uploadOneMoreBlock = 0; result = BLOB_OK; } else { if (size > BLOCK_SIZE) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_99_001: [ If the size of the block returned by `getDataCallbackEx` is bigger than 4MB, then `Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri` shall fail and return `BLOB_INVALID_ARG`. ]*/ LogError("tried to upload block of size %lu, max allowed size is %d", (unsigned long)size, BLOCK_SIZE); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; isError = 1; } else if (blockID >= MAX_BLOCK_COUNT) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_99_003: [ If `getDataCallbackEx` returns more than 50000 blocks, then `Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri` shall fail and return `BLOB_INVALID_ARG`. ]*/ LogError("unable to upload more than %lu blocks in one blob", (unsigned long)MAX_BLOCK_COUNT); result = BLOB_INVALID_ARG; isError = 1; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_023: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall create a BUFFER_HANDLE from source and size parameters. ]*/ BUFFER_HANDLE requestContent = BUFFER_create(source, size); if (requestContent == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("unable to BUFFER_create"); result = BLOB_ERROR; isError = 1; } else { result = Blob_UploadBlock( httpApiExHandle, relativePath, requestContent, blockID, blockIDList, httpStatus, httpResponse); BUFFER_delete(requestContent); } /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_026: [ Otherwise, if HTTP response code is >=300 then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall succeed and return BLOB_OK. ]*/ if (result != BLOB_OK || *httpStatus >= 300) { LogError("unable to Blob_UploadBlock. Returned value=%d, httpStatus=%u", result, (unsigned int)*httpStatus); isError = 1; } } blockID++; } } while(uploadOneMoreBlock && !isError); if (isError || result != BLOB_OK) { /*do nothing, it will be reported "as is"*/ } else { /*complete the XML*/ if (STRING_concat(blockIDList, "") != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to STRING_concat"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_029: [Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall construct a new relativePath from following string : base relativePath + "&comp=blocklist"]*/ STRING_HANDLE newRelativePath = STRING_construct(relativePath); if (newRelativePath == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to STRING_construct"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { if (STRING_concat(newRelativePath, "&comp=blocklist") != 0) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to STRING_concat"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_030: [ Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall call HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest with a PUT operation, passing the new relativePath, httpStatus and httpResponse and the XML string as content. ]*/ const char* s = STRING_c_str(blockIDList); BUFFER_HANDLE blockIDListAsBuffer = BUFFER_create((const unsigned char*)s, strlen(s)); if (blockIDListAsBuffer == NULL) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_033: [ If any previous operation that doesn't have an explicit failure description fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_ERROR ]*/ LogError("failed to BUFFER_create"); result = BLOB_ERROR; } else { if (HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest( httpApiExHandle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PUT, STRING_c_str(newRelativePath), NULL, blockIDListAsBuffer, httpStatus, NULL, httpResponse ) != HTTPAPIEX_OK) { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_031: [ If HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest fails then Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall fail and return BLOB_HTTP_ERROR. ]*/ LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest"); result = BLOB_HTTP_ERROR; } else { /*Codes_SRS_BLOB_02_032: [ Otherwise, Blob_UploadMultipleBlocksFromSasUri shall succeed and return BLOB_OK. ]*/ result = BLOB_OK; } BUFFER_delete(blockIDListAsBuffer); } } STRING_delete(newRelativePath); } } } STRING_delete(blockIDList); } } HTTPAPIEX_Destroy(httpApiExHandle); } free(hostname); } } } } } return result; }