class Range ## # call-seq: # rng.first -> obj # rng.first(n) -> an_array # # Returns the first object in the range, or an array of the first +n+ # elements. # # (10..20).first #=> 10 # (10..20).first(3) #=> [10, 11, 12] # def first(*args) return self.begin if args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given #{args.length}, expected 1)" unless args.length == 1 nv = args[0] n = nv.__to_int raise ArgumentError, "negative array size (or size too big)" unless 0 <= n ary = [] each do |i| break if n <= 0 ary.push(i) n -= 1 end ary end def max(&block) val = self.first last = self.last return super if block # fast path for numerics if val.kind_of?(Numeric) && last.kind_of?(Numeric) raise TypeError if exclude_end? && !last.kind_of?(Fixnum) return nil if val > last return nil if val == last && exclude_end? max = last max -= 1 if exclude_end? return max end # delegate to Enumerable super end def min(&block) val = self.first last = self.last return super if block # fast path for numerics if val.kind_of?(Numeric) && last.kind_of?(Numeric) return nil if val > last return nil if val == last && exclude_end? min = val return min end # delegate to Enumerable super end end