class MRuby::Toolchain::Android DEFAULT_ARCH = 'armeabi' # TODO : Revise if arch should have a default DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN = :clang DEFAULT_NDK_HOMES = %w{ /usr/local/opt/android-sdk/ndk-bundle /usr/local/opt/android-ndk ~/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle %LOCALAPPDATA%/Android/android-sdk/ndk-bundle %LOCALAPPDATA%/Android/android-ndk %LOCALAPPDATA%/Android/Sdk/ndk/* ~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle ~/Library/Android/ndk } TOOLCHAINS = [:clang, :gcc] ARCHITECTURES = %w{ armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64 mips mips64 } class AndroidNDKHomeNotFound < StandardError def message <<-EOM Couldn't find Android NDK Home. Set ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable or set :ndk_home parameter EOM end end class PlatformDirNotFound < StandardError def message <<-EOM Couldn't find Android NDK platform directories. Set ANDROID_PLATFORM environment variable or set :platform parameter EOM end end class SysrootNotReady < StandardError def message <<-EOM Couldn't find standard header files Please Move/Copy important file inside /sysroot/usr/include/ to /platforms///usr/include/ Higher NDK version will be use. EOM end end attr_reader :params def initialize(params) @params = params end def bin_gcc(command) command = command.to_s command = case arch when /armeabi/ then 'arm-linux-androideabi-' when /arm64-v8a/ then 'aarch64-linux-android-' when /x86_64/ then 'x86_64-linux-android-' when /x86/ then 'i686-linux-android-' when /mips64/ then 'mips64el-linux-android-' when /mips/ then 'mipsel-linux-android-' end + command gcc_toolchain_path.join('bin', command).to_s end def bin(command) command = command.to_s toolchain_path.join('bin', command).to_s end def home_path @home_path ||= params[:ndk_home] || ENV['ANDROID_NDK_HOME'] || DEFAULT_NDK_HOMES.find { |path| path.gsub! '%LOCALAPPDATA%', ENV['LOCALAPPDATA'] || '%LOCALAPPDATA%' path.gsub! '\\', '/' path.gsub! '~', Dir.home || '~' path.gsub!('*') do next nil unless path[-1] == "*" dirs = Dir.glob(path).collect do |d| m = d.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) m ? [m[1], m[2], m[3]].collect { |v| v.to_i } : nil end dirs.compact! dirs.sort! do |before, after| f = 0 if (f = (after.first <=> before.first)) != 0 next f elsif (f = (after[1] <=> before[1])) != 0 next f else next after.last <=> before.last end end dirs.empty? ? nil.to_s : dirs.first.join(".") end } || raise(AndroidNDKHomeNotFound) ) end def toolchain @toolchain ||= params.fetch(:toolchain){ DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN } end def toolchain_path @toolchain_path ||= case toolchain when :gcc gcc_toolchain_path when :clang home_path.join('toolchains', 'llvm' , 'prebuilt', host_platform) end end def gcc_toolchain_path if @gcc_toolchain_path === nil then prefix = case arch when /armeabi/ then 'arm-linux-androideabi-' when /arm64-v8a/ then 'aarch64-linux-android-' when /x86_64/ then 'x86_64-' when /x86/ then 'x86-' when /mips64/ then 'mips64el-linux-android-' when /mips/ then 'mipsel-linux-android-' end test = case arch when /armeabi/ then 'arm-linux-androideabi-*' when /arm64-v8a/ then 'aarch64-linux-android-*' when /x86_64/ then 'x86_64-*' when /x86/ then 'x86-*' when /mips64/ then 'mips64el-linux-android-*' when /mips/ then 'mipsel-linux-android-*' end gcc_toolchain_version = Dir[home_path.join('toolchains', test)].map{|t| t.match(/-(\d+\.\d+)$/); $1.to_f }.max @gcc_toolchain_path = home_path.join('toolchains', prefix + gcc_toolchain_version.to_s, 'prebuilt', host_platform) end @gcc_toolchain_path end def host_platform @host_platform ||= case RUBY_PLATFORM when /cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/i path = home_path.join('toolchains', 'llvm' , 'prebuilt', 'windows*') Dir.glob(path.to_s){ |item| next if File.file?(item) path = break } path.basename when /x86_64-darwin/i 'darwin-x86_64' when /darwin/i 'darwin-x86' when /x86_64-linux/i 'linux-x86_64' when /linux/i 'linux-x86' else raise NotImplementedError, "Unknown host platform (#{RUBY_PLATFORM})" end end def arch @arch ||= (params[:arch] || ENV['ANDROID_ARCH'] || DEFAULT_ARCH).to_s end def sysroot return @sysroot if @sysroot sysroot_path = home_path.join('platforms', platform, case arch when /armeabi/ then 'arch-arm' when /arm64-v8a/ then 'arch-arm64' when /x86_64/ then 'arch-x86_64' when /x86/ then 'arch-x86' when /mips64/ then 'arch-mips64' when /mips/ then 'arch-mips' end ).to_s if Dir.exist?