load "#{MRUBY_ROOT}/tasks/mruby_build_gem.rake" load "#{MRUBY_ROOT}/tasks/mruby_build_commands.rake" module MRuby class << self def targets @targets ||= {} end def each_target(&block) return to_enum(:each_target) if block.nil? @targets.each do |key, target| target.instance_eval(&block) end end end class Toolchain class << self attr_accessor :toolchains end def initialize(name, &block) @name, @initializer = name.to_s, block MRuby::Toolchain.toolchains ||= {} MRuby::Toolchain.toolchains[@name] = self end def setup(conf,params={}) conf.instance_exec(conf, params, &@initializer) end def self.load Dir.glob("#{MRUBY_ROOT}/tasks/toolchains/*.rake").each do |file| Kernel.load file end end end Toolchain.load class Build class << self attr_accessor :current end include Rake::DSL include LoadGems attr_accessor :name, :bins, :exts, :file_separator, :build_dir, :gem_clone_dir attr_reader :libmruby, :gems, :toolchains attr_writer :enable_bintest, :enable_test COMPILERS = %w(cc cxx objc asm) COMMANDS = COMPILERS + %w(linker archiver yacc gperf git exts mrbc) attr_block MRuby::Build::COMMANDS Exts = Struct.new(:object, :executable, :library) def initialize(name='host', build_dir=nil, &block) @name = name.to_s unless MRuby.targets[@name] if ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' @exts = Exts.new('.o', '.exe', '.a') else @exts = Exts.new('.o', '', '.a') end build_dir = build_dir || ENV['MRUBY_BUILD_DIR'] || "#{MRUBY_ROOT}/build" @file_separator = '/' @build_dir = "#{build_dir}/#{@name}" @gem_clone_dir = "#{build_dir}/mrbgems" @cc = Command::Compiler.new(self, %w(.c)) @cxx = Command::Compiler.new(self, %w(.cc .cxx .cpp)) @objc = Command::Compiler.new(self, %w(.m)) @asm = Command::Compiler.new(self, %w(.S .asm)) @linker = Command::Linker.new(self) @archiver = Command::Archiver.new(self) @yacc = Command::Yacc.new(self) @gperf = Command::Gperf.new(self) @git = Command::Git.new(self) @mrbc = Command::Mrbc.new(self) @bins = [] @gems, @libmruby = MRuby::Gem::List.new, [] @build_mrbtest_lib_only = false @cxx_exception_enabled = false @cxx_exception_disabled = false @cxx_abi_enabled = false @enable_bintest = false @enable_test = false @toolchains = [] MRuby.targets[@name] = self end MRuby::Build.current = MRuby.targets[@name] MRuby.targets[@name].instance_eval(&block) build_mrbc_exec if name == 'host' build_mrbtest if test_enabled? end def enable_debug compilers.each do |c| c.defines += %w(MRB_DEBUG) if toolchains.any? { |toolchain| toolchain == "gcc" } c.flags += %w(-g3 -O0) end end @mrbc.compile_options += ' -g' end def disable_cxx_exception if @cxx_exception_enabled or @cxx_abi_enabled raise "cxx_exception already enabled" end @cxx_exception_disabled = true end def enable_cxx_exception return if @cxx_exception_enabled return if @cxx_abi_enabled if @cxx_exception_disabled raise "cxx_exception disabled" end @cxx_exception_enabled = true compilers.each { |c| c.defines += %w(MRB_ENABLE_CXX_EXCEPTION) c.flags << c.cxx_exception_flag } linker.command = cxx.command if toolchains.find { |v| v == 'gcc' } end def cxx_exception_enabled? @cxx_exception_enabled end def cxx_abi_enabled? @cxx_abi_enabled end def enable_cxx_abi return if @cxx_abi_enabled if @cxx_exception_enabled raise "cxx_exception already enabled" end compilers.each { |c| c.defines += %w(MRB_ENABLE_CXX_EXCEPTION MRB_ENABLE_CXX_ABI) c.flags << c.cxx_compile_flag } compilers.each { |c| c.flags << c.cxx_compile_flag } linker.command = cxx.command if toolchains.find { |v| v == 'gcc' } @cxx_abi_enabled = true end def compile_as_cxx src, cxx_src, obj = nil, includes = [] src = File.absolute_path src cxx_src = File.absolute_path cxx_src obj = objfile(cxx_src) if obj.nil? file