using System; using Bridge; using Bridge.Html5; namespace WebMrbc { public class SwitchCaseNumberBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_number"; internal Tuple[] cases_; internal int defaultCount_; public SwitchCaseNumberBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setHelpUrl(""); setColour(210); appendValueInput("SWITCH") .appendField("右の値が"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setMutator(new Mutator(new[] { SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock.type_name, SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock.type_name, SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock.type_name })); setTooltip(new Func(() => { if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ != 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行、合うものがなければ最後のブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length != 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length != 0) && (defaultCount_ != 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行、合うものがなければ最後のブロックを実行"; } return ""; })); cases_ = new Tuple[] { new Tuple("0", null) }; defaultCount_ = 0; updateShape_(); } /// /// Create XML to represent the number of else-if and else inputs. /// /// XML storage element. public Element mutationToDom(bool opt_caseIds) { if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return null; } var container = Document.CreateElement("mutation"); for (var i = 0; i < cases_.Length; i++) { Element caseInfo; var value = getFieldValue("CONST" + i); if (value != null) { caseInfo = Document.CreateElement("case"); caseInfo.SetAttribute("value", value); } else { var min = getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + i); var max = getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + i); if (min != null && max != null) { caseInfo = Document.CreateElement("case"); caseInfo.SetAttribute("value", min + ".." + max); } else continue; } container.AppendChild(caseInfo); } container.SetAttribute("default", defaultCount_.ToString()); return container; } /// /// Parse XML to restore the else-if and else inputs. /// /// XML storage element. public void domToMutation(Element xmlElement) { cases_ = new Tuple[0]; Element childNode; for (var i = 0; (childNode = (dynamic)xmlElement.ChildNodes[i]) != null; i++) { if (childNode.NodeName.ToLower() == "case") { var value = childNode.GetAttribute("value"); if (value != null) cases_.Push(new Tuple(value, null)); else { var min = childNode.GetAttribute("minimum"); var max = childNode.GetAttribute("maximum"); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) { cases_.Push(new Tuple(min, max)); } } } } var count = xmlElement.GetAttribute("default"); defaultCount_ = count == null ? 0 : Bridge.Script.ParseInt(count, 10); updateShape_(); } /// /// Populate the mutator's dialog with this block's components. /// /// Mutator's workspace. /// Root block in mutator. public Block decompose(Workspace workspace) { var containerBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseNumberContainerBlock.type_name); containerBlock.initSvg(); var connection = containerBlock.getInput("STACK").connection; for (var i = 0; i < cases_.Length; i++) { Block caseBlock; var value = getFieldValue("CONST" + i); if (value != null) { caseBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock.type_name); caseBlock.setFieldValue(value, "CONST"); } else { var min = getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + i); var max = getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + i); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) { caseBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock.type_name); caseBlock.setFieldValue(min, "RANGE_MIN"); caseBlock.setFieldValue(max, "RANGE_MAX"); } else continue; } caseBlock.initSvg(); connection.connect(caseBlock.previousConnection); connection = caseBlock.nextConnection; } if (defaultCount_ != 0) { var defaultBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock.type_name); defaultBlock.initSvg(); connection.connect(defaultBlock.previousConnection); } return containerBlock; } /// /// Reconfigure this block based on the mutator dialog's components. /// /// Root block in mutator. public void compose(Block containerBlock) { var clauseBlock = containerBlock.getInputTargetBlock("STACK"); // Count number of inputs. cases_ = new Tuple[0]; defaultCount_ = 0; var statementConnections = new Connection[0]; Connection defaultStatementConnection = null; while (clauseBlock != null) { switch (clauseBlock.type) { case SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock.type_name: { var value = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("CONST"); cases_.Push(new Tuple(value, null)); statementConnections.Push(((SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_); } break; case SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock.type_name: { var range_min = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN"); var range_max = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX"); cases_.Push(new