class OnigRegexp @memo = {} # ISO def self.compile(*args) as = args.to_s unless @memo.key? as @memo[as] =*args) end @memo[as] end # ISO def self.last_match @last_match end def self.last_match=(match) @last_match = match end # ISO def initialize_copy(other) initialize(other.source, other.options) end # ISO def ===(str) not self.match(str).nil? rescue TypeError false end # ISO def =~(str) m = self.match(str) m ? m.begin(0) : nil end # ISO attr_reader :source end class String # ISO def =~(a) begin (a.class.to_s == 'String' ? : a) =~ self rescue false end end # ISO def match(re, pos=0, &block) re.match(self, pos, &block) end # redefine methods with oniguruma regexp version %i[sub gsub split scan].each do |v| alias_method :"string_#{v}", v if method_defined?(v) alias_method v, :"onig_regexp_#{v}" end alias_method :match?, :onig_regexp_match? alias_method :old_slice, :slice alias_method :old_square_brancket, :[] alias_method :old_square_brancket_equal, :[]= def [](*args) return old_square_brancket(*args) unless args[0].class == Regexp if args.size == 2 match = args[0].match(self) if match if args[1] == 0 str = match[0] else str = match.captures[args[1] - 1] end return str end end match_data = args[0].match(self) if match_data result = match_data.to_s return result end end alias_method :slice, :[] def []=(*args) return old_square_brancket_equal(*args) unless args[0].class == Regexp n_args = args.size case n_args when 2 match = args[0].match(self) self[match.begin(0)...match.end(0)] = args[1] when 3 match = args[0].match(self) n = args[1] self[match.begin(n)...match.end(n)] = args[2] else raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{n_args} for 2..3)" end self end def slice!(*args) if args.size < 2 result = slice(*args) nth = args[0] if nth.class == Regexp lm = Regexp.last_match self[nth] = '' if result Regexp.last_match = lm else self[nth] = '' if result end else result = slice(*args) nth = args[0] len = args[1] if nth.class == Regexp lm = Regexp.last_match self[nth, len] = '' if result Regexp.last_match = lm else self[nth, len] = '' if result && nth != self.size end end result end alias_method :old_index, :index def index(pattern, pos=0) if pattern.class == Regexp str = self[pos..-1] if str if num = (pattern =~ str) if pos < 0 num += self.size end return num + pos end end nil else self.old_index(pattern, pos) end end end module Kernel def =~(_) nil end end Regexp = OnigRegexp unless Object.const_defined?(:Regexp) MatchData = OnigMatchData unless Object.const_defined? :MatchData # This is based on