source: EcnlProtoTool/trunk/webapp/webmrbc/index.html@ 272

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321 <xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
322 <category name="Logic" colour="210">
323 <block type="controls_if"></block>
324 <block type="switch_case_number"></block>
325 <block type="switch_case_text"></block>
326 <block type="logic_compare"></block>
327 <block type="logic_operation"></block>
328 <block type="logic_negate"></block>
329 <block type="logic_boolean"></block>
330 <block type="logic_null"></block>
331 <block type="logic_ternary"></block>
332 </category>
333 <category name="Loops" colour="120">
334 <block type="controls_repeat_ext">
335 <value name="TIMES">
336 <shadow type="math_number">
337 <field name="NUM">10</field>
338 </shadow>
339 </value>
340 </block>
341 <block type="controls_whileUntil"></block>
342 <block type="controls_for">
343 <value name="FROM">
344 <shadow type="math_number">
345 <field name="NUM">1</field>
346 </shadow>
347 </value>
348 <value name="TO">
349 <shadow type="math_number">
350 <field name="NUM">10</field>
351 </shadow>
352 </value>
353 <value name="BY">
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355 <field name="NUM">1</field>
356 </shadow>
357 </value>
358 </block>
359 <block type="controls_forEach"></block>
360 <block type="controls_flow_statements"></block>
361 </category>
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363 <block type="math_number"></block>
364 <block type="math_arithmetic">
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366 <shadow type="math_number">
367 <field name="NUM">1</field>
368 </shadow>
369 </value>
370 <value name="B">
371 <shadow type="math_number">
372 <field name="NUM">1</field>
373 </shadow>
374 </value>
375 </block>
376 <block type="math_single">
377 <value name="NUM">
378 <shadow type="math_number">
379 <field name="NUM">9</field>
380 </shadow>
381 </value>
382 </block>
383 <block type="math_trig">
384 <value name="NUM">
385 <shadow type="math_number">
386 <field name="NUM">45</field>
387 </shadow>
388 </value>
389 </block>
390 <block type="math_constant"></block>
391 <block type="math_number_property">
392 <value name="NUMBER_TO_CHECK">
393 <shadow type="math_number">
394 <field name="NUM">0</field>
395 </shadow>
396 </value>
397 </block>
398 <block type="math_round">
399 <value name="NUM">
400 <shadow type="math_number">
401 <field name="NUM">3.1</field>
402 </shadow>
403 </value>
404 </block>
405 <block type="math_on_list"></block>
406 <block type="math_modulo">
407 <value name="DIVIDEND">
408 <shadow type="math_number">
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410 </shadow>
411 </value>
412 <value name="DIVISOR">
413 <shadow type="math_number">
414 <field name="NUM">10</field>
415 </shadow>
416 </value>
417 </block>
418 <block type="math_constrain">
419 <value name="VALUE">
420 <shadow type="math_number">
421 <field name="NUM">50</field>
422 </shadow>
423 </value>
424 <value name="LOW">
425 <shadow type="math_number">
426 <field name="NUM">1</field>
427 </shadow>
428 </value>
429 <value name="HIGH">
430 <shadow type="math_number">
431 <field name="NUM">100</field>
432 </shadow>
433 </value>
434 </block>
435 <block type="math_random_int">
436 <value name="FROM">
437 <shadow type="math_number">
438 <field name="NUM">1</field>
439 </shadow>
440 </value>
441 <value name="TO">
442 <shadow type="math_number">
443 <field name="NUM">100</field>
444 </shadow>
445 </value>
446 </block>
447 <block type="math_random_float"></block>
448 </category>
449 <category name="Text" colour="160">
450 <block type="text"></block>
451 <block type="text_join"></block>
452 <block type="text_append">
453 <value name="TEXT">
454 <shadow type="text"></shadow>
455 </value>
456 </block>
457 <block type="text_length">
458 <value name="VALUE">
459 <shadow type="text">
460 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
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462 </value>
463 </block>