Tuple(range_min, range_max)); statementConnections.Push(((SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_); } break; case SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock.type_name: { defaultCount_++; defaultStatementConnection = ((SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown block type."); } clauseBlock = (clauseBlock.nextConnection != null) ? clauseBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock() : null; } updateShape_(); // Reconnect any child blocks. for (var i = 0; i < cases_.Length; i++) { Mutator.reconnect(statementConnections[i], this, "DO" + i); } Mutator.reconnect(defaultStatementConnection, this, "DEFAULT_DO"); } /// /// Store pointers to any connected child blocks. /// /// Root block in mutator. public void saveConnections(Block containerBlock) { var clauseBlock = containerBlock.getInputTargetBlock("STACK"); var i = 0; while (clauseBlock != null) { switch (clauseBlock.type) { case SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DO" + i); ((SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; i++; } break; case SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DO" + i); ((SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; i++; } break; case SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DEFAULT_DO"); ((SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown block type."); } clauseBlock = (clauseBlock.nextConnection != null) ? clauseBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock() : null; } } /// /// Modify this block to have the correct number of inputs. /// private void updateShape_() { // Delete everything. if (getInput("DEFAULT") != null) { removeInput("DEFAULT"); removeInput("DEFAULT_DO"); } var i = 0; while (getInput("CASE" + i) != null) { removeInput("CASE" + i); removeInput("DO" + i); i++; } // Rebuild block. i = 0; foreach (var c in cases_) { if (c.Item2 == null) { appendDummyInput("CASE" + i) .appendField(new FieldNumber(c.Item1, "-Infinity", "Infinity", 0), "CONST" + i) .appendField("の"); } else { appendDummyInput("CASE" + i) .appendField(new FieldNumber(c.Item1, "-Infinity", "Infinity", 0), "RANGE_MIN" + i) .appendField("から") .appendField(new FieldNumber(c.Item2, "-Infinity", "Infinity", 0), "RANGE_MAX" + i) .appendField("の"); } appendStatementInput("DO" + i) .appendField("とき"); i++; } if (defaultCount_ != 0) { appendDummyInput("DEFAULT") .appendField("その他の"); appendStatementInput("DEFAULT_DO") .appendField("とき"); } } } public class SwitchCaseNumberContainerBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_number_container"; public SwitchCaseNumberContainerBlock() : base(type_name) { } public void init() { appendDummyInput() .appendField("条件"); appendStatementInput("STACK"); setColour(210); setTooltip(""); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_number_const"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseNumberConstBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("固定値") .appendField("0", "CONST"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setTooltip("固定値の条件"); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_number_range"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseNumberRangeBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("範囲") .appendField("1", "RANGE_MIN") .appendField("から") .appendField("2", "RANGE_MAX"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setTooltip("範囲の条件"); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_number_default"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseNumberDefaultBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("その他"); setPreviousStatement(true); setTooltip("条件に当てはまらなかった場合"); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseTextBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_text"; internal Tuple[] cases_; internal int defaultCount_; public SwitchCaseTextBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setHelpUrl(""); setColour(210); appendValueInput("SWITCH") .appendField("右の値が"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setMutator(new Mutator(new[] { SwitchCaseTextConstBlock.type_name, SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock.type_name, SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock.type_name })); setTooltip(new Func(() => { if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ != 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行、合うものがなければ最後のブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length != 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行"; } else if ((cases_.Length != 0) && (defaultCount_ != 0)) { return "条件に合うブロックを実行、合うものがなければ最後のブロックを実行"; } return ""; })); cases_ = new Tuple[] { new Tuple("0", null) }; defaultCount_ = 0; updateShape_(); } /// /// Create XML to represent the text of else-if and else inputs. /// /// XML storage element. public Element mutationToDom(bool opt_caseIds) { if ((cases_.Length == 0) && (defaultCount_ == 0)) { return null; } var container = Document.CreateElement("mutation"); for (var i = 0; i < cases_.Length; i++) { Element caseInfo; var value = getFieldValue("CONST" + i); if (value != null) { caseInfo = Document.CreateElement("case"); caseInfo.SetAttribute("value", value); } else { var min = getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + i); var max = getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + i); if (min != null && max != null) { caseInfo = Document.CreateElement("case"); caseInfo.SetAttribute("value", min + ".." + max); } else continue; } container.AppendChild(caseInfo); } container.SetAttribute("default", defaultCount_.ToString()); return container; } /// /// Parse XML to restore the else-if and else inputs. /// /// XML storage element. public void domToMutation(Element xmlElement) { cases_ = new Tuple[0]; Element childNode; for (var i = 0; (childNode = (dynamic)xmlElement.ChildNodes[i]) != null; i++) { if (childNode.NodeName.ToLower() == "case") { var value = childNode.GetAttribute("value"); if (value != null) cases_.Push(new Tuple(value, null)); else { var min = childNode.GetAttribute("minimum"); var max = childNode.GetAttribute("maximum"); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) cases_.Push(new Tuple(min, max)); } } } var count = xmlElement.GetAttribute("default"); defaultCount_ = count == null ? 0 : Bridge.Script.ParseInt(count, 10); updateShape_(); } /// /// Populate the mutator's dialog with this block's components. /// /// Mutator's workspace. /// Root block in mutator. public Block decompose(Workspace workspace) { var containerBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseTextContainerBlock.type_name); containerBlock.initSvg(); var connection = containerBlock.getInput("STACK").connection; for (var i = 0; i < cases_.Length; i++) { Block caseBlock; var value = getFieldValue("CONST" + i); if (value != null) { caseBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseTextConstBlock.type_name); caseBlock.setFieldValue(value, "CONST"); } else { var min = getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + i); var max = getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + i); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) { caseBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock.type_name); caseBlock.setFieldValue(min, "RANGE_MIN"); caseBlock.setFieldValue(max, "RANGE_MAX"); } else continue; } caseBlock.initSvg(); connection.connect(caseBlock.previousConnection); connection = caseBlock.nextConnection; } if (defaultCount_ != 0) { var defaultBlock = workspace.newBlock(SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock.type_name); defaultBlock.initSvg(); connection.connect(defaultBlock.previousConnection); } return containerBlock; } /// /// Reconfigure this block based on the mutator dialog's components. /// /// Root block in mutator. public void compose(Block containerBlock) { var clauseBlock = containerBlock.getInputTargetBlock("STACK"); // Count text of inputs. cases_ = new Tuple[0]; defaultCount_ = 0; var statementConnections = new Connection[0]; Connection defaultStatementConnection = null; while (clauseBlock != null) { switch (clauseBlock.type) { case SwitchCaseTextConstBlock.type_name: { var value = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("CONST"); cases_.Push(new Tuple(value, null)); statementConnections.Push(((SwitchCaseTextConstBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_); } break; case SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock.type_name: { var range_min = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN"); var range_max = clauseBlock.getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX"); cases_.Push(new Tuple(range_min, range_max)); statementConnections.Push(((SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_); } break; case SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock.type_name: { defaultCount_++; defaultStatementConnection = ((SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown block type."); } clauseBlock = (clauseBlock.nextConnection != null) ? clauseBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock() : null; } updateShape_(); // Reconnect any child blocks. for (var i = 0; i <= cases_.Length; i++) { Mutator.reconnect(statementConnections[i], this, "DO" + i); } Mutator.reconnect(defaultStatementConnection, this, "DEFAULT_DO"); } /// /// Store pointers to any connected child blocks. /// /// Root block in mutator. public void saveConnections(Block containerBlock) { var clauseBlock = containerBlock.getInputTargetBlock("STACK"); var i = 0; while (clauseBlock != null) { switch (clauseBlock.type) { case SwitchCaseTextConstBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DO" + i); ((SwitchCaseTextConstBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; i++; } break; case SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DO" + i); ((SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; i++; } break; case SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock.type_name: { var inputDo = getInput("DEFAULT_DO"); ((SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock)clauseBlock).statementConnection_ = (inputDo != null) ? inputDo.connection.targetConnection : null; } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown block type."); } clauseBlock = (clauseBlock.nextConnection != null) ? clauseBlock.nextConnection.targetBlock() : null; } } /// /// Modify this block to have the correct text of inputs. /// private void updateShape_() { // Delete everything. if (getInput("DEFAULT") != null) { removeInput("DEFAULT"); removeInput("DEFAULT_DO"); } var i = 0; while (getInput("CASE" + i) != null) { removeInput("CASE" + i); removeInput("DO" + i); i++; } // Rebuild block. i = 0; foreach (var c in cases_) { if (c.Item2 == null) { appendDummyInput("CASE" + i) .appendField(new FieldTextInput(c.Item1), "CONST" + i) .appendField("の"); } else { appendDummyInput("CASE" + i) .appendField(new FieldTextInput(c.Item1), "RANGE_MIN" + i) .appendField("から") .appendField(new FieldTextInput(c.Item2), "RANGE_MAX" + i) .appendField("の"); } appendStatementInput("DO" + i) .appendField("とき"); i++; } if (defaultCount_ != 0) { appendDummyInput("DEFAULT") .appendField("その他の"); appendStatementInput("DEFAULT_DO") .appendField("とき"); } } } public class SwitchCaseTextContainerBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_text_container"; public SwitchCaseTextContainerBlock() : base(type_name) { } public void init() { appendDummyInput() .appendField("条件"); appendStatementInput("STACK"); setColour(210); setTooltip(""); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseTextConstBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_text_const"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseTextConstBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("固定値") .appendField("0", "CONST"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setTooltip("固定値の条件"); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_text_range"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseTextRangeBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("範囲") .appendField("a", "RANGE_MIN") .appendField("から") .appendField("b", "RANGE_MAX"); setPreviousStatement(true); setNextStatement(true); setTooltip("範囲の条件"); contextMenu = false; } } public class SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock : Block { public const string type_name = "switch_case_text_default"; public Connection statementConnection_; public SwitchCaseTextDefaultBlock() : base(type_name) { } /// /// Block for swicth/case/default condition. /// public void init() { setColour(210); appendDummyInput() .appendField("その他"); setPreviousStatement(true); setTooltip("条件に当てはまらなかった場合"); contextMenu = false; } } partial class Ruby { public node switch_case_number(SwitchCaseNumberBlock block) { // case/when/else condition. var argument0 = valueToCode(block, "SWITCH"); if (argument0 == null) argument0 = new int_node(this, -1); case_node.when_t[] code = new case_node.when_t[0]; for (int n = 0; n <= block.cases_.Length; n++) { var branch = statementToCode(block, "DO" + n); var argument1 = block.getFieldValue("CONST" + n); if (argument1 != null) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; when.value.Push(new int_node(this, argument1 == null ? 0 : Bridge.Script.ParseInt(argument1, 10))); code.Push(when); } else { var min = block.getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + n); var max = block.getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + n); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; when.value.Push(new dot2_node(this, new int_node(this, min == null ? 0 : Bridge.Script.ParseInt(min, 10)), new int_node(this, max == null ? 0 : Bridge.Script.ParseInt(max, 10)))); code.Push(when); } } } if (block.defaultCount_ != 0) { var branch = statementToCode(block, "DEFAULT_DO"); if (branch != null) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; code.Push(when); } } return new case_node(this, argument0, code); } public node switch_case_text(SwitchCaseTextBlock block) { // case/when/else condition. var argument0 = valueToCode(block, "SWITCH"); if (argument0 == null) argument0 = new str_node(this, ""); case_node.when_t[] code = new case_node.when_t[0]; for (int n = 0; n <= block.cases_.Length; n++) { var branch = statementToCode(block, "DO" + n); var argument1 = block.getFieldValue("CONST" + n); if (argument1 != null) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; when.value.Push(new str_node(this, argument1)); code.Push(when); } else { var min = block.getFieldValue("RANGE_MIN" + n); var max = block.getFieldValue("RANGE_MAX" + n); if ((min != null) && (max != null)) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; when.value.Push(new dot2_node(this, new str_node(this, min), new str_node(this, max))); code.Push(when); } } } if (block.defaultCount_ != 0) { var branch = statementToCode(block, "DEFAULT_DO"); if (branch != null) { var when = new case_node.when_t() { body = branch }; code.Push(when); } } return new case_node(this, argument0, code); } } }