/* $Id$ Tests on left-shift type, written by Vincent Lefevre . ISO C99 TC3 says: [6.5.7#3] "The integer promotions are performed on each of the operands. The type of the result is that of the promoted left operand." */ #include #define PTYPE(M) ((M) < 0 || -(M) < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (int) sizeof((M)+0) #define CHECK(X,T) check(#X, PTYPE(X), PTYPE((X) << (T) 1)) #define TEST1(X,T) do { CHECK(X,T); CHECK(X,unsigned T); } while (0) #define TEST2(X) \ do \ { \ TEST1((X),short); \ TEST1((X),int); \ TEST1((X),long); \ TEST1((X),long long); \ } \ while (0) #define TEST3(X,T) do { TEST2((T)(X)); TEST2((unsigned T)(X)); } while (0) #define TEST4(X) \ do \ { \ TEST3((X),short); \ TEST3((X),int); \ TEST3((X),long); \ TEST3((X),long long); \ } \ while (0) static int debug, nfailed = 0; static void check (const char *s, int arg1, int shift) { int failed = arg1 != shift; if (debug || failed) printf ("%s %d %d\n", s, arg1, shift); nfailed += failed; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { debug = argc > 1; TEST4(1); TEST4(-1); printf ("%d test(s) failed\n", nfailed); return nfailed != 0; }