cxx_src => [src, __FILE__] do |t| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname t.name IO.write t.name, < cxx_src do |t| cxx.run t.name, t.prerequisites.first, [], ["#{MRUBY_ROOT}/src"] + includes end obj end def enable_bintest @enable_bintest = true end def bintest_enabled? @enable_bintest end def toolchain(name, params={}) tc = Toolchain.toolchains[name.to_s] fail "Unknown #{name} toolchain" unless tc tc.setup(self, params) @toolchains.unshift name.to_s end def primary_toolchain @toolchains.first end def root MRUBY_ROOT end def enable_test @enable_test = true end def test_enabled? @enable_test end def build_mrbtest gem :core => 'mruby-test' end def build_mrbc_exec gem :core => 'mruby-bin-mrbc' end def mrbcfile return @mrbcfile if @mrbcfile mrbc_build = MRuby.targets['host'] gems.each { |v| mrbc_build = self if v.name == 'mruby-bin-mrbc' } @mrbcfile = mrbc_build.exefile("#{mrbc_build.build_dir}/bin/mrbc") end def compilers COMPILERS.map do |c| instance_variable_get("@#{c}") end end def define_rules compilers.each do |compiler| if respond_to?(:enable_gems?) && enable_gems? compiler.defines -= %w(DISABLE_GEMS) else compiler.defines += %w(DISABLE_GEMS) end compiler.define_rules build_dir, File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) end end def filename(name) if name.is_a?(Array) name.flatten.map { |n| filename(n) } else '"%s"' % name.gsub('/', file_separator) end end def cygwin_filename(name) if name.is_a?(Array) name.flatten.map { |n| cygwin_filename(n) } else '"%s"' % `cygpath -w "#{filename(name)}"`.strip end end def exefile(name) if name.is_a?(Array) name.flatten.map { |n| exefile(n) } else "#{name}#{exts.executable}" end end def objfile(name) if name.is_a?(Array) name.flatten.map { |n| objfile(n) } else "#{name}#{exts.object}" end end def libfile(name) if name.is_a?(Array) name.flatten.map { |n| libfile(n) } else "#{name}#{exts.library}" end end def build_mrbtest_lib_only @build_mrbtest_lib_only = true end def build_mrbtest_lib_only? @build_mrbtest_lib_only end def run_test puts ">>> Test #{name} <<<" mrbtest = exefile("#{build_dir}/bin/mrbtest") sh "#{filename mrbtest.relative_path}#{$verbose ? ' -v' : ''}" puts run_bintest if bintest_enabled? end def run_bintest targets = @gems.select { |v| File.directory? "#{v.dir}/bintest" }.map { |v| filename v.dir } targets << filename(".") if File.directory? "./bintest" sh "ruby test/bintest.rb #{targets.join ' '}" end def print_build_summary puts "================================================" puts " Config Name: #{@name}" puts " Output Directory: #{self.build_dir.relative_path}" puts " Binaries: #{@bins.join(', ')}" unless @bins.empty? unless @gems.empty? puts " Included Gems:" @gems.map do |gem| gem_version = " - #{gem.version}" if gem.version != '0.0.0' gem_summary = " - #{gem.summary}" if gem.summary puts " #{gem.name}#{gem_version}#{gem_summary}" puts " - Binaries: #{gem.bins.join(', ')}" unless gem.bins.empty? end end puts "================================================" puts end end # Build class CrossBuild < Build attr_block %w(test_runner) # cross compiling targets for building native extensions. # host - arch of where the built binary will run # build - arch of the machine building the binary attr_accessor :host_target, :build_target def initialize(name, build_dir=nil, &block) @test_runner = Command::CrossTestRunner.new(self) super end def mrbcfile MRuby.targets['host'].exefile("#{MRuby.targets['host'].build_dir}/bin/mrbc") end def run_test mrbtest = exefile("#{build_dir}/bin/mrbtest") if (@test_runner.command == nil) puts "You should run #{mrbtest} on target device." puts else @test_runner.run(mrbtest) end end end # CrossBuild end # MRuby