desc 'generate document' task :doc => [:api_doc, :capi_doc] do end desc 'generate yard docs' task :api_doc do begin sh "mrbdoc" rescue puts "ERROR: To generate yard documentation, you should install yard-mruby gem." puts " $ gem install yard-mruby yard-coderay" end end desc 'generate doxygen docs' task :capi_doc do begin sh "doxygen Doxyfile" rescue puts "ERROR: To generate C API documents, you need Doxygen." puts " $ sudo apt-get install doxygen" end end desc 'clean all built docs' task :clean_api_doc do rm_rf 'doc/api' end desc 'clean all built docs' task :clean_capi_doc do rm_rf 'doc/capi' end desc 'clean all built docs' task :clean_doc => [:clean_api_doc, :clean_capi_doc] do end desc 'clean all built docs' task :view_api => [:api_doc] do sh 'xdg-open doc/api/index.html' end desc 'clean all built docs' task :view_capi => [:capi_doc] do sh 'xdg-open doc/capi/html/index.html' end