## # String # # ISO 15.2.10 class String include Comparable ## # Calls the given block for each line # and pass the respective line. # # ISO def each_line(&block) offset = 0 while pos = self.index("\n", offset) block.call(self[offset, pos + 1 - offset]) offset = pos + 1 end block.call(self[offset, self.size - offset]) if self.size > offset self end # private method for gsub/sub def __sub_replace(pre, m, post) s = "" i = 0 while j = index("\\", i) break if j == length-1 t = case self[j+1] when "\\" "\\" when "`" pre when "&", "0" m when "'" post else self[j, 2] end s += self[i, j-i] + t i = j + 2 end s + self[i, length-i] end ## # Replace all matches of +pattern+ with +replacement+. # Call block (if given) for each match and replace # +pattern+ with the value of the block. Return the # final value. # # ISO def gsub(*args, &block) if args.size == 2 s = "" i = 0 while j = index(args[0], i) seplen = args[0].length k = j + seplen pre = self[0, j] post = self[k, length-k] s += self[i, j-i] + args[1].__sub_replace(pre, args[0], post) i = k end s + self[i, length-i] elsif args.size == 1 && block split(args[0], -1).join(block.call(args[0])) else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments" end end ## # Replace all matches of +pattern+ with +replacement+. # Call block (if given) for each match and replace # +pattern+ with the value of the block. Modify # +self+ with the final value. # # ISO def gsub!(*args, &block) str = self.gsub(*args, &block) return nil if str == self self.replace(str) end ## # Calls the given block for each match of +pattern+ # If no block is given return an array with all # matches of +pattern+. # # ISO def scan(reg, &block) ### *** TODO *** ### unless Object.const_defined?(:Regexp) raise NotImplementedError, "scan not available (yet)" end end ## # Replace only the first match of +pattern+ with # +replacement+. Call block (if given) for each # match and replace +pattern+ with the value of the # block. Return the final value. # # ISO def sub(*args, &block) if args.size == 2 pre, post = split(args[0], 2) return self unless post # The sub target wasn't found in the string pre + args[1].__sub_replace(pre, args[0], post) + post elsif args.size == 1 && block split(args[0], 2).join(block.call(args[0])) else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments" end end ## # Replace only the first match of +pattern+ with # +replacement+. Call block (if given) for each # match and replace +pattern+ with the value of the # block. Modify +self+ with the final value. # # ISO def sub!(*args, &block) str = self.sub(*args, &block) return nil if str == self self.replace(str) end ## # Call the given block for each character of # +self+. def each_char(&block) pos = 0 while pos < self.size block.call(self[pos]) pos += 1 end self end ## # Call the given block for each byte of +self+. def each_byte(&block) bytes = self.bytes pos = 0 while pos < bytes.size block.call(bytes[pos]) pos += 1 end self end ## # Modify +self+ by replacing the content of +self+. # The portion of the string affected is determined using the same criteria as +String#[]+. def []=(*args) anum = args.size if anum == 2 pos, value = args if pos.kind_of? String posnum = self.index(pos) if posnum b = self[0, posnum.to_i] a = self[(posnum + pos.length)..-1] self.replace([b, value, a].join('')) return value else raise IndexError, "string not matched" end else pos += self.length if pos < 0 if pos < 0 || pos > self.length raise IndexError, "index #{args[0]} out of string" end b = self[0, pos.to_i] a = self[pos + 1..-1] self.replace([b, value, a].join('')) return value end elsif anum == 3 pos, len, value = args pos += self.length if pos < 0 if pos < 0 || pos > self.length raise IndexError, "index #{args[0]} out of string" end if len < 0 raise IndexError, "negative length #{len}" end b = self[0, pos.to_i] a = self[pos + len..-1] self.replace([b, value, a].join('')) return value else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{anum} for 2..3)" end end ## # ISO def =~(re) raise TypeError, "type mismatch: String given" if re.respond_to? :to_str re =~ self end ## # ISO def match(re, &block) if re.respond_to? :to_str if Object.const_defined?(:Regexp) r = Regexp.new(re) r.match(self, &block) else raise NotImplementedError, "String#match needs Regexp class" end else re.match(self, &block) end end end ## # String is comparable # # ISO module Comparable; end class String include Comparable end