464 <block type="text_isEmpty">
465 <value name="VALUE">
466 <shadow type="text">
467 <field name="TEXT"></field>
468 </shadow>
469 </value>
470 </block>
471 <block type="text_indexOf">
472 <value name="VALUE">
473 <block type="variables_get">
474 <field name="VAR">text</field>
475 </block>
476 </value>
477 <value name="FIND">
478 <shadow type="text">
479 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
480 </shadow>
481 </value>
482 </block>
483 <block type="text_charAt">
484 <value name="VALUE">
485 <block type="variables_get">
486 <field name="VAR">text</field>
487 </block>
488 </value>
489 </block>
490 <block type="text_getSubstring">
491 <value name="STRING">
492 <block type="variables_get">
493 <field name="VAR">text</field>
494 </block>
495 </value>
496 </block>
497 <block type="text_changeCase">
498 <value name="TEXT">
499 <shadow type="text">
500 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
501 </shadow>
502 </value>
503 </block>
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505 <value name="TEXT">
506 <shadow type="text">
507 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
508 </shadow>
509 </value>
510 </block>
511 <block type="text_print">
512 <value name="TEXT">
513 <shadow type="text">
514 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
515 </shadow>
516 </value>
517 </block>
518 <block type="text_prompt_ext">
519 <value name="TEXT">
520 <shadow type="text">
521 <field name="TEXT">abc</field>
522 </shadow>
523 </value>
524 </block>
525 </category>
526 <category name="Lists" colour="260">
527 <block type="lists_create_with">
528 <mutation items="0"></mutation>
529 </block>
530 <block type="lists_create_with"></block>
531 <block type="lists_repeat">
532 <value name="NUM">
533 <shadow type="math_number">
534 <field name="NUM">5</field>
535 </shadow>
536 </value>
537 </block>
538 <block type="lists_length"></block>
539 <block type="lists_isEmpty"></block>
540 <block type="lists_indexOf">
541 <value name="VALUE">
542 <block type="variables_get">
543 <field name="VAR">list</field>
544 </block>
545 </value>
546 </block>
547 <block type="lists_getIndex">
548 <value name="VALUE">
549 <block type="variables_get">
550 <field name="VAR">list</field>
551 </block>
552 </value>
553 </block>
554 <block type="lists_setIndex">
555 <value name="LIST">
556 <block type="variables_get">
557 <field name="VAR">list</field>
558 </block>
559 </value>
560 </block>
561 <block type="lists_getSublist">
562 <value name="LIST">
563 <block type="variables_get">
564 <field name="VAR">list</field>
565 </block>
566 </value>
567 </block>
568 <block type="lists_split">
569 <value name="DELIM">
570 <shadow type="text">
571 <field name="TEXT">,</field>
572 </shadow>
573 </value>
574 </block>
575 <block type="lists_sort"></block>
576 </category>
577 <category name="Color" colour="20">
578 <block type="colour_picker"></block>
579 <block type="colour_random"></block>
580 <block type="colour_rgb">
581 <value name="RED">
582 <shadow type="math_number">
583 <field name="NUM">100</field>
584 </shadow>
585 </value>
586 <value name="GREEN">
587 <shadow type="math_number">
588 <field name="NUM">50</field>
589 </shadow>
590 </value>
591 <value name="BLUE">
592 <shadow type="math_number">
593 <field name="NUM">0</field>
594 </shadow>
595 </value>
596 </block>
597 <block type="colour_blend">
598 <value name="COLOUR1">
599 <shadow type="colour_picker">
600 <field name="COLOUR">#ff0000</field>
601 </shadow>
602 </value>
603 <value name="COLOUR2">
604 <shadow type="colour_picker">
605 <field name="COLOUR">#3333ff</field>
606 </shadow>
607 </value>
608 <value name="RATIO">
609 <shadow type="math_number">
610 <field name="NUM">0.5</field>
611 </shadow>
612 </value>
613 </block>
614 </category>
615 <sep></sep>
616 <category name="Variables" custom="VARIABLE" colour="330"></category>
617 <category name="Functions" custom="PROCEDURE" colour="290"></category>
618 </xml>
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