(File.join(sysroot_path, "usr", "include")) return @sysroot = sysroot_path else raise(SysrootNotReady) end end def platform if @platform === nil then @platform = params[:platform] || ENV['ANDROID_PLATFORM'] || nil if @platform === nil Dir.glob(home_path.join('platforms/android-*').to_s){ |item| next if File.file?(item) if @platform === nil @platform = Integer(item.rpartition('-')[2]) else platform = Integer(item.rpartition('-')[2]) @platform = platform > @platform ? platform : @platform end } if @platform === nil raise(PlatformDirNotFound) else @platform = "android-#{@platform}" end end end if Integer(@platform.rpartition('-')[2]) < 21 case arch when /arm64-v8a/, /x86_64/, /mips64/ raise NotImplementedError, "Platform (#{@platform}) has no implementation for architecture (#{arch})" end end @platform end def armeabi_v7a_mfpu @armeabi_v7a_mfpu ||= (params[:mfpu] || 'vfpv3-d16').to_s end def armeabi_v7a_mfloat_abi @armeabi_v7a_mfloat_abi ||= (params[:mfloat_abi] || 'softfp').to_s end def no_warn_mismatch if %W(soft softfp).include? armeabi_v7a_mfloat_abi '' else ',--no-warn-mismatch' end end def cc case toolchain when :gcc then bin_gcc('gcc') when :clang then bin('clang') end end def ar case toolchain when :gcc then bin_gcc('ar') when :clang then bin_gcc('ar') end end def ctarget flags = [] case toolchain when :gcc case arch when /armeabi-v7a/ then flags += %W(-march=armv7-a) when /armeabi/ then flags += %W(-march=armv5te) when /arm64-v8a/ then flags += %W(-march=armv8-a) when /x86_64/ then flags += %W(-march=x86-64) when /x86/ then flags += %W(-march=i686) when /mips64/ then flags += %W(-march=mips64r6) when /mips/ then flags += %W(-march=mips32) end when :clang case arch when /armeabi-v7a/ then flags += %W(-target armv7-none-linux-androideabi) when /armeabi/ then flags += %W(-target armv5te-none-linux-androideabi) when /arm64-v8a/ then flags += %W(-target aarch64-none-linux-android) when /x86_64/ then flags += %W(-target x86_64-none-linux-android) when /x86/ then flags += %W(-target i686-none-linux-android) when /mips64/ then flags += %W(-target mips64el-none-linux-android) when /mips/ then flags += %W(-target mipsel-none-linux-android) end end case arch when /armeabi-v7a/ then flags += %W(-mfpu=#{armeabi_v7a_mfpu} -mfloat-abi=#{armeabi_v7a_mfloat_abi}) when /armeabi/ then flags += %W(-mtune=xscale -msoft-float) when /arm64-v8a/ then flags += %W() when /x86_64/ then flags += %W() when /x86/ then flags += %W() when /mips64/ then flags += %W(-fmessage-length=0) when /mips/ then flags += %W(-fmessage-length=0) end flags end def cflags flags = [] case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin|mingw|win32/ # Build for Android dont need window flag flags += %W(-U_WIN32 -U_WIN64) end flags += %W(-MMD -MP -D__android__ -DANDROID --sysroot="#{sysroot}") flags += ctarget case toolchain when :gcc when :clang flags += %W(-gcc-toolchain "#{gcc_toolchain_path}" -Wno-invalid-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-command-line-argument) end flags += %W(-fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes) flags end def ldflags flags = [] flags += %W(--sysroot="#{sysroot}") flags end def ldflags_before_libraries flags = [] case toolchain when :gcc case arch when /armeabi-v7a/ then flags += %W(-Wl#{no_warn_mismatch}) end when :clang flags += %W(-gcc-toolchain "#{gcc_toolchain_path.to_s}") case arch when /armeabi-v7a/ then flags += %W(-target armv7-none-linux-androideabi -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8#{no_warn_mismatch}) when /armeabi/ then flags += %W(-target armv5te-none-linux-androideabi) when /arm64-v8a/ then flags += %W(-target aarch64-none-linux-android) when /x86_64/ then flags += %W(-target x86_64-none-linux-android) when /x86/ then flags += %W(-target i686-none-linux-android) when /mips64/ then flags += %W(-target mips64el-none-linux-android) when /mips/ then flags += %W(-target mipsel-none-linux-android) end end flags += %W(-no-canonical-prefixes) flags end end do |conf, params| android = toolchain android.toolchain [, conf.cxx, conf.objc, conf.asm].each do |cc| cc.command = cc.flags = android.cflags end conf.archiver.command = conf.linker.command = conf.linker.flags = android.ldflags conf.linker.flags_before_libraries = android.ldflags_before_libraries end